My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Phoenix King
Phoenix King
Posts : 32
Join date : 2019-11-02

Seiji Mofubuki Empty Seiji Mofubuki

Sun Nov 17, 2019 2:49 am

Name: Seiji Mofubuki
Alias: None as of yet
Real Age: 312
Phys. Age: 22
Gender: Male
     Seiji is a rather energetic and outgoing character who likes to travel and see interesting sights. As such, he really enjoys traveling Earth in his spare time. He isn't even really sure how he recently came to be a Vice-Captain of Squad 1, and speaks to everyone with a very informal tone. Seiji tends to treat his allies all the same, be they Captain-Commander or a member of the backup squads. When it comes to combat, Seiji relishes in pitting his skills against any number of opponents. Because of this, he has trouble holding back his power against people he really should.
     His overall bearing is that of a cheery individual, one who just brightens your day by being there with you. This cheeriness is balanced out by his cold, silent anger. Seiji does not often get angry, but when he does you always know. His cheery aura flips into a cold, silent blizzard of rage that can only be sated with blood and violence. Let it be noted that Seiji is completely unafraid of getting his hands dirty as necessary.

Height: 6'2"
Weight: 127 lbs
Physical Traits:

General Fighting Style:  Seiji is a jack-of-all-trades type that specializes in aggressive offense through his power and speed in combination with a reckless abandon for his own safety.
Strengths: Reiryoku, Agility, Reitsu Control, Hakuda, Hoho
Weaknesses: Stamina, Sensing, Endurance, Zanjutsu

Ability Name: Liquid Nitrogen Manipulation
Ability Description: Seiji possess the ability to freely and instantaneously condensate nitrogen gas into liquid, giving the illusion he is creating it, at will. Any nitrogen Seiji turns to liquid takes on a silvery-white hue comparable to liquid mercury and he can sling the stuff around at Cero speeds while always remaining at -330 degrees Fahrenheit (-165.6 degrees Celsius).

Ability Name: Shunpo Arts [CURRENTLY LOCKED]
Ability Description: Seiji can use Shunpo for momentum and torque for various martial arts techniques such as quicker submissions, as well as throws and takedowns.

Ability Name: Overclock [CURRENTLY LOCKED]
Ability Description: Seiji can, up to three times per post, move individual parts of his body at Shunpo speeds.
(1 turn cooldown)

Ability Name: Cruel Chemistry
Ability Description: The liquid nitrogen Seiji condensates for his abilities ignores the Leidenfrost Effect, deals second degree chemical burns unless stated otherwise, and doesn’t evaporate on it’s own. Due to the fact that Seiji infuses a bit of his power into each ability, it recognizes his energy signature and doesn’t harm him making Seiji immune to the effects of his own liquid nitrogen.

Sealed Appearance:
Zanpakutou Name: Ginko
Call Out Command: Bring about the endless cold

Appearance: Aside from the gauntlets, Seiji’s body is covered in a skin-tight Reiatsu infused metal that is equivalent to average Hierro.

Ability Name: Silver Claws
Ability Description: Seiji can extend and retract blades at the tips of his gauntlets at will. These blades are 3 inches long and have Zanpakuto-level cutting power.

Ability Name: Cold Mars
Ability Description: Seiji can create melee weapon constructs out of liquid nitrogen (Maces, Swords, Spears, Scythes, Flails, Pikes, Glaives and Hammers.) He can also opt to de-form the constructs into a free-flowing liquid at any point which remain on the battlefield. Up to 5 constructs can be created before a 2 post cooldown is required. These weapons can withstand 2 hits from a Zanpakuto before breaking down into free-flowing liquid.

Ability Name: Cold Neptune
Ability Description: Seiji creates a 40 foot diameter swirling sphere of liquid nitrogen with a volume of 100 gallons above him which he can then throw/fire. This sphere deals 2 Ceros worth of damage.
(4 turn cooldown)

Ability Name: Triton’s Geyser
Ability Description: Once per post, Seiji can forcibly convert all or set portions of his liquid nitrogen into gas which retains the liquid’s frigid temperatures. He can manipulate the gas for 2 posts before it dissipates or is condensed back into liquid.
(2 turn cooldown)

Ability Name: Cold Rains of Titan
Ability Description: Once per Shikai and Bankai Release, Seiji can vaporize all liquid nitrogen on the battlefield then bring it back down as liquid the next post.

Ability Name: A Dish Best Served Cold
Ability Description: Seiji can fire 50 caliber bullets of nitrogen ice from his fingertips. He can fire up 3 a post, and has a total of 50 shots per thread. These bullets move at Bala speeds and have penetrating powers due to being solid, as well as dealing second degree burns.

New Name: Reikokuna Ginko
Appearance: Seiji’s hair turns silvery-white and his body begins to give off a frigid aura of flavor for awesome factor. This frigid aura in and of itself has no effect on combat.

Ability Name: Variant Silver Claw
Ability Description: Seiji can now make his Silver Claws 3, 6, or 12 inches in length.

Ability Name: High Nitrogen Manipulation
Ability Description: Seiji can now make his Nitrogen-based abilities fly around at Bala speeds. Zoom zoom.

Ability Name: Europa’s Cold Armor
Ability Description: Seiji can create an inch thick layer of liquid nitrogen over his armor, and acts as all his liquid nitrogen does. If it is hit by a Gran Rey level attack, the armor splatters. Otherwise it acts as a thin layer of Hierro.
(3 post cooldown)

Ability Name: Titan’s Blessed Rains
Ability Description: Seiji tosses a ball of liquid nitrogen into the air, and the next post it rains down liquid nitrogen over a 300 foot radius from the point the sphere was tossed up. Burns from the rain vary between 1st and 2nd degree.
(3 turn cooldown)

Ability Name: Cold Saturn
Ability Description: Seiji can create rings of liquid nitrogen around himself with a 20 foot radius. When an attack is inbound, the ring lurches out and reduces the damage by a Cero once per post.

Ability Name: High-Speed Regeneration
Ability Description: Seiji can easily regenerate from damage to his body. Surface wounds and blood restoration is half as taxing as restoring vital functions.

Ability Name: Conversion
Ability Description: Once per Bankai release, Seiji can cease all liquid nitrogen ability usage for 3 turns to gain a 6x boost to speed and strength for that time.

New Name: Don'Yokuna Ginko
Appearance: No change

Ability Name: Hunting Ground
Ability Description: Once per Toukai release, Seiji can call forth a massive swirling sphere/dome covering of liquid nitrogen to entrap him and his opponent within. The sphere has a diameter of 500 feet and creates a Bakudou 80 field within the dome. The walls of liquid nitrogen are 1 foot thick and are rotating around Seiji and anyone he may have trapped within at high speeds. Should he so choose, Seiji can rapidly compress the dome around him and his opponent at Cero speeds to deal damage equal to an Oscuras.

History: [Optional]
Side Notes: [Anything you didn't say up above that's relevant to your character goes here.]
Roleplay Sample: [Optional]
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Seiji Mofubuki Empty Re: Seiji Mofubuki

Sun Nov 17, 2019 11:07 am
Approved 1-5
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