My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Princess Mei
Princess Mei
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Join date : 2019-10-28

A Change of Fate. (P/F) Empty A Change of Fate. (P/F)

Wed May 12, 2021 11:39 pm
Another day in the Gotei was another day that Kat didn't want to be. She had secured her place in the academy through no effort of her own and wasn't enthused to be there in the first place. Her name had gotten her everything she had acquired in her short life and her father's power kept it all in place. Kat didn't have to try to get into the academy, she didn't have to work to prove herself, and she certainly didn't have to explain herself to anyone the moment they knew who she was. However, Kat didn't enjoy the fact that she was so well known without being the one that was known. It was commonly assumed that since Kat was so dull with a face consistently appearing disgusted that she thought herself better than the rest, which brought her more attention than she was comfortable with.

They had caught her off guard in an empty academy corridor and surrounded her. Her peers decided they had enough of her attitude, even though she couldn't even remember ever speaking to them much less who they were. She looked between them as they attempted to intimidate her, which obviously wasn't taking effect from the unamused look on her features. This only served to make her classmates angrier as they began insulting her instead. "Do you even have any skill? You've never used kidou, you've never sparred with anyone, and you've never actually tried to do anything for that matter. You're useless. All you really are is just a name," they all seemed to nod in agreement as a small brunette would sneer at her with what Kat could only take as jealousy. The things she was saying certainly started to irritate Kat, but not enough to be of much worth to them. "Yeah," a rather tall, red haired boy would say, "You're just a pretty, little noble with none of the mannerisms to even say so. Did your family teach you anything? What are they even good for? They're probably just as useless as you." His words struck Kat a bit deeper than the smaller girl, which was noticed by the purple haired girl that was just shorter than her male counterpart. "Ooor.. you're just so useless to everyone that they didn't want you to begin with!" Her face was eerily cheery for someone who was so sour on the inside. She had officially struck a nerve with Kat, whose body would begin to emit massive amounts of heat as her eyes seemed to spark with anger.

"If any of you were worth an ounce of what I am, you wouldn't have had to come together just to feel secure in beating me. You're all just ignorant peasants that will never make it anywhere because you believe everything revolves around you. Nobody will remember any of you, especially when you fail to pass or potentially go mad from being introduced to the reality that you mean nothing." As Kat spoke, the other three would furrow their brows and the brunette would even point her finger in Kat's direction. It seemed that she was tired of speaking as Kat began to feel stinging pain along her arms and legs. Small cuts would make their way up and down the girl's body as she would grit her teeth. Steam would rise from her skin the more numerous the cuts became. Just as Kat took her first step towards the group, she would find herself flat on her back as her breath would be knocked from her body. A gust of wind had swept her off of her feet leaving her gasping for breath, yet for a brief moment the cuts stopped appearing leaving Kat to realize this one had an affinity for wind. However, she seemed rather inexperienced as Kat's skin began to sting and burn once more with each cut.
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A Change of Fate. (P/F) Empty Re: A Change of Fate. (P/F)

Thu May 13, 2021 4:21 am
Mobius's head was in a haze, and his eyes found it hard to both comprehend what he was seeing and understanding it. Mobius had been lost to the world for the past thousand years, and his simple catchup to both the world and his family was a mere conversation that explained nothing. At least the Gotei hadn't changed much in terms of layout, yet that didn't seem to help him learn everything that was new. Mobius found himself yet again at the Academy, never a place he thought he'd have to go back to. His father and the successor of the Mazi clan had made conversation about Katana Mazi. Pictures provided and everything. Mobius because of his incident was task with providing services as a guard. Perhaps even develop some relations to people other than consistently avoid others. In any Case Mobius wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea, but he wasn't going to go against his father's words.

The Academy seemed to operating as usual and Mobius was dead set on find this Katana girl no matter what people got in the way. Although it wasn't really that hard since some people weren't willing to cross a Kokoro's path often. Mobius had inquired with some individuals on Katana's whereabouts, so it was simply a matter of finding his way around. Mobius was slow and quiet as he walked through corridor's, very much like a ghost as he was simply seen one second and then the next gone. Sort of disturbing in a way as most Kokoro's were loud, and with his figure you'd expect the same.

Mobius caught voices in his ears as he turned down one fated corridor. As his eyes glimpsed upon a girl being attacked, he immediately observed all those involved and their victim. The girl on the ground seemed to heavily resemble Katana, which made it fate that he would turn this exact corridor as this exact moment. Mobius watched for a moment, taking in the situation before confirming his action without doubt. Surely this girl has to be the one, the one he fated to protect.

Those in the corridor would find that the air would begin to become cold, practically unbreathable. The atmosphere around them would dim, and the moisture in the air would freeze onto the surrounding area. Mobius would gracefully walk down the corridor towards the group, leaving the ground behind his steps destroyed. Mobius would begin to breathe heavily as he made his way down the corridor like a phantom. Sound itself would begin to fade, as Mobius made his Approach.
Princess Mei
Princess Mei
Posts : 61
Join date : 2019-10-28

A Change of Fate. (P/F) Empty Re: A Change of Fate. (P/F)

Sat May 15, 2021 11:59 pm
Everything had been terribly fast, painful, and quite hot-blooded, until a rather eerie cold crept its way down the hall towards the group of delinquents. It was almost unnoticeable, until the trio became drastically aware of the temperature drop. The stinging upon Katana's skin seemed to dull out as the group became more occupied with the newly arrived, tall, masked man at the entrance of the corridor. Kat would peel herself off of the ground as she would breathe heavily not necessarily paying attention to what was happening. It had seemed the bullies wanted to speak, to cause more trouble, or to do literally anything else. However, they only found themselves stunned with eyes wide open unable to speak as their breathing became as forced as Kat's. Slowly, all noise would fade out and the only noise that could be heard was the decreasing distance between them and this masked individual.

Kat could only find herself in pain as the cold surrounded her body. She hated the cold and it was quite obvious to see why. Kat's being would immediately begin to heat up, although it seemed the heat wasn't nearly enough to begin to close her wounds. However, it was enough to make her comfortable in the formidable freezing temperature. What was happening? Who could do such a thing? She would raise her head through labored breathing as her eyes would settle on the outline of a rather intimidating individual. She couldn't quite get a clear look at him behind the figures of the incompetent trio in front of her. The shape of him suggested he was humanoid, however his head shape suggested he was a monstrosity. Was he some sort of hollow that had infested the academy? Or was he simply covered in armour?

Reaching out her hand, Kat would grasp the brunette's leg dragging her to the ground as her handprint was branded into the girl's skin. Was her body really producing that much heat? With the brunette out of her line of sight, Kat was clearly able to see the full features of the individual closing in on the group. He was a man clad in armour, intimidating, cold, and destructive. Although he wasn't nearly as loud or as attention grabbing, Kat had a feeling that he wasn't after the trio. He had all the qualities of another noble family fairly well known for their relationship with her own, even if this one wasn't completely like the rest. She could feel the similarities in the reiatsu, but what did he want? Why was he here?
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A Change of Fate. (P/F) Empty Re: A Change of Fate. (P/F)

Mon May 17, 2021 9:10 pm
Heavy and with slow grace, Mobius would approach Katana. His attention to the other's around Katana was minimal, as she was his focus. He would have killed the others where they stood but regretfully the most he was allowed to do was incapacitate them. They all seemed to be having trouble breathing, which allowed ample opportunity for Mobius to interact with Katana. As Mobius took his final steps above Katana, he would stop and take a glance at the others. Mobius didn't have sympathy nor empathy for any of them, just simply observing their faces carefully. After all, Kokoro's usually never forget a face.

Placing his gaze down upon Katana, he would lean his head side to side making sure to confirm the individual. "My... Lady... Katana Mazi, you are under my service... and I am at yours...", Mobius's deep and ashy voice would bellow. Placing his left hand out, Mobius would forcefully grab Katana by the arm and yank her up into a standing position. Then without her asking he would neaten her uniform with the one hand, while with his right hand would forcefully hold her jaw as to take a better look at the cuts she had been dealt. Moving her head around in the same instance. After which his gaze would meet upon the others. Letting go of Katana, his eyes would glow a light blue and would peer through his helmet. The beams of light would gaze upon the girl who was still present of the ground.

The air and light would go back to normal, and the temperature would begin to rise back to normal. Mobius with his right hand would grab the girl still on the ground by the head and would stare soullessly into her eyes, his gaze firm and absolute. "Never proceed to affect anyone under the protection of the Kokoro Family...", he would say with the same tone that he had given kat. Before proceeding the let the girl go. Watching how the other's reacted to the situation, Mobius was trying to get them all to leave without any more conflict.
Princess Mei
Princess Mei
Posts : 61
Join date : 2019-10-28

A Change of Fate. (P/F) Empty Re: A Change of Fate. (P/F)

Wed May 19, 2021 1:05 am
Her eyes stayed on him as he finally made his way directly up to her scanning those around her carefully. After he was finished looking at them, he would turn his gaze towards Kat. His eyes were dull, however it was almost as if he was taking note of her features and analyzing her person. He would speak with a voice that was very deep almost as she had expected to come from someone with an interesting style such as his and it sounded out prominently in the hallway. "It's just Ka.." she would stop speaking abruptly as she was jerked up onto her feet. He would proceed to straighten out her uniform on his own without warning causing Kat's face to turn red as she could feel her body temperature rise. "Kat." She would continue to speak again as he swiveled her head around. "What are you doing?" Her voice held a hint of embarrassment as her body continued to heat up. Before the rise in heat could be noticed, Kat would be released and this mysterious figure would turn his attention toward the brunette.

From her angle, she had seen death itself incarnated in a soulless, frozen manner and there was no escape as his hand wrapped around her skull. Her eyes were wide as she pleaded for forgiveness and promised to never cross his path or her's again. The other's would grab the brunette under the arms and carry her off quickly, terrified of what they had seen. Meanwhile, Kat's body temperature had risen to a point where her cuts were steaming as they sawdered themselves closed. "Kokoro family? I knew it. Who sent you? I don't need protecting, you know?" Kat would cross her arms as steam would continue to rise from her body faintly.
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A Change of Fate. (P/F) Empty Re: A Change of Fate. (P/F)

Wed May 19, 2021 9:27 pm
Mobius glared at Kat as steam emanated from her body and he also watch as her wounds slowly healed up. Mobius was intrigued by the heat being produced by her body, as it seemed to be producing a faint steam. Mobius had never experience the warmth of his own body, as he was eternally cold. It was such an alien idea to conceive that it was normal to be warm, yet he could only experience such things from the touch of others. Not to say that the touch of his body was cold as Ice, but it could be if he wanted.

Kat then began to respond to one of Mobius's previous statements. "Kokoro family? I knew it. Who sent you? I don't need protecting, you know?", Kat would say as she crossed her arms, steam still emanating from her.

Mobius Leaned his head to the side slightly, as he heard her response. Comparing her words to what Mobius had been told was a conflict. Mobius however was quick to his response, "Our fathers had come to an agreement, and I cannot go against my... father's will. I... am to accompany you... from now on. Whether you... need protecting or not is not up to me... to decide.", Mobius would lean face to face with Kat after finishing his sentence. He would then proceed to softly blow a lung full of cold air at Kat, watching how the heat of her body would respond.
Princess Mei
Princess Mei
Posts : 61
Join date : 2019-10-28

A Change of Fate. (P/F) Empty Re: A Change of Fate. (P/F)

Fri May 21, 2021 1:51 am
He watched her where she stood, the way she moved, how she spoke, and every gesture in between. He observed cold and still not speaking a word. She didn't quite understand his intentions at first, as all she could see was his line of sight on her. She would get the same head tilt that he had been giving since the moment he arrived. He was rather mysterious, which seemed to keep Kat's attention an uncommon thing for the fiery girl. Kat didn't find interest in most activities, objects, creatures, or even life for that matter. She didn't necessarily have any hobbies, unless napping counted as one. She didn't have a single friend and she certainly didn't spend time with anyone. This had been the first interaction Kat had with anyone in a long while other than the small group of shinigami that wanted her thrown out of the academy.

Still, he spoke slow with the same deepness in his voice that still didn't come as any surprise to her. His answer, however, would have her head spinning out of control with rage and confusion. The temperature of her body would continue to rise, although this time with her anger instead of her regenerative power. Even as Mobius blew cold air over her skin, the heat would continue to rise as small flames would roll over her now clenched fists. The floor under her feet warping with the heat of her soles whiles she began the process of melting the tiles. The chill that ran throughout her body was evident by the goosebumps that would momentarily roll across her skin before subsiding to the heat once more. "So, you're telling me.. My father... made a deal with your father. A deal involving me. And instead of asking me first... or even speaking to me in general. Decided that I needed a body guard? So, I get no say in this deal? And you're going to mindlessly follow their wishes?" Kat spoke in a calm tone, however her sentences were short and choppy. They were jagged and full of obvious annoyance towards what she had just been told.

After a moment, Kat would begin to yell rather loudly, "I don't need protecting?! Why do you get to decide that? When do I get my say? You're not even here for me! You're here for some agenda of your own. No! Not your own! You're here for your father. You're not even here for yourself! I.. don't.. need.. protecting!" She would stomp her foot on the ground straightening her fists at her sides as black flames would burst out from the ground before flowing up her body and dispersing at her head ceasing the steam that had been flowing from her person. For once in her life, it seemed as though Kat had developed a few drops of sweat across her forehead, which was relatively unlikely to ever happen again. After her short meltdown, her breath seemed labored and her skin held a faint red hue, "That's weird... Is it hot in here?" It seemed that for another first time Kat was unable to control her bodily temperature. Perhaps, her power had grown more than she had anticipated. She hadn't practiced for this.
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A Change of Fate. (P/F) Empty Re: A Change of Fate. (P/F)

Mon May 24, 2021 1:52 am

The cool air that Mobius had blown did little to nothing as Kat's body extended are large aura of heat. Visible flame covered her clenching fist, and the tiles beneath her feet had began to warp and melt. She seemed enraged by Mobius's words, which left Mobius curious about her state. "So, you're telling me.. My father... made a deal with your father. A deal involving me. And instead of asking me first... or even speaking to me in general. Decided that I needed a body guard? So, I get no say in this deal? And you're going to mindlessly follow their wishes?", Kat would say with a calm tone but with choppy words and with an annoyance that seemed visible through her body language.

Mobius simply did a nod in response to her question. His thoughts on the matter meant little to the words of his father. It's not as though his father wouldn't listen, however to say that he'd ever do anything about the matter was another story. Mobius focused his eyes as he would continue to listen as Kat went on with her words. "I don't need protecting?! Why do you get to decide that? When do I get my say? You're not even here for me! You're here for some agenda of your own. No! Not your own! You're here for your father. You're not even here for yourself! I.. don't.. need.. protecting!", Kat would say stomping her foot, as black flames would burst out from the ground before flowing up her body and dispersing at her head. It was at this moment that the visible steam that was seething off of her would cease.

With laboured breath and visible sweat, Kat would say one last thing, "That's weird... Is it hot in here?"

Mobius would look at the ground beneath Kat's feet, seeing as she had melted it and then asked a question which he didn't quite understand. Mobius cocked his head for a second trying to understand whether she knew that the temperature has risen or not. Mobius proceeded to hold his left hand up in the air, to which for a split second a darkening field would blink into existence. The area around Kat and him would immediately become cold. Although perhaps the word cold didn't cut it. "It was hot? Now it is cold...", He would say placing his hand back down to his side.

Mobius turned away from Kat and looked at his own reflection through a glass window, looking at his helmet with eyes that seemed to convey a sadness. Thinking about her words Mobius would then begin to respond, "Perhaps agenda is only one side of the story. I... am not entirely sure about the processes of your... Clan. Yet I... am convinced that I... was put into your... service for a weakness that has yet to be fixed. I... no longer understand the world that once was. I... was trapped for a thousand years, kept with no company but myself. The world around me... grew older but I... stayed the same. My... immortal body visibly degrading, yet never having changed a day. I... wear this helmet, this mask to cover my... horrifying face. A face that I... no longer recognise."

Perhaps Mobius's statement had little to do with an actual response to Kat's words, and it wasn't as if Mobius was calling for sympathy. Mobius was just simply unsure of how to respond to the rest of what she had said.
Princess Mei
Princess Mei
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A Change of Fate. (P/F) Empty Re: A Change of Fate. (P/F)

Tue May 25, 2021 2:16 am
Again, Mobius would cock his head not speaking any words at all reminding her of a puppy processing any words spoken to them. Did he understand? She wasn't quite sure, however she did notice that he didn't spare a second to fix her issue. He would hold up his hand, which would cause Kat to flinch. Why wouldn't she when all she had known was violence? The air surrounding the two would turn ice cold and the atmosphere would darken although it didn't feel eerie. The freezing temperature outside of her body would begin to seep into her skin cooling off the heat radiating from inside of her. "Thanks," Kat would say as she took a few breaths of cold, crisp air. It felt good for the time being as her body slowly began to regulate to an appropriate temperature as not to overheat her.

As Kat began to return to normal, Mobius would turn to look out of the window of the corridor or perhaps he wasn't quite looking outside. He would begin to speak, finally, although slow and his thoughts didn't seem completely coherent to what she had been saying. However, he would open up about himself entirely too easy for her to be able to understand herself. Why did he trust her? She didn't even know his name. Still, she would listen to him and slowly begin to grow annoyed as she found herself empathizing with him. After thinking about his words, Kat would sigh. "Alright, Big Guy. Here's the deal. I can't deny that keeping you around is beneficial," Kat would speak in a way dancing around acceptance of her emotions. However, it was too much to think about and she was tired of thinking. "Look, I could care less about what you look like, who you were, or who you're supposed to be. If you think I can help you and you think you can help me, then I suppose I could keep you around. It sounds like neither of us has friends and you're not irritating. So, how would you like to be my first friend? I'll take care of you and you can take care of me," Kat would grin before holding out her hand towards him. He could chose to take it or he could change his mind. "Oh, but I do need to know your name, if you wanna be friends that is."
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A Change of Fate. (P/F) Empty Re: A Change of Fate. (P/F)

Fri May 28, 2021 10:35 pm

Mobius heard a sigh come from Kat as she began to speak, ""Alright, Big Guy. Here's the deal. I can't deny that keeping you around is beneficial", Kat would say thinking for a moment before seemingly giving up. "Look, I could care less about what you look like, who you were, or who you're supposed to be. If you think I can help you and you think you can help me, then I suppose I could keep you around. It sounds like neither of us has friends and you're not irritating. So, how would you like to be my first friend? I'll take care of you and you can take care of me,"Kat would say grinning before hold out her hands towards him. "Oh, but I do need to know your name, if you wanna be friends that is."

Mobius cocked his head at the word friend but didn't say a word. Seeing how Kat had just offered him her hand, Mobius would reach out his own towards hers. He would grasp her hand and immediately notice the difference in their sizes. "My... name is Mobius...", Mobius would say before letting go of Kat's hand and changing the subject. "So what now, Will you continue here while I complete other duty's?", Mobius would say unsure as to whether she was busy.

Princess Mei
Princess Mei
Posts : 61
Join date : 2019-10-28

A Change of Fate. (P/F) Empty Re: A Change of Fate. (P/F)

Sun May 30, 2021 2:01 pm
Kat would watch Mobius turn his head to the side again, but he would speak no words, which wasn't abnormal at this point. He seemed to be a highly predictable individual only making things easier for her. Perhaps, that was what she liked about him. He was simple and someone that simple was certainly no one to worry about. He didn't think for himself, so he couldn't turn against her. He had a one track mind and a straightforward mission to keep her safe, which only seemed to bring about advantages in her mind. Still, she couldn't quite let go of the fact that she had a lot more growing to do. Kat needed to control her power and she promised to help him too, so she couldn't just be some helpless child afraid to light even a candle. Why did she need to care about the world anyway? Maybe it needed a little chaos. Maybe it needed to burn a little so better things could grow from the ashes.

It seemed to take him a moment to accept her. She wasn't sure if it was her hand or the offer that had confused him. However, he would slowly reach his hand out towards hers. Kat wasn't sure what she was expecting, but his hand was extremely larger than her own and enveloped it to the point that she felt oddly small. For a moment, she felt safe and secure, which wasn't something she felt typically. As he would introduce himself as Mobius, a blush would spread across Kat's cheeks as she had been distracted by the feel of his hand. After his introduction, Mobius would pull his hand away leaving Kat to jerk her hands behind her back. The hand he had touched would be wrapped up in the other behind her back as she tried to ignore the foreign feeling of it. "You know, I think I'm done here for the day. If you wanted any help, I could come with you. Either way, I'm not staying here." The light blush would still be evident on Lat's face as she would give off a short-lived, playful grin. His options were to let her go with him or she would go cause trouble elsewhere on her own. She wondered if he understood that.
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Join date : 2019-11-02

A Change of Fate. (P/F) Empty Re: A Change of Fate. (P/F)

Thu Jun 03, 2021 6:28 am
Kat seemed to have a blush after Mobius had interacted with her hand. He was curious about her thoughts in the moment, but was quickly drawn back into their conversation as Kat answered his question. "You know, I think I'm done here for the day. If you wanted any help, I could come with you. Either way, I'm not staying here." Kat would say, her light blush still evident as she had a playful grin on her face.

Mobius took note of her grin, taking note of the fact that perhaps he wasn't as hard to get along with as he had first thought. Although maybe perhaps it was because of his and Kat's mutual circumstances. Mobius would face away from Kat, opening his arms wide open in the instance. "Home is where I... wish to go. Home is never lost, for I... am a Kokoro. May all whom enter fear the king's return. May all whom enter be embraced with the King's hate. I... am Mobius, the Frost.", Mobius would chant.

Eerie dark gates would manifest in front of mobius, inscribed with the Names of all living Kokoro's. The metal gates would open, revealing a Castle through the other end. Mobius would turn back to Kat, gesturing an arm in a polite manner for her to enter first. "Come! My... Lady...", Mobius would say, his ashy voice bellowing louder than usual. Perhaps Mobius was excited to show someone his prestige Home. Maybe.

[Exit Thread]
Princess Mei
Princess Mei
Posts : 61
Join date : 2019-10-28

A Change of Fate. (P/F) Empty Re: A Change of Fate. (P/F)

Thu Jun 03, 2021 12:57 pm
Mobius would turn away from her and stretch his arms open wide immediately causing Kat's face to twist in confusion. "Uhhh," Kat would begin to speak quietly before Mobius would begin to speak as well. What was happening? Was he actually crazy and Kat just didn't notice before? She knew he was a bit different, but this was just something foreign to her. He chanted something a bit dark and eerie. Who was the king? Why were they supposed to embrace hate? Why were all of the Kokoro family so dramatic? Well, at least, they had a strong familial bond and that was more than she could say for her family.

A dark, metal gate would pop out of existence before the two as Kat would notice there appeared to be writing on it. The girl would take a closer look before noticing that they were the names of people. A few of them she was unaware of, but she did notice a couple familiar names. Hagane. Mobius. Wait.. wasn't Demise a Kokoro? Why was his name not on there? Unless, Demise wasn't his real name. A realization would strike Kat like a hammer as she was mortified by the fact that she had thought his real name was just Demise this whole time. Was she really that dumb? She would have spent her whole eternity unaware like some ignorant child. Then, which one was he? It seemed that Kat had now collected a side mission to collect the true name of Demise.

Kat had been so caught up in this new monumental discovery that she had failed to ignore the rather large castle sitting behind the open gates, until Mobius would gesture for her to enter them. His voice was louder this time and she wasn't sure if it was because of the chant or if it was simply just him. Kat would look between Mobius and the gate a bit uneasy. However, she was the one that had asked for this, so she would do as suggested and step through the gate.

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