My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Posts : 184
Join date : 2021-02-12

Abyssopelagic Empty Abyssopelagic

Tue May 18, 2021 4:01 pm
The aspect of death Sziercesaal represented was loneliness. This was not the aspect of death that was represented by the Espada whose body he took over. In fact, loneliness had already been taken, by the Cero King himself. It set Sziercesaal apart as being from a different generation. He was from a younger generation than his peers, and among the weakest of the Espada. Sziercesaal had a friend once, a long time ago, but it was far too long for him to remember. Any memories he had before taking his new body were fuzzy if they were present at all.

The Espada, in his humanoid form with his zanpakuto tucked neatly at his back, appeared small and unthreatening. Yet, there he stood, atop what appeared to be an adjuchas class menos. The hollow was twice Sziercesaal's size with a turtle-like shell covering his back. Sziercesaal looked down pitifully at the enemy he fell.

"You'll find good people wherever you look," Sziercesaal stated, "but not here." He placed one hand on the hollow's neck and his other on the edge of his shell. Then, with a single motion, he tore the shell from the arrancar as gore spilled out of the hollow's back. Sziercesaal dug his hands into the hollow's exposed back and pulled the entrails from the body before eating them.

However, as he feasted, Sziercesaal perked up. He was not alone, and the presence who was with him possessed strength that far exceeded his.
Posts : 27
Join date : 2021-01-27

Abyssopelagic Empty Re: Abyssopelagic

Mon May 24, 2021 4:00 pm
Realising his presence had been felt, Millis took a step out into the line of sight of the fellow Espada, "My, my my, you know it IS rather cruel to play with your food," his face plastered with it's never ending hollow smile as he took a steady pace towards Sziercesaal, "but you were definitely right, there certainly are no 'good' people here."

Millis studied the scene as he approached, to be honest it bored him, what did hold his interest however was Sziercesaal. He had heard of how he came to be an espada and that truly intrigued the older Arrancar. "So then mr 5 could interest you in some conversation? I have been meaning to ask you a few thing," he licked his lips as the last words left his mouth, which was still playing host to the same smile.
Posts : 184
Join date : 2021-02-12

Abyssopelagic Empty Re: Abyssopelagic

Tue May 25, 2021 12:42 am
"Could I interest you in some conversation?"

What a strange question. Hollow didn't hold conversations. Sziercesaal was a small, jellyfish-like hollow. His mask covered the side of his body, clearly designating it as his head while the rest of his body was supported by a series of separate tentacles. The hollow who approached him was more bird-like in appearance. This one was clearly bipedal with a body covered in feathers. In place of arms, he had a set of broad wings and his mask resembled the skull of a bird of prey, sporting its own headdress of feathers. The young Sziercesaal turned around, looking up at the other hollow.

Then, Sziercesaal snapped back to the present day, noticing who he had been speaking to, the big 3 on his skin clearly denoting the third Espada just as Sziercesaal's 5 on his head did. This was rare. The last time he had spoken to an Espada, it was with the previous fifth, whose life he had taken so that he could take his spot. "And what if I said no? Well..." Sziercesaal asked rhetorically, then took tore another chunk of meat from his prey.

"Yes. I don't usually have dinner guests, but please do make yourself comfortable. Oh, and help yourself. There's plenty to go around."
Posts : 27
Join date : 2021-01-27

Abyssopelagic Empty Re: Abyssopelagic

Tue May 25, 2021 10:19 pm
The fact that his arracar wasn't nervous despite the clear difference in strength affirmed Millis' belief that this promised to be an interesting conversation, good. "I'll have to decline your offer, after the prey is dead I tend to lose interest... Anyways, I'm here because you intrigue me." Millis, now within arms reach of Sziercesaal looked him dead in the eye before questioning him.

"Now I've heard how you first got your spot among the espada, but I'm sure that doesn't tell the whole story, so if you would be so kind as to tell me, Millis paused for a brief moment as his tongue again flashed over his lips, "tell me what it was like, to strip him over everything he ever was, and of course of the panic he felt as you robbed him of everything? His eyes usually kept shut or close to shut where now wide, the hollow smile seemed genuine, as if even the idea that this process could be done filled him with glee. Oh and if you can please tell be just how helplessly he struggled when he realized it was all over?
Posts : 184
Join date : 2021-02-12

Abyssopelagic Empty Re: Abyssopelagic

Wed May 26, 2021 12:21 pm
"It must have been a long time for you, but I'm sure you know of the Gillian. That part of our life cycle where we begin to cannibalize ourselves until we form into a single, unitary mass?" Sziercesaal asked hypothetically. He, of course, had never become a Menos Grande. "All the billions of souls within that massive body eventually takes control and that becomes an adjuchas. Of course, the others don't ever stop existing as a part of you. I don't know how it's like for you, but when I close my eyes and try to think, I can still hear all their screams. So, what happens when another of those personalities becomes the dominant one? Well... then the panic sets in, and they helplessly struggle as the body they once thought was there's no longer is." Sziercesaal explained, closing his eyes as a demonstration.

Sziercesaal screamed as his mask emerged from the stony, brain-like cocoon. His body after regenerating was covered in a clear, viscous slime. The polyp shriveled away as Sziercesaal fell onto a branch of a tree in the Menos forest. The sound of flapping could be heard as the bird hollow returned. "You know, you don't have to go so far to protect me. We'll all be eaten eventually. It's just the natural way of things." The bird hollow stated. "Yeah, I know. But you're my only friend. Besides, you went through all this trouble to hide my polyp up here. We'd may as well take advantage." Sziercesaal responded. "But that was an Espada. Do you know how powerful they are?" The bird hollow scolded. Sziercesaal nodded as well as he could with his amorphous body.
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