My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Join date : 2021-03-25

A Blizzard is brewing [private] Empty A Blizzard is brewing [private]

Thu May 20, 2021 1:00 am
Kyoshiro Mibu, the Captain of squad 6 decided it was about time to meet up with the seated members of his squad, even if it was his predecessor that assigned them to the positions that they now held he should at least see if they were granted their spot for a decent reason. As well as determine whether or not they should keep their seat. Today's Victim is his third seat, the white haired woman whose records show as using an Ice Zanpakuto, which would be great for capture and transfer of criminals. But that would only be good if she was competent with it.

Kyo had cleared the secondary training grounds of the regular grunts who would train here, it wouldn't be very good for them to get caught up in whatever happened here. The weather itself was clear and bright, but that was the norm here in the seireitei, and even with the warm temperatures it wasn't unpleasant as the red eyed captain waited for his prey to arrive.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

A Blizzard is brewing [private] Empty Re: A Blizzard is brewing [private]

Thu May 20, 2021 2:00 am
"man, what did I do this time...Grandma is so gonna scold me if anything gets back to her."Said a pint-size white-haired shinigami with a sigh walking to the squad 6 secondary training grounds where her captain had summoned her. She figured it had to be a training thing since it wasn't in the captain office. Amaya stopped at the gate making sure she looked presentable before she pushed open the gate walking inside.

"S orry for being late. I had some things at home to tend to that had came up on my way here.What is it that you needed for having me meet you here?'she asked curiously stopping in front of him tilting her head to the left.
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Join date : 2021-03-25

A Blizzard is brewing [private] Empty Re: A Blizzard is brewing [private]

Thu May 20, 2021 1:40 pm
"It is fine, you aren't that late." Kyo would say showing an abnormal level of patience for him. It was not like him to to be patient, or gentle especially when waiting. But since first impressions went both ways he figured it might be worth while to not take the young shinigami's head off right off the bat. "Well as you know I was recently assigned to take over as the captain of this squad, and as such I need to get to know at least my seated officers, While a more formal setting would suffice for that, but your previous captain did not exactly leave notes about how and why people were assigned to the seats that they were so I would like to see it for myself, and make adjustments accordingly."

Kyo's dark red eyes sized up the shinigami that stood before him, her bright white hair and small stature was not exactly impressive, and honestly she did not seem like she deserved such a high rank within the squad, but as he did not have a full scope of her capabilities and the capabilities of the others in the squad he couldn't really tell whether or not the position was deserved. "In fact all your file really had about you was your academy record, and some basic information about your zanpakuto release. It is as if he didn't bother to keep any records of the individual accomplishments or anything like that, and if he did it is some where in the mess of a filing system he left behind. So to make it short I am here to see what you can do first hand, you better not hold back either."
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

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Thu May 20, 2021 1:53 pm
Amaya listened as she sighed "yeah he wasn't all for the literal point of his job as I told the captain he needed to focus and such"she said shrugging "I am also glad he barely kept notes on me. That is a good thing on my part as I hate people thinking they know me by what a piece of paper or looks say"she said

She set her hand on her hilt, wrapping her fingers around the ribbon at the end before lifting her hand up bringing her blade out with ease "I hope you don't get dissappointed. I'm not an attack dog like the Shiba"she said
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Join date : 2021-03-25

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Sat May 22, 2021 11:38 pm
"Oh I would still test everyone and get to know them myself, but it would at least give me insight as to what he saw in those he gave seated positions too. Whether it was leadership skills, or sheer combat potential." Kyo shrugged, he also hated people judging him by his record, granted he made his intentionally built up a reputation of a brutal asshole that you don't want to piss off, so that most people left him alone if they didn't need to deal with him. Drawing his blade Kyo would wait for Amaya make the first move, while it was not his normal method he was going to be taking this fight from a defensive standpoint. "Well you don't need to be an attack dog, so long as you are a blood hound or retriever, that is what truly matters for this division. If you were an attack dog you would be in squad 5."

Keeping his stance open though his red eyes were peeled for even the slightest movement Amaya would make. "Now stop stalling and show me what you got."
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

A Blizzard is brewing [private] Empty Re: A Blizzard is brewing [private]

Mon May 24, 2021 5:42 am
"So we are trackers...I was always told we were the pencil pushers"She said before taking out her blade allowing the glass looking blade to glisten in the light "this is Ushinawareta, my blade. "She spoke before deciding to go into her shikai holding out the blade parallel with her shoulders before swing down diagnolly from her left shoulder to her right hip "I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate; To know that for destruction ice is also great, Ushinawareta"She spoke as the blade glistened and grew a bit before turning a bit more blue as the termpature dropped almost instantly around them as she watched him holding her blade in a defensive stance"I feel before I attack for yo u to see and feel her as is "she spoke
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Join date : 2021-03-25

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Mon May 24, 2021 11:09 pm
"I think you got your squads mixed up, like seriously how did you get such a high ranking position here if you don't even know our primary job. We are responsible for upholding the law in the seireitei, and to capture and punish those who break them." Kyo was honestly appalled at Amaya's lack of knowledge when it comes to her role in the gotei. But she finally decided to do as he told and released her zanpakuto the temperature dropping as she did which was a good start though an ambient change in temperature did not make a warrior, or a member of the Gotei's police force. Never mind a high ranking one, and with the lengthy call out command that she has until she reached the stage of bankai she would be at a serious disadvantage to release her blade in standard combat. "That is a good start, though why have you yet to come at me. Stop stalling and show me what you got."
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

A Blizzard is brewing [private] Empty Re: A Blizzard is brewing [private]

Tue May 25, 2021 4:44 pm
"What I mean is, that was MY JOB in this squad of the former captain and vice captain, as for attacking, I already have."She spoke pointing up before the shards of ice forming behind him fired towards his back as her finger was just to distract to the balls of ice forming in the sky as she herself dashed forward coating her blade in ice. She knew her limits and knew her own style, for the most part, it was more she prefers to tend to her own words than her blade for well her own personal reasons. She focused on ensuring ice began to cover the floor with each of her steps. As long as she could keep him contained in her icy control then she should be fine in theory, lets just hope

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Join date : 2021-03-25

A Blizzard is brewing [private] Empty Re: A Blizzard is brewing [private]

Fri May 28, 2021 12:23 am
"Ah so your roll was that of the receptionist and dispatcher, now that makes sense, why didn't you just say that from the getgo?" Kyo said with a smirk, he was aware of the sudden chill floating in the air above and behind him but the attack had not been made yet, which means she left him with more than enough time to set up a defense as the orbs of ice met with a blast of air that seemed to emanate from Kyoshiro causing them to literally part around him as they flew in. His blade would meet hers mid swing the ice under her feet stretching out under Kyo's as well though there was no sign of it creeping up or even binding him. "There we go, that was a nice opening, and even if your job keeps you confined to a desk if you can't hold your own you won't be able to maintain the respect of your squad members, plus if you have to assign someone to a mission as part of your roll of dispatcher you can do so more effectively if you can better understand their strengths and weaknesses. Now be ready to defend."

Kicking backwards Kyo would swing his blade horizontally, the blade growing from it's normal Katana length to that of a Nodachi before releasing a blade of pure air pressure across the ground at her, he pulled the punch a bit so that even Amaya failed to defend against it she wouldn't be ripped to shreds, though she would get a nasty cut.

Techniques Used:
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

A Blizzard is brewing [private] Empty Re: A Blizzard is brewing [private]

Tue Jun 22, 2021 3:29 am
Amaya moved her blade to her left as she bent down slightly "I never needed to dispatch over then send the orders of what my captain wished to go where."She spoke, "it was never my job to know or care for who is sent where."She said while tapping her blade tip against the ground a few times feeling her ice break and reform each time, as if testing something before bring her blade up, allowing a wall of ice to form in front of the wind attack making it have to hit against the wall. She cast Bakudo 26 while behind the wall before backing up in response moving to a before advantage point from her left before revealing herself sending a few more spikes of ice at him before she followed up quickly behind them, sending a volley of ice-coated strikes.
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Join date : 2021-03-25

A Blizzard is brewing [private] Empty Re: A Blizzard is brewing [private]

Sat Jun 26, 2021 9:47 pm
Kyo would roll his eyes, basically his predecessor didn't expect anything from his seated officers, other than apparently eye candy. Which while Kyo himself could not complain on that part it didn't mean a thing if they couldn't do the jobs related to the squad and instruct others. "So basically your job was to sit around looking pretty, at least your combat skills have potential." Kyo would say as his blast impacted he wall causing it to shatter though his third seat was now missing not just from sight but from his spiritual sense too. "Ah so you have some basic Kido skills too, good."

As she reappeared in front of Kyo sending ice spikes his way, the captain would wrap his blade in wind striking each spike causing them to scatter, another cyclone of wind appearing behind him to intercept the incoming. "Well I suppose that this is good enough, you atleast have the potential for your seat. Though I will definitely be making some changes to your duties."
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

A Blizzard is brewing [private] Empty Re: A Blizzard is brewing [private]

Mon Jun 28, 2021 10:17 pm
"So am I done with this test or would you like me to keep going?" she asked seeing him approve of her skills somewhat "Honestly I didn't expect to be put in the 6th, I honestly preferred the 5th but since my Aunt was sent to the Kidou corps. I kinda must have taken her place in the 6th. Not that I mind really." She said sweetly moving out of the way again of the attacks, seeing him block her own with ease. which was obvious as she didn't expect any of her attacks to hit. So even if her attacks did they wouldn't even hurt, maybe tickle but not hurt. She watched him back up a bit just in case before placing her blade in front with her left hand as her right stayed freely behind her. "I am glad that I still have potential and I guess I am willing to get some more responsibilities if you permit it. Cause if I may be frank, I like easy days of paperwork every now and then. But I enjoy combat more often."she said
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Join date : 2021-03-25

A Blizzard is brewing [private] Empty Re: A Blizzard is brewing [private]

Wed Jul 07, 2021 11:25 pm
"No that is good enough, I at least now know that you weren't given the position just by being a pretty face. Of course that now means that we need to go over the role you are going to fill here in the squad." Kyo would sheath his blade, it's length shrinking back down to it's normal size as the blade slid smoothly into his sheath. "As you know we are mainly in charge of policing the Seireitei, and Rukongai as you are currently the third seat, I think I will assign you to head up the eastern Rukon patrol, you will be in charge of dispatching, setting up patrol routes and schedules, processing the reports, and even some field work for any and everything that happens in the eastern rukon districts. So get to know the men and women in the squad, and pick who you want in your district. The Vice captain, and I will have priority over you in picks, but for the most part everyone is free game. You have a week to get the list to me."

"Also remember that you are also supervising their training. And in a few months I will be running a sort of Inter-squad tournament to see how the four of you handle running your own units, this will also be used for any recommendations for promotions I have. As well as your ranking in the squad. Oh and before you ask the group I will be heading will be in charge of patrolling the entire Seireitei, and they will be participating as well."
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