My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Princess Mei
Princess Mei
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Sat May 22, 2021 8:35 pm
The day was calm and the forest seemed full of energy. Menos roamed the forest tall, yet the trees reigned taller than even them. No matter, Selica preferred the trees as even they were more competent than the menos. Tall, dark, and hardly even thought for themselves. They roamed like lost parasites looking for the next intelligent creature to latch on to. Perhaps, they would never find that creature. Perhaps, they were waiting for the cero king himself to recruit them in the process of destroying the human world. Whatever the case, they were annoyingly ignorant just about as annoying as another pest that spotted Selica’s eye.

A small, black spider no bigger than her fingertip had crawled its way to her feet causing Selica to sigh as she would convince the small creature to take shelter on her palm. “Your incompetent pest of a mother should keep better watch of you. I could have easily crushed you. No matter. I’m not a monster that goes crushing other’s children under their feet so harshly,” Selica would speak bitterly knowing full and well that Nakita would hear her brash comments. She knew that the longer she held on to this young spiderling the quicker Nakita would come running for it.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
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Mon May 24, 2021 5:11 am
"If you were so compitent, my child would have neve been chased from its home by your saplings that had ventured into my Domain Selica, So next time you want to talk of my parenting skills, why don't you take a long hard look in a mirror, or I should say you should if every single one didn't break at the ungody sight of herself."Spoke a voice as a figure slowly moved from the shadows towards the other Arrancar reaching a thin, long black-gloved hand out "Now hand it back and take your children or I can't guarantee yours will not receive harm for entering my territory."She Spoke allowing her bright ruby red eyes to watch Selica closely beckoning the spider to come as it listened stringing a thread to her fingers swing over into her palm.
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Wed May 26, 2021 9:49 pm
Kokoro had been sent in as a distraction, he was asked to clear out the forest of Hueco Mundo in order to ensure that there wasn't an army of Hollows converging from the North, and to promptly ensure everyone was able to make an exit. Looking around the dense foliage it was clear what kind of hell-hole this forest was, and it was no wonder so many powerful Hollows came crawling out of it. To survive here you'd need to be an Apex predator, a variety of Hollows and spiders scurried about the grounds every turn, and any sane Shinigami would've turned back immediately.

Kokoro on the other hand was hardly ever described as sane, and he certainly wasn't interested in being rattled by some pleb level Hollows if he could help it. Upon entering the center of the forest, having traced the two Espada as being roughly 300 meters away, he began to let his spiritual energy unfurl throughout the forest just to watch what happened. The spectacle was intense, with small spiderlings and Hollows alike scurrying in the opposite direction to avoid the destruction that awaited them. As Kokoro slowly trudged forward towards the tandem, he swung his scythe haphazardly to take off straggler Hollows as he passed them by. "Come out Espada!"
Princess Mei
Princess Mei
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Sun May 30, 2021 2:25 pm
"Oh, come now, Nakita. Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed again? Alone and empty like always? Maybe if you had half the amount of charm as you did hate, you wouldn't be a bitter, old, single pest," Selica would smirk watching the thin hand being held out to her. Of course, Selica knew that she was requesting to have her precious child back, but she couldn't miss the opportunity. Selica would slip her empty hand into Nakita's and hold it there. "Maybe you just need a little physical touch, huh? Is that it? You seem to have quite a bit of sexual tension. Perhaps, you just really missed me after all. Don't worry, I'm sure we could give you some kind of makeover to make you look even the slightest bit more attractive. It'd take a hell of a lot of work though." Selica would release Nakita's hand before carefully placing the hand with the spider in it next to hers. The small creature would cross between the hands and Selica would pull her hand away for the final time, "I'd watch your tongue. I've never once threatened your children and if you so happen to ever harm mine, I'd pay it back a hundred times over. This isn't about the-"

Selica would freeze feeling the overflowing presence of someone new in the forest. She didn't know who's reiatsu she was feeling and she certainly didn't like the destruction she could feel from the surrounding area. She could feel the blood soaking through the brush upon the forest floor. Finally, a loud, obnoxious voice would call out to them noting them as the Espada. Certainly, this man was their enemy and Selica wasn't nearly as afraid as he probably expected her to be. In a flash, she would leave Nakita behind knowing she wasn't coward or intelligent enough to stay put where she had been left. With her children running about the forrest in panic, any mother would jump at the chance to protect them. Selica would stop a few feet from a rather insane looking man swinging a scythe about as if he was the vision of death himself. "Who are you? What do you want from this forest shinigami? Surely, you don't think we really care about all this weak trash?" She could care less about the weakling hollows that he dismembered and destroyed. That wasn't nearly enough to anger her.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
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Mon May 31, 2021 3:45 pm
Nakita could feel a few brain cells fizzle listening to selica rant on about something with her being bitter and something about sexual tension. this was confirmed feeling selica's hand rest in hers as Nakita narrowed her eyes, not in the mood to deal with the stupidity that was selica She was going to respond in kind with selica's threat when she felt an overflowing presence of someone new in the forest. She turned her attention towards it as she could tell it wasn't hollow. She heard talk about the Primera's new toy being a shinigami, but she never paid any mind to stupid monkey as she had an annoying walking plant that didn't know how to shut up and stay on her side of the territory they agreed on.

Now she wouldn't care to bother with the shinigami but seeing her tiny spiders and smaller hollow scurrying to her pissed her off as she followed selica "Obviously he is here for the Primera's little trophy. If you ever paid attention to anything but yourself you would have noticed the summers of a shinigami brought here by our lovely primera for his monkey games in that glorified cage of his."Spoke Nakita "Its a shame he came to the obvious one place there isn't a shinigami being held hostage in. "She spoke a bit louder for kokoro to hear as she leaned against a tree next to selica, folding her arms watching the scyt he wielding shinigami.
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Mon May 31, 2021 5:48 pm
Kokoro continued walking forward, spinning his scythe like a helicopter blade catching spiders and Hollows alike as they passed in front of him and above him. His eyes were set forward, no words were going to sway him from his objective and his objective had been made clear. Clear out the Menos Forest, kill anything in his path. "I'm not here for the girl, I'm here to empty this forest out one way or another."

As the remaining Hollows continued their scurry in the opposite direction, a small smile formed across Kokoro's face. Two captain level Espada was pretty good luck as far as his previous excursions had gone, he rarely if ever got to show his stuff in this sort of capacity. Hell, he might even get to work some of the rust off his scythe. Kokoro Shunpo'd forwards into the plant girl known as Selica, swinging wildly from side to side trying to cleave her in two. As he did this, a wall of tentacles would go up behind the two so that he could hopefully confine them and stop them from moving. One on two situations weren't anything new to Kokoro, but this was a pairing he was going to want to split up as quickly as possible.
Princess Mei
Princess Mei
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Mon May 31, 2021 6:14 pm
Selica would sigh and glare at Nakita, even with incoming doom staring her in the face with a helicopter blade pointed in her direction. Why was she so annoying? At this point, Selica wasn't sure whether she wanted to be rid of the threat or of Nakita. "What you're saying still means nothing to me. So what? They stole a little shinigami? Is that so important? You know what. Don't answer that. I don't care," Selica would flick her hand towards Nakita as if waving off any more words that would come her way. They really did need to work something out here, though, because their target was already making his moves.

A wall would erupt from behind the two causing Selica to groan. "What the hell is that?!" She would yell. They looked to be some sort of tentacles, but why? Why did he have tentacles? The plant espada would dodge around his scythe swings. This was bad. She needed distance and it seemed as though she was losing the ground to do so. What could she do? Well, she had a few ideas and perhaps a borrowed one wouldn't be so bad. A wall of her own spikes of wood would emerge from the ground in an attempt to impale the attacker to halt his forward movement. She had taken too long as she could feel the wall of tentacles behind her.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
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Mon May 31, 2021 6:35 pm
"Focus Selica...this forest is our territory, we run this place not him...Focus."She said disregarding both of them while, pointing her left hand behind her before bringing it down with a hard tug, on what seemed like air, there was a crack before a massive thick tree fell from where it stood crashing down at the wall of tentacles if only to give them a bit of breathing room. She knew Selica would bitch at her later about it when they manage to survive. She snapped her fingers twice out of the blue before moving in low, avoiding the branches and barely the scythe swings as she sent a strong swing upwards, trying to cleave into the shinigami and finish him quickly as he couldn't possibly avoid all their attacks.

While Kokoro was tending to them, random threads and movements could be felt and seen on his black uniform from the debris of spider and threads Kokoro was chopping up like a mad man. She was determined to make this annoying octopus her next meal, dead or alive. It was the least she could do for the children he had stolen from her with his blade.
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Wed Jun 02, 2021 11:28 pm
So Kokoro hadn't made the wisest of approaches but that wasn't really the objective. Despite her best efforts, nothing a measly Arrancar like this could do was going to amount to much of anything. A small smirk parted Kokoro's lips, revealing a gentle trickle of blood as his stomach and waist were both fully impaled. He was stuck, at least it seemed that way. In the meantime Kokoro's wall had been briefly crushed by a tree before being fully replaced by yet another wave of tentacles, and this seemed to prompt the other Espada's approach. To say this "approach" was a mistake would be a gross and borderline negligent understatement.

Kokoro contorted his body, allowing her scythe to bisect his shoulder as tendrils ripped through his flesh, stitching him back together while many of them latched onto her arm, holding it in place as he raised his arm into the air to grab her by the throat. "Bad aim."

Kokoro yanked his scythe down with one fluid motion, vertically aiming to bisect the Espada as she was trapped at his side. He began to struggle, pulling himself from the prickly wooden branches as flesh and tissue clung to them like moss. Regardless of how successful his slash was and provided she hadn't removed herself already, Kokoro would cast the Arrancar aside and turn his attention to Selica. "Not a bad move little girl."
Princess Mei
Princess Mei
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Thu Jun 03, 2021 12:25 pm
Nakita yelled at her to focus, but she couldn't quite wrap her head around this one. She had impaled him through with her branches, yet he still persisted on fighting with them. Why? How was he still moving? Blood dripped from his mouth and he still planned ahead capturing Nakita in his creepy, little tentacles that emitted themselves from his shoulder. She told Selica to focus, yet she was the one that was grabbed by the throat and at threat of being sliced right in half. This man was insane and she wasn't sure how to feel about it.

All they had going for them current was that his movements were still limited being impaled the way he was. He was strong. He was stronger than both of them combined from what she had witnessed and he wasn't so easy to kill. Selica would watch him struggle in an attempt to free himself of the branches as he complimented her on her actions. "If you like it so much, have some more," she would speak as if she were lost in a daze. The branches would continue to extend upward before curving back down and forcing their way through his back. The wood arched back down into the ground providing no easy means of removing himself from them now.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
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Fri Jun 04, 2021 5:59 am
now to assume Nakita was just coming in close to accepting a good old loving chokehold would be what one would want to think as instead she winced letting out a gasp having to split into a dozen or so spiders as he attempted to cleave her in two, and it would work if she hadn't used her escape card as the swarm of spiders scattered reforming a safe distance away holding her gut "As if"She growled to herself allowing webs to form over her wounds. for now, she needed to watch and allow selica to snap back to reality on her own as clearly, she wasn't going to be much help for the time being.

The spiders that remained around Kokoro revealed themselves before scattering away as Kokoro would find it near impossible to move as the loose webs and near-invisible webbing stitched themselves together holding him like 4 sizes too small Christmas sweater, trying to hold him in place to allow Selica a better attempt at dissecting him with her branches.
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Sat Jun 05, 2021 7:01 pm
Kokoro felt the woman pull herself loose with some ridiculous spider shenanigans and a small scowl formed across his face. This was of course the least of his worries as his upper chest was now impaled by the collection of branches currently occupying his lower stomach. A smile accompanied the pool of blood beneath him, drops flowing from both his mouth and stomach by this point in time. "You two are a real nuisance.. and these spiders"

Kokoro felt himself held tightly in place, and under normal circumstances he'd be out of options but this wasn't that type of fighter, he always had a plan even when the odds seemed stacked against him and now wasn't any different. Tentacles formed behind the spider lady, attempting to wrap around her swing her into a nearby protruding branch. He was still pushing Selica back into the wall of tentacles behind her, forming a wall to her sides and overhead. Everything was going according to plan, now he just needed to pull himself off this tree in his stomach, and figure out what exactly the vine to his left was there for.
Princess Mei
Princess Mei
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Sat Jun 05, 2021 8:28 pm
Selica had felt trapped as she looked around noticing all of the tentacles and walls beginning to enclose on her. A wall behind her, to both sides, and above her head seemed to set her into a sort of desperate position. A vine to the left of Kokoro would protrude from the ground whipping about in a panicked manner similar to Selica's emotion, until she would spot her pest of an ally being thrown about. It was dangerously close to her branches and she knew just what the shinigami was attempting to do. Nakita was her prey and she was only to be harmed by Selica's plants of her own discretion. Now, this shingami wanted to come in here and take that from her. Nakita had been correct in her words. This was their home, their domain, and nobody was going to take that from them. Selica wasn't about to be bodied by some creep from the gotei and he wasn't about to ruin everything she had here. Besides, she had a very special child waiting for her return to Las Noches.

Her fear would turn to rage as her eyes would stare sharply at the psychotic man impaled in front of her. She would end him. Selica was going to be the one to inevitably kill him and to that she would make a promise. The vine beside Kokoro had been calm in the moment, but would quickly lash out, wrap around his neck, and twist. The loud cracking noise that she had heard was enough to convince her that she had indeed done what she had set out to do. Blood dripped from his body that she presumed was lifeless by this point. She would grin still consumed by rage with a rush of adrenaline filling her system. "Did you see that Nakita? He really thought. He ACTUALLY thought he could take on two espada on his own," Selica would laugh slowly making her way towards his body. "Look at him now! Worthless shinigami. I thought he was supposed to destroy this forest, but it just looks like the forest destroyed him." Selica would find herself standing directly in front of his body examining his wounds and taking pride in her work. A rather proud grin spread across her features.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
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Thu Jun 10, 2021 1:28 am
Nakita watched from the sideline, keeping a safe distance but close enough to get in if she needed having spun some soft sacks of seemingly normal webbing. usually she wouldn't bother but this was too odd for someone like this to challenge them both? was the shinigami crazy? maybe stupid? they knew they couldn't take them both on right? Nakita looked down at her left side seeing her wound was patched up and all good to go. She slowly stood up before following selica's lead. Heading straight for the dead shinigami body.

"I was there Selica. It was truly a sight to see. A literal shinigami walk up into this forest as if he already owns this place, only for Nature and all its animal residence to ensure he never leaves again/ And to think the shinigami call us monsters when freaks like him come into enemy territory to die."She said with a laugh while throwing her head back as she made it over to the body grabbing his scythe with one hand before lightly poking his body with the blade, as if a child curious of if the body will twitch if poked.
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Fri Jun 11, 2021 12:52 am
Kokoro's neck snapped sickeningly around the opposite direction, craning like an owl as the bones in his neck were seemingly destroyed. His body slumped over, his Zanpakuto only loosely propped up by the ground beneath it and all that completed this was the fact that his face was still a small, soft smile. He let the women sing his eulogy, seemingly declaring themselves the victors of a battle they could never win. To call it pitiful would be an understatement, it was to undersell the hilarity of the situation. As they talked, Kokoro devised a plan, using his tentacles in the ground to loosen the grip of the branches stuck within him. Now was the time to act, and so he would.

Kokoro snapped his neck 180 degrees around the other direction and his tentacles immediately latched onto the women, binding them in place as the set behind him began pulling him free from his wooden prison. "To think a hundred Espada such as yourself could have the wit required to do me in? It's a thought I couldn't bare. Hadou 90, Kurohitsugi."

Tentacles flooded the area, latching onto them and doing their damnedest to be a nuisance as the black box formed around them.

This is how it was going to end for them.
Princess Mei
Princess Mei
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Fri Jun 11, 2021 2:58 am
Selica's eyes widened in shock as she watch Kokoro's head crane around half a circle to meet her gaze. His tentacles would immediately sprout from the ground grasping her body and holding her in place, unable to move. Then, he would begin to set himself free from her plants as the branches struggled against the tentacles, ultimately coming loose at their efforts. "This man is mad," Selica would speak aloud directed at Nakita as the duo were trapped in place. He would begin to speak his mind, spouting some nonsense about being undefeatable. However, his next words would immediately send her into a desperate attempt to save the two Espada.

Hadou 90?! Was this man crazy?! Selica had never encountered such a high level hadou, but the stories were undeniable. Decimation. She couldn't possibly be done in by this. She had to kill him. What good was she, if she were to die here? Even though the ground was flooded with tentacles, large trees still persisted and grew from the ground surrounding Selica and Nakita, as many as she could make in the time it took for the hadou to be finished. They couldn't move, they couldn't run, but they could definitely attempt to shield themselves from the blast.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
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Mon Jun 14, 2021 11:54 pm
Nakita was taken back by the sudden 'rise of the dead' stick she just witnessed that probably would have given her a heart attack if she had the heart to have an attack with. "oh hell no, he did not just rise from the motherfucking dead! That isn't natural"Said Nakita as even she was creeped out by him pulling himself up and back together before feeling the gravity increase around them hearing him call out Hado 90. They were fucked if they couldn't get out of the way but luckily her children have been working behind the scene, especially two massive spiders sprouting from the two sacs a few feet behind kokoro firing their webs to bind and distract him as a third came up from the ground pulling the two espada through a hidden earth panel it created through the confusion, sending them down the tunnel with a flung of webbing in reading nakita's emo tions and thoughts of escaping somehow
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Thu Jun 17, 2021 4:08 pm
The spiders sent Kokoro's way would find themselves ripped to pieces in an instant by the tentacles beneath them, and the hole itself would quickly find itself plugged stalling their getaway. Even if they did manage to escape, it would be an agonizing and painful lessen they were not soon going to forget. Unfortunately for Kokoro and in spite of his bravado, he himself was nearing an end unless he had aspirations towards furthering this battle to the death, and these simply weren't aspirations he currently held. He took a sigh, sheathing his Zanpakuto before mumbling under his breath a bit wide-eyed.

"Fucking Espada.."
Princess Mei
Princess Mei
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Sat Jun 19, 2021 6:53 pm
As the two would depart under the ground due to Nakita's reaction, they would be intercepted by tentacles grabbing at them attempting to block their path. Screams would emit from Selica's mouth as she was sliced and the toxins from the tentacles would seep into her skin causing her great pain. Although beaten and bloodied, Selica would take the time through the agonizing pain to block off the path of the tentacles by growing a tree through the hole keeping them from chasing the duo out.

"I'm going to get some answers whether the king wants to give them to me or not," the Espada would groan through labored breathing.

Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
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Tue Jun 22, 2021 2:04 am
Nakita and her spiders moved and continued to tunnel as they dragged Selica along right after them back towards Las Noches. She didn't like the fact they had to turn tail and escape by the bare of their teeth. She hated that feeling. However, They had valuable information and knowledge along with battle experience to work on and to prepare for the next time their paths would cross with the shinigami. They will pay for this atrocity, with their blood. She was going to make damn sure of it.

{thread Exit/ End}
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