My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Knox Lewis
Knox Lewis
Posts : 26
Join date : 2021-05-25
Age : 28

Cayo - Hollow [Complete] Empty Cayo - Hollow [Complete]

Tue May 25, 2021 2:24 pm


Name: Cayo
Alias: N/A
Real Age: 65
Phys. Age: N/A
Gender: Male
Hollow Stage: Base / Lesser Hollow
Personality: Cayo never had a opportunity to grow up, having died at the young age of 5. As such his mind never had the chance to mature. He very much views everything in his new life a game. His hunts, while savage and gruesome as any other hollow's, are done as he attempts to play with his victims. None of his victims have proven to be worthwhile playthings. He subsequently eats them in a vain attempt to sate his ravenous hunger.

Like most children, Cayo gives little thought about throwing himself into danger. More than once he's been on the receiving end of a beat down.  Despite the pain, or perhaps because of it, the hollow breed giggled in the face of his would be tormentor. Anything that could pose a challenge to him is something he considers, first, a plaything. If they're too strong, then they become what he considers a friend. That said, few have been able to hold onto either title for long before they grew boring enough that they, too, fell victim to his hunger.

He aims to make 'friends' as he grows. His interactions have often been of the violent sort, though he's not above being reasoned with. There is, after all, a person behind the mask. Someone just has to reach him and help him make sense of the world outside of his games.


Height: 3'6"
Weight: 60lbs
Physical Traits:

Cayo can be easily underestimated if taken at face value. His mask glitters as if he'd bedazzled it in art class but in reality its shimmering surface is, instead of bone, comprised of mirrors. Everything around him is reflected in its surface, the reflections dancing as his head swings to-and-fro in amazement at the world around him.  Below his mask sits a thin, pale, pencil neck. Further down, one would find that the boy appears to have no appendages with which to attack.

All of his body below the neck is encased in what, from afar, seems to be something of a burlap sack. However, upon closer inspection, it is in fact made of something fleshy. It moves with the child as he walks the vast deserts of Hueco Mundo, every so often an elbow or knee will make its presence known, not unlike when an infant kicks from the inside of their mother's womb.

As a fight begins, or something piques his interest, a single finger might poke through the surface of the sack. A black, skeletal digit carving its way out with scalpel like precision. A hand follows, each of its fingers as razor sharp as the next. Blood and entrails spill if he's not careful with how he moves, or if his attacks grow too careless his sack might even tear. Cayo doesn't care about this though, the pain is temporary and meaningless as he's certain that his body will stitch itself back together again.



Cayo was born to a pair of loving parents. Though they were rather young at the time of his birth they made every effort to ensure that he had anything and everything he could possibly need. His early years were tough on them though, as he proved to be quite inquisitive at an early age. He sought out every opportunity to find new hideouts, play new games, and to see as much of the world as he could.

It was curiosity that was his down fall, and not months after his fifth birthday it would not be only the cat's life that it claimed. He'd begged his parents to venture to a local carnival on the pier. They had begrudgingly agreed, having just enough money to spend on his whimsical request.

While there, Cayo deliberately wandered away from his parents and hid himself behind the tarp of one of the vendor stalls. From his perch he could see his parent's look of horror as they realized they'd lost him in the crowd. He felt a bit guilty in remaining hidden but reasoned that they hardly ever played Hide and Seek with him when he asked, so he'd just force them to come looking for him.

It was about fifteen minutes before his father began to wander in his direction. As he did, Cayo felt the familiar tingle of adrenaline as his heart began to beat faster and faster. His fight or flight reflex was setting in at full force, and being a child he lacked the ability to sit still.

"Aha! You're close daddy, too close! Come catch me!" Cayo called as he sprang from beneath the stall, his tiny legs propelling him through the parting crowd. He ran and ran, still ignoring his father's pleas to stop. Until it was too late.

Much like the silly coyote on television, Cayo briefly found himself standing on open air before gravity took its hold on him. He was just able to turn his head back and see his parents still struggling against the crowd, the bystanders unaware of his antics.

The water was cold as it embraced him. Colder than he'd expected. He tried to swim, he really did, just like mommy taught him but his lungs never found air. They instead swallowed water. Again and again, he tried to surface but the waves were relentless in their onslaught against him.

He awoke some time later, his chest heavy. Had he been older, he might've assumed it to be because of the water in his lungs but at the tender age of five, Cayo knew nothing about anatomy. He could only process what was in front of him and as he looked down, he saw a heavy plate and short chain attached to his chest.

He wandered home, the pier where he'd fallen and the shore where he washed up not far from his family's home. The lights were off and there was an unfamiliar sign in the yard. His parents would be mad, he knew, but he missed them terribly. So he resolved to sit himself on the step of the front porch and wait.

Hours quickly turned into days, which turned into weeks, which turned into months. All the while, the ache in his stomach grew.

He'd reasoned it was sadness at first. He was sad that he'd made his parents angry, he'd only wanted to play but he knew that the grownups had reasons for not wanting to play sometimes. Just like he didn't want to play right after nap time. He should have accepted that they just didn't want to play instead of forcing them to.

Then it was anger. Why didn't they want to play? What was their excuse? And where were they? They should have been home by now.

Then, finally, as the last link in the chain dissolved Cayo recognized the pain. It was hunger. He'd been hungry. Starving. For so long, too long, and it was well past his dinner time. As the mask began to form he knew he'd have to eat soon. He couldn't, after all, go to bed hungry.

Exposition: Put simply, Cayo is a child in a monster suit. He's yet to realize the actual danger he poses to anyone, never mind the dangers other people can pose to him. He's incredibly naïve to how the world, spiritual or otherwise, works.


General Fighting Style:   using his abilities he gained as a hollow to augment the ways he's able to hack and slash
Strengths: Hakuda, Regeneration, Agility, Stamina, Sonido
Weaknesses: Hierro, Durability, Sensing, Zanjitsu

Ability Name: Jack be Nible
Ability Description: Cayo is able to conjure mirrors, from shards the size of a grain of sand to grand panels twice the size of himself. He uses this and "Jack be Quick" to seem to disorient his foes, or otherwise ensure he has a means of escape. [He's only able to make 2 panels at max size, and up to 4 if they're smaller than half his size. They must take at least a Cero's damage before they're destroyed and can be reconstructed in a post, but can not be used with "Jack be Quick" until the post following their construction. Cool down of 2 posts once constructed.]

Ability Name: Jack be Quick
Ability Description: Cayo is able to project his consciousness into his reflection, so long as he can see it. This does leave his body unattended and vulnerable, but more often than not he's already working on crafting another body. It's this ability that he's used to escape from foes far stronger than himself. [Cayo can only send his consciousness into a single reflection, and if its surface is disturbed he's forced back into his body at the start of his next post. Only useable once per post with a one post cool down.]


Average Hollow Abilities:

Ability Name: Humpty Dumpty
Ability Description: While the man, or egg, in the nursery rhyme its named after was unable to put himself back together, Cayo very much can. He's able to expend most of his otherwise boundless youthful energy to either rapidly heal his body, or make a new one entirely if the current one is deemed too far gone. [This functions as a high speed regeneration. If possible he should be regarded as at least a master in the use of regeneration.]


Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Cayo - Hollow [Complete] Empty Re: Cayo - Hollow [Complete]

Wed May 26, 2021 11:10 am
Approved 3-1
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