My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Knox Lewis
Knox Lewis
Posts : 26
Join date : 2021-05-25
Age : 28

Mirabelle Bonnet [Complete] Empty Mirabelle Bonnet [Complete]

Wed May 26, 2021 10:00 am


Name: Mirabelle Bonnet
Alias: Mira
Real Age: 220
Phys. Age: Early Thirties
Gender: Female

Personality: Mirabelle is the kind of person who knows what she wants and how to get it. She's more than willing to delegate tasks to those she deems worthy, though those individuals are few and far between, but most often opts to take the brunt of the workload on herself. Some might say its because she doesn't feel others should have to bear the burden, or because she feels that they aren't capable. On the contrary, she knows full well what others are capable and will utilize their talents as she sees fit but she'd rather do things her own way so that she can maintain a reason for her pride. This extends even into combat scenarios wherein she is more than willing to take on a more challenging foe, not so that her subordinates don't have to but so that she can be the one to say she defeated them.

She drives those under her command hard. As far as she's concerned, they knew what they signed up for when they enlisted and if they weren't ready to be ridden so hard, they shouldn't have signed on. As a part of the Kido Corps, she believes any and all members should display better than adequate knowledge of the arts. If there are some she doesn't see doing so but she feels that they have potential, she's more than willing to take them under her own wing.

To those she doesn't know well, she can come off as very dismissive. This is because, in truth, she is. If it doesn't pertain to an interest of hers or something she feels needs tending to, she doesn't see the worth in spending time doting on it. Trivial things are meaningless to her. People who repeatedly dog her with things she expresses little interest in are dealt a harsh reality when she, inevitably, lays it out that she doesn't care. Though she has better control over herself than to speak in such a manner to another captain, if they persist as much as some others do they're likely to receive the same treatment.


Mirabelle Bonnet [Complete] 324598-Miss-Fortune-LoL-4K-iphone-wallpaper

Height: 6'7"
Weight: 200 lbs
Physical Traits: Mira's form is slim, though not so much so that she seems ill. Her muscles have developed in such a way that they maintain the strength she needs without being obviously present. This allows her the a small element of surprise as an opponent underestimates her flexibility and she's able to twist in almost painful ways to fire off a return attack. Though she might not be overly 'well built' in the way a man might otherwise be, her presence is still overwhelming. Her height alone is more than enough to draw in most gazes but the way she carries herself ensures that everyone's eyes are on her.

She was blessed in her second life with well developed breasts as well as a prominent rear though if anyone, man or woman, is caught staring they'll be treated to more than minor burns of some kind or another from an on the fly kido. Her fiery red hair is, most often, tied back in a loose, low hanging ponytail so that its considerable length is cut off just above her waist. While her resting face is soft and warm, it's almost always held in a scowl of some kind or another as she yells at an underling for doing something the wrong way, or held in a furrow of concentration as she works out a new spell or six.


General Fighting Style: Mira's fighting style revolves entirely around her abilities as a Kido practitioner. She's constantly slinging spells and coming up with new ways to weave them together for varied results. This being said, her preferred method of fighting is from medium to long range.

Strengths: Kido, Reiryoku, Reiatsu, Sensing
Weaknesses: Strength, Hakuda, Zanjitsu

Ability Name: Creative Casting
Ability Description: Mirabelle is so in tune with the spells she casts that she's able to customize the properties of the spells she uses to keep her enemies guessing. [Roleplay Oriented]

Ability Name: Spell Weaver
Ability Description: Casting seems to be in Mira's very blood and as such, she's able to forsake the traditional powers of Kido. By using spell weaver, Mirabelle is able to combine the essence of what would otherwise be separate spells. By way of this skill she can imbue a lower level kido with the properties of a higher tier, further disorienting her opponent's perception of her spells. [The spell would have a cooldown equal to the higher tier spell used]

The Zanpakuto File

Sealed Appearance: An opaque blade seemingly made of glass that houses a vile looking liquid. When swung the liquid can be seen sloshing around inside the blade's body and trying its best to cling to the sides of the small cavity. There is little but a raised edge to provide any sort of cover for the user of the blade, not that the weapon sees much use in combat. Most often the sword sits inside of its sheath beside the weapon's master. The sheath itself is as unique as the blade it houses, comprised of what seems to be a milky quartz-like material.
Zanpakutou Name: La Belle Dame
Call Out Command: La Belle Dame sans Merci (The Beautiful Lady without Mercy)

Zanpakutou Spirit Appearance: Beldame appears as a woman some ten or so years younger than Mirabelle herself looks. Her hair spills from the crown of her head down her back in thick, black waves. The spirit prides herself on her inate ability to deceive most anyone. Much of her deception is due to her looks but where that fails she relies on flowery language to spin a web of lies. The dress the spirit sports is quite revealing and draws the eyes to her very pronounced feminine assets. Fur lines the raised collar and trails down to a low cut corset style midsection that, finally, leads to flowing trails of black fabric.

Zanpakutou Personality: Beldame is everything Mirabelle rejects about herself and the embodiment of her hubris. The spirit also bears the burden of every repressed urge, every unspoken insecurity, unshed tear, and unspoken curse. It is not uncommon for her to lash out at Mirabelle's actions, claiming that she mistepped or misspoke but the anger is never long lasting. She believes that Mirabelle is the best thing to have ever happened not even just the seireitei, or even the cycle, but the universe as a whole. On some level she even rejects their own mortality and ability to be rebirthed, thinking that she will forever and always be tied to her 'other half.'

Inner World: Mirabelle's inner world is as ever changing as the landscape around her, for wherever she leaves the waking world, that place is replicated in her inner world. The key difference is that the place seems to have aged by thousands of years. Most brick and stone has eroded away to dust and rubble. Worn tombstones dot the landscape, marking places where the zanpakuto spirit has made mental note of transgressions against the pair. The only additional scenery to be found are periodic skeletal trees who've grown out of the ground and buildings like weeds, their naked branches clawing at the night sky.

Shikai [Unlocked at 3-2:

Bankai [Unlocked at 2-1:

Full Hollow Form [Unlocked at 0-5:

Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Mirabelle Bonnet [Complete] Empty Re: Mirabelle Bonnet [Complete]

Wed May 26, 2021 11:23 am
Approved 1-3
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