My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Join date : 2021-05-26

Kyura Shigaisen Empty Kyura Shigaisen

Wed May 26, 2021 9:30 pm
Kyura Shigaisen Rtdgf10


ALIAS: "Shiga"
Real Age: 348
Phys. Age: ~27
Gender: Female


Duty-bound. Uncompromising. Blunt, yet passionate. These words are the first that come to mind when those around her describe Kyura Shigaisen. Some may call her bullish or overly-antagonizing because of these traits, but to her, honesty and transparency is imperative; she tells it how it is, tossing aside formalities for the sake of effectiveness and efficiency. However, this belief of transparency translates into steep expectations for her subordinates as well; she abhors hollow loyalty or respect. If the cohort can’t feel either in their mind or body, raw and unfettered, she ignores any advice they may give.

However, these traits only describe one half of her demeanor; to better manage herself, she's committed this half for her public life.

In the private realm, Kyura is distinctly more peaceful and even pleasant to be around--although her usual public aspects are always ready to be drawn upon. Even so, guests in her home and closer friends and family can also experience a thoughtful and pondering side of her, revealing a rather strong level of common-sense intellect and consideration for others. She especially enjoys pondering and processing at the Koi pond in the backyard of her abode.


Height: 6 feet 1 inch (185.42 cm)
Weight: 178 pounds (80.74 kg)


Kyura (Kai-ur-ah) is a well-endowed woman with a moderately-toned physique--not too slim, but not overly-ripped. Her blonde hair, usually left unattended to apart from some smoothing and straightening every morning, falls to her mid-torso region. All of it rests behind her when in her official uniform, but she allows sizable locks of them to rest over her shoulders when in loungewear or on her rare moments off-duty.

Shigaisen is usually seen in her official garments; underneath, she wears a variant of the standard Shihaksho uniform. The sleeves are cut off halfway over the shoulder and a wide, dark-aqua sash that binds around her waist. Additionally, the top half of the uniform appears to be separate from the bottom; the bottom consists of the standard skirt, but the top splits just above the waistline (but below the sash) and sprouts into a long, cape-like design, with the inside colored the same dark-aqua.

Above this uniform, however, she likes to wear a tailored, all-white haori; it reaches down to the same point as the end of her standard-issue skirt, but the long sleeves are smaller and more fitted to her arms (think Ichigo's robe sleeves when in Bankai), and the shoulders are tapered to a dull, soft point. When out of uniform, she is most often seen in a deep plum-colored kimono with hyper-thin vertical white lines. A wide black sash depicting a light pink cherry blossom tree wraps around her waist, and she wears a pair of thick straw sandals with socks.



Kyura Shigaisen was born the only child to father Sorushi and mother Kiyurine, a middle-class merchant couple in possession of a lumber product shop and producer that spans back several generations. Growing up in District 27 of South Rukongai, Kyura was known as a brash yet honest young woman by her peers; her near-boundless energy for about the first 150 years of her life helped to easily distinguish her amongst her large swaths of friends, quickly establishing her as the “head honcho” of them all. However, this wasn’t to last forever. She received no formal education while living in her home district--she was meant to inherit the family business, thus detracting from her leisurely beginnings. Indeed, she began learning the craft at age 142 and, by 153, was set to take on the majority of responsibilities.

However, the year prior to her takeover, she’d begun feeling odd inklings of a presence in her head; a whispered, unknown term here, a booming shout of her name there. These moments were few and far between though, and she continued as normal for the following 60 years, ignoring the occasional voice and refraining from mentioning the topic to anyone.

But whatever was in her head wasn’t going to settle down or go away; she experienced her first of many ephemeral dreams at 216 years of age, with the number rising exponentially as the months wore on. It was the same environment every time; a small, three-meter mound of sand to stand on, a vast expanse of a boiling turquoise ocean all around her--and a looming torrent of steam taking the form of an Orca-like humanoid. Each time, the entity would appear to be bellowing something, but she wouldn’t be able to hear a word. She’d then wake up in her futon--soaked with humidity and steam. By the time these dreams became a nightly occurrence and the entity began producing an audible voice within them, Kyura had finally decided to let her parents know.

Their response to the confession was simultaneously shocked and conflicted, to say the least; the entity in her dreams was very likely a Zanpakuto Spirit, certainly something rare for individuals to bear. However, this meant a career as a Shinigami was now inevitable...something Kyura’s parents couldn’t easily cope with. Being their only child, they’d have to run the shop themselves unless they received help from a relative. It took almost another month of debating and arguing, but Kyura’s younger years as a headstrong leader among her friends became a critical factor in her parent’s eventual relent.

A couple months before her 217th birthday, she ventured off to Soul Society for the Shin’o entrance exam; she was unfamiliar with the sword, but her latent abilities from her Zanpakuto spirit and diligent, stable mindset allowed her to barely pass on her first try. However, it took her the full six years to graduate from the Academy, since she was essentially starting from the ground up. The most notable event during her Academy days occurred during her second year; while practicing Zanjutsu fundamentals with a friend she’d known since the beginning of her first year, ignorance and slight carelessness saw a swing of her then-Asauchi blade produce a sudden stream of boiling water--all of which pelted the friend, causing burns that have left permanent marks to this day. While they’re still friends today, it is believed that this is the event that led Kyura to adopt her current mindset of seeking exceptional work out of her comrades.

Nevertheless, by age 222 Kyura had graduated from the Academy, whereupon she'd decided to join the 6th Division. The best defense, after all, incorporates a strong offense; her greatest desire was and still is to defend her home, but with her own offense-centric abilities bolstering said defense. For the next century, however, her life grew fairly menial--though, through consistent and paced training regiments for herself, Shigaisen has been able to ascend to the position of 7th Seat within the squad. It is here where she stood prior to a promotion straight to Third Seat following the first Vizard Incursion.

Seven months after the apocalyptic-level invasion, being one of the few remaining prominent Shinigami left, Central 46 made the decision to instate her as the Captain of Squad One--the commander and leader of the Seireitei. Ever since her promotion, she hasn't seen a day's reprieve devoting her time both to rebuilding Soul Society and growing her own power as much as she can.

Exposition: Ever since her Zanpakuto manifested within what was her Asauchi, Kyura has held the quiet belief that she was selected, perhaps by the Soul King Himself, to be blessed with her Zanpakuto. Why else would the Spirit select her as his master? This belief has marginally influenced her overall life view: that to defend what's true, virtuous and just, any sort of swordsman, soldier, and/or warrior must be willing to cross the line against their foe. The soldier that is the Shinigami doesn't deserve the right to innocence, even if they may long for it or chase after it; they resigned this right the moment they'd entered the Shin'o Academy.


General Fighting Style: Kyura relies heavily on her speed and offensive impact to win fights. She does heavily favor the usage of her blade, but she's not above pulling less conventional movements (i.e. hilt-bashing, punches/kicks with the sword still equipped, etc.)
Strengths: Reiryoku Power, Agility
Weaknesses: Physical Strength, Defense
Ability Name: Himatsu ("Spray")
Ability Description: Kyura swipes a free hand at the opponent. A burst of water set just below boiling temperature is sprayed upon their face, delivering 1st-degree burns. 1-turn cooldown.


Sealed Appearance: Kyura's blade takes the general shape of a standard Katana-length Zanpakuto. It features a dark aqua hilt with small white rhombuses lining down its length on all sides, and its butt and crossguard are both a carbon gray. The crossguard is ovular in design, and boasts small "teeth" modeled after the Orca whale that point upwards, towards the blade. This gives the illusion that the crossguard is "eating" the blade, which is a basic silver. The sheathe, meanwhile, is a slightly lighter aqua than the fibers of the hilt, and depicts steaming and crashing waves in a classic Japanese art style.
Zanpakutou Name: Shakunetsu no Taki ("Scorching Downpour")
Call Out Command: "Scald, Shakunetsu"

NOTE: Forms marked with a * have not been unlocked yet.




(about 7.5 feet in length)


Mizukuchi (“Waterspout”) - Uttering this term while spinning the polearm with one or both hands will produce a highly-pressurized jet of boiling-hot water. Its circumference is as wide as the weapon is long, and the jet can travel a max distance of 30 meters before falling as regular water. This water materializes from the center of the weapon, and is able to be aimed based on which direction the spinning polearm is facing. The jet of water is as powerful as an Arrancar's Cero; it possesses a 1-move cooldown and provides 2nd-degree burns.

Shukou Suibun (“Condensing Humidity”) - Tends to be activated only after Mizukuchi is used, unless the natural environment is already steamy or humid. By calling out this ability, the heated moisture in the air begins to forcefully condense itself into a 6 meter cloud that moves wherever Kyura mentally commands it to. Upon contact with someone inside the cloud (this can include herself), the heat in the cloud slowly starts making the opponent’s exposed skin burn and boil with 2nd-degree burns. The cloud itself can move as fast as an Arrancar's Cero.

Wakihou ("Boiling Bubble") - Kyura points a finger at the target. Boiling water bubbles of varying sizes are launched at the opponent with the speed of a Bala, inflicting 2nd-degree burns.


New Name: Mugeno Umi Ochitsuki ("Dead Calm of the Limitless Ocean")

Kyura Shigaisen Ergf10


Passive Feature: Hasachi Kamino ("Orca God's Will") - Kyura's hands up to her wrists are completely enveloped in boiling water and tipped with straight, razor-sharp "claws" about a couple inches long. This feature does not do anything on its own; it merely allows for full manipulation of the water that comes with the rest of her Bankai's abilities. Essentially, it gives Kyura a pair of "power gloves".

PART I - Confinement

Oukomi (“Ocean’s Realm”) - This ability begins simultaneously with the invocation of Bankai, which involves Kyura pointing her blade perpendicular with the ground and allowing a water droplet to fall through it. Once invoked, her “Ocean’s Realm” is created; a seemingly-limitless expanse of featureless ocean water. This realm is about 80 meters (~164 feet) in circumference and exists as a giant, sky blue dome for anyone outside. A person can create a hole in the dome if an area is blasted with one attack at Gran Rey Cero strength; the dome will completely dissipate two posts after said hole is created.

Inside the dome, this expanse is near-identical to that of her Inner World--and she can exert just as much free reign over this space as she pleases, using her Hasachi Kamino feature to manipulate the water beneath her feet in order to utterly crush her enemy. Destruction of the dome does not mean the end of her Bankai, however; although it possesses a 4-turn cooldown upon destruction and she remains unable to utilize a proper sword, there are multiple abilities still in her repertoire--all of which can be activated regardless of if the fight is still in the dome.

PART II - Assault

Sazanami ("Ripple") - This move is fairly simple, yet devastating in its own right. Kyura gathers moisture in the air using her Hasachi Kamino before pushing the boiling water out in a pulsating, vertical wave. This thin, highly-condensed wave possesses the speed and strength of a Gran Rey Cero, creating small but intense 2nd-degree burns on contact. It possesses a 3-turn cooldown.

Kirisuijin Mouretsuna ("Furious Mist of the Water Deity") - Upon invoking this ability, all moisture surrounding Kyura in a cylinder 75 feet (~23 meters) in diameter and 100 feet (~30.5 meters) tall freezes in midair. After a second, every droplet and particle within this cylinder rapidly becomes super-heated to the point of turning into boiling-hot vapor. This vapor then begins spinning counter-clockwise, generating a flurry-like vortex that rapidly pelts any enemy within the cylinder and somewhat obscures their vision. For Kyura, however, there is a harmless circle measuring 10 feet (3 meters) in diameter at the vortex's center. The longer this cylinder rotates, the faster the spinning becomes. The length of time any enemy or enemies stay within this cylinder determines the extent of damage to their body:

1 Turn - Cero rotating speed, 2nd-degree burns on some exposed skin
2 Turns - Bala rotating speed, 2nd-degree burns on most exposed skin
3 Turns - Gran Rey Cero rotating speed, 2nd-degree burns on most skin, exposed or unexposed

Kirisuijin de-activates after 3 turns regardless of if the opponent is within its confines (unless it's manually stopped by Kyura), and it possesses a 4-turn cooldown following this de-activation.

Shachi Saigo Sakebi ("Orca's Final Cry") - The "ultimate move" of Kyura's Bankai that, surely enough, is signaled by the booming, wailing cry of a killer whale immediately after invocation. To the unfamiliar ear, it sounds somewhat like a shrill siren blaring--however, they have little time to process it before the crescendo of Mugeno Umi Ochitsuki makes its strike. An enormous Orca, 328 feet (100 meters) in length and made purely of near-boiling, highly-pressurized water, surges out of the ground near the opponent and leaps into the air in a dazzling show. After 1 turn, it then crashes down in what can be amounted to a devastating belly-flop, causing devastation to everything around it and submerging the opponent(s) if they do not move in time. Once submerged, the damage done is blisteringly-fast, giving them 2nd-degree burns across their entire body in a matter of seconds.

This move possesses a 6-turn cooldown, although its nature makes it unlikely to be used more than once in a fight. Additionally, the generated Orca cannot move once it hits the ground; it dissipates into steaming water after two turns.


New Name: Mugeno Umi Ochitsuki: Jundo Hoshukusha (“Dead Calm of the Limitless Ocean: Purity of the Predator”)
Appearance: N/A (for now)
Abilities: N/A (for now)

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Join date : 2019-10-28

Kyura Shigaisen Empty Re: Kyura Shigaisen

Thu May 27, 2021 11:17 pm
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Join date : 2019-10-28

Kyura Shigaisen Empty Re: Kyura Shigaisen

Sat Oct 23, 2021 11:38 am
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