My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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4th Division
4th Division
Posts : 135
Join date : 2021-06-27
Age : 37

The Stroll of a chance meeting [Hana & Kyura] Empty The Stroll of a chance meeting [Hana & Kyura]

Wed Jul 07, 2021 8:03 pm
It's one of those times of the early morning, where Hana Ishikawa is taking a casual stroll with her usual smile while being her goofball self. Hana usually enjoys strolling around the Gotei before being the usual morale booster for her division. She has one of those spirit-lifting smiles on her face, with her humming a song she remembers. While she was taking a stroll, there was some thought in her head, basically, hopefully, to meet more of the Shinigami since there are many in her squad she knows well. 'I wonder who I will meet today! Always need to cheer anyone up with my beautiful smile.' Hana thought while walking.

Hana was wearing her multicolored hairband since it made her blue hair pop a bit more than usual. She was a weird one that didn't like the standard white-colored hairbands. Her outward appearance was a bit of a goofball of an appearance if it wasn't for her usual demeanor to be uberly friendly and easy. "I wonder if my smile can cheer up anyone else in the Gotei today?" Hana gave a question out to no one else in particular. Some of those few things on her mind distracted her from watching where she was going, besides the usual goofiness she deals in. She was only distracted by the song that she was humming and trying to keep her sunny disposition going, even with a subtle feeling of still searching for something, like her mother.
Posts : 28
Join date : 2021-05-26

The Stroll of a chance meeting [Hana & Kyura] Empty Re: The Stroll of a chance meeting [Hana & Kyura]

Sat Jul 10, 2021 1:15 am
A few dozen meters down the path that the fresh-faced Shinigami trots down, the plain and nondescript walls cordoning the walkway give way to a small business district. The savory aromas of noodles, rice and cooking meats compliment aptly the vibrancy of both the eateries and the many stores and stands selling products. At one restaurant--a standard Japanese cuisine serving all of the standard dishes therein--a certain golden-haired officer sits before a bowl of Beef Udon.

The contents of her meal may seem odd to most others, but to Kyura Shigaisen, it's as standard as putting her shihakusho on; "a healthy body always makes a healthy mind," her father had almost incessantly reminded her. Partially to cut off his repetitiveness and partially thanks to her own tastes, she'd made the rather drastic decision to cut out the less-fulfilling breakfast options in favor of what she's simply termed her "lunch before lunch". Regardless of its name, she eats the meal with expediency; she's fully aware of the miniature mountain of duties awaiting her within her barracks, and the gears in her head churn in an effort to identify an optimal method of completion. As a result, she pays little attention to both her surroundings and her outward appearance; she sits forward with her free arm on the table and her chopsticks-forearm propped up by its corresponding elbow. Her sharp teal eyes stare at nothing in particular.

'If my luck keeps flowing, it'll be another day of working with Shungi. Ika Mazi's still least he has his own special things to take care of as Head Captain.'
4th Division
4th Division
Posts : 135
Join date : 2021-06-27
Age : 37

The Stroll of a chance meeting [Hana & Kyura] Empty Re: The Stroll of a chance meeting [Hana & Kyura]

Sun Jul 11, 2021 9:57 am
There was a joy of strolling along and humming her favorite song, which Hana remembers since her childhood. She stopped and realized an important thing, and she was a bit hungry because of all the savory aromas flowing into her nostrils. Hana has a specific weird routine to others in the Soul Society, which gives people to stare at her with an odd look here and there. She has to think about which restaurant she wants to eat at today since she enjoys the Soul Society's food since some of it reminded her of home when she was alive. Therefore, she enters one of them with her usual goofy-looking smile on her face and somewhat recognizes female Shinigami with golden hair sitting down in front of her meal.

Hana sits down near the same female Shinigami with golden hair, stares at the person who prepares the meals and gives a warming smile. "I want the Miso Udon Noodle Soup, please? I should have realized sooner I should have eaten something before my stroll." Hana said with her usual smile. She looked over to the woman she sat next to, and her properties felt as if she has intense responsibilities. There was something about the woman in question, and she was eating the meal with expediency, but whatever responsibilities she has must be much. Also, it doesn't seem like this woman is paying much attention to her surroundings either, but that didn't bother Hana.

After Hana ordered her meal, she clears her throat a bit and smiles happily toward the one sitting next to her. "Hello, Miss? How's your day doing so far? It's a wonderful morning to take a stroll and whatnot." Hana said with a positive tone in her voice. Also, she tried to get the other woman out of her daze by starting up a conversation with her. Hopefully, the woman will respond to her since it's nice to chat with other Shinigami about their day and whatnot.
Posts : 28
Join date : 2021-05-26

The Stroll of a chance meeting [Hana & Kyura] Empty Re: The Stroll of a chance meeting [Hana & Kyura]

Fri Jul 16, 2021 1:00 am
Kyura's eyes drop to her breakfast, sifting through the sauce-soaked noodles in a bout of aimlessness. Like a black hole, ponderance of her Captain has dragged most everything else in her head past its event horizon; Ika Mazi stands alone, already in the depths of her immediate consciousness. Her grip on her chopsticks tighten slowly, continuously, feeling a jet of turbulent emotions surging upwards and dousing the image of her Captain in boiling water.

'Damned aristocracy...putting us at the whims of complete wild-cards solely because of blood relation. Barely any of those pompous pricks by the Mazi's sides have ever had to experience the Rukongai. Why couldn't any other Mazi take the last Commander's place?' Her self-posits grow more and more taught by the sentence, reaching critical mass with the sensation of wood creaking and digging into her palm; she blinks, glances to the chopsticks for a moment, and gradually loosens her grip back to its original strength.

'Rigidity buckles the bridge that links understandings, Kyura,' a voice instantaneously familiar to Shigaisen booms, dissolving her mental image of Ika into dust. Her jaws set as she listens to the almost deadpan, somewhat-matronly voice.

'I'm not being rigid, Shakunetsu. It's not as if I'm going off of mere rumors or hearsay. We've seen what he's like, and how--'

Her train of response is side-swiped by a third entity that bursts into Kyura's perception, intercepting her attention with her fluffy cadence and brightly-dyed hair. Shigaisen glances over to her, nothing but the leftover puddles of agitation appearing on her face.

"'s fine. But I don't have time for strolls. Who're you?"
4th Division
4th Division
Posts : 135
Join date : 2021-06-27
Age : 37

The Stroll of a chance meeting [Hana & Kyura] Empty Re: The Stroll of a chance meeting [Hana & Kyura]

Sat Jul 17, 2021 11:09 am
There must be much going through the golden-haired Shinigami's head if she looked as if lost in thought. Before the other Shinigami acknowledged her presence, Hana got her Miso Udon Noodle Soup from the restaurant owner. Her smile was big and happy that she got something to eat since her spirit would probably scold her if she didn't eat something. "Thank you, sir! I'm going to enjoy this." Hana said excitedly as usual. She enjoys this meal so much since it is one of those things she wants the most.

'I must say, Hana. You are cute when you get something you enjoy.' Shimmering Atasi said in Hana's mind with a motherly tone to her voice. Hana gives out a slight giggle to what her spirit said, encouraging her to hear compliments from Atasi in that tone of voice too. There aren't enough people out there that give compliments like her Zanpakuto's spirit. She has been given a second chance to have a mother-daughter relationship she enjoys rather than what happened originally.

Hana was about to start her early morning eating routine but felt someone staring at her. She moved her head to the golden-haired Shinigami she was sitting next to and gave out a smile. It's always great to help others, and that's what she enjoys too. The look on the woman's face was agitation, and Hana kept smiling.

"Hehe, that's wonderful. Aww, but strolls are a lovely thing. I am Hana Ishikawa, 4th Division, 3rd Seat. What's yours, miss?" Hana questioned the golden-haired Shinigami. She kept her smile while she spoke, and everything about Hana was odd, but in a good way.
Posts : 28
Join date : 2021-05-26

The Stroll of a chance meeting [Hana & Kyura] Empty Re: The Stroll of a chance meeting [Hana & Kyura]

Wed Jul 28, 2021 12:06 am
"Kyura Shigaisen. Third Seat of the First Division--though, as of right now it feels to me like I'm the Lieutenant and Shungi's the Captain." She exhales through her nostrils before picking up and chowing down on another bundle of noodles. Once they've disappeared with a gulp, she glances back to Ishikawa, regarding her with a mild amount of platonic intrigue.

"I don't know your story Ishikawa, but where I'm from, enjoying the leisure of a stroll is just out of the question. Means I'm not working." Though her fellow Third Seat seems to almost be her polar opposite, by no means can Shiga fault her for what she can only assume to be "fluffier" perspectives. If anything, the pick-me-up effect radiating from Hana is a little bit of what Kyura needed; she's subconsciously aware of her own posture relaxing just a smidgen.

Nevertheless, Shigaisen focuses back upon the conversation at hand.

"So...we're both Third Seats. How'd you get to this point?"
4th Division
4th Division
Posts : 135
Join date : 2021-06-27
Age : 37

The Stroll of a chance meeting [Hana & Kyura] Empty Re: The Stroll of a chance meeting [Hana & Kyura]

Wed Jul 28, 2021 5:19 pm
Hana had a shock on her face when Kyura Shigaisen when she mentioned the position in the 1st Division as the third seat. She went through some things in her head, but her smile was still apparent on her face though. "Kyura Shigaisen, it's a pleasure to meet you. Ah, so that's why you were in deep thought. Ika Mazi is a great leader, though." Hana said with a smile. It's a bit over her head to see otherwise that everyone has Captains that are lazy or otherwise. She does start politely eating her noodles since Hana knows not to talk with her mouth full. The taste and aroma of the noodles were excellent since she enjoys them every time she orders them.

Hana did hear Kyura speak on why she doesn't do strolls leisurely or otherwise because it would cut into her work. She did smile happily at the situation since it seems like the two are night and day apart. "Hehe, I enjoy the strolls I go on since it helps me meet new people I haven't met before. If anything, I wouldn't be me if it wasn't for relaxing now and then." Hana said with a smile. She is proud of what she does since Hana enjoys helping others relax more and otherwise, but Hana does work her ass off when she needs to.

Hana was happy to see her positive attitude was helping Kyura relax more with how her posture looked now than previously. She smiles at what Kyura spoke with a question as well. "I am diligent and pull my weight in the 4th Division more than others in it. Only Shiori Ashina, our Vice-Captain pulls even more weight than I do. As a morale booster, I have to do what it takes to make the 4th Division better than it is. There are some lazy people in our Division, and Shiori has to get them in line much." Hana said with honest response to Kyura's question. She was proud of her Vice-Captain and followed her example with the additional responsibilities of improving everyone's morale in the 4th Division.
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Join date : 2021-05-26

The Stroll of a chance meeting [Hana & Kyura] Empty Re: The Stroll of a chance meeting [Hana & Kyura]

Mon Aug 09, 2021 12:14 am
On the one hand, Shiga can understand why her fellow Third Seat holds such an opinion of their Captain-Commander. Those who've inherited such a title have always possessed great strength and influence that've shaped the Seireitei in their own unique way.

Unfortunately, Kyura knows better--her direct subordination underneath Ika Mazi cements as much. As such, she frowns at Hana.

"He's not been around for very long, though. That, and I've been finding it hard to read him, particularly where it concerns his intentions. He's not like the rest of his family; he's driven by something else completely." She snickers, lifting a small bundle of noodles up. "I'd be inclined to support that sort of demeanor if he didn't feel so...dubious."

Shiga chews on her food as the conversation pivots back to the menial subject of strolling. Listening in, her cohort's words solidify their differences that much more in her head. Her response once she swallows her bite is short and a bit curt.

"...I see. I wouldn't know, I suppose."

She exhales and wipes her mouth with a napkin following the question she'd posited. As she takes a drink of what smells like black tea, Shiga raises her brows to Hana's response. She lowers the cup and brings the side of her hand to her chin, the former being propped up by its respective elbow on the counter.

"That makes sense, considering you're of the Fourth Division. I don't really experience anything similar to a morale booster in the First. Everyone has to come together to keep the Seireitei operating at full capacity. Though, I feel like Shungi and I are the one's whipping our squad-mates into shape the most..." Another exhale precedes a slightly irked look down at her meal.

4th Division
4th Division
Posts : 135
Join date : 2021-06-27
Age : 37

The Stroll of a chance meeting [Hana & Kyura] Empty Re: The Stroll of a chance meeting [Hana & Kyura]

Mon Aug 09, 2021 9:57 pm
Hana had many thoughts in her head about what Kyura would say about Ika Mazi. She doesn't know anyone who would be pretty annoyed about their Captain. Though, the Captain of the 4th Division has interacted little with anyone, probably only with Shiori. Hana noticed Kyura's frown on her face about what she had said. Kyura speaks about being unable to read his intentions and only been around for not very long as Captain-Commander. "Oh, that is a bit odd, about him being unable to read and not know his intentions. Huh, I never knew he was different from the other Mazi Family members. Nor that he's driven by something else. " Hana said with a smile. She enjoyed another bite of her noodles while listening to Kyura. "Hmm, It'll be a different type of perspective to meet him, then. Suppose he's dubious to one of his subordinates."

Hana enjoys her noodles much, and she does take a sip of her tea too. She usually goes with any tea that's she was used to as she was alive. As such, if it weren't for her experiences being in the world of the living before her death, she would have many differing tastes. "Hehe, I am grateful to meet you, Kyura." Hana said. She is grateful to meet anyone needing a morale boost, and it seems like Kyura needed it.

Hana made sure to keep her face clean by a napkin nearby while trying not to make a mess with her noodles. She did like to keep herself clean and whatnot since it's better that way. Also, saw Kyura keep up her pace of eating her bowl and drinking her tea with a befits the 3rd Seat of the 1st Division. She hears Kyura's response to her talking about being a morale booster of the 4th Division. The only two people in the 1st Division that acts as a morale booster are Kyura and Shungi. "It's nice you and Shungi keep everyone in your Division in shape. Some too many people want to be lazy morally, but it's a bit of a pain when stuff needs to do. I feel happy to help people's morale after an insanely gruesome archive file or anything else." Hana said. Her overwhelming positivity is a bit intoxicating, and she doesn't drink alcohol. She enjoying her meal, and talking to a fellow 3rd Seater is terrific since everyone has a problem.
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The Stroll of a chance meeting [Hana & Kyura] Empty Re: The Stroll of a chance meeting [Hana & Kyura]

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