My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Posts : 30
Join date : 2021-03-25

Is there a doctor in the house Empty Is there a doctor in the house

Tue May 25, 2021 12:02 am
The barracks of squad 4 were not like most of the other squads that were basically simple housing that lead out to training fields filled with with various combat training implements, while it did have a small combat training facility for use to blow off some steam, and make sure that one did not get rusty because even though the fourth squad's primary role was support they were shinigami meaning they needed to be ready to use their blades for the sake of the world just like everyone else. That was where the similarities end, as the squad 4 barracks also lead into the seireitei's medical facility where a lot of their members took regular rotations patching up those who practice too hard or got in over their head in the field.

Senko himself, with his silvery gray hair was actually finishing up his shift in the hospital and making his way back to the office that he shared with the captain to fill out the daily reports.
Posts : 45
Join date : 2021-02-10
Age : 25

Is there a doctor in the house Empty Re: Is there a doctor in the house

Tue May 25, 2021 12:24 pm
Osamu himself was sitting at his desk, kneeling on a plain tatami mat that matched the desk. The captain's work area was similarly humble, only containing a few baubles he'd picked up in his academy days, as well as a stand that currently held his nodachi of a Zanpakuto. His haori was long-sleeved and simple, with only a green scarf around his neck as any sort of personalization as far as his uniform was concerned. Currently he was working on signing the medical reports that carried over from yesterday, but thankfully there wasn't any sort of time constraint on when he got them done, it was his squad after all.

As his lieutenant, Senko, came into the room, Osamu registered the stack of paperwork that he carried with him, and audibly sighed. "Another batch? You think the knuckleheads in squad five might get the memo that the more people we have injured from their squad, the less of an overarching military we have. Speaking of which, is there any news you picked up from the lieutenants' meeting that I might not have caught wind of?"
Posts : 30
Join date : 2021-03-25

Is there a doctor in the house Empty Re: Is there a doctor in the house

Thu May 27, 2021 11:49 pm
"Yeah, though not all are from squad five, we have been getting more from squad six of late too. Their new captain apparently came from the fifth division and ever since, he intensified their combat training. Rumor has it that he wants our police force to be able to compete with squad fives combat potential. But unfortunately they are not as used to it and get worse injuries because of it." Senko would say gesturing to the squad symbol on the first sheet of the paperwork as he sat on the desk. It was the records for one of the unseated shinigami of squad six, the squad logo stamped in the upper right corner. Flipping through the stack of papers like a flip book the symbol for squad six showed up almost as often as squad five, and each one of them more than doubled all of the other squad representation in this batch. "And nothing really worth mentioning, just the rumors about Captain Mibu over in squad six turning them into another squad five. And something about the kido corp captain being missing, though there wasn't anything about what was going on to fix that or what actions needed to be prepared for. Would you like some tea?"

Whether or not his captain said yes Senko would wave his hand generating some bandages from his reiryoku stretching out to the kettle in the corner of the room putting it on a hot plate and turning it on before setting out either one cup for just him, or a pair of them if the captain wished to partake. While his bandage did the work Senko started looking through the stack of paperwork, and jotting down notes on supplies used and checking the inventory to make sure they didn't have to requisition some more.
Posts : 45
Join date : 2021-02-10
Age : 25

Is there a doctor in the house Empty Re: Is there a doctor in the house

Sun May 30, 2021 6:41 pm
Osamu listened to his lieutenant fill him in on the happenings of the Seireitei, given that he had skipped the last captain's meeting because he was lazy and catching up with paperwork. "So it's a pissing contest between the two squads that are geared towards combat. I suppose we could simply deny them medical assistance to discourage the behavior, but squad one wouldn't stand for it." The captain sighed, working through the next few pages of paperwork as his lieutenant went on, but he stopped when he mentioned the Kido Commander was missing.

"That's going to be an issue. There will be actions taken once the research division finds out what happened. And yes, I would like some tea. I would prefer sake, but I need to be coherent for whatever happens. I'll send out an order to prepare supplies just in case. We can't be too careful." His thoughts wandered to different scenarios, from the Commander being kidnapped to her being attacked by rouge Humans.
Posts : 30
Join date : 2021-03-25

Is there a doctor in the house Empty Re: Is there a doctor in the house

Sat Jun 05, 2021 11:07 pm
"More or less, though look on the bright side it just means that we will have stronger defenses, well when they are no longer working themselves to death. Plus it gives our guys more practice." Senko said with a shrug, the treatment processes that were being taken on those fools who seemed to have more fun being a living punching bag than anything else was pretty standard. Some stitches, some bandages, a couple of splints, and a lot of healing kido to get the boys back to fighting shape faster. In fact the slower healing methods seemed to have been primarily applied to the people from the other 3 squads. "Yeah it might be a problem, unless she just got distracted on a trip somewhere and no one knows where she is and she just pops back up unharmed like nothing happened."

As the water started to boil Senko's bandages would get to work pouring the water from the kettle into the teapot, with a spiced tea blend reminiscent of Chai tea. After a few minutes of steeping they would pour the tea out into the cups and bring them saucer and all to each desk. "Fair enough, though how bad do you think it could get, are there any out there foolish enough to attack us here, or do you think there might be a force trying to pick off our people while they are isolated in the land of the living?"
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