My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

 Coming Home  Empty Coming Home

Wed May 26, 2021 2:07 pm
A Garganta slowly ripped apart the sky above one of the Gotei gates, getting the alarms raised, sounding across the Gotei. As forces gathered to eliminate the possible threat that was going to come out of the hole they were surprised to see a small figure jump down from the massive hole before they shunpo to infront of the gathered force "Captain Nanashi! Your back! But what of the other captains?" Asked the officer Infront of her as Anna dusted herself off while straightening her uniform before responding " They are back there still fighting and searching for me. I got tossed in there between the cero and primera fighting eachother."she said relieve to be back as she walked forwards causing the crowd to part. "Someone please let the forces in Las noches to retreat from this battle."she spoke hoping 1 of the many officers will do so before she shunpo away to the secretive headquarters of the kido corps.

Once inside, Anna let down her strict demeanor feeling herself finally relax in relief. Which cause her to feel the exhaustion of being awake for a near week and on guard the entire time. She stumbled backwards leaning against a wall before sliding down it looking up at the ceiling " I am finally back home." She whispered closing her eyes partially
Posts : 27
Join date : 2021-01-27

 Coming Home  Empty Re: Coming Home

Fri May 28, 2021 3:41 pm
Upon hearing of Anna's return Taigen made his way to the front of the Barracks, only to find her sitting slumped against the wall, looking Exhausted. With a sigh he made his way over and squatted down next to her, "Hey cap, good to see you back. Although you look like hell." Taigen wasn't going to lie, she look tired both physically and mentally, which if he was honest scared him a little. This was Captain Nanashi, the fearless head of the Kido corps seeing her like this would doubtless affect moral.

His hand disappeared into his robes before he brought out a silver hip flask and held it out towards his captain, "Here cap, you look like you could use a drink, he smiled warmly and sighed mentally, "It's a damn good thing you're back y'know I was afraid I'd actually have to start pulling my weight around here."
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

 Coming Home  Empty Re: Coming Home

Mon May 31, 2021 4:31 pm
Anna shook her head keeping her thoughts and mind on track as she saw Taigen walk to her. She let out a light laugh managing to get back on her feet "I feel like hell if I am to be honest with you" she said with a soft smile watching his hand disappear into his robe before bring out his flask. Normally she would scold him for drinking on the job but by now, she kinda expected to see the flask at least once a day, it was just one of those small things one looks forward to seeing every single day like clockwork.  
She decided to accept his offer of the flask taking it into her left hand, opening it before taking a quick swig nearly hacking up a long afterward handing him back the flask  "I don't know how you can enjoy drinking every single day? Doesn't it dull your senses or are you immune to it?" she asked wiping her mouth.

She closed her eyes allowing a smile to paint on her lips before responding "I was honestly afraid if I was gone for more than a day, you would shut down the entire gotei by forgetting how to operate our doorways to the human world or allow our scared execution weapon's seals release and destroy our home. I am glad you held it together long enough for my extended business trip, sorry if I scared you Taigen." She said apologetically before opening her eyes allowing some excitement to show in her eyes. "you wanna hear about my adventure? It was actually odd and I might as well get its awesomeness out before the other captains find out I am back home while they are still in las noches"She said allowing her child-like excitement to show through her exhaustion "Come Come! I will tell you all about what happened and what I found out! It will blow your mind the differences and stuff they allowed me to find out!"She said jumping up and down slightly allowing some sort of sudden second wind of energy to take hold. where it came from was anyone's guess. Maybe it was just her energetic child-like wonderment of excitement or maybe It was the liquor from his flask. It was anyone's guess at this point. the only thing that was for certain, the Pink terror was home and she was freaking hyper for no reason.
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