My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

The court jester Empty The court jester

Fri May 28, 2021 5:14 am
There were a lot of things going through Ika's mind when he entered Las Noches. The palace was no doubt magnificent, it's breadth and size were all something to behold if you weren't familiar. The stench of death and the feeling of raw power permeated every inch of the place, which made sense when you considered who it was trying to hold inside of it. Normally, the Captain Commander wouldn't be caught dead in a place such as this but Ika was on the hunt for one man in particular, a serpent like Arrancar who had in his leisure time made short work of the previous Captain Commander and Ika's father Doku Mazi.

With a mission such as this, one might normally expect tension. A man wrought with nerves and anger, gripped with emotion and fury in equal measure but Ika wasn't exactly the typical person. For some reason, the misery Millis had inflicted upon him had done little more than stir up his curiosity, and it had provided Ika with a fun side-quest on his life speed-run. As Ika sat lazily on Millis's throne, the same could not be said for the giant standing beside him. Demise appeared to be gripped with anger, enraptured with murderous intent that hung off his every movement. It was an interesting contrast to be sure, and Ika needed to be sure to remind the man what they were there for. "Demise we are here to distract the man and get my Commander back, we are not here to start a war on my fathers grave. Getting both of us killed does nothing for him or anyone else, and we'll work on revenge at a more suitable time."

Ika smirked towards Demise before turning his attention towards the hall which now had the pit-patter of steps emanating from down-wind. As they got closer, Ika's smirk grew ever wider. It had been a while since he'd been this excited, and he was hoping he'd be able to savor every minute of this encounter.
Posts : 27
Join date : 2021-01-27

The court jester Empty Re: The court jester

Sun May 30, 2021 7:20 pm
Millis had sat silently and watch the approach of the two shinigami from a shadowed corner of the room, he smirked as one of the men sat in the over blown chair the "king" had given each of the espada. Millis had fully intended to sit and observe the two for awhile long but he could here the footsteps of some arrancar foot soldier approaching his room. With a sigh he rose to his feet and called to the two visitors, "I'll be with you in just a moment, it seems we have an additional guest." From the way he spoke you'd assume he was already in conversation with the two but with out another word he strolled to the door and ushered the foot soldier in, they of course expressed surprise to see the two shinigami sitting in the halls of the espada Unfortunately that was the last thing they saw as Millis Grabbed the back of their head and split it open on the floor, killing the poor interloper.

"Now then I believe your here to ask me about a commander or some such, Unless you're here to try and take revenge for your old Captain commander, in either case I'm more than open to hearing you out." Millis licked his lips as he looked to the two men.
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

The court jester Empty Re: The court jester

Mon May 31, 2021 6:15 pm
Ika smiled, remaining relaxed in the chair he had secured from the man. "Take your time, I've got plenty of it to spare." He raised an eyebrow slowly as Millis dispatched their intruder with an unexpected level of haste. "Hey I was gonna kill him, God what is with you and stealing kills man? First my dad, now the baboon who decided to walk into this.. You know I'll be honest it'd be admirable if it weren't so damn infuriating."

"Well.. at least we can handle this privately. Demise, step out."

Seemingly on cue Demise would step outside to the hallway, he could probably hear the conversation but there was less of an impending threat. As Millis took a moment to presume why Ika had turned up there, he decided he would take that moment to light a cigarette. He snapped his fingers, lighting the cigarette in an instant as he left it perched between his teeth. "Well she's certainly why the rest of my forces are here, but no. I wasn't exactly required to attend a retrieval mission, I would've left that to people with a greater expertise and less to do. No I arrived to meet the man who killed my father and well.."

Ika walked forward, a shit-eating grin seemingly plastered onto his face as he removed the cigarette from his mouth. He blew a large puff of smoke in the mans direction, a seemingly endless stream of it had washed over the mans face before Ika continued. "I've gotta tell you I'm not really that impressed. I'll be honest, I never expected my father to end up dead to a twink. Maybe age had caught up with him more than I had originally thought."

Ika stayed in the mans face, taking another drag off of his cigarette as he continued. "So what about you, why are you here Arrancar? Why make a shithole such as this your home, surely you could've made a better chair out of the smoldering ruins of this shithole yeah?"
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