My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Geminae de Loure [2-3] Empty Geminae de Loure [2-3]

Fri May 28, 2021 10:53 am

Geminae de Loure [2-3] Valent10

  Name: Geminae de Loure
  Alias: Gem, Gemma
  Real Age: 20
  Phys. Age: 24
  Gender: Female
  Personality: Deep down, Geminae is a wide-eyed and curious person who loves to see the world for the big beautiful strange place it truly is. She has the heart of an adventurer and the passion of an explorer. But in truth, this is caked upon by layers of culture, vanity, social trapping, and other materialistic pursuits that armor her against the traditions of her family and the weirdness of the world. These two sides clash within her. Thoughtful and well-read, she can be cocky and crass just as easily. Many of her actions and decisions are guided by preparedness and she holds herself and her associates to a high standard of conduct. Because of her natural tendency toward both order and vanity she has a habit of attracting sycophants that reinforce her behavior. She is becoming away of this short-coming and is trying to break out.

  Height: 5'8" or 173cm
  Weight: 130lbs or 59kg
  Physical Traits: Geminae has had it easy from the start and her appearance reflects someone who has grown up with the luxury of being able to pamper themselves. Designer clothes, expensive makeup and hair treatments, lip fillers, bronzers and self-tanners, and so on. Although she sweats like anyone else, she would rather be caught dead than unprepared or at less-than-her-best physically.

Geminae de Loure [2-3] Ada_wo10

  History: 1996 - Born in Marseille
2010 - Began initiation into family's tradition
2012 - First hunt
2014 - Left to America for school
2018 - Incident at Lake Tahoe
2019 - Returned to France
2020 - Struck out on her own

Overarching History
It's a boring beginning. A privileged girl leads a privileged life. Allowed academic success, beautiful and connected friends and acquaintances. Exotic locations for vacations with her family and sometimes others. School paid for, in America on the California coast. Mix in a sprinkle of zest in the form of Quincy mysticism--which she never took particularly seriously--and you have a bored, affluent, aimless girl.

In spite of these advantages, like many such children, nothing had ever been asked of her. She was left to shape the clay of her life into whatever she desired but she simply did not...understand what it was she desired. A part of her slept through her early childhood, part of her legacy and blood that had been given no reason to stir until her time in America. On a long weekend at Lake Tahoe, her and her friends bathed and sunned lakeside basking in some of the best nature money could buy. A beast, drawn by the tourists and the strange funk of spiritual potency on the girl, attacked from out of the water like some sort of 80's movie beast.

There was no heroism. She ran like the scared, clueless girl that she was while several of her friends died. A wildcat, they would say. An unavoidable tragedy, they called it. But she knew better. She wrapped up her affairs stateside and returned to her family's estate in France where she could, for the first time in her life, say she had motivation beyond herself. She doesn't know what this means yet and that's alright. But for the sake of those who she lost by failing to meet her potential, she must try.

  General Fighting Style:  Geminae is a quintessential hunter or forest ranger, choosing to engage from a medium-to-short range where she can control the battlefield, easily hit available targets, and easily respond to changes or attacks. She moves quickly and fires very well on the run, using her natural athleticism to pull off some next to impossible shots in between the challenges of urban hunting. Her style is generally more 'brute force' than finesse and utility but she is gradually learning to take advantage of new tricks and gadgets as she learns about them.

  Strengths: Weapon Skill, Speed, Sensing, Stamina
  Weaknesses: Reiatsu Manipulation, Hakuda

  Ability Name: Frappe Legere
  Ability Description: Lit. "Striking Light", this is a series of techniques (Un, Deux, Trois) which strike points with absolute precision, dealing next to no collateral damage whatsoever beyond what they hit directly. Because of the high degree of focus of each of these arrows, they do very well against armored or tough targets. Pierce Hierro for 3 post duration.

  Ability Name: Volée do Soleil
  Ability Description: Lit. "Sun Volley" Although this appears as a single shot loosed pointlessly into the air, Geminae's Reishi bursts into a rain of arrows which plummets straight down in a column of destruction. She developed this technique to help combat suppressive abilities and enemies she cannot otherwise fight directly due to issues like cover and terrain.


  Quincy Bow: A sleek and deadly accurate shortbow. It's matte black with inlaid silvers and highly flexible arms which allow it to be fired from very awkward angles, as well as to be collapsed down for ease of travel and concealment.

  Quincy Powers: Geminae has the ability to produce and manipulate light in very basic and straight-forward ways. Generally, these methods are very direct such as tossing a lance of coherent light, or gathering light to explosively tip the head of an arrow, or even forming a simple barrier of light to blunt the assault of an enemy.

  Quincy Items: Geminae's Quincy Cross is a tungsten-carbide thumb-ring inlaid with spiritual silver. The exterior of the band features an intricate filigree of oak leaves that entwine around the family motto: Bis Vincit Qui Se Vincit. Which translates to "He conquers twice who conquers himself".

  New Quincy Powers: Geminae's command over light expands exponentially, allowing her to conjure, steal, mix, and amplify any light around her into a number of potent, semi-permanent, and creative forms.

  Ability Name: Lance Oblitérante
  Ability Description: Lit. "Obliterating Lance", Geminae combines all the light she can get her mind around into a throwing spear so dense that the space/sky around her and her opponents briefly darkens and dims (side from the light cast by the spear itself) until she looses it at her unfortunately target. When the lance detonates, it explodes like a Gran Ray Cero with a 3 post cooldown.

  Ability Name: Répandre
  Ability Description: Lit. "Scatter", Geminae conjures a prism of light which refracts incoming magical attacks and scatters them into component parts. While this doesn't "stop" the attack, it does break it up and send it in unpredictable directions. The cooldown matches the attack it thwarts, minus 1.

  New Quincy Powers: Unlocked at 0-5
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Join date : 2019-10-28

Geminae de Loure [2-3] Empty Re: Geminae de Loure [2-3]

Sat May 29, 2021 8:23 pm
Approved 2-3
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