My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Knox Lewis
Knox Lewis
Posts : 26
Join date : 2021-05-25
Age : 28

Monkey See, Monkey Do [Closed | Cayo & Atou] Empty Monkey See, Monkey Do [Closed | Cayo & Atou]

Sun May 30, 2021 7:39 pm
Boredom raked the young hollowbreed's mind mind as hunger ravaged his stomach, making the Cayo nothing short of frenzied. Even as he sat amidst the carnage of his most recent hunt his appetite for amusement couldn't be sated. As he sat, his attention focused on the entrails in his skeletal hands.

They were soft. Stretchy, too, he thought as he spread his arms apart. With a snip of his fingers he severed them and the last of the lesser hollow's life spilled into the sands with its blood. He felt like this place, this world, for as open and empty as it seemed, was home. It was full of playthings! None of them so far had been much fun though. All of them, even if they could rebuild like he could, failed to entertain him. They played dead too easily.

As he sat, the young hollow couldn't help but think out loud. Though his speech was still subpar and broken, he felt the need to voice his internal thoughts to the world at large. Perhaps, somehow, someone would hear and finally give him an answer. "Why - no - one - be - friend?"
Posts : 45
Join date : 2021-02-10
Age : 26

Monkey See, Monkey Do [Closed | Cayo & Atou] Empty Re: Monkey See, Monkey Do [Closed | Cayo & Atou]

Tue Jun 01, 2021 5:45 pm
The crunching of sand could be heard behind the hollow as a humanoid creature approached. He a little bit below average height for a human, and played the part save for a ring of white that seemed like a crown around his head. The Primera Espada, likely the second strongest being in Hueco Mundo, was out for a leisurely stroll among the sands. Though, his underlying motive was to see if there were any more Arrancar that could be included among their ranks. His disappointment was visible as the Reiatsu signature he honed in on was simply an Adjuchas that was finishing up a frenzied meal.

"You are strong, considering your speech, did you just become an Adjuchas?" The Arrancar stood behind them casually, hand in his pockets and suppressing his Reiatsu so as to not crush the being. He was more interested because of his own curiosity, and decided he wouldn't squish this bug quite yet.
Knox Lewis
Knox Lewis
Posts : 26
Join date : 2021-05-25
Age : 28

Monkey See, Monkey Do [Closed | Cayo & Atou] Empty Re: Monkey See, Monkey Do [Closed | Cayo & Atou]

Wed Jun 02, 2021 5:32 pm
The young hollow bristled at the sound of anyone approaching, his hands coming to rest inside of his fleshy sack. The holes made by his appendages quickly seal as he turns to face the newcomer. As he turns, his bright eyes taking in all that the arrancar before him was, his mask reflects each piece of the man that captures Cayo's attention. One one facet of the mask reflected the man's 'crown', on another his brown hair, on another his slender muscles, and so on. He didn't look dangerous but Cayo knew better than most hollows that looks didn't mean much.

"What - mean?" Cayo croaked, head lolling to the side at a too far angle. He'd not heard many others here speak and those that had certainly didn't do so better than he could manage. Already it seemed this plaything was more than a potential next meal. If it continued to impress the young hollow, it could claim the title of his very first friend. "You speak - good!"
Posts : 45
Join date : 2021-02-10
Age : 26

Monkey See, Monkey Do [Closed | Cayo & Atou] Empty Re: Monkey See, Monkey Do [Closed | Cayo & Atou]

Wed Jun 02, 2021 11:14 pm
He supposed that even though he was understood that he shouldn't think that the Adjuchas could communicate well. Case in point when they responded with less than five words. Atou didn't hold it against them, it just meant that they had a long way to go regarding speech and power. "Chalk it up to experience. You'll get there eventually, should you become like me. You have plenty of time to go. Do you know how old you are?"

The Espada had his guess that this one was younger compared to many other Hollows he'd come across. That or this one was really young. Another problem was that he was an Adjuchas, meaning that this one would continue to grow and eat. "It's a wonder you haven't tried to eat me yet. I wouldn't try it, to be honest."
Knox Lewis
Knox Lewis
Posts : 26
Join date : 2021-05-25
Age : 28

Monkey See, Monkey Do [Closed | Cayo & Atou] Empty Re: Monkey See, Monkey Do [Closed | Cayo & Atou]

Sat Jun 05, 2021 9:40 pm
"Mhm~ hungry!" Cayo giggled, popping his claws back out to feed himself more of the innards laying around him. "No - eat - you. Yet."

"Me's - young." The child stood, holding more of the intestine in his hand like a limp, fleshy leash. A too long, too black tongue licked the congealing blood from the bottom of his mask. "Name Cayo, what - yours?"

"Friend - hungry?" he cooed, offering one end of the intestine out to the arrancar. He nodded, affirming that "Friend - should - eat. Nummy!"
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Monkey See, Monkey Do [Closed | Cayo & Atou] Empty Re: Monkey See, Monkey Do [Closed | Cayo & Atou]

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