My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Posts : 184
Join date : 2021-02-12

[Private] Jade Kirin at the Ocean's Inlet Empty [Private] Jade Kirin at the Ocean's Inlet

Mon May 31, 2021 11:14 pm
Following the death of Doku Mazi, the previous captain commander, the lieutenant had relocated his office from the 1st Division barracks to his personal estate. Though his reasoning was to escape the cacophony and so that he could focus on his work of handling the funeral, succession, and the like, the real reasons for doing so were more numerous and complicated. Shungi sat in his tatami room, repurposed into an office, doing paperwork as he awaited his next scheduled meeting with his third seat. The tatami room was chosen as his new office for its location at the center of the estate, meaning it was easy to find even if one got lost; and because it was one of the quieter rooms in the estate.

The Otsuboshi manor was the second-largest estate among those of the royal families, only dwarfed by its immediate superior, the Mazi family manor. Around the property, there was the sound of pitter-patter as a young boy played around. This was Shungi's son.

As the guest arrived, a flash of something greeted her. It was a shunpo. It was slow and detectable, but nonetheless, it was a shunpo. Standing in front of her was a short boy. By human years, he looked to be about eight or nine years old but was most certainly older than that. "HI TALL LADY!" The boy waved, despite his close proximity.
Posts : 28
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[Private] Jade Kirin at the Ocean's Inlet Empty Re: [Private] Jade Kirin at the Ocean's Inlet

Tue Jun 01, 2021 10:36 pm
Her familiar presence is felt long before she's properly seen. Subtle ripples of Reiatsu phase through cracks and surfaces--moderated, but purposefully exuded. Its waves are tranquil, if a bit steamed with quiet passion; for those within the estate, it takes on the texture of ocean spray on a hot summer day, or perhaps an organic hot-spring near a volcano's peak. As she grows closer, the sensations only grow in intensity, though the quiet drive radiating from them keeps the warmth well within a manageable territory. Soon, a pair of dull footsteps accompany the Reiatsu on its trek to the tatami room's entrance.

Without much of a cue beyond a slight pause, the office door slides open; Shigaisen Kyura, standing prompt and orderly, affixes her gaze upon her superior before lowering herself into a deep bow.

"I've arrived as requested, sir."

She holds the bow for several seconds before straightening herself back up. Long, voluptuous blonde hair falls back behind picturesque shoulders while sea-blue eyes return to the Vice-Captain. She wears her standard variation of the Shinigami uniform, comprised of the base-issue shihakusho pants, an altered uniform top that extends into a robe along her back half, and her signature thin-sleeved, pure-white overcoat with a collar of considerable height. A couple steps forward are taken--but her attention is promptly ripped away to the boy that practically shoves his hand into her face.

"...hello." She frowns a smidge, slight discomfort trickling into her mind.
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Join date : 2021-02-12

[Private] Jade Kirin at the Ocean's Inlet Empty Re: [Private] Jade Kirin at the Ocean's Inlet

Tue Jun 01, 2021 11:27 pm
"Please forgive my son," Shungi said still focused on his work, "he just recently started learning how to use shunpo." After giving the excuse, Shungi finished off the paperwork he had been busy with, took the paperweight off a stack of sheets, and laid that sheet on top. For an office, Shungi's tatami room was spacious. As one might expect, the floors were made from tatami.

There was a door that led out to the manor's garden, which featured in addition to flowers, bushes, and trees also featured a water fountain and rock garden. Seeing the tranquil atmosphere provided some reasoning for why this room in particular was chosen. Shungi's desk was low to the ground, to where he sat on the floor instead of a chair though the floor's material made it much more comfortable. Despite how low the desk was, it looked to have a decent amount of storage space underneath with several compartments underneath the desk proper. Behind Shungi was a wooden shelf where several pictures stood on frames. They looked like family photos, some with his son and with his wife, the latter mainly in primitive black and white. Older still were portraits, one, in particular, wearing the uniform of a shinigami bearing resemblance to a younger Shungi, set up almost like a shrine with an ashtray and burnt incenses in front of it.

Shungi's son stared up at Kaiura, looking exactly as awkward as someone might expect of an eight-year-old. "Okay, well uh. Bye tall lady." He said, waved, then used shunpo to get away. Shungi himself fixed his posture and gave a reassuring smile as he welcomed Kaiura to take a seat. "Again, I apologize. That was my fault. I didn't expect him to pick up learning shunpo so quickly." Shungi excused. "I don't need to tell you why you're here today. We have a serious mission at hand." He said, quickly adopting a stern face. Then, before letting the third seat get comfortable, he began giving the briefing.

"Like it said on your warning order, the Kido Corp Captain had been captured by Las Noches. Your job for this mission is to be the team leader and coordinator, which means you'll be overseeing the actions of lieutenants and captains. Because you're still new, I'm here to help you make a tentative plan. Are you following me so far?"
Posts : 28
Join date : 2021-05-26

[Private] Jade Kirin at the Ocean's Inlet Empty Re: [Private] Jade Kirin at the Ocean's Inlet

Wed Jun 02, 2021 2:05 pm
"I see...he's quite the spry boy, sir."

Shiga observes the child for a moment longer, her discomfort inflating, until Shungi takes control of the room once again. Her teal gaze returns to him as the completed paper is set upon a mound of its compatriots; a glint of relief dissolves the awkward reservations evident in her gaze. Her left hand rubs her right shoulder--kneading out the distraction, affixing her mind back to the openness of a limitless ocean, yet simultaneously regaining the focus of a hunter beneath the waves.

Not a second glance is given to the boy with his second and final remark; she can feel his comparatively weak spiritual pressure all but teleport a moderate distance away, but her attention largely squares upon the superior before her.

"It's not an issue; there's no need to apologize, Vice-Captain. I'd be lying if I said I was comfortable around children, but I can manage." In spite of the rushed nature of her dismissal, she gently clears her throat and takes a seat at his desk, lowering herself into a kneeling position with her hands upon her thighs. As Shungi begins speaking, she nods along to the cadence of his words.

That is, until the nuances of the notice are laid upon her. Her eyes widen in genuine shock; her skillset's expanded to covering smaller-level projects within the Seireitei, but with the situation that now expectantly rests at her feet, a wave of undeniable apprehension pelts its foam upon her.

As quickly as she's drenched, however, she resets her expression and shifts in her seat.

"Yes, I understand Lieutenant. I'll do it; I appreciate the help. What do you have in mind?"
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Join date : 2021-02-12

[Private] Jade Kirin at the Ocean's Inlet Empty Re: [Private] Jade Kirin at the Ocean's Inlet

Wed Jun 02, 2021 3:13 pm
Upon asking her question, the sound of a drawer opening alerted Kyura. From the drawer, the lieutenant produced a stack of papers bound in a file labeled in kanji as "LAS NOCHES RESCUE MISSION CONTINGENCY F" (虚夜宮で救出作戦の非常用対策案-F). "My plan for the mission is written in here," Shungi said. "I'll give this to you after you make your own plans so you can test yourself after we're done. It'll double as a backup plan in case yours goes awry, and if it does, let it be a lesson to always have a plan B." It was clear, if not from his explanation, then from the following stare Shungi gave to his third seat that the intent of the meeting was so that Kyura could come up with her own plans.

"Remember. This is a test of your skill as a leader. I'm just here to point you in the right direction." Shungi adjusted his glasses, then placed his elbows on the table and interlocked his fingers. After a moment of silence to give Kyura time to think, Shungi started again. "Basic information about Las Noches has been provided by Second Division, as per usual. The Espada, the rulers of Las Noches, are roughly captain level. This is why we have captains being sent in with their lieutenants to act as backup. So far, we know that they are seven strong, and the two strongest have been there since their founding. Graven Fel and Millis Vanaghanta." Shungi opened the binder and flipped through the papers until he found two pictures, portraits of two men, presumably the named Espada. Despite their otherwise human appearance, their masks and holes signified that they were in fact, arrancar. "You'll be avoiding these two if at all possible. If you want further information, you'd have to conduct meetings with 2nd Division."

"Because it's an important mission, I'll take full responsibility for it in case you mess up, but remember that it is still an important mission." He reasserted.
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Join date : 2021-05-26

[Private] Jade Kirin at the Ocean's Inlet Empty Re: [Private] Jade Kirin at the Ocean's Inlet

Sun Jun 06, 2021 7:00 pm
Her head tilts down as the file is pushed in her direction. Upon hearing his assertion, a spear of shock sprouts from her throat, though her head moves no further; she merely remains silent in spite of the boulder crashing down upon her shoulders.

Just as quickly as it'd fallen upon her, however, she shifts underneath its weight, gripping both of her mind's arms around its rounded surface. The forceful resolve reflects almost immediately upon her face, hurtling surprise and discomfort into oblivion before settling itself down in their place. Shiga lifts her head to Shungi, the gears in her mind already beginning to turn as he speaks.

Only when he's completely finished does she finally pipe up.

"Forgive my impertinence, Lieutenant, but no. You're putting this in my hands; I might have your own plans to fall back on, but at the end of the day, it'll be my directions and choices that'll ultimately decide how all this will turn out. I come from the working class...I'm taking responsibility for all of it."

She exhales, eyes returning to the file.

"But yes, I'll likely be meeting with the Second to learn more about the Espada. Then I'll have to figure out who to pull for the rescue, and get a more detailed layout of Las Noches..." Her voice trails off into silence, and she remains in her thoughts until the current train reaches an adequate stopping point.

"In any case, I'll keep everything you've told me in mind, and I'll definitely be studying your own plans...thank you for your faith in me, Vice-Captain. I'll do my best."
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Join date : 2021-02-12

[Private] Jade Kirin at the Ocean's Inlet Empty Re: [Private] Jade Kirin at the Ocean's Inlet

Sun Jun 06, 2021 10:46 pm
The lieutenant reached out for something, no doubt his coffee, only to realize that he didn't have it that day. It must have been his work getting to him, that he didn't even realize he didn't have caffeine coursing through his veins. Though, it didn't change his behavior, and so it didn't matter to him. Shungi closed his hands into a fist then relaxed as he leaned back against the wall and stared at the third seat from behind the mountain of papers and his desk.

"That's a strong sentiment. If you can give a speech like that consistently to a sizeable enough group you would already have the makings of a natural leader." He commented, waiting for the third seat to digest what that comment actually meant. "But," he continued, "what are your plans?"
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Join date : 2021-05-26

[Private] Jade Kirin at the Ocean's Inlet Empty Re: [Private] Jade Kirin at the Ocean's Inlet

Mon Jun 07, 2021 10:22 pm
Teal eyes flick back up to their superior, watching as he reaches for an item that doesn't exist. They observe his initial rigidity, the subtle concern whispering from his skin--before it's all wiped away by the relaxation of his posture. As if silently directed to do so, Shigaisen follows in Shungi's stead, relaxing her shoulders a tad and sitting slightly slumped.

Not a twitch can be seen on her face with the onset of his observation.

"I'll just have to practice it. Thank you for the kind words, but it's really not that big of a deal." She tilts herself forward, elbows coming to rest upon the desk and knuckles supporting the front of her chin. For a couple seconds after his fateful question exits his lips, she remains silent.

"...the greatest threat are the two strongest Espada, as you mentioned. Captain Shiba and Captain Nanamori could at the very least occupy them--make them a non-factor. From there..."[color=#669999] Again, her eyes linger down from Shungi. "...Lieutenant Zala could work as the acting head of support and medical work for the rest of us. The rest of the Captains--Kuma, Nashi, perhaps Mibu, and Bonnet--could handle the rest of the Espada. I could take down a Fracciones or two, and much of us Lieutenants and higher-seated officers can take on other Fracciones and stronger Numeros."

Kaiura is silent for another second.

"Yes. Captain Kuma would be most i. Added support from Squad Four should go to him, and when he eliminates his Espada, he should be the one to scope out where the Kido Commander is located. That should be relayed...alright..." She sighs and drops her hands back into her lap.

"All Captains aside from the Head Captain, most Lieutenants and a few high-seats would enter Hueco Mundo; if we have to, we'll fight our way to Las Noches. I want to draw out the Espada early and get them occupied; Captains Shiba and Nanamori should take on Fel and Vanaghanta, and the rest can be left up to spontaneity. Their Fracciones and stronger Numeros would be left up to the Lieutenants and higher-seats like me--except for Seiji Mazi. He should be the one to initially scour Las Noches and beyond, perhaps with a small contingent from his Division. Once Kuma takes out his Espada, unless any other Captain needs assistance, he should join the rest of his Squad and search for the Kido Commander until she's spotted; once they know her whereabouts, they'd have to relay that to everyone else participating. From there, it's just a matter of taking the Espada out of the picture and retrieving Commander Nanashi."

A developing droughted throat brings Shiga to clear it by the time she finishes. She takes one final glance towards the contingency file before gazing up to her Lieutenant.

"What do you think? I know it needs to be more specific; that's what I'll be meeting with the Second Division for."
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[Private] Jade Kirin at the Ocean's Inlet Empty Re: [Private] Jade Kirin at the Ocean's Inlet

Tue Jun 08, 2021 9:16 pm
Shungi nodded. It seemed that the third seat had trouble picking up on sarcasm. This wasn't a big deal to him, more so it simply let him know the kind of person he was dealing with and how to handle his third seat in the future. The lieutenant waited patiently to hear Kyura's plan, nodding along as she explained herself interspersed with the occasional "I see".

"Very typical strategy, more importantly, it's different from what I had planned." He stated. "I'll hope your mission is a successful one."

"The new captain commander is taking over soon. He might throw a wrench in your plans. His inauguration will be the day before your leaving so I doubt he'll get in the way. You've met Ika before right? The previous captain commander's son? The commander has spoken of him before- normally as an example of what not to do- but spoken of nonetheless. The two of us were peers but I'm afraid his power surpasses perhaps both of ours combined."
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[Private] Jade Kirin at the Ocean's Inlet Empty Re: [Private] Jade Kirin at the Ocean's Inlet

Sun Jun 13, 2021 12:57 am
While her head stays leveled and stable, Shiga's eyes narrow--not of irritation, but of considerable duress. His words do provide some reassurance in the sheer freedom of choosing between the two plans and their components therein, but the relief she does experience is rapidly trampled by a self-focused worry. Was she supposed to make some genius plan? Is that even reasonable in a situation like this?

Kyura generates answers to neither of her questions. She knits her brows together just a tad, feeling an ember flickering deep within, its wisps crackling and snapping with utterances of belligerence.

"Typical, yes, but I don't see why it should be anything more. We're not in an all-out war." A small exhale. "In any case, I'll look over what you've written. Maybe I can combine different elements of each of our plans. Thank you for the help."

Shiga rises from her seat, joints somewhat stiff--but before a foot can thrust towards the door, Shungi's voice scoops her up in a solemnity befitting his particular position. Having turned her head away, Kyura swivels it back to her superior; another frown is painted across her mouth.

"I know who Ika is. He shouldn't be getting in the way, or else we'll be having some issues." She rotates her body around to face Shungi, an assertive and irked resolve highlighting her facial features. "I don't care if he's the Head Captain, I don't care that he's considered royalty, and I don't care that he could probably obliterate me. I follow people if they show that they're worth being followed. You've shown that you can be; I doubt Ika Mazi could ever be. To me, you're the true Captain-Commander."

For a second Kyura is silent, allowing her words to settle into the surfaces of the room and through the pores of both their skins. As quickly as the scathing remarks appeared, however, she pulls Shungi's plan into the gap between her arm and the side of her torso before turning once more and finally striding out from the room. Her expression remains.

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[Private] Jade Kirin at the Ocean's Inlet Empty Re: [Private] Jade Kirin at the Ocean's Inlet

Mon Jun 14, 2021 1:10 am
The mention of an all-out war loomed ominously. Though the doors were closed, a chill seemed to blow through the room and the burnt ashes of the newest, tallest incenses on the shrine behind Shungi fell into their tray, the face of the shinigami in the portrait looking strangely distraught despite not actually changing. The last true conflict the Gotei had with Hueco Mundo was hundred of years ago, but it still remained fresh in Shungi's memory.

"Let's hope it doesn't turn out that way," Shungi said. All-out-war was the last thing the Gotei needed. On his last inspection, however, it showed that it didn't look as though they were any less prepared for one.

"I'm flattered, but let's not be too hasty to put down the new Captain Commander. I'm sure he'll grow to fit his role. If he doesn't, he'll have to answer to Central 46, and failing that, he'll have to answer to me." Shungi reassured. "Now then. Any more questions? If not, you're dismissed."
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[Private] Jade Kirin at the Ocean's Inlet Empty Re: [Private] Jade Kirin at the Ocean's Inlet

Mon Jun 21, 2021 9:56 pm
Her departure halts at the door, again at the whim of Shungi's word; her face hardens and a few choice words formulate in her mind, though she retains them in the darkness of her windpipe. Shiga turns her head back once again, making no effort to hide the shift in her expression. A hand comes to rest upon the butt of her Zanpakuto.

"Yes, let's."

She waits for his words to conclude, complete with finger tapping against her sword's hilt, before striking her response.

"If he does step up and finish acting like a fool, then that's great for everyone. But a renowned surname is no excuse for incompetence--or worse. Neither is it an excuse to defend his newness; his clan's possessed influence for a very long time, but even considering Ika himself, he already possesses experience in government and leadership. This isn't "his first rodeo", as some humans would say."

A quick sigh. "Those are my thoughts, at least. I'll take my leave now. Take care, Lieutenant."

Keiura at last strides out of the room, the air around her practically charged with electricity.
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[Private] Jade Kirin at the Ocean's Inlet Empty Re: [Private] Jade Kirin at the Ocean's Inlet

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