My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Join date : 2021-06-01

Hayato Hibiki [WIP] Empty Hayato Hibiki [WIP]

Tue Jun 01, 2021 2:55 pm
Hollow Template

Basic Information

Name: Hayato Hibiki
Age: 24
True Age: 666
Sex: Male
Personality:  Hayato avoids combat if he can, if not who ever witness's his power does not live to tell of it. This is Hayato's way he is usually alone and plots in the darkness, he schemes a lot and trusts few those are he allows to set his plans into motion. He punishes those who fail and rewards those who achieve his expectations. Hayato acts kind but if crossed you can see your own death in his eyes, the same as those who fail or who challenge him. Hayato is perverted.

He tends to admire a womens body like artwork and will spare usually any womens life if they are beautiful or anyone who he see's that will bring him some amusement. He see's life more as a game of chess then anything else and usually always plans what will happen next. He is the king of this game and those who do not see him fit to be there he will happily execute and those who are loyal to him he will protect with his own being. Hayato will act kind but when it comes to battle or punishment he changes to strict, and fearful and merciless

Hayato becomes bored very easily and in this bordom he loves to write poetry about the many things he thinks which is mostly love, despair, and loneliness. These are the things mostly on his mind, In Battle Hayato will always make his opponent know his feelings for if they don't understand each other he see's no point in the battle. If anyone including a ally attemps to assist or interrupt a battle when Hayato is fighting he will not show even that person any mercy as of then Hayato will battle that person as well.

Hayato finds it hard to kill a woman of beauty as he see's it as destroying a beautiful masterpiece yet if this women is not attractive " A work of art" he will gladly trash it. Any beautiful women he does kill or eliminate he would bury he did not know why and didn't care why. He just feels as if the women should be buried.

Hayato classifies him self as highest of male arrancar and wishes to spoken to like that as royalty, In the case of women he wishes to be spoke to that of even value. Many around him will see him as lazy due to Hayato will usually get others to do things for him as he sits in his chair. But usually he is very active while alone either pacing the room while he thinks or practicing with his blade or training his strength.

He finds himself testing his allies often to see if they are worthy of being around him, if test which are usually are battles are failed they would be greatly punished first on the battlefield then after. His mind set is if your not strong you don't belong. This is the thought that made him only allow pure breed arrancar's to follow him loyalty and power come before all else to Hayato.

Likes: Women, Power, Loyalty, being alone
Fears: Crowds, Angry women, To love
Hollow Form:  Arrancar

Character Appearance

Hayato Hibiki [WIP] Okami_Amaterasu
Height: 6'1" (if standing on hind legs)
Weight: 191
Physical Traits: Hayato has blue eyes and no mask his wings are his hollow fragment made of the same material.
Clothing: A tatered robe is always around him not allowing those to see anything but his hands and feet and head, when in battle if he see's worthy he will allow them to see his chest underneath as well as his black studded leather pants, his white wings .
Hayato Hibiki [WIP] Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSqw5fr1CGvpbgrn0ZMXlKTEk0DP-CZMzktmw&usqp=CAU  
Ruby necklace, which he may summon 4 hollows, of low rank which may do as he please with.

Fighting Style

General Fighting Style: Hayato killing intent is so strong usually he will fight with just brute force in a attempt to end the battle with one swing but tends to try and allow torturing his opponent after word. He tends to relies on his close combat skills rather then his range.

Hayato will tend to make surprise attacks from the darkness in a attempt to end a battle quickly but if he is allowing an opponent to sense his spiritual pressure it is very large and does not feel as if a weight is upon there shoulders but as if a weight has been lifted, this is Hayato's presence.

When battling a opponent if his opponent is weak he will tend to play with them till he becomes bored and still a little after to see if anything interesting happens, if his opponent is as strong as him or they're are many that he feels as if there is a challenge he will become fear sum and fight seriously with all his power.
When this comes to a women tho the story is changed if this women is attractive. Hayato will not fight seriously till he has to weather or not the opponent is weak or just as strong he will remain flirtatious the entire battle, and will always attempt to meet up with a women that is "a work of art" more then once.

If battling more then one opponent he will tend to try and separate them to be alone in a one on one battle then later on will meet the other in battle. He finds when alone it is easier to understand each other. If allies are battling Hayato would not interfere to him this would be a a test of strength to his allies but if they lose he will gladly watch as they are killed or harmed. If his ally is not harmed fit enough for Hayato they would also be punished more when they return home.

Strengths: Hierro is very similar in strength to Nnoitra Gilga, His Sonido is greatly known throughout the arrancar organization, The strength of his Cero Doble and Gran Rey are very powerful. Gran Rey is able to destroy many buildings in one shot. His Cero Doble depends on other cero's this can work for any type of cero. Stamina is greater the most Arrancar.

Weaknesses: Pesquisa is on the same level as a Lieutenant, His Cero is very weak and can easily be parried. His Bala is very slow and weak as well. He is more of a Brute in a actual battle. His regeneration is slow but it is still there and can heal even some of the worst wounds only takes time. ( that will be predicted in battle on the severity of the wound.)

Hollow Powers

Zanpakuto & Cero

Sealed Appearance:
Hayato Hibiki [WIP] BsXY9Yz

Zanpakuto Name: Emi Goro
Zanpakuto Call Out:  Admire Emi
Cero- A red color
Bala- A red color
Doble- Mixed color with Blue
Gran Rey- Dark Blue

Name: Blood Cero
Type: Cero
Incantation: N/A
Description: Hayato generate an excessive amount of blood in his body for one post focusing his riatsu in his upper chest, then opening his month he will blast this blood with bits of his riatsu in it towards the enemy, this will cover the target in blood from head to toe and may sting a bit. Other then that this itself will cause no damage.
Who can use it: Hayato Hibiki and those he wishes to teach it to.
Character: Hayato Hibiki and those he wishes to teach it to.


Hayato Hibiki [WIP] Eclipse_Yorutsuki_Sensora_by_vinryl

Hayato's eyes turn black and his white wings turn black and harden. They now are sharp. Blood will leak from his eyes as well as his wrists. (he will not die due to blood lose)

Abilities: Passive; His wings are like blades and and attack with them like a blade.

These abilities only work with that blood that he creates from his own blood or that of Resurreccion Segunda.

Blood Forging; He can make any sort of weapon appear from blood using it and letting vanish as he wishes.

Blood Shield; Forms a round shield about the hight of his body that he can set in front of him to protect himself from attacks. This Shield can protect from kidou # 65 down.

Blood Defense; A sphere will form around Hayato that can harden to protect himself or another in battle. this has the capabilities of blocking kidou #89 down and anything above will drastically lower the damage. Cool down 3 post would take 3 slashes of a sword to break.

Cremation: Hayato will bring out his lighter and snap his fingers, then all the blood in the area will be lit on fire.  Cool down 3 posts (only sets blood that had come from Hayato on fire and this will not light Hayato on fire)

Boosts: Strength and killing intent, Can sense objects or things that touch his blood.

Resurreccion Segunda:


Hayato Hibiki [WIP] Hgjart10
Gains double size, he becomes 12'2 and 382 lbs
Abilities: Passive, there will always be a pool of blood that follows underneath Hayato. Blades are proportionate to height.

Fountain of Youth; Clouds will form blocking out the sun these clouds will be crimson and it will start to rain blood, it will have all the same traits as blood the smell and the viscosity and ability to stain clothing.

The End of Time: Hayato will gather all blood that has been release in the aread and gather it all in front of him like a giant wall made of blood in front of him (one post) then launch it forword in like a giant wave that will cover everything that it hits in blood.

Blood Defense Coffin; A sphere will form around Hayato if enough blood is in the area that can harden to protect himself or another in battle. This has the capabilities of blocking kidou #89 down and anything above will drastically lower the damage. This would also work on a enemy. Cool down 2 post
And would take several slashes (6) to break it will just a blade.

All prior abilities just more powerful. (cremation will only be able to be used once in this form and will include the blood created from fountain of Youth.)

Once he returns to normal all the blood will turn black and begin to rot.

Boosts: Strength, speed, stamina, Killing intent by in this stage it is a high chance that he will not care for anything or anyone including comrades what ever enters his path he will destroy or attempt too.

Back Drop:

Beginning as a hollow who was weak who feed upon harmed hollows this allowed this hollow to grow and become strong to the point he could take on other hollows and devour them. This hollow did not tho, he remained eating previously harmed hollows this was his way, he always remained hidden from the other hollows only coming out to feed upon hollows.

------------------------TIME SKIP-------------

A arrancar was born nameless and confused as he awoke he looked like a human as he felt his face he found no mask. As he stood he realized what followed with him were not clothing but wings that covered him while he slept, these wings were made of the same thing his mask was. As he wandered these wings dragged behind him on the ground, eatting any hollows in his path. He had no goal no thought he only wandered until at one point he found himself upon another like himself, except unlike himself having wings this boy had a partial mask just above his eye.

This boy approached closer and smiled at this nameless fellow, "I'm Chiba". Not a moment later wings covered over this boy this was a distraction as he looked back towards this nameless fellow he saw that the arm of this fellow was pierced through him. Chiba just looked up and smiled, this nameless hollow then watched as blood dripped from this boys mouth yet he still smiled, "Why is he smiling?" this was the nameless's first thought.

They two hidden within the wings, Chiba now dead he pulled his arm back allowing Chiba to fall to the ground, he looked at his head now covered with this child's blood the world began to spin for him, his wings shot up as he began to yell as if he was in pain, then suddenly passed out. He awakened only to see a giant mask hovering over his head suddenly by instict he suddeny sat up smashing his head into this mask, this made this hollow like creature fly threw the air to land a couple feet away. Nameless suddenly rubbed his head to feel a bandage, to hear behind him, "Nel-sama found you here with a cut on your head and bandaged it up you should be very proud to have had Nel-sama near you."

Nameless felt no danger from these two and ask, "Who are you? and where is this Nel you speak of." Suddenly the one in the distance charged back "AHHHHH" yelling as he slide towards the other, "We are Peche Gatishe" Peche posted flexing both his arms and the other stopped sliding right next to Peche, "And Dondochaka Bilstin and she is hiding doncha know!"  Nameless eyebrow raised and soon after he stood and began to walk away. "Hey where are you going!?" Peche yelled, "My head still hurts doncha know?"

Nameless stopped realizing these are the first two hollows he has not killed, he looked down at his blood stained hands, "Whats happening to me?" Suddenly hearing another voice deeper then the ones he heard so far, "Ahahaha, finally I have found some food and one is a big one tooo ahaha.", "AHHHHHHHHHH" peche and Dondochaka screamed, "I'm the big one doncha know!"
Nameless then spun around to see another like himself looking more like a human then a hollow, he had hollow fragmentation from his chin down to each of his shoulders.

Nameless then walked towards Peche and Dondochaka the stopped next to them, "I owe Nel, stand back" Nameless then took two steps forward and his wings spread out covering the two from sight. "Hahahahah this will be fun! Lets see what you can do when I rip off your wings Arrancar!" Nameless tilted his head, "So Arrancar is my name?" The other one like himself mouth dropped, "Do you not know what you are?! Your a Arrancar, I am a Arrancar we are higher beings we are greater!"

Nameless continued to walk towards the other Arrancar, stopped right in front of him. "We are the same but I am greater, you will follow me." Nameless stood and starred into this arrancar eyes. The other arrancar angered, "O yea!? well we shall see but first I will eat!!" The Arrancar began to ran towards Peche and Dondochaka who was hiding behind a nearby rock. "They are with me, you will stop now." Nameless said. "We will see about tha..." the arrancar was saying only to see Nameless in front of him he stopped running.

Nameless looked towards his right wing as he saw something shining he grabbed this shining object, turning from hollow fragment into a blade. Nameless unsheathed it and began to walk towards the other arrancar once more. The other Arrancar looked into Nameless's eyes and became fearful, "I'm sorry... I will follo.."  Nameless suddenly slashed his blade upwards with his right hand cutting off this Arrancar's right arm. "I gave you your chance." Nameless spoke as he began to smile.

"Wow ....... what's his name? .....Whats your name!!!!" Peche first talking to Dondochaka then yelling to nameless.
Nameless then looked to Peche and said nothing, "I don't know my name" suddenly in front of Nameless the other arrancar lifted is left arm and pointed his finger at Nameless, "Don't ignore me!!!....CERO!!!" Nameless looked back in a panic and his wings wrapped rushed in a attempt to wrap around him but it wouldn't make it. A massive spiritual pressure spiked forcing down upon both of the arrancar, "What is .." suddenly someone forced Nameless back and as he looked up his wings stopped closing there was a women who stood in front of Nameless. "Beautiful" he thought has he examined her body and her green hair.

A cero was shot from this arrancar's finger, Nameless watched just as the Cero stopped in front of this women and she opened her mouth and devoured it. "NEEELL-SAMMA!" Peche and Dondochaka yelled.
"This was who helpped me?" Nameless thought to himself. Suddenly seconds after she devoured the arrancar's cero she shot one back herself from her mouth the power behind it was massive and this shot the arrancar back many feet. After the dust faded and the arrancar was verified dead. Nel turned to face Nameless and in doing so Nameless's face turned pitch red, and blood shot out his nose as he thought "PERFECTION!!".

"Thank you for standing up for Peche and Dondochaka now tell me your name." Nel said seriously, "My name..." "Yes your name BIRD" Nameless glared to Peche as he slowly cowered behind the rock once more. Nel suddenly smiled "Your name will be Hayato ok? .. Hayato Hibiki" she said slightly tilting her head looking as cute as she could. Hayato then grinned only if you teach my what you just did. Nel smiled and said, " ok Hayato-san!" "Hayato eh?"

Time passed and eventually Hayato Hibiki learned how to use Doble Cero being taught from Nel a former espada and alot of low powered shots of cero to Hayato's mouth. He became close friends with Peche and Dondochaka but one morning he awoke before Peche and Dondochaka to leave it was his time to move on and Nel caught him on his way out and said good-bye his last thought was "good-bye perfection"

Hayato Hibiki wandered once more but now with a name and power he slowly battled more and more hollows and arrancar protecting the weaker ones, in doing so he became more and more powerful slowly recruiting any he see fit to follow him. Years past by and the name Hayato Hibiki was well known and had many followers and many that have tried to back stab him and stand against him with this he had much practice with his abilities and over the years learned them well there was no follower that knew of his abilites because he would kill ANYONE that saw it.

Hayato's followers were loyal they would gladly die for him but that was not how Hayato wanted most battles he enjoyed fighting himself, many scars grew upon Hayato making him even more fearful then what he was.

His personality slowly changed throughout the years separating from the un-pure breeds of arrancar and started to gather those only pure breeds who seemed to be stronger and more loyal but due to the years he also become more strict and merciless upon these traitors and who stood in his way. He began to let fear sit in the heart of many around him but Hayato would always have a kind side that he built while being with Nel. Hayato would slowly grow his follows with this fear,kindness,merciless and strictness and eventually be superior to all others.
And any who saw Hayato feared him from then on seeing the hidden Killing intent within him.

Side Notes: the teachin of doble is in history.
RP Sample: Do I need to?
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