My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

 [Event] Meeting of Enemies Empty [Event] Meeting of Enemies

Wed Jun 02, 2021 3:14 am
Alondra was sitting on a rafter watching the faraway battle of the Cero and Primera from her Perch "The girl is gone now.  How have they not realized that? Hopefully, they won't kill each other over a pathetic shinigami that has allowed herself to be kidnapped and make war..."She said to herself, her feathers shaking a bit as they relaxed wrapped around her. She was the fraccion of the 5th Espada, a simple Low tier Arrancar still adjusting to her recent change in Espada. She blinked a few times watching the battle before letting out a sigh. Las Noches was crawling with filthy shinigami trying to take back a fellow comrade. Of how pissed they must be once they find out she was returned back home. Alondra could only imagine the possibilities of what will happen to the shinigami girl when her comrades get home. Maybe she was safer staying among the Espada if she was to think about it having two wrapped around her finger. Disgusting.
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Join date : 2021-05-26

 [Event] Meeting of Enemies Empty Re: [Event] Meeting of Enemies

Wed Jun 02, 2021 7:59 pm
"Just because she may not be here doesn't mean us Shinigami can't still benefit, Arrancar."

The feminine voice reverberates almost straight upwards. Laced within its stern, almost irked tone lays a sort of challenging underbelly--one that drips with particular nastiness. Peering down would reward Alondra with a sight of the very race she'd so easily spat upon; with her body turned towards the Arrancar's left flank, Kaiura Shigaisen stares up at the avian Hollow with a single, piercing eye visible. She wears her full personalized Shinigami uniform, and her Zanpakuto--stored in a steel-blue sheathe modeled after crashing waves--remains securely fastened to her right hip.

Her right hand rests upon the sword's hilt; nowhere on the extremity does it appear relaxed in the slightest.

"After all, both Shinigami and Humans, perhaps even Quincies too, could benefit from a couple less Arrancars roaming around and murdering us."

Shiga's gaze narrows slightly, though Alondra likely still sees exclusively the one eye.

"I'll only ask once. Where is the Captain of the Kido Corps right now, and what is her status? If you answer truthfully, I'll make your death swift and painless."
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

 [Event] Meeting of Enemies Empty Re: [Event] Meeting of Enemies

Wed Jun 02, 2021 10:30 pm
"We all would benefit less shinigami stepping foot in our territory. Kinda rude to not take your shoes off in someone else's home."She replied blankly slowly standing up from the rafter she sat on looking towards the shinigami "If you can't put two and two together or sense the shinigami captain then there is no hope for your kind. Even I can sense her from here. Though I will say, It was ingenious of her to set the Cero and Primera against each other. Really smart of someone so small."She spoke looking back towards the Primera's palace. "The Captain you are looking for is at the Primera palace. A free-roaming trophy in a cage of a paradise. But you better hurry if they battle she will not exist from the gravity between the two alone."She said before looking back at the shinigami. "You speak of death, death god, but my life is not yours to claim tonight."She added allowing her cloak to move revealing her six wings as her left hand rested on the hilt of her own blade as her other kept behind her back
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Join date : 2021-05-26

 [Event] Meeting of Enemies Empty Re: [Event] Meeting of Enemies

Fri Jun 25, 2021 1:18 am
"What makes you think you deserve even an ounce of respect, Hollow? This isn't a home. This is a breeding ground for you parasites to fester and grow. Thinking you're entitled to something like're utterly reprehensible."

Her grip upon her Zanpakuto's hilt tightens.

"Run your mouth, Hollow. Savor that tongue of yours. It'll be the first thing that goes." She fully faces Alondra, teal eyes narrowing. "I've felt her this whole time. I know her general whereabouts. I'd merely made the mistake of assuming you'd be capable of a few droplets of courteousness without stooping into foolishness."

A glint of silver quickly lengthens at Shiga's right hip, being accompanied by the piercing smoothness of metal sliding against wood; in a mere second, she stands tall with her blade raised and pointed straight at the Arrancar. Her expression grows in hostility, though it remains entirely controlled.

"If you honestly believe that, scum, then it is you and your kind that has been lost. will repent."

A sightless pressure exudes from Shigaisen, but it remains stationary for only an instant; her entire form whisks into invisibility as she Shunpos straight for Alondra. If her aim is true and her speed appropriate, her blade will find its mark at the convergence between the Arrancar's shoulder and neck in a matter of seconds.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

 [Event] Meeting of Enemies Empty Re: [Event] Meeting of Enemies

Fri Jun 25, 2021 4:31 am
"You think this of not home but I can say the same for your Seritei. It too is a breeding ground for parasites like yourself. We are of different feathers but the objectives of our existence are the same, we are weapons of destruction. I eat souls and Shinigami, you destroy hollowfied souls and allow others to go forgotten as gifts for us...If I am correct uh."She said looking up in thought, trying to remember what she was going to say.

Her eyes dilated with the sudden notice of her change as she took a step to the side seemingly falling off the side of the beam, barely avoiding the Shinigami's blade as some strands of hair fell after her "Aw. I didn't need a haircut, Master Seersee won't like that being off. You are so mean" she muttered in a pouting tone, lifting a hand from within her feather cloak to feel the cut strands of hair. "You got to bring out your blade Shinigami, you are free to leave now. I am not the match you crave tonight."She stated a bit louder looking up towards the woman, her gold eye glowing through the darkness as her hand disappeared back into the feathered cloak.
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Join date : 2021-05-26

 [Event] Meeting of Enemies Empty Re: [Event] Meeting of Enemies

Sun Jul 04, 2021 12:29 pm
Shigaisen stands perched in the near-exact space the Arrancar had just occupied. The darkness being offered by the looming rafters help to illuminate her own teal irises; both glow with the crashing waves of her ocean-blue Reiatsu, all while the rest of her face remains obscured. Her grip on her Zanpakuto tightens slightly.

"That's enough, Hollow. You truly are a fool, and a monster. Look at yourself. Everything has to be reduced to destruction and death; chaos and violence. Everything you've done since obtaining that hole in your body revolves around this, and it'll continue doing so until the day you're reduced to dust. Fact of the matter is, we purify the tainted. We provide the bridge for which Souls can pass over. I know we cannot save's why we continue working in the first place."

She raises her sword again, its metallic sheen bisecting her silhouette into two. "There is no reason to leave. You are my enemy; you're to be cleansed. It's the least I can do for letting you slip through the cracks. If you truly believe in your skewed convictions, you'll raise your weapon and challenge me. Otherwise, I'll cut you down and release you from that form."
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

 [Event] Meeting of Enemies Empty Re: [Event] Meeting of Enemies

Wed Jul 07, 2021 2:57 am
Alondra watched her as she sighed "I really didn't care to fight anyone tonight, it would be better I didn't."She spoke moving over to a wall wit h a crack at ther bottom as she reached into her feather cloak pulling out a Glowing worm "Alright friend, You can go enjoy your life now, your safer down there."She Spoke moving the worm to the hole wa tching it vanish into the darkness of the crack. She then pulled out her white sheathed blade as gold feathers seemed to flow down the sheath. Her cloak shifted some before opening to reveal 6 large wings with similar markings of an owl's. "The Name is Alondra Owlacle"She spoke "I am the Fraccion of the 5th Espada."She said allowing herself to atleast introduce herself before they fully being to battle
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Join date : 2021-05-26

 [Event] Meeting of Enemies Empty Re: [Event] Meeting of Enemies

Fri Jul 09, 2021 11:38 pm
"If you were serious about that sentiment, then you wouldn't have stuck around here in the first place."

Kyura clenches her jaws, remaining valiant in front of the Hollow. The possibility of danger isn't lost upon her; as non-committal as this Hollow may seem, the weight of her Spiritual Pressure isn't lost upon Shigaisen. Her sword-hand is steady, ready to make a wide variety of practiced and honed movements at the twitch of a muscle. Such is the bare minimum for the Third Seat--hardly a participant on the front lines until now, yet unequivocally prepared for the day an excursion of this caliber arrived.

No amount of training could prepare Kyura for the Arrancar's next decision, however. Seeing the bird-woman's back leaves the Third Seat baffled, and if only for a moment, she fails to generate anything resembling a reaction. She can only watch, eyebrows raised.

'Is she truly that naïve? Doing that for a worm--'

A thought flashing into her mind widens her eyes, casting its ugly shadow upon the floor within. Kyura exhales, quickly reconciling; her face rapidly returns to its default assertiveness, though Alondra could gleam from the Shinigami a sense of...understanding?

"Not only did you keep a worm as your companion, but you--a Hollow, and an avian at that--decided to let it free without injury. I didn't know Hollows could be so well-mannered. However."

Within the blink of an eye, Kyura is gone--but not her Reiatsu, not completely. It follows her as a trail follows a comet; if Alondra is capable enough, she could faintly feel Kyura's torrent of scalding spiritual pressure peeling around to her flank. Once she's a mere few meters from the Arrancar, she phases back into sight with her sword raised.

"If you're this conscientious with worms, then you should have understood the risk of turning your back on me from the very start!"

By the end of her sentence, she's dropping her blade directly towards Alondra's throat.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

 [Event] Meeting of Enemies Empty Re: [Event] Meeting of Enemies

Sun Jul 11, 2021 5:22 am
"I am around cause I was asked to be here by my Espada, nothing more than to observe and understand."She spoke to her remark, seeming a bit confused about the whole discussion of why she stayed. She had her orders; she followed them? Was there more she needed?

She immediately moved to have a bit of delay to catching up to Kyura's slight change in mindset upon seeing her actions towards a worm "I did that because it is part of my training, nothing more."She added, "Kinda odd, isn't it to see a reflection of sorts."She added, humoring herself a bit. Though the next instant she saw Kyura was gone. "oh no."She spoke, looking around, trying to see where the shinigami went, unable to keep track of her presence before she stiffened up once she finally sensed kyura's presence behind her. She turned quickly, hearing her words plain  as day while the world seemed in slow motion to her "If you're this conscientious with worms, then you should have understood the risk of turning your back on me from the very start!" Alondra brought her blade up in response to block hers while she muttered a simple phrase, "Fly,  Kowareta fukurō."

Upon speaking the words, a huge burst of reiastu was released, pushing Kyura away along with cracking the walls around her. "It has been a while since I have needed to allow any power out."She said, taking a deep breath to keep herself calm. She still wasn't use to releasing her power this much. She knew she wouldn't last very long in this form if she couldn't keep focused.
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Join date : 2021-05-26

 [Event] Meeting of Enemies Empty Re: [Event] Meeting of Enemies

Sat Jul 17, 2021 12:42 am
Kyura's jaw sets. What had just appeared to be contempt on her face has now morphed into near-mocking hostility. "So you're still a developing chick, in other words. Well, at the very least, don't hold me accountable for ending your existence here. It's your Espada you'll need to blame for leaving you unaccompanied."

With her foreboding comments hanging in the air, Kyura vanishes from visual perception with her Shunpo. She wraps clockwise around the Fraccion, moving in to strike from Alondra's southeast. Just as Shigaisen raises her blade to the correct angle, she finally reappears--only to be parried by the Arrancar. She tries to act fast and raise her free hand, ready to try and overwhelm the Hollow...but the words that exit Alondra's mouth turns her immediate offensive into dust. Kyura only possesses enough time to brace herself before the tidal wave of Reiatsu hardballs her away. She hits the ground once with a yelp before quickly re-orienting herself and tenuously landing upon her feet, sliding to a stop.

Shigaisen exhales, her left shoulder aching from the impact, but she's able to straighten herself up with her Zanpakuto still tight in her right hand. She peers towards Alondra; she could only imagine what the Arrancar could look like--and more-so what she could do. Another frown grows on the Shinigami's face.

'I'd rather put her down right here, but I can't take any risks...I can't be completely confident that what I have now will be enough.' As she rationalizes to herself, Kyura slowly raises her sword-arm until it's perpendicular to the rest of her body. An almost intimidating tranquility settles around the Shinigami, as if she's a motionless lake about to begin crashing its waves into its surroundings.

Then, without further prompting, she declares her own command.

"Scald, Shakunetsu."

The surge in Reiatsu is the first to break the surface. Kyura's ocean-blue-colored energy billows from her form, pressurizing the air around her with its respectable density. Following after a couple-second lag is the scent of humid dew in the atmosphere near Shigaisen, as if a warm rain-shower is about to pour down upon her. To the Shinigami, it fills her form with a sense of security and confidence--she knows Shakunetsu no Taki is right by her side. Perhaps the most showy element of her release, however, comes to the sword that rests firmly in her hand; two fierce vortexes of near-boiling water spill out from either side of Kyura's right hand, rapidly spinning and elongating until the entire length reaches about 7 and a half feet long.

Just as quickly as the entire event took place does it all finish. In a surprisingly-vibrant display, the vortexes surrounding Kyura's blade suddenly rip themselves apart and toss hot water particles into the air, giving space itself a shimmering quality. The show is only half the development, however; her blade has shifted from a normal katana to a skeleton-type polearm measuring over seven feet in length, with two-thirds of said length comprised of two curved, opposite-facing blades. She lowers the weapon to her side...before pointing a finger of her free hand straight at Alondra.

'Before she can get in close--!'

"Wakihou!" In a matter of seconds, three boiling-hot bubbles of water condense and fire off at the Arrancar's last location. Each hurtle at the speed of a Hollow's Bala, even as the first is the size of a basketball, the second is the size of a watermelon, and the third is about half of her un-released height.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

 [Event] Meeting of Enemies Empty Re: [Event] Meeting of Enemies

Fri Jul 23, 2021 1:39 am
Alondra watched kyura get tossed back. She was a bit surprised to see kyura wasn't so graceful on her feet with the re-orienting. However, she wasn't surprised to see that the shinigami followed suit; Alondra was prepared to handle the mass burst of reiastu. She flapped her six wings once before taking to a high window ledge to get some safe distance from the shinigami sudden release.

She blinked a few times to take in the sight, it was a pretty sight and one she could watch a lot of times in pure awe. She hadn't seen very many shinigami released into Shikai and nor has she seen one so showy and wet. They were interesting indeed. She watched the woman point to her before having to sondio out of the way of three balls of water "Hey! I was going to say, I love your transformation it is so pretty!" she called out "Though I hope you don't hate me after this."She called hovering in the air above Kyura as a feather removed from her wings. She raised her blade out towards Kyura before allowing a ball of energy to form at its end before firing a bala. Shortly after the bala was sent, Alondra formed the single feather into a long thin needle, sending it straight after the bala but an inch above it towards Kyura's Location.

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Join date : 2021-05-26

 [Event] Meeting of Enemies Empty Re: [Event] Meeting of Enemies

Wed Jul 28, 2021 12:52 am
What had been pure animosity seems to be starting to develop a branch of bewilderment within Kyura. As she watches the results of her water-orb assault and picks up on Alondra's words, she narrows her eyes. "I've gotten that compliment so many times it's almost an annoyance. If you think endearment'll be changing my outlook on you, you're sorely mistaken. Now..." Shiga swings the bladed polearm back, the weapon becoming almost parallel with her arm as it remains suspended in her grip.

"...let's get this over with."

Just as Alondra is beginning her attack, Kyura vanishes with Shunpo. At the level the Fraccion's at, she could manage to track the Shinigami if she's careful, but the boost in raw speed she's received is blatant. After what has to be only a couple seconds, Shiga re-appears--directly in front of Alondra, polearm raised and poised. Spinning around once, she swings one of the weapon's curved blades towards Alondra's chest.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

 [Event] Meeting of Enemies Empty Re: [Event] Meeting of Enemies

Thu Jul 29, 2021 10:10 pm
"It's only a compliment of what I have seen, nothing more"She spoke waiting for Kyura's next move before she tilted her head hearing a silent sound to her sensitive ears allowing herself to become distracted by it for a few seconds only to find Kyura in front of her once more, within striking range. She closed her eyes before allowing a faint glow to envelope her before she bent her knees pushing backward. From Kyura's view, she would see her weapon slicing straight through Alondra, though any satisfaction of the weapon hitting anything but seemingly air was correct as Alondra looked up smirking towards the shinigami "Sorry, my master calls, I must return"spoke the Alondra in front of her before it burst into glowing feathers , leaving the battlefield

(thread exit)

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Join date : 2021-05-26

 [Event] Meeting of Enemies Empty Re: [Event] Meeting of Enemies

Tue Aug 03, 2021 9:34 pm
Kyura's assuredness runs into a brick wall upon feeling the weightlessness of Alondra's visage against her Zanpakuto; what had been a look of determination upon her face morphs is shocked with a jolt of frustration and slight flabbergast. She flicks her gaze down, following the streak of spirit energy that blazes back to the floor below. Without wasting another second, she becomes a white and golden blur rushing after the Fraccion. About halfway down, Alondra's parting words reach her ears; Shiga glares with ferocity as she hurtles down, raising her weapon into the start of a striking motion.

"Filthy lapdog! Don't run away!"

Shiga thrusts her bladed polearm down, trying to impale Alondra straight through the top of her head--but to no avail. Even before her blade makes contact, she's greeted by a bundle of falling feathers that've taken the Hollow's place. Kyura lands hard on her feet with her weapon piercing into the floor a good couple inches.

'Damnit...I can't sense her nearby, either. Shit.'

She rises and looks around, but her more human senses soon come into agreement with that of her Shinigami senses. After a second she sighs and rises to her feet, her weapon becoming enveloped in another vortex of scalding water. Before long, she clutches her sealed, katana-like Zanpakuto. It rings with the sound of metal against wood as she slides it back into its scabbard.

'Seems like we didn't attract any other Hollows, at least. I shouldn't have held back on that Fraccion though...' She berates, shaking her head. 'Regardless...I can't exactly help with any of the Espadas. I'll have to rendezvous with the Stealth Force and get a sitrep.'

She sighs again and, with tension at one of its all-time highest peaks, sprints out of the building. Her hand remains affixed to the hilt of her sword.

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