My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Keith Ravarro
Keith Ravarro
Posts : 39
Join date : 2021-05-25

[Private] Arrancar Rookie in Noches Empty [Private] Arrancar Rookie in Noches

Thu Jun 03, 2021 7:24 pm
He had enough of the sands within Hueco Mundo, Keith saw that this place had no sand. What was this place never a hollow could create this? Something more must have happened here the hollows must have evolved into a new civilization. Even in his mind, it would have taken a strong warrior's mind and organizing a great group to do so. The Espada are acting somewhat more like the men and women within that place called the Soul Society, but are they the enemy? Keith didn't really think so with hollows running amuck in the living world it was only a matter of time. Before Hollows started killing too many and something had to be done about it that seemed reasonable enough. Now being here, Las Noches might have different objectives than that above all, he won't question it.

He was just a fraccion after all perhaps one day growing up the ranks. His position may be a lot better in the future depending on his actions his superiors will decide that. "So...This is Las Noches the home of Espadas what a bright future will come from this. What's in the past shall remain there and looking towards the future seems a lot better." He thought.

This seemed all too unbelievable but not now, He was now a new servant to Lady Aranche.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

[Private] Arrancar Rookie in Noches Empty Re: [Private] Arrancar Rookie in Noches

Tue Jun 22, 2021 2:30 am
Nakita looked around at the webbed forest and the mighty ruins of a castle that rested within her domain, all an elaborate show. It was the set the tone of who and what she was, That her castle could be described from a horror movie. through if one moved deeper into the ruins and underground they would find a well maintained and gothic styled architecture with b lack and red accents to really set the mood of the black widow called Nakita.

"Yes Children, we got a new sibling, you all are to play nice while around him and observe. He is one of us and like you all must grow and learn."Teased Nakita to the various hordes of spiders moving about the palace and territory "Do ensure his room isn't messy, I do not think he likes webs as much as the rest of us do."She said waving a long thing black-gloved hand sending some spiders away to tend to the errand.
Keith Ravarro
Keith Ravarro
Posts : 39
Join date : 2021-05-25

[Private] Arrancar Rookie in Noches Empty Re: [Private] Arrancar Rookie in Noches

Wed Jun 23, 2021 12:08 am
Lady Aranche was here still he thought of himself as a low-class member she was his superior. These were her grounds thinking he'll need to treat her with respect but really he was the student and she's the teacher. Keith was wondering where that memory came from it hasn't been affecting him before but just a memory. But now wasn't the time to think she was showing her around her home wondering what she has in store.

Then there was talk about showing him to his room. He was wondering if he was one of her children but still this man was a fraccion now and rules need to be followed. Spiders were around but this was her home and him being a new member of her family. He shouldn't be even thinking what else lurking here but he wanted to start training. Keith thought there will be time for that at least once given the chance but not to spoil the mood. Like a good fraccion the arrancar just followed and try to follow her orders as best he could.

He started looking around saying "I've never seen something like this. You own this?"
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

[Private] Arrancar Rookie in Noches Empty Re: [Private] Arrancar Rookie in Noches

Thu Jun 24, 2021 7:34 pm
"Yes, This is my palace, My territory that my children are allowed to be whoever they want to be without bugging anyone else. Most don't like my children creeping around or spreading their artwork everywhere, which infuriates me but I understand at the same time. You are one of my children and my student. Here is your home, you can freely fight who you wish for as long as you remember, death is around every corner in every fight. Remember this, Only I am allowed to take your life, No one else has that right so win as your life depends on it" she said in a darker tone allowing her eyes to become smaller and more set in a killing manner before she returned back to normal
Keith Ravarro
Keith Ravarro
Posts : 39
Join date : 2021-05-25

[Private] Arrancar Rookie in Noches Empty Re: [Private] Arrancar Rookie in Noches

Fri Jun 25, 2021 9:02 pm
Not complaining well he couldn't this woman was allowing him to stay in this house as long as he's loyal. Keith wanted many things even the chance of surpassing her, so he'll follow orders and behave for the time being. He told him the rules meaning everything must be successful and winning at all cost. She asked for the impossible but knowing what she can do losing wasn't an option. It kind of makes you wonder what the leader of the Espadas is like if she was so kind but somewhat ruthless. What level was the leader of the Espadas at? Keith wasn't going to waste any time for the most part this was a whole better than the desert this is a start.

He needed to start training right now but the Arrancar stops for a moment. What should he do? He wanted a lot of things yet, he knows there something to an Arrancar then Resurreccion. Wondering if it was possible to tap into that power somehow but deep down he wasn't ready for that.

"I must get stronger. My life is on the line and if I fail the consequences might be beyond brutal" For now, Keith started meditating trying to increase his spiritual pressure by breaking it down. Hoping to expand it larger to make it into a higher form of energy. It was hard to focus upon his dark shadow energy and then slowly break it down, reformatting it. Emitting it into a shadow dark aura constructing upon the ryoka energies. Not only that but convincing and concentrating upon some reishi particles gave him a little strength. It was a hard process focusing upon the spiritual energies through his meditation trying to break it down and remake it trying to make a stronger spiritual pressure. He started coughing up blood because it was too much upon his body.

Keith started sitting back upward thinking "His life on the line...He can't fail" He started again meditating again focusing upon his spiritual pressure working upon it. Summoning balls of shadow fire trying to hold the maximum amount of spiritual pressure. As the shadow fire started turning red. He lost control the warrior shooked his head continuing it again.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

[Private] Arrancar Rookie in Noches Empty Re: [Private] Arrancar Rookie in Noches

Mon Jun 28, 2021 11:44 pm
Nakita watched him from a distance "Keith, learn to breathe and find your center first, then meditate on that balance in you...That will benefit your growth."She said folding her arms in front of her chest looking down at him with her cold crimson eyes piercing through the darkness. " A sound soul rests in a sound mind and sound body."She said "Unbalance is maybe our ways to handling our foes but if we are not balanced they will end us"She spoke, "I think the best training you can do is either fighting me to understand where you falter or seeking out other Arrancar and fraccion to fight"She said giving her insight on some growth
Keith Ravarro
Keith Ravarro
Posts : 39
Join date : 2021-05-25

[Private] Arrancar Rookie in Noches Empty Re: [Private] Arrancar Rookie in Noches

Fri Jul 02, 2021 12:25 am
What was it doing wrong? It didn't make any sense for the foremost it was working but something a key element was missing from the training. Then she appeared and yet everything changed she told him the rules. But why was she here? He wasn't complaining because Lady Aranche has strong spiritual pressure. Keith wanted to build himself up then she started giving him instructions about it. He started listening and perhaps she was right, it might be wrong what he was doing and too brutal. She has got some great insight about the breathing techniques of meditating that seemed correct.

Then she started talking about fighting her which sent shivers down his spine. He could do that what if he does someone bad and loses control. "Fight you? I couldn't it feels wrong to attack you since your the boss."
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

[Private] Arrancar Rookie in Noches Empty Re: [Private] Arrancar Rookie in Noches

Sun Jul 04, 2021 3:33 am
"Sparing for one's betterment and fighting just for one's bloodlust is completely different , One is simply to test your strengths, show weaknesses and see where you are compared to where I want you to be. Each fight is a dance and if you think you can run in and take everyone and thing without knowing what your doing is a way to feding others,"She spoke "strategy and knowing of your strengths is what you need to know"she spoke to him "So fighting me can help you gage yourself against one like me."she said "after all, if your going to defeat me and take my place, i expect nothing less"she said
Keith Ravarro
Keith Ravarro
Posts : 39
Join date : 2021-05-25

[Private] Arrancar Rookie in Noches Empty Re: [Private] Arrancar Rookie in Noches

Mon Jul 05, 2021 1:17 am
He needed to swallow his pride and try listening to her orders it may be for his benefit but it felt really wrong. Keith thought he'll never evolve if he didn't take any risks and challenges in the future. It must be a moral compass after being in the desert for so long not harming innocent people. What was that feeling? Not harming people these memories will only hold him back but impossible to ignore. He'll need to try as the Arrancar unsheath his zanpakuto and getting ready into a warrior's stance. But the desire to take her place was filling his mind becoming an Espada, Keith didn't believe that would be possible. To replace Lady Aranche? It was a goal worth fighting for and motivate him to go out and do his best in battles and training.

"It's now or never, I'd better get started and go for an attack." He thought. Calming down his worries and regaining his focus and set on accomplishing his training session with Lady Aranche.

Keith kept his stance and then moving forward with his zanpakuto and then charged with Sonido going for a slash attack.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

[Private] Arrancar Rookie in Noches Empty Re: [Private] Arrancar Rookie in Noches

Sun Jul 11, 2021 4:41 am
nakita watched him seem to debate what he was going to do, whether it was to take her up on her offer and fight her in a friendly spar or if he was going to continue his own method. Nakita watched him with her red eye allowing a smirk to form on her lips as she moved one hand behind her back while moving her other one out infront of her as he got in a low stance and started with a simple Sondio, slash combo "Not bad but remember. You are a tiny bug compared to me. You have to out think me."She spoke side stepping out of the way of his slash and sondio attack "Predict what I will be doing next."She spoke
Keith Ravarro
Keith Ravarro
Posts : 39
Join date : 2021-05-25

[Private] Arrancar Rookie in Noches Empty Re: [Private] Arrancar Rookie in Noches

Wed Jul 14, 2021 6:56 pm
Something the new warrior didn't even consider to act like a well-skilled fighter and plan ahead for attacks. Keith needed to plan this out and attack her very differently than going all out like before. But this was going to be difficult but his life on the line and he needed to think like being in a dangerous situation or a near-death situation. Thinking of one option and started planning out and then coming with a good plan hoping it could work. He fired a cero attack upon the ground causing a smokescreen this could work.

"Alright" He charged firing two cero in close different directions to distract Lady Aranche for a moment.

Using the sonido technique and dodged behind her and with some quick movements doing a barrel roll. Then with enough force rushing in and kicking her hard in the face.
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[Private] Arrancar Rookie in Noches Empty Re: [Private] Arrancar Rookie in Noches

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