My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

No Country for Old Men Empty No Country for Old Men

Fri Jun 04, 2021 3:34 am
Ika was thrilled.

Having recently met with Mirabelle he had been overseeing the construction of a new squad, the Kidou Research squad and he was already beginning to scout the Gotei for talents to join it. This objective was one of the utmost importance, imperative to the success of the squad but Ika had plenty of other important seeds to sew in order to see his objectives completed in a timely fashion. He arrived at the Kidou Commanders chambers, a cigarette ordained his lips and smoke slowly wafted through the air from it's tip, his eye was lazily obscured by the haze that accompanied his arrival. "Anna Nanashi, prodigy of the Nanashi clan and lap dog to the Gotei's favorite group of aristocratic old men.. I don't believe we've been introduced."

Ika took a bow mockingly, his left hand was cocked high into the air where as his right hand hung lazily by his chest. "It's an honor, how about we sit down and have a bit of a chat about the direction of things moving forward and where I'd like to see this division go, and where I'd like to see your talents utilized moving forward." With a wry wink, Ika invited himself in and placed his hat on a nearby coat-rack. "So, has your transition to power gone smoothly thus far?"
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

No Country for Old Men Empty Re: No Country for Old Men

Fri Jun 04, 2021 4:04 am
Anna sighed happily, as she just finished catching up on her paperwork and cleaning her office since her temporary unpaid vacation. She was happy to have a fresh clean office, even if she was exhausted and trying her best to ignore the cry that her body and brain let out on begging to rest. She didn't want to rest, she had so much to do, she needed to keep going to prepare for the next unwanted vacation. Maybe the green captain was scared to sleep cause that meant allowing herself to relax and reflect on the stresses. She didn't want to relax and reflect on the stresses.

No amount of planning could mentally prepare her to deal with the one person, she could have lived only hearing rumors of and never actually meeting. The Newest Captain Commander Ika Mazi. The Dreaded nucessiance of the gotei and its former commander's bastard child has an unwanted reputation and an attitude to go well with it. Well, his first introduction was an annoying one in her book as she sighed closing her eyes preparing herself for the possible scolding that was coming her way while listening to him. "By all means, make yourself at home, you don't need my permission obviously."She said already feeling a vein tightening from his annoyance. Her a lap dog...He was joking, right?

Taking in a deep breath she sat back in her chair crossing her legs while lacing her fingers together in her lap "It is a pleasure to meet you finally as I heard quite a bit of you from everyone, even my own mother, the head of my clan."She said, " However, As you know we don't operate fully under you just as many other organizations that have co-existed with assisting the gotei as needed."She said allowing another sigh as she scratched her head "I wish I could say it has gone as smoothly as your father and my family has hoped it would. The older remnants of self-entitled practitioners do not like the fact of a young blooded noble getting the captain spot when they spent ages at the craft. I have dealt with them with simple meetings and as my mother had suggested, allowing them to fight me for this spot. However, even with their choice and the outcome, none are happy about it. Others hate the young blood of my seatings and rankings because, well again, they believe me wrong in the choices because of their seniority. They still follow and do as they need and want even if they believe talking behind my back will do anything to me. I do get the issue, believe me, I have taken time reflecting and seeing their issue to maybe earn their loyalty. But that is a very steep uphill battle."She said "So as you can see, I am all ears for future improvements within the realm that is what this branch was made for."she added not liking where he was going with this. She heard the opinions of her bosses and she frankly agreed but then again she was by the book and by the book meant to be as loyal as the gotei's so-called 'attack dog' was.
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

No Country for Old Men Empty Re: No Country for Old Men

Sun Jun 06, 2021 3:48 am
The girl clearly didn't like him, add her to the long list of Nanashi's with a very distinct and obvious bone to pick with Ika. They were both by this point propped in their chairs in rather comfortable positions respectively, but it was clear to anyone with an ounce of sense which of the two of them held the leverage. Ika's eyes were dancing with excitement and plotted intent, the grin he wore was reminiscent of a child who knew he'd gotten away with something mischievous in nature. As he listened to her, he let what she say wash over him and leave whatever impression it was ultimately going to leave.

"I'm sure your mother had plenty of stories about me, I only wonder how many of them were actually true. The topic of the Kidou Corps' participation in the Gotei is actually the subject of my visit, but we'll touch on that here shortly." Ika took a drag off his cigarette, letting the smoke obscure her face as she talked to him, jawing on about her life story and all the things that she felt made it interesting. Once she was finished, he was relieved that he'd finally be able to get a word in edge wise. "Well, I guess I should tell you about the new Kidou Research squad within the Gotei hm?.."

If the grin on Ika's face hadn't made it clear, his explanation surely would. "I have no interest in the platitudes and political decisions of fossilized aristocrats, and I will no longer be dedicating military resources to them. The Kidou Corps will hereby be cut off from academy students, and those who display a unique penchant for Kidou will be automatically enlisted in the Kidou Research squad under Mirabelle Bonnet, perhaps you've met?" Once again, the infliction in Ika's voice made it clear that he knew the answer to his own question. "I will see the Kidou Corps starved out and eliminated unless you are able to beat me in a bit of a game, a bet if you will. Winner takes all, how does that sound Anna Nanashi?"
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

No Country for Old Men Empty Re: No Country for Old Men

Sun Jun 06, 2021 5:45 am
"Amaya watched him as she was literally reading him like a book, knowing full well the fact of Ika even bothering to step foot into her office after all this time along with his eyes humming with excitement to deliver news that t might devastate her. She sighed deeply before closing her eyes keeping a calm demeanor while listening to him "I am sure she has many and I am sure most are from rumors and assumptions here and there like everything else as I am sure you know nothing of me but heard stories of me whether they be true or not. That should take no part in this demand as I am sure there is no discussion to be had as this is the first time you have ever stepped foot in my office, which given events says bad things."She said calmly before opening her eyes swatting the smoke out of her face "I request you stop that or leave, not everyone likes that recking their office" She commented. She was interested in this new kidou squad but quickly knew what she was to expect the moment she heard Mirabelle's name.

" I know Mirabelle very well, we both graduated from the academy around the same time and even join the Kidou corps. As I am also sure, she has told you her dislike for me gaining what I have with my ever so lovingly silver spoon, so to speak" She said listening to him as she probably knew exactly what this was going to boil down to. "no, what you will be doing as it seems you have with all the newly made squads is killing tradition to a bloody pulp with a molded bloody wooden spoon, however, I guess I'll bite. If I had to say you're going to want me to fight Mirabelle in some way correct? That would be most logical and sensible in this situation as I do not feel it is an even field if it was you I might be facing much of any sort of competition."She said making some reasonable assumptions "And Just call me Anna, I have heard my name some many times the past few days, I prefer for just Anna to be said thankyou." she said brushing her bangs out of her face waiting to hear what the 'game' was.
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

No Country for Old Men Empty Re: No Country for Old Men

Fri Jun 11, 2021 1:53 am
The girl seemed to be doing her best to maintain a calm and collected disposition, she was hilariously and almost stereotypically in line with how her family acted in political situations. The girl tried her best to take control of the situation, and all this prompted Ika to do was kick his feet up on her desk, slowly but surely taking yet another drag off his cigarette as he stared at her. "Or what Commander, gonna have me removed? Good fucking luck."

He winked at her before returning to his cigarette, letting her talk herself through the situation while he amused himself with the smoke beginning to fill her office. "All Nanashi's are raised with a silver spoon just like Mazi's are, let's face it we're practically royalty around this shit-hole."

Ika sighed, standing up to confront the woman a bit more directly. "I am of the firm belief that Mirabelle is more fit for this spot than you are, and I believe competition breeds greatness. If I am wrong, I will swallow my pride and allow you to lead, she will serve under you but if I am right? You will join the Seventh Squad of the Gotei, the Kidou Research squad and you will be her second. Am I clear?"
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

No Country for Old Men Empty Re: No Country for Old Men

Sat Jun 19, 2021 12:22 am
Anna sighed seeing him acting as everyone else tended to act towards her "are you really pulling this."She said with a sigh hating this routine she heard of. she lifted her sheathed blade over her shoulder lifting the hilt against the window, opening it with ease to let the smoke out before allowing it to drop again beside her. She moved her free hand back and forth to clear some of the smoke from her face listening to him

'I think you just hate sharing your toys...fine, even though we gone through the academy same way and time and I stayed within my squad and duties, I will face her just to get you out of my office."She said blankly not liking the idea of fighting or even having to switch squads. this will be annoying either way.
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

No Country for Old Men Empty Re: No Country for Old Men

Tue Jun 22, 2021 4:25 pm
The woman seemed a bit despondent towards her current situation but Ika couldn't really bring himself to care. She asked if he was really pulling this which simply prompted him to react with a nod, and another puff of smoke leaving his nostrils right in front of her. "Well of course I am, I'm the Captain Commander and frankly, I wouldn't be here if I wasn't."

The girl seemed to mull her options, coming to the conclusion that this wasn't something she could worm her way out of she simply made what concessions she had to in order to get Ika to leave her alone. In fairness, this was about as smart a decision as she could make, and it would allow Ika enough satisfaction for him to back off. "Well well, I look forward to seeing what you can do against another talented Kidou Practitioner young Nanashi. Do send my regards to your family, it's what father would've wanted."

Ika raised his hand with a sly smirk, waving goodbye in an instant before disappearing out the window she had opened, heading back to his office for more pressing matters.

His work here, was done.

-exit thread-
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