My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Join date : 2019-11-13

Noroshi Haruka [WIP] Empty Noroshi Haruka [WIP]

Mon Nov 18, 2019 1:28 am


Name: Noroshi Haruka
Real Age: Unknown (Appears to be in his late teens, early twenties.)
Gender: Male
Personality: Haru, Initially comes across as very cold and calculating, often introducing himself as someone who looks out for his self-interest and nothing more. When asked about his philosophy on life, Haru will respond that he cannot afford to trust anyone, though it is not, he will say, by choice that he was forced to adopt this survivalist mentality. On the contrary, he would like nothing more than to be free to exercise loyalty, but needless to say, the time for heroes has passed.

Haru’s actions do not align with his words. Indeed, even his words bear little consistency over time. Underneath his all-too-transparent outer shell of neutrality beats a deceptively self-sacrificing heart. Though he may initially speak against unnecessary risk at another's expense, he will inevitably go into the depths of hell for any passerby in need of help, and he will do so time and time again. What’s more, Haru acts constantly without regard to personal gain, oftentimes risking life and limb for sake of one who he has been given no tangible motivation to care about one way or the other.  It could be argued that his true nature is the diametric opposite to his exterior, his moral code is based entirely around the principle of undying devotion and compassion toward his fellow man. Even if stripped of his higher faculties, it is completely possible that Haru would still be left with this single, altruistic instinct that has become so ingrained in his very existence.

When pressed or confronted by a truly apathetic or villainous individual, Haru will always be the first to leap to the defense of the weak or compassionate, further cementing him as a man of contradictions. Without fail, he has some impassioned espousal or other to counter the world’s most jaded nihilists. Under ordinary circumstances, Haru could be described as a man of few words- withdrawn, some might even say shy. However, in times of stress, he can be an impressive wordsmith, capable of weaving together a powerful, emotional argument in favor of his rather lofty ideals. He knows, perhaps better than most, that the world is not quite where he would like it to be, but he feels very strongly that civilization has not deteriorated past the point of no return. This optimism, even extending to his manner of speech, appears to be instinctive; Haru knows that what he does is far from rational, but nevertheless, he’s compelled by some nameless force to fight and speak out for righteousness.


Height:  172 cm (5'7½" Feet)
Weight: 60 kg (132.277 lbs)
Physical Traits: Haru can be best be described as a young man in his late teens with bright golden eyes and short eyelashes that sit just below his thin eyebrows.  His skin is brown in complexion and smooth showing no signs of scars or blemishes. His lean build grants him high flexibility and a relatively light body frame. An asset to his renown speed and agility. He is quite athletic with an impressive physique not easily observed through his clothing. His most distinguishing feature would be his hair which are black dreadlocks styled in a half-ponytail that has long been established as his only sign of pride in his altogether appearance.

In regards to his clothing, Haru favors wearing long sleeve jackets with a white button-up dress shirt underneath and khaki pants that match his brown (or black) loafers. The white dress shirt, however, seems to be more prominent in standard attire as well as the numerous accessories that adorn him. These accessories can range from his small red hoop earrings to the silver rings and wrist bands found on either hand. Interestingly, Haru has been spotted wearing a pink bandanna around his head on occasion, but that has mostly been within the past and it is currently unknown whether he still owns this memento. Though it has been rumored that on special occasions in which he takes a fight seriously he would redon the odd pink headband.


Strengths: [What are your character's strengths in combat?]
Weaknesses: [What are your character's weaknesses in combat?]

Ability Name: [Characters are allowed 1-2 personal abilities.]
Ability Description: [These can be combat oriented or roleplay oriented.]


Sealed Appearance: [What does your Zanpakuto look like sealed]
Zanpakutou Name: [What is the name of your Zanpakutou?]
Call Out Command: [What do you have to say to activate your shikai]

Boosts: Your stats are at base level.


Appearance: [What does your shikai look like]
Abilities: [What powers do you gain]

Ability Name: [Name of power]
Description: [Describe what your ability does]

Ability Name: [Name of power]
Description: [Describe what your ability does]

Ability Name: [Name of power]
Description: [Describe what your ability does]

Ability Name: [Name of power]
Description: [Describe what your ability does]

Boosts: x2 to all stats.


New Name: [What's your zanpakuto's new name? Ex: Tensa Zangetsu, Senbonzakura Kageyoshi, etc.]
Appearance: [What does your bankai look like? Character appearance changes, weapon changes, etc.]

Ability Name: [Name of power]
Description: [Describe what your ability does]

Ability Name: [Name of power]
Description: [Describe what your ability does]

Ability Name: [Name of power]
Description: [Describe what your ability does]

Boosts: x3 to all stats.


New Name: [What's your zanpakuto's new name?]
Appearance: [What does your bankai look like? Character appearance changes, weapon changes, etc.]

Ability Name: [Name of power]
Description: [Describe what your ability does]

Ability Name: [Name of power]
Description: [Describe what your ability does]

Ability Name: [Name of power]
Description: [Describe what your ability does]

Boosts: x4 to all stats.


History: [Optional]
Side Notes: [Anything you didn't say up above that's relevant to your character goes here.]
Roleplay Sample: [Optional]

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