My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Thor Blerster
Thor Blerster
Posts : 2
Join date : 2019-11-15

[Private] Follow the Blood Empty [Private] Follow the Blood

Fri Jun 18, 2021 9:07 am
Thor strolled through the corridors of Las Noches, his hands were resting on the top of his head and his fingers were drumming casually on his scalp. "What are the odds I'll run into someone who wants a fight, I wonder? I haven't had a decent battle in a while." he thought to himself as he abruptly turned a corner, hoping by some miracle someone would be there to start a fight with him; fate wasn't in his corner today, there was obviously nobody there. With a begrudged sigh, Thor moved through the corridors with a quickened pace. He left the large, white castle and walked to the large stairway leading out into Hueco Mundo.

He took a few moments to consider whether heading out into the desert to fight a hollow to fight would be worth it, they never really put up much of a challenge against an Espada. Thor shook his head and dropped his arms by his sides. He walked beside the stairs and sat on the ledge leading down into the harsh, wild desert. He brought his knees up and let his arms rest on them. Thor looked out into the distance, his brow furrowed because of Las Noches' artificial daylight. Unlike some, Thor didn't mind the sun. It was a pleasant change from the eternal moon of Hueco Mundo. But it also seemed more then that, Thor saw the sunlight as a symbol of how much arrancars had evolved above their hollow counter parts.

One of Thor's arms fell from his knee and his hand landed on the rock. He began focusing spiritual pressure into his index finger; he began to draw on the white surface, the heat of his rieatsu charred the rock as he doodled. Thor was never much of an artist, but drawing was always a fun way to pass the time. He drew a crude picture of a stick man standing upon a large structure that resembled a castle- possibly Las Noches. "Hmmm. One day, maybe, that'll be me." He said to nobody in particular, arrogance thick in his voice.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

[Private] Follow the Blood Empty Re: [Private] Follow the Blood

Tue Jun 22, 2021 2:55 am
"Looking for a fight is something all beings can sense here in las noches, words get ar found when ears are everywhere.."Spoke a voice as a small lone spider slowly lowered itself before others came from the shadow gathering in the same spot before a figure formed and grew, revealing the 6th Espada, Nakita Arachne "Someday, we all dream of being on top of a castle of our own, the strongest amongst our kind. What a dream that truly is huh?" she asked in a soothing voice as her crimson red eyes watched him "How are you today? I didn't mean to intrude, you just seemed lonely and well, my children and I understand that all too well in this world."She spoke wrapping her hands around the opposite elbow. holding up under her chest as she slowly moved forward, allowing the clicking of her heels to ring in the empty space till she was beside him. She moved her left hand behind her allowing a chair of webbing to form before she took her own seat, looking out with him into the desert
Thor Blerster
Thor Blerster
Posts : 2
Join date : 2019-11-15

[Private] Follow the Blood Empty Re: [Private] Follow the Blood

Fri Jun 25, 2021 2:27 pm
Thor felt a presence coming towards him as he was drawing. Glancing towards his right, he saw a woman approaching him. Not just any woman, of course. It was the sixth Espada herself, Nakita Arachne. "Dreams do become reality, in a way. If one is willing to put enough time and dedication towards it." Looking at the female, the Arrancar would respond with a smile on his face. "But... I have no intrest in becoming King, truth be told. I'm not cut out for the responsibility that comes with it and I'm humble enough to admit that." Sweeping the sand with his hand the Arrancar disfigured the sand image only to stand up and dust his trousers. "I'm more of a carefree person. I like to do whatever I want, whenever I want, however I want." He paused, "you can't have a mindset like that and rule over a kingdom due to the obligations you have, you know?" The last thing Thor needed was his freedom being ripped away. He liked where he stood, and hoped to keep it going.

Taking a step forward, Thor gazed at the woman that was in front of him as he began to speak, "well, it's nice to meet you, Nakita. I'm Thor Blerster, Tercero Espada." Raising his right hand up he wanted to see if the fellow Espada would accept it and show the courtesy of a handshake.

"Deep down... aren't we all a bit lonely?"
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

[Private] Follow the Blood Empty Re: [Private] Follow the Blood

Thu Jul 08, 2021 8:27 pm
Nakita silently watched him, listening to his words as she nodded "very true in that mindset I guess, though you seem to want to rule a kingdom."She spoked extending her own hand allowing it to embrace his own as she shaked his hand "Then again as espada, we are given our very own domains to rule over and train the fraccion and hollows that reside in them"she added before withdrewing her hand, allowing it to rest back in her lap. "So tell me about yourself, what do you seek in the espada, you are in a controlled place and restricted to follow the cero just like me."She spoke "So what difference does our positions make to this care free demenor you hold."she said resting her cheeck on her left fist watching him
Thor Blerster
Thor Blerster
Posts : 2
Join date : 2019-11-15

[Private] Follow the Blood Empty Re: [Private] Follow the Blood

Thu Jul 29, 2021 6:27 pm
"What do I seek?" The Arrancar paraphrased the females question as he pondered on it for a good few minutes before responding saying, "I seek connections and friendships." He paused momentarily, "yes, that's what I yearn for." Gazing at Nakita, Thor uttered as he sat on the ground. "I think that being carefree is not the way to put it. I just don't take myself too seriously." Flicking his gaze to his hand, the Arrancar would take a handful of sand, as he would let it slowly slip through his finger. "I think we all should be able to do what we want, when we want, without lettings some artibary confinements to dictate how we should act." Flicking his gaze at the female, the Arrancar would look at her without uttering another word at her for a few minutes before speaking again, "do you agree, Nakita?"
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[Private] Follow the Blood Empty Re: [Private] Follow the Blood

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