My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Thor Blerster
Thor Blerster
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Join date : 2019-11-15

[Private] Seen It All Before Empty [Private] Seen It All Before

Sun Jun 20, 2021 7:46 am
Lying in his bed for hours upon hours, Thor had a massive headache; maybe his brain chemistry was changing or maybe he just hit his head on his bed frame. Either way, the arrancar could not sleep anymore. No matter how much twisting and turning and holding his head, he could not get back to bed. He pulled himself out of his king sized white bed and onto his plain white floor. His steps off the bed echoed throughout the large empty room. What does Thor do right when he wakes up? He goes to get a drink. Over into the corner of his room lies a bar that creates a square in the corner of his own giant box. He went behind the bar and grabbed one of the alcohol hoses; this time the man thought he would take some Vodka out with him to find some fun. After a fifteen minutes or so of non stop drinking, the arrancar figured he would get off of his stool and out of his boring chambers to maybe find a someone to converse with.

Dressing up the arrancar would make his way to the passageways of Las Noches where he would waste thirty minutes of his time walking and sipping at his Vodka canteen. Getting bored of it the man would take a seat on a stool like thing only to focus his gaze at the wall in front of him as he waited patiently for someone to appear.
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Join date : 2021-06-19

[Private] Seen It All Before Empty Re: [Private] Seen It All Before

Sun Jun 20, 2021 12:50 pm
Tenkai had been wandering around the deserts of Hueco Mundo for days now, looking for something to do. He had been moving through the desert rather aimlessly, playing with what few hollows he came across, although most of them had been run of the mill and weak so they didn't last long or provide much entertainment. Letting out a sigh of utter boredom Tenkai kneeled down and started to trace lines in the sand.

"I wonder where everyone is? It's usually not this boring around here..." His voice was as soft and youthful as his appearance would lead you to believe. Sighing once more as he stood up Tenkai looked down at his leather bound gloves, a small smile spreading across his lips. "Well, might as well do something while we look." He spoke as he produced a slender string from one glove to the other a string made from his Reiatsu. While worthless in battle, it would serve for his purpose of entertainment. As he began to walk again the string began to weave around itself until resembled the shape and mechanics of a yo-yo, which he'd spend the next few hours entertaining himself as he walked.

Eventually Tenkai came upon Las Noches, home of the Espada. Although having been aware of it's existence Tenkai himself had never actually been in but always had a desire to visit. The Espada were supposed to be strong after all which means they would make good playmates. So, he decided to explore the castle of white to see what he could discover. Once inside Tenkai could sense many powerful presences spread throughout the area, many of them completely dwarfing his own power - this excited Tenkai and luckily one seemed particularly close by. Although the layout of the area was completely unknown to Tenkai, thanks to his Pesquisa navigating to his intended destination was rather easy.

When he finally rounded the last corner he found an older looking man staring at a wall with an empty glass. It was easy to tell how imposing this man's power was compared to his own and that simply made Tenkai smile. Without hesitation he walked up and sat down in front of the man, brimming with glowing eyes like a child meeting a Celebrity for the first time. The idea of the potential danger he was putting himself in never really crossed his mind. He just wanted to have an enjoyable time.

"You look really strong Mr..wanna play?" Tenkai asked, his face propped up by fist and his legs kicking happily. Although he looked liked a 14 year old child his mannerisms made him seem perhaps even younger.
Thor Blerster
Thor Blerster
Posts : 2
Join date : 2019-11-15

[Private] Seen It All Before Empty Re: [Private] Seen It All Before

Mon Jun 21, 2021 1:23 am
Thor was not an expert when it came to detecting or sensing spiritual pressure, but even a person like him could sense when someone was approaching him from quite near. This was a similar situation. Leaning a little bit back, Thor would turn his head towards the right as he saw a figure approaching him. Narrowing his eyes, he would observe who it was before coming to the realization that he had no idea who it was. "Mr. Wanna Play?" Thor uttered in a confused tone as he would turn his head to the front, left, and back to see who this person the stranger was calling out to. Quickly understanding that the fellow was most likely referring to him, the Arrancar would rub his forehead, feeling half-witted for his behaviour. His drunkenness seems to be affecting his powers of awareness, but in the man's defence, it had been a long day. Well, it did feel like it. Regardless, after listening to the Arrancar in front of him speak the man would respond with a smile on his face, "Yes. I do look strong, don't I?" He smirked, "does that interest you stranger?"

The stranger in front of him seemed playful and full of energy, which unfortunately couldn't be said towards Thor. Maybe drinking Vodka like it was the last bottle to be found wasn't such a bright idea after all. Be that as it may, Thor would go onto to interact with the fellow, "so. Who are you, if I may ask? Do you hold a rank in the Espada?" Before he could respond the man would interject, "if my questions surprises you, I do apologize. I haven't gotten the chance to meet other Arrancars around much since, for the most part, I spend most my time exploring the world of the living." Thor preferred spending his time out of Hueco Mundo. Why? Simply because he didn't consider gazing at the vast empty wasteland as an output of satisfaction.

The World of the living was his satisfaction.
Posts : 161
Join date : 2021-06-19

[Private] Seen It All Before Empty Re: [Private] Seen It All Before

Mon Jun 21, 2021 2:35 am
Tenkai was rather fascinated by his new found friend, he was clearly different from the other hollows - hell he was different from other Arrancar. He seemed a lot less serious by comparison and he seemed like a drunkard at best; But despite that his strength was clear to Tenkai and just as the stranger asked that indeed interested him, very much so.

"Yeah it does interest me! I want to be around strong people. I try to play with the normal hollows and such you find around in the deserts but they always end up breaking and it's never any fun." Tenkai responded enthusiastically, his energy starting to calm some as he got a hold of his initial excitement, composing himself more as the conversation went on.

"So. Who are you, if I may ask? Do you hold rank in the Espada?" Tenkai shook his head a little in response to the question as he answered. "No, I don't hold any kind of ranking here. I kinda just snuck in here out of boredom. Oh, I'm Tenkai by the way." Although snuck was perhaps the wrong word, the place wasn't exactly well guarded on the entrance. But then again when the inhabitants are like the man who sat before him, what need is there for a proper guard? It was at the end though he mentioned something that truly peeked Tenkai's personal interest: The world of the living. Although he never found anyone very fun to play with, Tenkai would be lying if he wasn't captivated by the colorful world. He'd probably live there if it wasn't for the robed ones.

"You go to the world of the living often? I've been once or twice, it's really nice there! Though there aren't many good playmates there. But still, it is pretty. What's your name by the way Mr?." Tenkai was excited to learn his name, not only was he strong but they seemed to hold similar interest. Perhaps though could play in the world of the living together sometime?
Thor Blerster
Thor Blerster
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Join date : 2019-11-15

[Private] Seen It All Before Empty Re: [Private] Seen It All Before

Wed Jun 23, 2021 3:55 am
Apparently, the man wanted to hang around with strong people, so he said. Thor could respect that. He understood that people who haven't yet reached their full potential tended to seek out individuals much stronger than them in order to not only hone their skills by learning from them but also to gather whatever information they could to reach the next level. It seemed like Tenkai was one of those people, who wanted to grow physically and mentally.

"Snuck, huh?" Thor uttered, leaning himself a bit back. "Well, just be glad that you found me instead of some other Arrancar. You could have lost your head for trespassing on Espada territory if the circumstances were different." Flicking his gaze towards the man, Thor would look at the man for a few seconds, trying to emphasize the fact that he was not bluffing. Most Espadas who resided in these halls were not like Thor, hell, they were completely different. While he didn't particularly mind something so irrelevant as trespassing, another could have in a way that would prove fatal to the one who violated the sacred grounds of the Espada. So, all in all, Tenkai was extremely fortunate to meet Thor. One could even say that he was just plain lucky.

The Arrancars demeanour changed entirely once the man showed that he was not only interested in the world of the living but also found said place to be nice. "Wow." It was the only word that Thor uttered, smiling from ear to ear. After one hundred and twenty plus years of existing, he has finally found another Arrancar who appreciated the world of the living just as much as himself. "Well, my friend, I can humbly say that you're lucky to have crossed parts with me. Fate has brought you to me for a reason, and it would be unwise not to make good use of it." Standing up, looking at the man in front of him, the Arrancar would throw a hand. "Thor Blerster, Tercero Espada." He paused, "be my Fraccion, Tenkai. We will train and explore whatever the world has to offer.

What say you?
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Join date : 2021-06-19

[Private] Seen It All Before Empty Re: [Private] Seen It All Before

Wed Jun 23, 2021 1:50 pm
He could've been killed if he had been found out? Tenkai hadn't even considered that as a possibility. "Yeah, I guess I did get a little lucky. I didn't even think about that I could be killed. I just was bored so I did it, yah know?" Tenkai rubbed the back of his head nervously as he thought about it. There were a lot of terrifyingly strong presences within this place, but that is what enticed him in the first place, a chance for good playmates. As the conversation drew on he noticed Thor began to smile, especially around the time Tenkai had mentioned his interest in the human world - Perhaps they had similar interest? Hard to say for sure though.

"Be my Fraccion, Tenkai.." Tenkai blinked in mild confusion, his head tilting to the side. While he had obviously heard of the Espada before, even if only vaguely in his wanderings, he had no clue what a Fraccion is or what purpose they serve. That said, Thor mentioned training and exploring the world together and no matter what being a Fraccion entitled that sounded like a fun time.

Tenkai responded promptly by sliding out of his seat, further exposing the height difference between himself and Thor and shook his hand. "I'm not sure what a Fraccion is but it sounds fun! By the way, I've heard the human world has amazing food. It's been so long since I've been, I wonder how it's changed." Tenkai spoke with an enthusastic tone as his mind temporarily wandered off into the oblivion and abyss of human food.
Thor Blerster
Thor Blerster
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Join date : 2019-11-15

[Private] Seen It All Before Empty Re: [Private] Seen It All Before

Mon Jun 28, 2021 3:52 am
Apparently, the man was not aware of who Fraccions were. So it was only fair for him to be properly educated considering the fact that he was now a Fraccion himself. "Simply put: Fraccion are subordinate officers who serve under the Espada." Concise and to the point. There was no need to explain any other irrelevant detail as it would confuse the new recruit even more. If he had a question, all he had to do was ask.

"You heard right, Tenkai." Thor responded with a smirk on his face. "Believe me when I say this: the diversity of the food found in the world of the living is truly out of this world. It cannot be even compared to the shite that is found in this dump." The more the Arrancar talked about the Hueco Mundo, the more his deep seeded hatred towards the place was revealed. In fact, he wasn't shy to reveal his true feelings. The more people that knew the state of this godforsaken shite hole the better. There was literally no point in living here, and if it was up to Thor, he would relocate the Espada to the world of the living.

"Anyway, enough about that. Would you like to see your quarters, Tenkai?" Before the fraccion could reply, the Arrancar turned around and began walking, giving a small wave from his hand as he did. Hopefully, the Fraccion was following him. "Maybe after we are done with this we could, you know, give the world of the living a visit to try some amazing dishes that you so much long for." The man had shown interest in visiting the human world, but was he really up to it? Thor was going to soon find out.
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[Private] Seen It All Before Empty Re: [Private] Seen It All Before

Mon Jun 28, 2021 12:24 pm
"That makes sense" Tenkai nodded to Thor's simple and to the point explanation. His eyes grew wide with excitement as Thor went on to confirm his assumptions about the foods of the human world, even expressing his general disdain for Las Noches itself - or perhaps for Hueco Mundo. An odd opinion for an Arrancar to have but honestly, not one that Tenkai couldn't understand. It was boring here and the human world had so much more variety by comparison. When offered to see his brand new home Tenkai gave a simple "Sure!" before following after Thor.

What really got Tenkai excited however was the offer to go to the human world with Thor to try some of the food and probably just in general explore. "Oh yes! That sounds extremely fun." Tenkai excitedly skipped around Thor in circles as they walked, much like a child would to a father who just gave them a big surprise present.

"I don't even know what I want, I just kinda wanna try everything. Oh do you think we'll get ambushed by any Shinigami? That could be lots of fun too." Stopping to think for a moment Tenkai calmed down and walked besides Thor as normal before looking up to him to ask "So what kind of things in the human world do you like to do Thor?" Tenkai held his head cocked to the side in curiosity to his new mentor's answer.
Thor Blerster
Thor Blerster
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Join date : 2019-11-15

[Private] Seen It All Before Empty Re: [Private] Seen It All Before

Sun Jul 04, 2021 2:42 pm
"Getting ambushed by the Soul Reapers in your current state would not fare well for you." Side-eyeing the man, the Arrancar uttered before continuing, "you're not ready to go head to head with a captain class Shinigami, Tenkai. Not yet, at least..." Thor wasn't going to mince his words and delude the man into thinking he was in some shape or form ready to face a Soul Reaper. The new Fraccion haven't yet experienced the horrors that lay ahead considering that he was new to all of this - and that was okay. The more he was with Thor, the more he would get to learn about the true nature of the world and what it had to offer him. Hopefully, Tenkai was ready for what was coming.

Not saying much of anything for the next few seconds or so, the Arrancar entered the room that was to his left. Walking a few steps inside of it, he threw his hand out as he showed the Fraccion the room which he would be sleeping in. "Well, this will be your room from now onwards." He said in a low tone as he glanced towards Tenkai. "And yes, I know, it isn't much at all but you can decorate it in the way of your choosing if you want to that is." Apart from a few pieces of furniture's the room was mostly empty, but Thor knew that Tenkai would take care of it and redecorate it as a whole.

Taking a few steps forward, Thor turned himself towards Tenkai as he began to speak, "you asked me the things I like to do in the world of the living; well, I most likely to travel and sightsee." He paused, "being an Espada, I get to, you know, travel around the world and experience different cultures with much ease. It's truly a remarkable experience that I cannot simply describe with words." A smile would be seen on Thor's face as he said it. Talking about the world of the living always had the tendency of putting a smile on his face. It was genuinely one of the things that made him happy.

Wrapping his hands on his biceps as his arms folded over his chest, Thor spoke, "do you wish to travel to the world of the living, Tenkai? If so, we can go now, if you like. I spent too much time in this dump for my own good - it's time to go explore." A perfect opportunity for the Fraccion to go on an adventure with the Espada. But, the question was, would he take it?
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[Private] Seen It All Before Empty Re: [Private] Seen It All Before

Sun Jul 04, 2021 11:06 pm
Tenkai listened intently as Thor spoke of his own weakness and there was nothing to argue, Tenkai simply wasn't up to that level yet. When Thor opened the door to his room Tenkai walked in and started appraising his new space. It was bare plain but it held everything one needed to live comfortably as far as bunking goes and frankly there was a lot of potential to what he could do to the room: It certainly beat roughing it out in the desert as he was accustomed. As Thor commented on how it wasn't much Tenkai shook his head, smiled and turned back to him

"No, it's perfect. Thanks for allowing me to stay here it's far nicer than living in the sands." Tenkai spoke in what he believed would be a tone showing his grattitude. His eyes sparkled like diamonds as he listened to Thor go on about his exploration of the human world, it's cultures and his general exploration. It sounded truly wonderful. Although Tenkai didn't have as much interest in the humans themselves as it seem Thor did, Tenkai was extremely interested in the things the humans made. Although weak, their ability to make fun things was truly something to be admired and it was something Tenkai wanted to experience for himself.

When finally offered a spot by Thor's side to go exploring the world with him, what was Tenkai to do but nod excitedly? "Yes that would be amazing! Can we go right now? Where are we going first?" Tenkai skipped over to his new friend's side, having completely forgotten about the prospect of mere strength and his normal violent playing, replaced by his fascination of the human world.
Thor Blerster
Thor Blerster
Posts : 2
Join date : 2019-11-15

[Private] Seen It All Before Empty Re: [Private] Seen It All Before

Fri Jul 09, 2021 3:47 am
The Fraccion was grateful, which put a smile on Thor's face. "I'm glad that you like it. It really is better than living in sands." The Arrancar chuckled only to take a step back. He himself had experience living in the godforsaken desert before he was recruited as an Espada, so he knew exactly how Tenkai felt. Guess, in a way, every Arrancar had some kind of mutual experience.

"Splendid! That's the spirit." The Arrancar would utter in a gleeful tone, quite happy that the Fraccion shared his enthusiasm on travelling and experiencing the world of the living. "Let's travel to Norway - I was born there in my past life, human life to be exact." Reaching into his coat the Arrancar would take a joint out, "yes, we will be leaving now." With that the Arrancar would start walking, motioning to Tenkai to follow him as he stepped out of the room. Scanning the area around him, Thor would place the blunt between his lips, only to light the joint up using a single finger. "Forget everything you know. This will change your outlook completely." With that Thor would gesture his hand only for a large Garganta to appear before them. "Stay close to me." Puff of smoke would be released from his mouth as the Arrancar would proceed to enter the Garganta.
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[Private] Seen It All Before Empty Re: [Private] Seen It All Before

Fri Jul 09, 2021 12:58 pm
"Yessir!" Tenkai gave a playful salute though his tone was filled with excitement. He had never actually been to a country outside of Japan before and never even heard of this Norway place but that only made it more exciting. There would probably be all kinds of things Tenkai had never seen or experienced before, food, games, clothes, maybe even different weather than he was used too.

Following his Espada's orders Tenkai would stick right by Thor's side as they both exited Las Nochas through the created garganta into the new adventure at this wonderful Norway place. The time for adventure was now and he was personally very excited.

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