My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Posts : 21
Join date : 2021-06-25

Yōko Hidetoshi Empty Yōko Hidetoshi

Fri Jun 25, 2021 10:10 pm


Name: Yōko Hidetoshi
Alias: N/A
Real Age: 22
Gender: Non-Binary [AGAB]

Personality: Most would describe Yōko as a quiet, but polite person that prefers to be alone. Though, that isn't true when she's around those they're familiar with. When around close friends and family, Yōko comes out of that hard shell and 'becomes' someone who is talkative, open-hearted, and has a sarcastic streak.

One thing that is the bane of their existence, assuredly, is her tendency to forget names nearly immediately after being told it. Sometimes Yōko does it intentionally to annoy others, if they annoyed her first. They rarely forget about other things, though, being otherwise observant.

The last, possibly most important, thing to notice, is that Yōko is generally innocent. Not that she won't pick up on statements with underlying dirty meanings, they assuredly will, but they haven't killed anyone. Yōko would assuredly hesitate in that area, especially if they knew the effects her arrows have (once they learn of them and train with them).


Height: 5'3 [160cm]
Weight: ~110lbs [49.8kg]
Physical Traits:
Yōko Hidetoshi Yoko-removebg-preview


History: [History goes here. Optional.]
Exposition: [Optional. What is your character? Beliefs, life views, goals, etc go here.]
Side Notes: [Anything you didn't say up above that's relevant to your character goes here.]


General Fighting Style: As Yōko's heritage has been kept away from them, they can only truly fight up close, while unarmed. Though they are pretty proficient with a bow and arrow. Truly, Yōko is unprepared for any sort of fighting situation, be it starting one or helping out. Any fights that use even an ounce of reishi or reiryoku, they have no place in, other than being a bystander.

Strengths: None, really. Never been in a fight in their life.

Weaknesses: Everything.

Ability Name: Scatter Shot
Ability Description: Yōko shoots an arrow that splits into five smaller arrows that are much faster than an individual, normal arrow. As fast and powerful as a Bala.
Ability Status: Not yet learned.

Ability Name:
Charge Shot
Ability Description: Yōko gathers up a larger amount of reishi from the environment and fires it all in one single arrow. Hits as hard and fast as a Cero.
Ability Status: Not yet learned.


Quincy Bow: N/A (As of right now)

Quincy Powers: Basic Reiatsu & Reishi Sensing

Quincy Items: N/A (As of right now)

Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Yōko Hidetoshi Empty Re: Yōko Hidetoshi

Sun Jun 27, 2021 1:31 pm
Approved, 4-3
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