My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Posts : 161
Join date : 2021-06-19

Phoenix and the Ancient King Empty Phoenix and the Ancient King

Fri Jul 16, 2021 11:22 am

It always seemed to end up this way. Weak fools opposing forces they have no business fighting and getting crushed for the trouble. The laws of this place were rather simple as far as Yekatarina was concerned.


The weak follow the lead of the strong. The weak train in an attempt to become stronger. Should the strong become the weak, the weak devour them and become strong. A simple cycle but one that demands respect, especially to those superior to you. That is where these no named Numeros went horribly wrong.


Yekatarina rested her bloodied, club of ice Ymir onto her shoulder as she looked over the resulting carnage. Three numbers, none of them even strong enough to be Fraccion from what she could tell dared to try and impede her desire to meet with the Cero king. None of them were dead currently though this was only out of respect for the man she had come to visit - she wasn't entirely sure how he operated and figured it was safer to keep them alive for now and should the Cero king agree with her way of doing things, she'd just finish the job on the way out probably.

"Assuming you're able to even hear me through those bloodied heads of yours, take note for next time. Strength determines ones worthiness in Hueco Mundo. Rank and strength are one in the same, so next time you feel the need to try and stop someone just because you don't know them, maybe take an honest evaluation first." Yekatarina spoke in a rough, almost gravely tone although her feminine notes were still there under the surface.

With that small annoyance taken care of she resumed her previous relaxed pace down the slightly less white hallways of Las Noches towards the chamber wherein the Cero King normally resides. Yekatarina had been awake for a number of years now but previously had no desire to be apart of any group, she simply wished to exist and up until recently she had felt she was strong enough for this to stay as it is.

Recently however she had witnessed a battle between one of the Espada and a Shinigami. The ensuing conflict made her realize just how weak she was in the grand scheme of things and that bothered her. She didn't want to follow, she didn't want to serve she wanted to lead or be left alone but it wasn't like she could forget what she saw. So with what strength she did possess she decided to come to Las Noches, introduce herself to the Cero King and ask to become one of his Espada. Hell, she was even willing to kill an existing one of if need be.

Yekatarina figured becoming an Espada under the king would be the easiest way to seek out enemies who can make her stronger. While serving would indeed be a temporary inconvenience, it was the price she had to pay for being weak after all. It was her own fault.

Finally after what felt like hours of exploring these strange halls Yekatarina eventually came to the doors to the kings chamber. While guards flanked the opening they didn't show her any hostile intent. Was it because unlike the previous idiots they had been aware of the power difference? Or was it simply because they knew she stood no chance against the king if she even tried? Possibly a mix of both. Walking past them and entering the chambers she looked around to see the king for herself, having only heard his name and reputation on the wind.

"I'm Yekatarina, Cero king. I've come to be counted amongst your Espada, if you'd be so kind. I'm more than willing to prove my worth of the title." Yekatarina attempted to keep her tone thoughtful and respectful, although it is clear this was not something she was comfortable with. She was used to commanding respect, not giving it but the laws of Hueco Mundo make no exception, so she would simply have to get used to it in this man's presence.
Graven Fel
Graven Fel
Cero Espada
Cero Espada
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Join date : 2021-02-17
Age : 27

Phoenix and the Ancient King Empty Re: Phoenix and the Ancient King

Fri Jul 16, 2021 3:00 pm
Lounging in his throne as he was wont to do, Graven Fel's golden eyes flicked toward the entrance to his throne room as a blonde Arrancar, female and scarred with a cold expression, strode through and began speaking, introducing herself as Yekatarina and declaring that she'd come to Las Noches to become an Espada. Lifting a single elegant eyebrow, the white-haired Arrancar that had declared himself King let out a sigh, his eyes glowing bright red and an unholy amount of reiatsu flooded the room, the very stone that made up the walls groaning under the weight. It would feel as if anyone within the vicinity who wasn't Graven would be stranded at the bottom of an ocean of blood, dying alone in the tomb of something unfathomably ancient. As this occurred, a whisper at the back of Yekatarina's mind would begin to spark, insidious and nonverbal even as Graven's eyes would seem to fill the area. Kneel it said. Offer your soul.

After a moment, the power would recede, the Cero Espada's eyes returning to normal as a smooth bass emerged from his throat, almost echoing in the empty feeling his reiatsu had left. "Tell me, Yekatarina...How would you prove your worth to me? The strongest of my Espada would not have broken a sweat under that little display, especially given that it wasn't my full strength, and to displace one of my weaker members without due cause and understanding would be to betray their trust in me. Why should I do such a thing?"
Posts : 161
Join date : 2021-06-19

Phoenix and the Ancient King Empty Re: Phoenix and the Ancient King

Fri Jul 16, 2021 5:19 pm
As Graven's reiatsu filled the area Yekatarina would immediately respond to the challenge by flooding her own out, her eyes narrowing like daggers. While she lacked the immense pressure when she released her own spiritual pressure she had vast reservoirs to pull from. That said she recognized it would be a losing battle,  so she held out long enough to do as he asked and kneeled, but she did so with grace and ease, instead of someone trembling and terrified.

"I offer services, not my soul..not that one such as you would need me to offer it if that is what you wanted." Yekatarina rose back to her feet as Graven let off the peddle, facing him fully before answering his question, attempting to stay respectful but defiant. "You're right of course. If I was stronger I would never have buckled under that and displacing a member for no reason is indeed unjust. But you have plenty of cause, at least assuming Hueco Mundo still operates as it always has."

Yekatarina cut her eyes back towards the door, looking towards were she imagined other Espada might be, dwelling in their little dens, rotting away and doing nothing, for the most part. "I might not be able to match the strongest of your Espada..yet. But I would bet my soul that I'm already stronger then some of the lot you have back there. Have the Espada grown so political now that strength is no longer the qualifying factor? Or would you prefer I target one of them directly? Furthermore your kingship, let me ask a serious question.." Yekatarina looked down at the weapon she was still carrying, a club of ice so pure it was almost translucent, save for the spattering of blood from her earlier encounters. She was looking at her own reflection in the weapon, thinking about the event that drove her here.

"How many of your Espada have actually done anything or grown in their power lately? From my perspective, many have stagnated. Stagnation is weakness. In Hueco Mundo, weakness is devoured..and I'm ravenous as of late." She had a bit of a smile as she responded before cutting her eyes back up to Graven. "Of course, I say all this well aware of my own position. If you wanted me dead it would be easy for you and well within your rights to do so. But I can be of much more use and I will grow much stronger. In fact, I can promise if given the chance, the next time I come to stand before you of my own free will, I won't be made to kneel so easily." Yekatarina spoke with in a tone that was clearly serious, although she was hoping the meaning of her words would be clear instead of being interpreted as her defying him.

All she could do now was wait to see his response and hope he'd see reason instead of wanting her head. She was serious though, she was even willing to fight and kill an Espada for their position if so needed or any other little test he might wish to throw her way. Yekatarina had a goal so she was determined to see it through.
Graven Fel
Graven Fel
Cero Espada
Cero Espada
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Age : 27

Phoenix and the Ancient King Empty Re: Phoenix and the Ancient King

Sun Jul 18, 2021 3:35 pm
Graven's gaze was curious and skeptical at Yekatarina's response to being exposed to his reiatsu. He had kept it low enough that he didn't obliterate the dome of Las Noches, but even so it would have been enough to slam an experienced Shinigami Captain onto the ground without preamble. She managed to resist for a brief moment, although the end result was the same as any of his lower Espada, and from her words she resisted the instinctual reaction to being exposed to an apex predator.

Was she hiding her true power?

Ultimately, it didn't matter all that much, especially with her response to his questions. Resting his chin in his hand, the King let out a slight glare at her insinuations. "Judging from your reaction to my reiatsu, there is only one of my Espada that you have definitively surpassed, and while survival of the strongest is the one, unwavering truth in Hueco Mundo, this is MY territory. Thus, my word is law. Even should a fight between you and two of my weaker followers be a toss-up, they have proven their loyalty to me, and their drive to grow stronger."

Crossing his legs and drumming the fingers of his off-hand on the arm of his throne, the eldest Arrancar would continue. "Those that have stagnated, or proven disloyal, have been ousted and replaced. In fact, I killed my former Primera with my own hands due to his failures. In the end, your position is up to me. Infighting is permitted so long as it furthers the strength of the Espada as a whole. The moment it grows out of hand, or begins to actively harm our cause, I will personally step in. Am I understood?"
Posts : 161
Join date : 2021-06-19

Phoenix and the Ancient King Empty Re: Phoenix and the Ancient King

Sun Jul 18, 2021 7:03 pm
Yekatarina simply held a soft smile as he judged her reaction just now, listening to him drone on about his territory, his law. All true to an extent, although as far as Yekatarina was concerned the law of Hueco Mundo superseded all that in the end: Graven simply fit within that structure currently and she had no reason at the moment to argue against it. Her goal was to stretch her wings and grow into power after all so for now serving was the best option.

Bowing her head once more in a sign of respect she would respond in a cool tone that matched the icy air surrounding her body. "Of course, my liege. I understand fully. I must admit, hearing that you culled your own primera speaks to your own strength and judgement. It makes me happy to know I've come to serve under one who truly understands our ways. Speaking of.."

Yekatarina lifted her head and looked behind her towards the way she had come. "Some numerous attempted to stop me on my way in. They're alive though injured, I spared them out of respect for your house. Would you have me see them treated on my way out? I apologize for the violence, but they misjudged their own strength and lashed out against me. I hope you understand." Yekatarina's voice was humble as she cut her eyes back towards the Cero king, deeply curious to his answer.
Graven Fel
Graven Fel
Cero Espada
Cero Espada
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Age : 27

Phoenix and the Ancient King Empty Re: Phoenix and the Ancient King

Wed Jul 21, 2021 7:51 pm
Graven waved his hand in a non-committal manner at Yekatarina's question, watching her reactions carefully, although with the same generally-bored look on his face. "They can take care of themselves. It is not your duty to care for those below you, unless you take such a burden on yourself. The guards shall show you to your palace once you leave. It will act as your home here, and will house any Fraccion you happen to take in as well. Should you need anything, there are servants to cater to you. Welcome to Las Noches, my new Sexta."

With that, Graven stood and made his way to a corridor behind the throne, one that shut itself as soon as he was through. Making his way down to a room filled with computers and screens, he began watching the security footage idly, his eyes passing over a screen continually replaying Yekatarina's entrance, and the conversation they'd just had.

She's one to look out for.

[Thread Exit]
Posts : 161
Join date : 2021-06-19

Phoenix and the Ancient King Empty Re: Phoenix and the Ancient King

Wed Jul 21, 2021 8:37 pm
"The correct answer would be to finish them off, my king." Yekatarina thought to herself before turning on the heel at about the same time as Graven himself started to leave. "Of course, my liege." Yekatarina gave the nearby guards a touch of a sly smile and moving her head to imply for them to lead the way.

As they began to lead her away she would follow as instructed, interested to see her new palace. It would do for now though she was sure it wouldn't be her permeant residence.

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Phoenix and the Ancient King Empty Re: Phoenix and the Ancient King

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