My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Posts : 161
Join date : 2021-06-19

[Private] A king's Confidant Empty [Private] A king's Confidant

Tue Aug 10, 2021 10:09 am
Yekatarina sat upon her frozen throne as wind from Hueco Mundo blew threw the now shattered dome over the the throne room. Her right hand tapped her chin as she mulled over all the things she had recently learned as well as her future plans. Living in her head however was never a good idea, always leading to frustration in out burst so as she began to get flustered she calmed herself and sent out a numerous to search down her former fracction Morana.

Former only in the sense that the Cero king didn't really have any fracction's. Morana was a strong woman with great potential that was driven by vengeance and held an undying loyalty to Yekatarina, she was someone she wanted to place into a position of power among the Espada, though she needed to grow her own power first. When she eventually chooses to arrive, Yekatarina would shoot her a small smile and greet her before she had a proper chance to walk in and speak.

"Hello Morana. Have you been appraised of what has transpired over the past few days or need I explain?" Yekatarina would ask as she leaned her head onto the balled up fist of her right hand. It was hard to tell if she would know or not, while rumors spread rapidly on a place such as Las Noches, accurate information usually less so.
4th Division
4th Division
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Join date : 2021-06-27
Age : 37

[Private] A king's Confidant Empty Re: [Private] A king's Confidant

Tue Aug 10, 2021 6:44 pm
Morana had been wandering in Las Noches, with a particular smile on her face. She was deep within her thoughts while remembering the one thing that drives her, the revenge on the ones who murdered her. 'Still, my scythe shows the same number as it did initially, meaning those humans are incessantly still living happily while my family is mourning.' Morana thought to herself. It was a bitter taste to feel unable to help her family, only because she's dead. She saw they come into view a numerous, which she knew who must be calling her. Yekatarina, the Cero King, Morana accepted what the numerous was tasked to find her for their Cero King.

Morana stopped her wandering for something more, which was the summons by Yekatarina. Therefore, the Numerous escorted Morana to the Cero King's chambers but frustratedly disliked Morana's aura. Morana gave out a sigh and looked towards the Numerous and gave a piercing gaze. "If you don't want to be affected by my aura, then stay more than 15-feet in front of me." Morana said with a mixed tone between friendly and annoyed. She disliked when others would hate her aura.

Morana approached the Cero King's Frozen Throne Room, which she saw Yekatarina's smile and greet her. After Yekatarina spoke and Morana smiled at the overwhelming wondrous of what's happening. "Hello Yekatarina. You succeeded Graven as Cero King and cleansed the weakness out of Las Noches. Though some of those rumors didn't say how Graven got replaced and other things, resting on your laurels isn't what hollows should do." Morana said with a surprisingly good take on what happened exactly. The entire Palace shook with Yekatarina's power the day Graven was replaced as king. It wasn't hard to pinpoint Yekatarina became Cero King that day since Morana could feel the cold chill from Yekatarina's Reiatsu.

After Morana gave Yekatarina, she did walk into the Throne Room proper, but she's wearing a coat to keep her from feeling the frosty chill. She dislikes the cold temperature sometimes only because her living self was more of a summer person. "The throne room looking like this fits much better than what it probably looked like underneath the weak leader, Graven." Morana said. It was a compliment to the interior decor that Yekatarina did to the Throne Room to make it feel much more to her liking.
Posts : 161
Join date : 2021-06-19

[Private] A king's Confidant Empty Re: [Private] A king's Confidant

Wed Aug 11, 2021 2:46 pm
Yekatarina nodded as Morana recounted what she knew. "Yes, that is all correct. As to how it happened, it was rather boring honestly. I gave him the choice of stepping aside or fighting me, he simply chose to step aside - he knew he didn't stand much of a chance, though i do respect the choice. For now, he is exiled into the sand of Hueco Mundo. He's welcome to come back if ever he wants to challenge me or as I'd much prefer, serve under me." Her eyes trailed up to the blown out dome of Las Noches, staring into the moonlit sky before continuing.

"I figured it be a waste to kill him for now. While a terrible leader, he's still a rather powerful asset so I want to see how things progress. But if he doesn't do something soon, I might just change my mind. Anyway.." She spoke as she sat back up straight, interlacing her fingers so that her chin rested comfortably as she refocused on her former Fracction. "I was hoping to get your input as my first and most loyal servant. We are few in numbers after my little culling, as needed as it was but what we have is quality. What are your thoughts on the Shinigami and Human worlds, as well as the current reputation of Hollows in general. Speak freely." Yekatarina added the last part simply so Morana realized she had free reign over her words with no fear of reprisal.

Although she herself did not regret cleansing Las Noches as she did, it was something very much needed, she did not expect to have to kill off as many worthless Arrancar as she did: The lazy stagnation of the former Cero King had affected far more than Yekatarina had expected and unlike Graven, they weren't powerful enough to be worth keeping around as tools. This has, ultimately set some of her own plans back so she was curious to her friend's thoughts on the current state of things, as well as devising a plan of attack, to get her own kind back on top.
4th Division
4th Division
Posts : 135
Join date : 2021-06-27
Age : 37

[Private] A king's Confidant Empty Re: [Private] A king's Confidant

Wed Aug 11, 2021 10:17 pm
Morana has a smile when Yekatarina nodded and spoke about precisely what happened to Graven. She waited for Yekatarina to finish before sighing in disappointment. "I feel the same way since if you two did fight, the ensuing battle would have collapsed the entire Las Noches. It is a bit disappointing, though, but he deserves being exiled for being weak." Morana said. She enjoyed the moonlit sky peering into the Throne Room. It helped Morana carried a smile on her face while enjoying the moonlit throne room.

Yekatarina continued that killing Graven would be a waste, and many other things about him should be an asset underneath her. "Graven should do more than sitting on his laurels like mortals aware of their spiritual surroundings." Morana said. Besides, Morana thought on some things she has witnessed in the human world: the multitude of spiritually aware humans and Quincy. Yekatarina wanted her input on those humans and Shinigami that ignore them, which caused her to sigh. "I've recently been to the human world, and many more humans are spiritually aware. Quincy that eradicates our souls are still around. There is a 3rd type of human, but I think a Hollow corrupts them at childbirth. I haven't been to the Soul Society, but I don't particularly appreciate how the Shinigami ignore us, only because of how long the previous leader was in charge." Morana said. There was a story about why she would probably enjoy causing havoc and chaos in the human world. She refocused on the specifics of her reasoning more towards the Human World.

"When I lived, I was a part of an Italian Crime Family, the Magliocca. I prefer to live, but I was murdered by another powerful crime family who wanted to stop my family from encroaching on their territory. I held pacifistic beliefs, but no longer do they all deserve the revenge I will give them for hurting my family by killing me. I stayed in the Human World because my family wanted me not to leave, but the revenge grew and grew until I became a Hollow. None of those Shinigami bastards could have released me from my need or want of revenge. They tried, hard though. I got like a Shinigami visitor every once in a while. Also, the Hollow's reputation is terrible, but I could travel to those Hollow Villages to tell them change is here and will no longer be ignored by those self-righteous Shinigami." Morana spoke with an evident hatred of the Shinigami. She wanted the hollows to be feared again, as it was apparent in her tone.

Morana outright chose to stay in the human world as a plus until she became a Hollow herself. Because her death was outright outrageous, and she was the most peaceful person in the world. She never felt so frustrated in her life, but thankfully, she now can knock a peg from those Shinigami and the humans that brutally murdered her. Those Shinigami are too self-righteous for a different race of souls. However, it caused her to remember what one of those bastards said to her corpse after murdering her. He said he could sense a presence of a ghost or spirit next to them, and it was giving him the creeps; the ghost was angry. Morana facepalmed and sighed, not realizing it sooner. "Damn, it seems as if some of those people that brutally killed me. Where spiritually aware, oh my, that's going to be some sweet revenge. I wonder what they will be screaming when they recognize me." Morana said with a smile on her lips. It will be sweet revenge for her since spiritually aware humans smell like Chocolate Chip Cookies freshly baked out of the forno.
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[Private] A king's Confidant Empty Re: [Private] A king's Confidant

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