My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Join date : 2019-11-16
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Ano Funai || Shini Empty Ano Funai || Shini

Tue Jun 29, 2021 8:28 pm

Name: Ano Funai
Alias: Annie, Nai-Nai (Most hated nicknames)
Real Age: 70 years
Phys. Age: 20 something
Gender: Male
With a more pacifist ideology, Ano is a generally cheerful and expressive individual. He loves social interaction and finds it better to work alongside others. He always opts to give his peers the benefit of doubt-- often realizing many do have their own troubles to sift through. In battle, Ano strives to remain calm and collected, but he is easily overwhelmed. He prefers to tackle fights head-on, but confrontation outside of battle gets to him. Although he behaves rather cheerfully, this doesn't mean he is naive or innocent by any means.

His motivations lie in pleasing those who are above him, and being more like the powerful Shinigami who set good examples. He does wholeheartedly believe in the law of Life, but this doesn't deter his need to go off and try a new path if the situation calls for it. As a new-er reaper, Ano does try and seek other's approval more than not.

Height: 5'6 (170 cm)
Weight: 150lbs
Physical Traits: Standing tall, albeit a bit awkwardly, Ano carries his lanky features and caramel curly hair. he has wide brown eyes, and has  fair skin. He leans more heavily on his Scandinavian features, with pronounced cheekbones and fluffy hair.

History: After 'graduating', Ano sought to learn a bit more about using his spiritual energy and trained a bit to create a spell that allows him to create his illusionary clone. Right now, he has not accomplished a lot in terms of experience, but slowly has gotten the hang of Hollow combat. 
Exposition: [Optional. What is your character? This can be beliefs, life views, etc.] Ano is made of  his dreams and goals. As a young Shinigami, he firmly believes in his peers and the abilities of his affiliated organization. He isn't much of a romantic, but always took in interest in the love-lives of humans when he could catch a break (much like reading a book, this is entertainment.)
Side Notes: Ano bears a tattoo of a few strands of the flax  plant on his left wrist-- though he isn't sure why or how it got there.

General Fighting Style: Ano prefers to fight with a bit  of defensiveness. While he makes use of his zanpakuto with his head-on attacks, he tends to dance around the edges to wear down his opponent and strike when he finds a vulnerable opening.
Weaknesses: His weakness comes in brute force. He would rather fight with  nifty spells or illusions so that he himself does not have to get physical. Come face to face in a sword-lock, it would be easy to knock him to the side.
Ability Name: "Second In Command"
Ability Description: "Second In Command" Summons a 'clone' of Ano created from his Reiryoku, which mimics his movements. It doesn't have any consciousness. This ability can attack, however only holds 30% of his original power, meaning that a slash of a sword or punch is only 30% as effective as Ano's own force. 

Sealed Appearance: The hilt is wrapped in a lavender-dyed leather, with the same faded purple leather used as tassels that are attached to the end of it. The sword is thin and long, and almost looks rusted due to the bronze-like shimmer. The zanpakuto appears to be a giant potato-peeler, this is because the sword is not a solid piece, it has the mid-section missing, you could place your hand through the sword.
Zanpakutou Name: Kowareta Me
Call Out Command: "See, and understand!"

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Toukai [Unlocked at 0-5:

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Join date : 2019-10-28

Ano Funai || Shini Empty Re: Ano Funai || Shini

Tue Jun 29, 2021 8:34 pm
Approved 3-5
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