My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Join date : 2021-06-03

[Open] Enishi Tsurara  Empty [Open] Enishi Tsurara

Wed Jun 30, 2021 9:54 pm

Name:  Enishi Tsurara
Alias: Bowblade Tsurara
Real Age: 120
Phys. Age: 18
Gender: Female
Tsurara is prudently self aware of her ticking silver-tongue, holding onto real-time facts and logic earnestly. She makes no partiality of what the circumstances may become and coldly selects the optimal choice while sealing her emotions away to not get in the way of unbiased judgement. Pragmatic to a fault in all aspects of her persona, outside of battle, she's soft spoken and quite shy to even have a social life because of her upbringing in a perfectionist Asian Household.

Outside of battle, Tsurara may as well be someone of the aged by regular human standard yet she's ecenntrically studious in her downtime and thirsty for knowledge. To her, life is simply a forest and everyone are both the prey and the hunter, by Quincy work ethics she does well to get by of the daily labor but it takes time for her to even open up to her peers, she does take her sweet time. This is because she harbors no attachment and prefers it that way so she won't have to feel any guilt or overflowing emotions that she cannot understand.

Height: 165 cm
Weight: 122 lbs
Physical Traits:

History: [History goes here. Optional.]
Exposition: Tsurara believes on the philosophy of survival, it's either be killed or not, this is something that she wanted to do something yet paradoxically see it as a distant dream.
Side Notes: She prefers to not speak of her past.

General Fighting Style: While not necessarily a specialist at anything art per se, Tsurara specializes in one thing — combat pragmatism.

She will hit her opponents at their lowest points, whether or not they are distracted and also suddenly jump anyone randomly as she see fit. With her dreaded weapon, the Bowblade, something of her making, she can choose to fight close range by making her Bowblade into twin hilted swords and exchange melee blows and even sword fight. By combining the twin hilted swords, she is able to make it into a now and fight from a defensive stance and launch arrows.
Strengths: Tsurara's strength can be only be sum up in one self explanatory description: Pragmatism.

Weaknesses: Without her weapons, Tsurara is weak, she cannot defend herself nor last against the heavy hitters at a prolonged battle even with her weapons, which is why she prefers to end battles with underhanded tricks and even her combat pragmatism has its flaws, if not coordinated well, then she's doomed.
Ability Name: [Quincies are allowed 1-2 personal abilities per stage.]
Ability Description: [These can be combat oriented or roleplay oriented. Max of 6 below 2-1. 10 if you're above 2-1. 14 if 1-1 and above.]

Quincy Bow: Golden Bowblade that can either be used as twin hilted swords or a Bow and altogether it's like a crescent blade.
Quincy Powers:
Frēz Lanzenreiter — Tsurara is of ice attribute and like her namesake, the arrows that she shoots are cold as ice and are typically ice shards, hail and cold beams.
Quincy Items: [What items do you have?]

Final Form/Letzt Stil [Unlocked at 2-1:

Vollstandig [Unlocked at 1-1:

Roleplay Sample [Optional:

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