My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Thor Blerster
Thor Blerster
Posts : 2
Join date : 2019-11-15

[Private] One Last Breath Empty [Private] One Last Breath

Fri Jul 09, 2021 3:58 pm
The sandswept dunes of Las Noches lied silent in the night. The crescent moon stood high above the sands and everything was quiet. A few random hollows stood against the moonlight and devoured an unlucky fellow, who had been a little too bold for his own good. While unfortunate; it is what it is. If one isn't strong enough then, said individual would be either devoured or crushed by entities much stronger than they were. Survival of the fittest, if you will.

In a distance, a calm, lean finger slowly rose, pointing a finger at the fighting hollows. A deep-red ball of pure energy gathered at the tip, then fired a cero of tremandous power towards the said hollows, without any hesitation. The hollow rose their heads towards the surge of energy and started to run, but it was just too late. The beam would hit them - all four of them- ending their meaningless and irrelevant existence then and there. The explosion that occurred due to this would fill the area with it's noise. Probably, attracting some unsavoury or interesting entities towards it soon. Regardless, bringing his hand down, Thor would sigh. It was somewhat a dull day for him, and he hoped to spice it up. One way or another.
4th Division
4th Division
Posts : 175
Join date : 2021-01-04

[Private] One Last Breath Empty Re: [Private] One Last Breath

Sat Jul 10, 2021 12:56 pm
It wasn't unusual for stronger Arrancar to take out frustration and anger out on those weaker than them. Hell, Rhydderch was guilty of it himself from time to time. On the other hand, he usually didn't make this much noise. He trudged through the sand as he headed towards the sound of whatever Thor was up to. While preferring to avoid a fight, he kept a hand on the grip of the sword on his back, juuuuust in case.

Upon reaching the top of the dune he'd been climbing. Sure enough he'd been making a bit of a mess. Glasses dunes and fading Reiryoku of slain weaker hollows dissipating in the wind. Rhydderch slid down the dune on his approach, eyeing Thor. "You mind keeping the noise down? You're making a god damned ruckus, and and drawing all sorts of fucking attention!"
Thor Blerster
Thor Blerster
Posts : 2
Join date : 2019-11-15

[Private] One Last Breath Empty Re: [Private] One Last Breath

Sun Jul 11, 2021 8:11 am
Knowing that there was nothing left for him out there anymore, the Arrancar would proceed to leave. However, the man would stop short in his tracks as he felt an entity in his proximity. A smirk would appear on Thor's face as he would turn to the side, glancing at the individual who had come before him. While the Arrancar knew that his doing would attract entities towards him, he didn't expect said entities to arrive so soon. Be that as it may, in the end he got what he wanted. Or did he?

Placing a finger on the middle of his lips, the Arrancar would turn to face the man. "Shhh...what's with all the yelling, boyo? Keep you voice down." He uttered in a low tone as a lopsided grin formed across his face. The stranger was accusing Thor of being too loud while being loud himself... Could he not see that? Guess not. Be that as it may, the Arrancar would go onto inquire about the individual, "so. Who are you?" Directing his gaze at the stranger, the Arrancar would ask bluntly. There was no point in beating around the bush and asking questions that had little to no relevance. Hopefully, the man shared the same concern in his response. Time would tell.
4th Division
4th Division
Posts : 175
Join date : 2021-01-04

[Private] One Last Breath Empty Re: [Private] One Last Breath

Mon Jul 12, 2021 8:36 am
Rhydderch raised an eyebrow as he hiked towards the man who had finally taken notice of him. Given the grin and the 180 he'd just seen, this was going to be fun. "Keep my voice down? You're the one glassing dunes and I'm the one making a lot of noise? Sure, let's go with that logic, see where it takes the conversation." He'd dropped the volume of his voice as requested, best to not push this guy this early in conversation.

"Rhydderch Skolopender, one of those Espada you may have heard about." He surveyed the damage caused by the man as he approached. No hollows remained, so good chain kill on that regard. Wasn't much dune left either for that matter. Solid kills with enough collateral to scare off observers. Perfect 10/10. "So that leaves you, slugger. What's your name and rank? That is if you have one. I'd expect arrancar of your level would have already gotten the call to see the king." He pulled a cigarette from a pocket in his jacket, setting it between his lips. Pulling a knife from his belt, he slit the tip of his thumb open, letting the radiant heat from the cut light the cigarette, before letting his regeneration heal the wound. As a courtesy, he pulled the cigarette pack from his pocket and offered the other man.
Thor Blerster
Thor Blerster
Posts : 2
Join date : 2019-11-15

[Private] One Last Breath Empty Re: [Private] One Last Breath

Mon Jul 19, 2021 4:32 pm
"Who?" Tilting his head to the side, the Arrancar asked with a blank expression on his face. "I've never heard of you." He didn't want to come off as rude, but, truthfully speaking, Thor really didn't know who this man was. However, be that as it may, he knew who the man in front of him was now and it was only fair to introduce himself, "hello, Rhydderch. I'm Thor Blerster." Taking a few steps forwards, the Arrancar would offer his hand, wanting to show that he was a civilised individual and not some savage. Also, it was an old habit of the Espada to shake the hand of the individuals of who he met. Can you blame him?

"My rank is not important because it fluctuates a lot. Today I could be the Primera and tomorrow I could be the Segunda. Vice versa." Honestly, it was starting to become a pain in the arse on how his rank was fluctuating, especially when times like this where people wanted to know his status. "If you really want to know, all I can say is that I'm the Segunda...for now." Thor could very well be the Primera tomorrow, but the man wanted a directed answer and the Arrancar felt that it was best to not beat around the bush too much.

"I only smoke Blunts, boyo." Refusing the offer of the pack of cigarettes, he took a step back.  "Oh, by the way, interesting way you got there to light up a smoke. A little dramatic, but I like it!" Clicking his tongue, the Arrancar would give the man a thumbs up. "So...what are you actually here for, if I may ask?" Cocking his head a bit forward, Thor asked smiling from ear to ear. He would also let his spiritual pressure flicker in and out, wanting to see how Rhydderch would react to it all.
4th Division
4th Division
Posts : 175
Join date : 2021-01-04

[Private] One Last Breath Empty Re: [Private] One Last Breath

Thu Jul 22, 2021 12:17 am
To each their own. Blunts were a bit too... pungent for Rhydderch, but he wasn't here to judge anyone else's preferences. "Suppose you're right about the rank bit. In spite of our best efforts, sometimes our nature gets the best of us. Hard to keep things stable." He shock his thumb, arrancar quick regeneration taking care of the rest as he smiled at the remarks made. After readjusting his cigarette, he continued. "Well, one could say that's in our nature too. We are dramatic beings at our core. Hueco Mundo would be real fuckin boring otherwise."

"As for what brings me here..." He gestured towards where the hollows, and a good chunk of ground, had been. "Kind of hard to ignore that. Was out and about, getting used to being back in Hueco Mundo and I've already found someone rearranging sand dunes. May have come here to do that myself, but it looks like someone's already at it."
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[Private] One Last Breath Empty Re: [Private] One Last Breath

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