My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Join date : 2021-05-16

[Open] A Pursuer of Festivities. Empty [Open] A Pursuer of Festivities.

Mon Jul 12, 2021 7:43 pm
Deep in one of the most outter districts of the east Rukongai sat a large mountain village consisting mostly of closely packed, decrepit houses in a varied states of deterioration accompanied  by the occasional rickety shop and  a single lowly gambeling house. The narrow dirt roads and cramped alleyways were bustling with activity as the impoverished inhabitants made preparations for their annual Soul King festival.

While the adults were busy with the festival preparations a group of children ran about playing near the northern village entrance when off in the distance they heard the sounds of wagon wheels over rough terrain causing them to focus their attention towards the sound. As the children watched the horizon a large tarped wagon full of crates that had visible symbols on them such as fireworks  and other assorted images appeared before seeing a man in black pulling it. When the man got closer one of the children recognized the figure approaching and yelled out "Nikushimi-san!"

Finally pulling up to the village the man in black urban style clothing walked his large wagon up to where the kids were and stopped and started drinking from an expensive looking decorative saki bottle he pulled from the wagon.
As he began chugging from the bottle one of the children tugged on his shirt asking if he had gotten them anything.
Swatting the kids hand away from his shirt the man continued chugging the bottle before holding up a finger cueing for the child to wait.
When he was finished he let out a refreshing"Aahhh!" sound before turning his attention towards the kid. "Go get the old man and tell him to hide the wagon.. I have se business to attend to." he then pulled a large bag of candy from the wagon and threw it to the child before turning his back and walked out of the village and back down the dirt road where he found himself at a small clearing and sat on a tree stump and continued drinking his saki and awaited his pusuer.
4th Division
4th Division
Posts : 135
Join date : 2021-06-27
Age : 37

[Open] A Pursuer of Festivities. Empty Re: [Open] A Pursuer of Festivities.

Wed Jul 14, 2021 11:26 pm
Hana Ishikawa was a curious woman with a streak of naivety at times for her age. It didn't stop her from being interested in what was happening in the Rukongai before the annual Soul King Festival. She wore her multicolored hairband with her usual Shinigami garb to make her blue hair color pop a bit more. Hana was walking down a dirt road since it was one of those more quiet times to be alive.

Hana did see a mountain village in her vision as she was walking, but there was a slight spiritual presence nearby. She went to investigate whoever was standing or sitting still in a location between her and the village. It didn't take too long to notice a man sitting on a tree stump, drinking saki and looking like he was awaiting someone. "Odd, I must say, what are you doing out here? Fellow, Shinigami." Hana said with a smile on her face. She was waving at the man drinking saki as she was approaching.

Hana felt a bit weird that this male shinigami was sitting on a stump of all things. 'I wonder, who is this man? I don't think I've seen him anywhere in the Gotei before.' Hana thought with her left hand on her cheek. She didn't take her eyes off of him, but it was odd to see someone waiting nonetheless.

It didn't take her too long to realize, and she should probably introduce herself. "Oh yeah, my name is Hana Ishikawa of Division Four, Third Seat Officer. What is your position, or you aren't interested in positions in the Gotei 7?" Hana asked with a curious look on her face. There are some odd Soul Reapers in the Sereiteri and otherwise. She wondered if he was one of those bizarre soul reapers.
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[Open] A Pursuer of Festivities. Empty Re: [Open] A Pursuer of Festivities.

Thu Jul 15, 2021 11:24 pm
As Saiko sat on the stump in the clearing awaiting the presumed pusuer he replayed the earlier events that led up to this moment. The night before  he was scouting out a warehouse in one of the more prominent sections of the Rukongai looking for a way in to procure goods for the upcoming festival as a way to pay off his outstanding gambling. Seeing an opening to the warehouse through a small window Saiko took a sip from his waterskin half filled with saki then corking it and started stretching to limber before preparing to scale the wall to enter.
Just as Saiko took the first running step a sentry guard turned the corner causing him to freeze and back peddle back into the shadows to regroup. Damn it!
After sitting for a short period watching the sentry circle the center for the fourth time Saiko was shocked as he seen the guard stop and begin to drink. Bingo! This turn of events caused Saiko to change his tactics and instead of stealthily breaking in he became chummy with the guard got him knock out drunk and walked out of the warehouse with enough goods to fill a large wagon. Traveling back to the outter reaches of the Rukongai for the most part was uneventful, not until he found himself entering the last leg of his journey did he discover he may have a unwanted pusuer on his heels.

Now with his suspected follower finally upon him Saiko sat in a relaxed yet readied position as he sipped his saki. "Odd, I must say, what are you doing out here? Fellow, Shinigami." hearing this Saiko smirked as he stood thinking to himself "Seems this Shinigami is clueless to my earlier shenanigans" then as he was about to make his way back th the mountain village Saiko heard the shinigami woman formally introduce herself before asking his affiliation with the Gotie. "I have no ties with the Gotei 7 and I am no Shinigami.." Saiko then said with a slightly annoyed tone in his voice as he rested his arm on his Zanpakutou's hilt and began walking. As he began his stride Saiko let out a sigh before slightly turned his head to acknowledge the female Shinigami and said. "The village ahead will have a fireworks display tonight.. you might want to check it out.. oh and the name is Saiko Nikushimi
4th Division
4th Division
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Join date : 2021-06-27
Age : 37

[Open] A Pursuer of Festivities. Empty Re: [Open] A Pursuer of Festivities.

Fri Jul 16, 2021 12:06 am
Hana noticed him becoming more relaxed but still on guard, probably for her to make a hostile action towards him. She had a confused look on her face when he suddenly stood up with a smirk across his face as if he was thinking about something else. It didn't take much time for him to tell her that he has no ties to the Gotei 7 nor is a Shinigami. 'Oh so, he is a Bizarre soul reaper, how different. I must wonder why he was smirking then, hmm.' Hana thought with her left hand on her cheek. She did notice him resting his arm on his Zanpakuto's hilt as he was walking away.

Hana did hear the man sigh before turning his head to look at her. She gave a smile in response to him acknowledging her. His words were intriguing a fireworks display and his name, Saiko Nikushimi. She did like his name, and after all, it was different compared to the other shinigami she knows and is friends with. "I am interested in watching a firework display, Saiko." Hana responded to him. She loved firework displays ever since her life before being in the Soul Society, but nostalgia is rare to come by. Also, it does help that Hana is one of those curious women from the Gotei 7 to watch something so beautiful.

If it weren't for this slight detour, Hana would have probably been in the Mountain Village by now. She continued to walk towards the Mountain Village, though, with Saiko slightly in front of her. "I enjoy the sounds of what each firework makes, and it's so wonderful. What is your favorite type of firework, Saiko?" Hana asked with a slight curiosity in his types of fireworks. She was only trying to make casual conversation with Saiko. However, Hana kept one of her hands close to her Zanpakuto if this man is hostile.
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[Open] A Pursuer of Festivities. Empty Re: [Open] A Pursuer of Festivities.

Thu Jul 22, 2021 7:47 pm
Continuing his short trek towards the village with the female Shinigami a few paces behind him  Saiko resumed to periodically take a sip from the bottle in his left hand as his right tapped on his Zanpakutou's handle as if he were playing along to an energetic song. "I enjoy the sounds of what each firework makes, and it's so wonderful. What is your favorite type of firework, Saiko?"
Hearing Hana's question Saiko let out a slight sigh as if uninterested in the question but still answered. "I guess my favorite type of firework is the kind that lines my pockets with profit." pausing for a minute as he corked his drink and sashed it to his side Saiko resumed to speak. "So what brings one of the members of the prestigious Gotie out to these dire parts of the Rukongai's outskirts." and just as he finished asking the blue haired Shinigami his question the entrance of the ran down village crested on the horizon.
4th Division
4th Division
Posts : 135
Join date : 2021-06-27
Age : 37

[Open] A Pursuer of Festivities. Empty Re: [Open] A Pursuer of Festivities.

Fri Jul 23, 2021 9:48 am
Hana did keep pace with Saiko, who was a few paces in front of her. She did notice his tapping on his Zanpakuto's handle in an energetic fashion. Only it was because of her interest in humming a little tune that Hana remembered in her past. When he responded to her question, she had a confused look on her face. She gave out a sigh since that's a blunt way of saying he's only in it for the money. "Only in it for the profit? I suppose it does make the world go around even though I am more about the joy of fireworks going off." Hana said with not enjoying his answer to her question.

Hana felt as if Saiko made her get reminded about her mother, which isn't good for her smile. Saiko continued to speak and asked her why she's going to a rundown village on the outskirts. "It isn't so much of a hard sell to repay those who helped you when you first come to the Soul Society after dying. I owe a debt, even though I am part of the prestigious Gotei Seven now. I come here to see how everyone's doing in this village before I left to get stronger so I could find my mother." Hana said with a gentle tone in her voice, emphasizing the final word she spoke. As she's hinting at, she does charity work to help out those who aren't strong enough to enter the Gotei Seven. She notices on the horizon, and the ran down village's entrance, but there was a saddened look on her face. It seems like this village got worse and not better throughout the years she left it.

Hana sighed in regret every time she saw the condition of the village since when she first got here. 'The sight of this village distresses me frequently. But it was much better looking previously when I first arrived. I guess being neglected doesn't help.' Hana thought to herself. She moves her right hand to her cheek to rub it slightly to make her feel a bit better.
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[Open] A Pursuer of Festivities. Empty Re: [Open] A Pursuer of Festivities.

Mon Jul 26, 2021 9:22 pm
As the two were just outside the entrance Saiko quickly scaned the village looking to see if the wagon had been moved and it was  before hearing the woman Shinigami answer with a cheesy "I do it for the less fortunate and the weak" speel causing him to roll his eyes and let out a snort of derision before sighing the words "Typical "
Finally entering the village Saiko walked up to a sad excuse of an outside fruit stand and began to rummage through a barrel of apples looking for one that appeared unbruised and as he preformed this action he began to speak to the shinigami.
"Well I don't know about you but I'm in the mood for some adult entertainment so I'll be heading to the gambling house."
Finally fetching an apple from the barrel Saiko tossed it into the air before catching it in a smug and confident manner then rubbed it on his chest as he took long energetic strides towards his happy place.
4th Division
4th Division
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Join date : 2021-06-27
Age : 37

[Open] A Pursuer of Festivities. Empty Re: [Open] A Pursuer of Festivities.

Mon Jul 26, 2021 11:31 pm
Hana did stop at the entrance of the village and wondered why Saiko was scanning it. She did notice him rolling his eyes at her speel of helping others as she was indebted to them. His single word of typical caused her to sigh as well. It feels as if he usually says those words to every single Shinigami he meets from the Gotei. 'It feels that he usually says that word all the time.' Hana thought to herself with a calm demeanor but trying not to let him get the better of her.

Hana did follow him into the village and noticed him digging through a fruit stand as they entered. Her eyes did light up when he said gambling house, not that she gambles or anything. It is something she tries to stay away from, but it's hard not to sometimes. "I am going to go with you to this gambling house, Saiko." Hana said with a smile on her face. She was a weird shinigami from the Gotei 7 since she goes to places that she shouldn't otherwise. It is like Hana did try to gamble once or twice but lost badly.

Hana follows Saiko to the Gambling House with a curiosity about the Gambling House rules. She did have one of her hands on her cheek as they traveled to the gambling house, trying to figure out something. 'Oh right, Shimmering Atasi gave me advice to not gamble at all but, I keep on getting suckered into it. I hope there aren't any rules to a loser losing bigger.' Hana thought to herself.
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[Open] A Pursuer of Festivities. Empty Re: [Open] A Pursuer of Festivities.

Thu Aug 05, 2021 9:54 pm
As he began his strut towards the gambling house Saiko took a bite from the apple he just picked from the barrel as he heard the Shinigami announce that she would be accompanying him. Pausing mid stride Saiko who was still chewing turned his attention to the shinigami and began an exaggerated March towards her with a slight hint on irritation towards her statement and stopping just before her and with an animated expression he said "Listen here little gami, there is alot of things that go on here that you might not "agree" with. So, do me a favor when we her there. Have fun and mind your business." Saiko then turned suddenly and continued to strut towards his happy place.

As they arrive a hulking figure with his arms crossed could be seen standing in front of the largest, most upkept building in the town and as the two arrived the large muscular man (About the size of base form Yami) adjusted his stance and began to speak. "Well, if it isn't the crazy bastard himself. Been a while since you've been able to show that ugly mug around here.. the old man is very pleased with the shipment you pulled in. Saiko gave the man a nod then replied "Sup Gorira, the old man in? "Yeah, he is in the back waiting for ya..So, who's the brawd; is she with you? Siako let out a chuckel as he patted the mans arm in passing "nope never met her but i heard she was causing trouble in town earlier so  might Wana keep an eye on her.." Saiko then entered the poorly lit establishment where the sounds of music, drunken chatter and laughter could be heard as a haze of smoke slowly exited the open door.
As Saiko entered the gambling house laughing as he vanished from sight the Bute of a man stepped between the Blue haired Shinigami and the door with his arms crossed dawning a serious expression. "Whoa there little lady, I'm afraid I can't let you in without an explanation."
4th Division
4th Division
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Join date : 2021-06-27
Age : 37

[Open] A Pursuer of Festivities. Empty Re: [Open] A Pursuer of Festivities.

Fri Aug 06, 2021 2:23 pm
Hana looked a bit confused when Saiko went back to her with a slight irritation on his face. She listens to him speak, and his tone was annoyed at her. "Alright, Saiko, it is a gambling house. Yeah, I will try to have fun." Hana said. She didn't understand why he would say that it's not as she's investigating, but more like checking up on the mountain town, she lived in before. Though, Hana did follow him until they reached the Gambling House.

Hana saw the Bouncer, and he was enormous and looked happy to see Saiko. As the Bouncer spoke, Hana had a look of confusion in what he meant when talking to Saiko about a shipment. Saiko did say the man's name, which was Gorira, and asked if the owner was there. She was a bit taken aback by what Gorira told about her, and what Saiko said in response was a bit annoying. 'Crap. Uhh, not good what would my Zanpakuto Spirit say in this situation?' Hana thought to herself. She had never been in this situation before, where she wasn't allowed in a gambling house.

The Bouncer in question did stop Hana from entering the gambling house, with a severe expression on his face. Hana sighed at the situation and looked up to the Bouncer. She wasn't annoyed at anyone but herself by getting tricked by Saiko. "An Explanation. It's pretty simple, Gorira. I came back here to see the mountain town I arrived in when I died in the world of the living. Though, I did leave this town only because I wanted to get stronger, and I joined the Gotei 7 to do that. All to find my mother, and it's been a challenge sometimes. I have no idea what you and Saiko were talking about there. Can I please gamble? I do get paid a good amount of money for the position I am in the 4th Division." Hana said with a smile. She hoped she avoided a fight so she wouldn't have to cause damage to Saiko's favorite place.

Hana felt nervous trying to explain herself, but that mostly was because she wouldn't want anyone to recognize her for one. She one would be called an easy mark for how bad she is at specific games. If it was about combat, she's more focused, but recreational games are out of her league. 'Hopefully, no one remembers me... it would suck since they would know how bad I am at games.' Hana thought to herself, trying to keep her smile up. She felt so out of her element that Saiko did that specific thing and told the Bouncer that he doesn't know her when they met earlier.
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Join date : 2021-05-16

[Open] A Pursuer of Festivities. Empty Re: [Open] A Pursuer of Festivities.

Mon Aug 16, 2021 6:48 am
Finally entering the Gambling house with a huge toothy Saiko stood confident rubbing his hands together as he took in the sights of the many gaming tables such as assorted card games, craps, roulette, and all the suckers sitting at them, but before he could he had business to attend to and walking towards the back of the establishment to handle it.
During this time Gorira had the blue haired female jammed up outside barring her entrance to the gambling house due to Saiko's devious deception. Pleading her case Holly Explained how she lived in this town when she first arrived in the  soul society, how she is a part of the Gotie 7, something about her mom, and how she only intends to gamble.. Hearing her out Gorira soaked in this information minute before stepping aside and pushing the door open for her. "I figured that crazy bastard was pulling my chain but I just had to hear your side of it.. sorry for any inconvenience, go on in."
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[Open] A Pursuer of Festivities. Empty Re: [Open] A Pursuer of Festivities.

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