My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28


Mon Jul 12, 2021 11:30 pm
It's hard to believe you spend an entire life dealing with the inevitability of death and taxes just to deal with them yet again once you pass on. The concept of money is such an agonizing, anxiety inducing burden on our lives that most people would prefer to believe that their troubles on that front will come to an end once they've died. Well if the Gotei's current finances were anything to go off of, that was far from the truth. Ika had been consulting with the Central 46 and other important leaders within the Soul Society about expanding the Gotei's power and recruitment efforts, yet they kept running into the same snag. Not enough funds, doesn't make financial sense, pick a synonym and Ika had probably heard it repeated at nauseum over the course of the last several months. It appeared that this wasn't a problem that was going to solve itself, and thus it fell on Ika to resolve the issue.

People like violence, and the citizens of the Rukongai were no exception. Many of them reveled in stories about the combat capabilities of their chosen warriors, the high ranking members of the Gotei were almost gods to them, and the prospect of who would beat who was something that had been tantalizing since the beginning of time, and would almost certainly stay a topic of discussion until the end of time.

And that was why Ika was here, in a VIP box presiding over the first annual Gotei Games. A man at the center of the arena was bellowing to a ravenous and blood-hungry crowd about what fights and events they'd see over the course of the evening, as well as the rules that went along with it. Once he finished, Ika would clasp his hands together. "Thank you all for coming, fellow Soul Reapers, give your citizens a show worth remembering and let the games begin!"
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