My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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4th Division
4th Division
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Post Ass Kicking Recovery Empty Post Ass Kicking Recovery

Sat Jul 17, 2021 11:04 am
The lights in this room were a bit bright, especially for someone who'd only been awake from a medically induced coma for maybe a day. All she could do right now was nap and worry if the officers below her were handling her duties with the accuracy and timeliness that she demanded of herself. With the number of them that had come in to see her under the guise of checking up on her, she wasn't hopeful for having weekends off anytime soon.

"So, your first encounter with a new enemy and you're in a hospital bed. Other officers walked out fine, but you? What did we both expect? At least your arrogance in intact. Can bury that part of you." Suijingiri had manifested over his sealed form, the lazy spiritual salamander grinning at Shiori with his oddly human teeth. Her eyes flashed with an icy blue glow as she grabbed the only dish on the table she could reach without sitting up, throwing it at the spirit. He faded away before it hit, the dish shattering against the sealed Zanpakuto. The blade rolled over as shards of ceramic fell from the counter it rested on. "Myehehehehehehaaa! That's what I thought!"

Shiori leaned forward to grab a tea cup to throw, but her expertly patched wound reminded her of her condition. While medics had done a great job filling the hole given to her by the arrancar she'd failed to kill, the searing stabbing pain that was shooting through her chest was a token of that failure. She laid back down clutching her chest, quietly sobbing and groaning in pain. No tears, just misery.
4th Division
4th Division
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Post Ass Kicking Recovery Empty Re: Post Ass Kicking Recovery

Sat Jul 17, 2021 12:45 pm
Hana did enjoy her excess workload since an Arrancar injured her division's Vice-Captain pretty severely. She visited Shiori when she was still unconscious, but she heard from one of the medics that her Vice-Captain was awake after a day. There was a goofy-looking smile on her face, and she was humming down the hallway to Shiori's room. 'I hope Shiori is feeling much better after all that punishment she got from an Arrancar." Hana thought while humming her favorite song.

Hana wore her Shinigami Outfit with her multicolored hairband to make her hair color more of a factor. She had her hairstyle in a ponytail tied with a cute light pink hair tie. 'Hehe, Shimmering Atasi always gives me good advice on what to wear and whatnot.' Hana thought to herself with her goofy smile. She got to Shiori's room in time to overhear Shiori's Zanpakuto spirit talking to her in his jerkish tone. Suijingiri ruined her mood for but a moment when Hana heard a shattering of a dish against a Zanpakuto. Much she didn't like about Shiori Zanpakuto's spirit and its nature rubbed her the wrong way.

Hana deeply sighed at the slight loss of composure and would suspect her Zanpakuto to tease her slightly for doing that. She walked in soon after and noticed Shiori reeling in pain and quickly got to Shiori's side. "S-Shiori, you shouldn't be moving around too much! You don't want to reopen your wounds now? It is good to see you awake, Vice-Captain, though." Hana said with worry in her voice. Her usual smile did come up since she's grateful her Vice-Captain is awake and moving around. All the while, Hana could understand the Vice-Captain's frustration at her Zanpakuto.

Hana gave out a sigh of relief, but there was still a look of worry on her face though. "I've been taking much of the workload of what you can't do since you are here. My spirit, Shimmering Atasi, is so much kinder than yours." Hana said, trying to talk about what she's been doing in their division and about her spirit. She hasn't manifested itself yet, but she is hopeful others will see Atasi in full.
4th Division
4th Division
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Join date : 2021-01-04

Post Ass Kicking Recovery Empty Re: Post Ass Kicking Recovery

Sun Jul 18, 2021 6:47 pm
The sound of footsteps came from the hall, and they were getting closer. Hopefully it was a nurse, though she couldn't beat back the suspicion that it was actually a visitor. The last thing Shiori needed at this exact moment was for people to see her like this, especially any subordinate from her squad. Sure, everyone bad their moments of weakness, but there was still the idea that vice captains were supposed to set examples for their squad. Getting wrecked by the first arrancar she'd met wasn't a good start, and neither was being defeated by the simple act of sitting up.

Sure enough, her fears came true as a squad mate made her way into the room. At least it was Hana, who was a hard worker as far as she'd been able to gather. She seemed to be worried, so it was likely that she'd heard Shiori's struggle against gravity. She tried her best to conceal the pain, resulting in her face turning a shade of red. "I'm fine, Hana. Nothing to worry about. Just need a little rest is all."

Apparently Hana was the one who's been handling most of her duties, which put Shiori somewhat at ease. Could have been worse, as who'd ever gotten put in the lower seated positions wasn't exactly worth the ink they wrote with. She glared at Suijingiri's sealed form as Hana brought up her own spirit in reference to her own. "Lucky you. Please don't give him any unnecessary attention, please. It'll go to his head. Or hilt. I don't know where the head is in sealed form." She tries to sit back up, again to no avail, groaning in misery as she flipped back down. "Ohhhhh fuck... Bad idea, real bad idea. Hana, be a dear and help me sit up? I don't like talking while I'm... This vulnerable. If you wouldn't mind." Shiori lifted the arm closest to Hana, accepting that she was going to need help with this very basic task.
4th Division
4th Division
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Post Ass Kicking Recovery Empty Re: Post Ass Kicking Recovery

Mon Jul 19, 2021 10:47 am
Hana did enjoy the company of her Vice-Captain Shiori, but she did notice the slight redness in her cheeks. She guessed that in her head, Shiori was trying to conceal the pain. As such, Hana listened to Shiori's words about being okay, when Shiori isn't. She gave out a small giggle but not at the expense of her Vice-Captain, but mainly because Shiori was trying to act tough in a vulnerable position. "Hehe, that's good, Shiori. I do hope you take your rest seriously, Shiori." Hana said with a smile on her face.

Hana saw Shiori be put at somewhat ease from what she had said to Shiori about taking care of her workload. If anything, Hana is one of the few lower seats that carry her work seriously since it will help the Division in the long run. She noticed Shiori glaring directly at her Zanpakuto and gave out a sigh about how much an ass Shiori's spirit is. As such, Shiori spoke up about not giving Shiori's Zanpakuto spirit any unnecessary attention. "Thank you, Shimmering Atasi is a beautiful redhead with green eyes woman. I'll follow your advice on that since the ego of some spirits doesn't need to get more significant than they are already. Hehe, neither do I about where their ego would go in their unsealed form." Hana said with a kind tone. She was happy to talk more about her Zanpakuto spirit to her Vice-Captain.

Hana notices Shiori trying to sit up but failed miserably with her groaning in misery as she laid back down on the bed. "Oh no, please don't try to injure yourself more. Yes, I can help you out, Shiori! Hehe, not many Soul Reapers enjoy being this vulnerable." Hana said with a mixed tone of worry and kindness in it. She notices Shiori lifted her arm closest to her. Therefore, Hana carefully helped Shiori sit up with a precise gentleness that someone younger would do with their sibling or parent. She gave out a small sigh of relief after assisting Shiori to sit up since their Vice-Captain is pushing themselves much.
4th Division
4th Division
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Tue Jul 20, 2021 12:19 am
"He was fine when I finally figured out Shikai. After that point, he's only gotten worse. Talks about how I've "forgotten myself" or some similar hogwash. There's a difference between forgetting the past and moving on." As exciting as Zanpakuto made for a conversational topic, the less Shiori talked about them, the less she thought about her own and it's foul attitude. That bitter lizard could stuff it for all she cared. She glared at the direction of her Zanpakuto.

Suijingiri had reappeared, fully manifested across the entirety of the long counter. Just sprawled out like a sunbathing lizard, grinning with his oddly human like teeth, chuckling like he knew secrets no one else knew. Shiori sighed, her hands subconsciously balled into fists. She only realized when her nails began to dig inter her palms enough to cause some pain. "Damnit..." Sighing and resting her head against the wall, she eyed the teapot on a nearby table. Team rose from the spout. Must have been brought in before she awoke from her nap by an attendant. "Hana, I'd hate to be a bother, but could you pour me some tea? Help yourself to some as well if you'd like. Oh, and if my kiseru is in here..." Shiori looked around the room. Her pipe had been missing ever since that I'll fated battle.
4th Division
4th Division
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Age : 37

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Tue Jul 20, 2021 10:29 am
Hana slightly giggled at Shiori for being overly serious on the subject of her Zanpakuto. It made her realize, though, and she had been missing something or forgotten something. Hana hardly ever talks about that sore subject because it hurts her every time bringing it up. It would cause others to see her not smiling since she does almost every time. "Shimmering Atasi keeps on trying to help me in opening up to others about my significant issue. Very hard to look past what has happened to me before appearing here. Zanpakuto Spirits are part of your soul after all." Hana said, with an uncharacteristic look of sadness on her face. She gives out a sigh and looks down at her Zanpakuto, which is still in its sheath.

'Hana, I will never leave you. Unlike what happened between your mother and you. I hope you will forgive me for pushing you all this time in trying to open up about those feelings you bottle up inside of you.' Shimmering Atasi said in Hana's mind with a motherly tone in her voice. Also, it had serenity in it since Hana's Zanpakuto spirit looked somewhat like her mother, but not. There were some differences since her mother had crimson hair with violet eyes.

Hana had a soft smile return to her face, but she should stop being such an idiot and open up. She looks back up at Shiori with this smile on her face but notices that Shiori balled her hands into fists. Her face looked as if Hana was worried about Shiori since there was a twinge of pain here and there on Shiori's face. Clear as day, with what Hana was thinking and wanted to say to Shiori. She kept herself in her seat until Shiori spoke up about her being a bother and wanting some tea.

"Shiori, you aren't a bother. I will be happy to get us some tea, hehe." Hana said, trying to reassure Shiori and herself. She got up from her seat, went over to the teapot, and poured Shiori and herself tea. It caused her to remember what one of the nurses said about Shiori's kiseru. Hana wasn't one of those types who smoked, but she did have a surprise for Shiori. She carefully brought the tea to Shiori and gave it to her with a smile. When Shiori took the tea, Hana forgot about her teacup still sitting next to the teapot. Hana took a pipe out of her uniform, which had Shiori's initials on it. "This is yours, yes? The nurses gave it to me since they knew you were feeling better. I almost forgot about it until you brought it up, Shiori. I wouldn't want to be keeping something that isn't mine, and I don't smoke." Hana said, smiling and holding Shiori's pipe. She did move her hand to reach halfway so Shiori can require her pipe. Also, Hana remembered her tea was still at the teapot but waited patiently until Shiori got her pipe in her free hand.
4th Division
4th Division
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Post Ass Kicking Recovery Empty Re: Post Ass Kicking Recovery

Wed Jul 21, 2021 11:57 pm
To think people had Zanpakuto spirits that were actually vaguely supportive and helped their shinigami actually achieve their true potential. The nerve of some people. Must be nice! Shiori sighed as she tested her head against the wall, pipe now in hand. Doctors would probably scold her for smoking while still in their care, so it wasn't like she could light up at this point. With another deeper sigh, she placed the pipe on the bedside table. Watching the tea being poured, she absentmindedly traced the a flower tattooed around her wrist. These tattoos extended up and around her shoulders, but we're usually concealed by her baggy uniform.

"Please tell me you aren't the only one who's been taking over some of my work? You've got enough to deal with as is, so hopefully others have picked up the slack. If not, I'll have to have a chat with the other seated officers." The aroma of the tea reached her nose. Genmaicha, one of her favorites. At least she'd have one comfort while confined in this damn room.
4th Division
4th Division
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Post Ass Kicking Recovery Empty Re: Post Ass Kicking Recovery

Thu Jul 22, 2021 9:33 am
Hana did notice Shiori sighing about something but didn't want to pry about it. When Shiori placed her pipe down on the bedside table, all Hana could do was smile. Those doctors do tend to scold people for doing things they shouldn't do when they are recovering. She did notice the flower tattoo as well, but Hana got up and gently grabbed her teacup.

Hana sits back down at the seat she was sitting at, with her teacup. Thankfully, Shiori has hers already near her on the table, where she sat down her pipe. However, then came Shiori's question, and it took her with a smile with a slight sweatdrop. Hana wasn't annoyed at anyone but herself in accepting the other's workloads on top of hers. "At least one other seated officer in our Division is pulling their weight, the one below me. I don't mind being overloaded, even though I accepted their workloads on top of mine. I should've probably handled that a bit better, but they were pretty convincing why I should carry the additional burden." Hana said with a smile on her face.

Hana sighed slightly at feeling as if she was being taken advantage of, but she's the morale booster of her Division. In terms, those other seated officers used her gimmick against her and said they would be with low morale if they had to take on additional tasks or work. She fell for it many a time, and she usually has to stay up extra late even to get the job done. 'I have a feeling, Shiori is going to say, I should grow a backbone and stop allowing people to take advantage of me. Hehe.' Hana thought to herself with her free hand on her cheek. She did place down her teacup nearest to her on the table. It was a beautiful smelling aroma, though, which she didn't know the tea brand.

"Shiori, do you know what this tea is? I think this is the first time I smelled it and like its aroma." Hana said. She sighs as if she has been beating around the bush again. Therefore, Hana should stop and tell what she's been hinting at earlier about her problem. It takes her a few seconds to clear her mind and have a more serious look on her face. "Ugh, this is so hard having to talk about her. I usually try to avoid talking about her. But when I first appeared in the Soul Society, I died in a car crash by my mother's reckless behavior. Ever since that day. I have tried to search for my mother in the Soul Society, but no luck so far. All to ask her why, why did she have to wreck into that tree purposely." Hana said with an annoyed look on her face when talking about her mother. She sighed about how mood dampening that is. Mentioning her mother like that after so long of bottling it up, probably it's why she has an odd personality split.
4th Division
4th Division
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Post Ass Kicking Recovery Empty Re: Post Ass Kicking Recovery

Mon Jul 26, 2021 12:44 pm
Shiori had only managed to bring the tea cup to her lips when Hana seemed to be overtaken with emotion over her mother. The wall of resentment, anger and sorrow was more than enough to prevent her from enjoying the tea, so she waited while Hana ranted, taking time to inhale the aroma of the tea while trying to process what this girl was angry about. She wasn't exactly a social worker by any means, so saying something comforting was going to be a bit or miss affair. Being too analytical wouldn't help, as most people hardly felt better after reading things like police reports. She'd have to find some kind of awkward vaguely maternal or big sister ish middle ground. Fun. As Hana seemed to wind down, Shiori finally sipped some of her tea. She'd go over the blend of tea in a bit.

"If it helps, I've been here much longer than you. In all that time, I've never managed to fine my own mother or brother. That's the nature of this place. Sometimes people are lucky and find their lives ones. Otherwise you... Make your own family." Shiori sighed, gazing out the window for a moment before continuing. Not like her family would want to see either version of her that the Rukongai or Gotei had made of her. "As far as the bit about the car crash, I'd consider moving past that without closure. Sometimes it can help, but other times... It can make things somewhat more complicated." Of course, her mind wandered back to memories of finding the only family she'd managed to track. Like her, her father had ended up in the latter districts, district 75 to be precise. Like 81 had done to her, his time there had changed him.
4th Division
4th Division
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Mon Jul 26, 2021 3:56 pm
Hana felt bad for dampening the mood of drinking tea and recovering since Shiori tried to take a sip of her tea. She had so much emotional baggage from all the time dealing with her unreasonable mother. Hana did notice after a while, when she stopped talking about her mother did finally sip her tea. 'I feel annoyed in myself for all these problems.' Hana thought to herself. She has been using her morale-boosting method to boost other people's morale besides her.

Hana sighed as she listens to Shiori speaking on matters concerning being in the Soul Society longer than her. It does hurt to hear Shiori say those words, but Shiori knows more about trying to find your loved ones. She did listen to it in the comments of Shiori, how she was acting a bit sisterly but waited for Shiori to finish speaking. Hana deeply sighed and caused her to think for a few seconds before she clears her throat. "I don't know, but trying to move past it is better than staying stuck in the past. Guess why I wanted to get it off my chest and try to move forward even if I might never find her. I never actually thought of creating my own family in the Soul Society. I stayed stuck on searching for her." Hana said. Her tone felt better in hearing Shiori speak about this too.

Hana needed to get this off her chest even if she might not find her mother since the Soul Society is expansive. She needed something to wrest her from her troubled mind after a good day's work in the division. There were still some tiny tidbits of pain in her body language but what Shiori said did help. "Shiori, thank you." Hana said with a gentle smile.

A manifestation of Hana's Zanpakuto happens right next to Hana. A beautiful woman with a beautiful smile of motherly intent, her red hair and green eyes had a gentleness that reminds her of a mother and casual-looking clothes for a morning stroll. She slightly shimmers as if she was checking up on her daughter. "I am grateful to you, Shiori, hehe. Hana Ishikawa means so much to me, and I wouldn't want her to lose herself over the consequences of doing something so unlike her. I would love to talk at length with you, my little shining pearl." Shimmering Atasi said with a smile. Shimmering Atasi does go back to being no longer manifested since she didn't want to chat with Shiori's Zanpakuto. She didn't need to deal with another asshole.

Hana had a look of confusion when Shimmering Atasi manifested herself, but her sword does do that when she's in a deep state of frustration. She gave an embarrassed look when Shimmering Atasi said, my little shining pearl, like a mother, would talk to a daughter they adore. It was embarrassing to see how much her sword's spirit dotes on her. "I-I'm sorry that you had to see that. It's embarrassing, but I adore Shimmering Atasi." Hana said, embarrassed at what Shimmering Atasi did. If anything, Shimmering Atasi and Shiori's Zanpakuto were night and day.
4th Division
4th Division
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Wed Jul 28, 2021 9:35 pm
It was a surprise to Shiori that her first year psych student attempt at therapy had actually had any effect on this girl to any degree. It was far from something she'd ever trained for, so the fact that Hana seemed at least a little more at ease made her feel better. Hell, even her Zanpakuto was thanking her, having manifested to do so personally. If this kept up it might go to her head. "Well, I'm glad I've helped a bit. Just stay focused on your tasks here in the Gotei. You have plenty of time to find her, trust me. Oh, and the tea? It's Genmaicha, a personal favorite."

After another sip of tea, Shiori settled into a more comfortable position. It was nice outside, good walk and smoke weather, but no. She was stuck here in the hospital. Might as well make the most of it. "So... Do... Did you have any other family in the human world? Not sure if I do anymore, but that's besides the point."
4th Division
4th Division
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Age : 37

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Wed Jul 28, 2021 11:53 pm
Hana did enjoy seeing the surprise on Shiori's face about helping her through her problems. She had a smile on her face with how Shiori did help her. It was a grateful bit to say, but then Shiori spoke about being glad for assisting and the tea. "Hehe, thank you, Shiori. I will focus on my tasks in the Gotei. I trust you, Shiori. Oh, the tea's aroma is soothing. I like its name too." Hana said with a smile on her face. She did sip the tea, and it was great, and it had an excellent taste too.

Hana did have a smile on her face and did see Shiori settle in a more comfortable position. She did enjoy the leisure of a stroll in this weather, but she wants to keep Shiori company. Shiori asked Hana a question did she have any other family members in the human world. "I did, yes, my father Hiroshi was a much better parent than my mother was. Also, I have some cousins on my mother's side of the family. Masuyo despised her life with Hiroshi and me, and it was a shock, in all honesty. Opening up is something I should have done sooner." Hana said with a smile on her face. She even told her mother's name since their last name is the same, Ishikawa. She probably will find her father too in this place, but the only one she wanted to question is her mother, Masuyo.

Hana did sip more tea since it is delicious and has a soothing taste, as if she probably tasted this tea previously. "The 4th Division is a respectable place to be. I wish people weren't so mean to me about my personality sometimes. It was how I coped in real life when my parents were fighting about this or that when I tried to relax at home. Though, it transformed into more of a competitive personality instead of trying to defend me from the yelling." Hana said with a bit of reminiscing about her life before she died. After all, the yelling usually was quiet, and Hiroshi would help her with her homework while her mother would go out and drink at a bar.
4th Division
4th Division
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Sun Aug 01, 2021 8:21 pm
"I get the feeling that there's more family things you'd want to talk about. If you want to talk about it further, I suppose I'm open for that. It's not something I'm particularly good at." It was a relief that Suijingiri had seemingly actually gone to sleep, so that was nice. A bit of peace and quiet for once. She turned her attention back to Hana and the mess of a family life she'd shared with her. "And what's this about people not liking your personality? I'm sure more people have problems with my attitude than yours. I'm a bit of a... I believe I've been called a hardass or the ever popular bitch. So there's that. I'm sure you're more than fine."
4th Division
4th Division
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Mon Aug 02, 2021 8:48 am
Hana listens to what Shiori says about wanting to know about her family life and smiles at her. Her childhood was a bit fucked up with all the drama her mother caused at home and school. She sighed in remembering stuff that Masuyo did to sabotage her life. "I like you are the Vice-Captain, Shiori. Masuyo went to my school to cause a stir by spreading rumors about me. She bitched to the principal, and it took three police officers to escort her off the premises. After that, my father drove me to school since the police officers told mom not to come within a 100ft radius of my school." Hana said with a grimace on her face. It was an awful experience, and her mother frequently called her names and made her life a living hell. Hana wasn't too pleased about all the bad memories, but it's better to get past them.

Hana sipped her tea some more since it was one of those relaxing things to do. Also, it did help, and it was quiet, and it was a conversation between people. She sighed when Shiori spoke about not many people enjoying Shiori's personality or calling her names. Like how her mother called her bitch, it frustrates her to hear that. "They don't like my personality because of the odd nature of it, switching from a gentle morale booster to a bitch competitive spirit type of woman. I don't have any problems with yours. You have tons on your plate and require the Division to work as correctly as possible. My mother called me bitch most of her time living but added a bit of spice later on." Hana said, trying to give Shiori a morale boost. She would instead have a confident Vice-Captain than one that feels the weight on her shoulders.

Hana felt as if it was necessary to make everyone feel better, but she also felt better. She did have tons of emotions bottled up from her living that was strong towards her mother. Hana hated her mother and held frustration but talking through it, but she felt pity for her mother. "I hated my mother and kept my frustration bottled up inside, but now talking about it... I feel pity for Masuyo. I don't know why she was a mean and hateful person towards me or my father. But whatever the situation, it's sad and depressing to think about it." Hana said with giving a slight smile.
4th Division
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Wed Aug 04, 2021 12:28 am
Shiori forced a smile as she listened, not because she didn't care but because of a growing headache that was making it hard to concentrate. Perhaps she needed more rest before playing discount therapist, or maybe Hana was a bit too high energy for her right now. Either way, she was finding it harder to focus on the conversation at hand. That and her head was feeling kind of heavy. Also not good. "Well, quite frankly it sounds like your mother has a handful of issues to w..." In an attempt to set down her empty tea cup, it slipped from her fingers, clattering against the tray. Her hands were slightly shaking as she rubbed her temples. "Oh God damnit! I'm sorry I... I'm not feeling well, all of the sudden. Are there uh... Are their pain killers somewhere in here?"
4th Division
4th Division
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Age : 37

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Wed Aug 04, 2021 4:13 pm
Hana noticed Shiori's smile as it felt forced, but there was something wrong with her. She developed a look of worry on her face since Shiori didn't look too good. It caused her to remember what the doctors and nurses said, and there are painkillers in the room. Shiori spoke, and Hana heard, but she trailed off near the end of it. "Possibly, Shiori. Also, what's wrong, and you kinda trailed off near the end there." Hana said with a worried tone in her voice. She saw Shiori try to place down her cup, it slipped from her fingers, clattering against the tray. Also, Hana noticed Shiori's hands shake and rubbing her temples, which means an enormous headache. Shiori spoke again, telling her what is wrong from the onset without worrying Hana even more. "Y-Yes, Shiori, there are painkillers in here. The Doctors and Nurses told me where it was." Hana said with a sigh of relief.

Hana got to where they were, got them out, and gave Shiori the prescribed amount of painkillers. She gave her usual smile but still had a worried look on her face. It was the first time she stayed in silence and heard another set of footsteps walking toward the room. "I feel like that's the nurse going to tell me that my visiting hours are over." Hana said. Time sure flies when you are talking up a storm, and she mostly did the talking while Shiori listened.

The Nurse arrived at the room and saw the two of them still in the room. "I am here to inform you that your time is up, Hana. Unless you already know that. You can leave whatever you were discussing for your Vice-Captain later." The Nurse said with a smile. She did notice that Hana did give Shiori Painkillers, and the right amount too. Odd, to say the least, since Hana isn't good at being a helper around injured people or recovering people. "Hana, you are a bit odd, but I guess it takes a while to train yourself on things you aren't keen on properly." The Nurse said with a look of complementation.

Hana looks over to the Nurse and sighs at what she said. It would probably be good to leave what it is, and they can continue this discussion elsewhere, where Shiori doesn't have a splitting headache. "Thank you for informing me. Shiori, we can continue this later when you are feeling much better." Hana said. She noticed the Nurse's look directly looking at her. It caused Hana to sigh, and specifically, the Nurse said. "Shiori is vital to our Division, after all. I trust her more. Okay, goodbye Shiori, hope you get some good sleep." Hana said. She didn't pass the training after joining the Medical Division properly since her abilities are much more offensive and explosion-based. Also, Hana walked out of the room and waved Shiori goodbye.

The Nurse watched Hana leave the room and did enjoy the two responses that Hana did speak to her about it. She felt jealous of the 4th Division's cohesion since they have hardworking people, even with how Hana holds herself up. Obviously, on the Nurse's mind, but she kept it to herself since it wouldn't be right to add onto baggage that probably, Hana spoke about to Shiori. "It is time to give your check-up, Shiori. I knew Hana when she first came into the Soul Society; she's troubled. I give her that. But thankfully, you helped her much." The Nurse said since she graduated as soon as Hana from the Academy.

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