My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Posts : 51
Join date : 2021-06-17
Age : 28
Location : Arkansas

[Event] Gotei Games: Preliminary Round [Uemura Vs. Shikyo] Empty [Event] Gotei Games: Preliminary Round [Uemura Vs. Shikyo]

Sat Jul 17, 2021 11:41 am

A thunderous voice would echo from the sidelines of the arena.

A pause would fill the arena with a palpable sense of anticipation as a gentle breeze passed through the grounds below the layered stadium-like seating. A grant spectacle, the likes the Soul Society had never seen before.

The ground near the edge of the arena would begin to shake as it seemingly split, creating two rectangular shapes that began to seperate, generating an opening as a lone man upon a rising platform now made his appearance to the crowd. His appearance resembing a middle-aged man, wearing an ornate kimono, that was styled similarly to the standard Shuhakusho that shinigami wore, however the color scheme was much more flamboyant, possessing a suit-like aura as a black and white striped tie hung down from his neck. A rather haphazard design choice to say the least. The man would begin to go over the rules for the fights, and explain the general basis of the idea of a single elimination tournament to those that hadn't any prior experience with such a concept.

[The first fight of the Gotei Games would come to an end.]

Standing within the waiting area of the arena, a red-haired shinigami would be seen as he began performing stretches, getting ready for his match which was now upon him. A sense of both excitement and anxiety began to flood over him as the time for his fight was now.


A shinigami wearing a pair of black shades and possessing a black goatee would motion for the boy to step into the hallway.

Walking down the corridor, the roar of the crowd and the voice of the announcer would deafen him as he continued his pace. Now was the time to prove himself to not only his Captain, but to anyone who ever doubted his resolve for joining the Gotei. Flashbacks of his days during the Academy would fill his mind, as visions of him being taunted and ridiculed were now becoming bleached as the light of the sky shone down upon him. With his appearance into the arena grounds, the crowd would fall silent as he continued to make his way to the slightly elevated arena grounds.

As the boy approached, he could see men and women wearing white uniforms running about, cleaning the white tiles of the arena of any blood, giving them a mirror-like sheen. Stepping onto the white tiles of the arena, the boy would remain still, as his eyes surveyed the crowd beneath his bangs that cast a shadow over the top half of his face.

"NOW! WE HAVE A FIGHT, WHICH I AM NOW DUBBING-" the announcer would clear his throat. "THE FIGHT OF THE FIFTH SEATS!!!!!!!

The crowd would respond with a cacophony of cheering.

ON THE EAST GATE! WE HAVE THE NEWLY ESTEEMED FIFTH SEAT OF THE MOST ESTEEMED FIRST DIVISION......SHIN-E.....Shin.....shinek......a whisper would go slightly heard through the intercom in the announcer's ear.MY APOLOGIES FOLKS! ON THE EAST GATE, WE HAVE, STANDING AT A...MASSIVE.....STANDING AT A WHOPPING 160CM! THE CRIMSON DEVIL! at this point the announcer was just trying to give the poor boy a more intimidating presence.SHIIIIIIIN'EKI UEMURA!!!!!

Grimacing at the most pathetic introduction he'd ever heard, Shin'eki would smile brightly as he rose his right arm, giving the crowd a gesture of introduction, as he began to limber up, glad to have finally gotten this far.


Eager to see his opponent, Shin'eki would focus his attention toward the west Gate.

Posts : 19
Join date : 2021-06-04
Age : 29

[Event] Gotei Games: Preliminary Round [Uemura Vs. Shikyo] Empty Re: [Event] Gotei Games: Preliminary Round [Uemura Vs. Shikyo]

Sun Jul 18, 2021 4:44 pm
With his usual shyness, Kuro could only wave to the crowd, embarrassed, his other hand scratching the back of his head. Truth be told, he was fine with the idea, but so many people would make him nervous regardless of the event happening. There was a bit of enjoyment to be had, though, with so much attention. At least he hoped it was the attention and not some sort of humiliation fetish. Either way, those were thoughts for later. As he reached the arena, Kuro bowed slightly at his opponent, more to signify there would be no hard feelings than any sort of tradition. It had to have been amusing, Kuro realized, to see someone of average height wielding a sword bigger than them. It had to have been even better when he drew his sword with his right hand, ready for his opponent to make the first move.
Posts : 51
Join date : 2021-06-17
Age : 28
Location : Arkansas

[Event] Gotei Games: Preliminary Round [Uemura Vs. Shikyo] Empty Re: [Event] Gotei Games: Preliminary Round [Uemura Vs. Shikyo]

Wed Jul 21, 2021 8:42 pm

Watching his soon-to-be opponent make his way into the arena, Shin'eki would begin to take mental notes of Kuro, sizing him up within his psyche as he returned the man's gesture, with a single nod of his head as he readied himself into a fighting stand, his right geta sliding forward against the sleek white tile as his hips widened.

The red-haired boy reached toward his left hip, grasping the tsuka of his zanpakuto.


The announcer's voice would shatter the tension setting the fight into motion. If the man had blinked, he would've missed the action that had occurred.

Without so much as a passing second, Shin'eki's afterimage would begin to flicker from view as he would reappear above the man, before his image would fade away again. The boy's visage would appear and vanish around his opponent, as he had performed rapid successions of Shunpo. If seen by a veteran trained eye, one could piece together the successions of the images as an array of stop motion pictures played out in slow and exaggerated motions despite the boy's speed rivaling that of a much strobe light frequency.

A current of wind would begin to ensnare the red-haired shinigami's opponent as loose particles of dust and dirt began to become picked up by the current as Shin'eki initiated his flash assault.  

Posts : 51
Join date : 2021-06-17
Age : 28
Location : Arkansas

[Event] Gotei Games: Preliminary Round [Uemura Vs. Shikyo] Empty Re: [Event] Gotei Games: Preliminary Round [Uemura Vs. Shikyo]

Sat Aug 07, 2021 4:38 pm

With Shin'eki's assault continuing, a series of cuts would begin to manifest upon the body of Kuro, the green-haired shinobi was unable to keep track of his opponent as the "red-haired demon" appeared and disappeared only to deliver a slice, after slice, after slice. The speed of which grew faster and faster by the minute as the boy's shunpo began to gain more and more momentum, and as a result more and more inertia.

With each cut that was made upon Kuro's body, a sting followed by a strange tingling sensation would enter into his body, in trying to lift his massive zanbato of a Zanpakutou, he would find his strength betraying him, his joints and muscles locking up and tensing as his hands, which grasped the tsuka of his blade tightly began to lower under the intense weight of his blade. Reaching the ground, Shin'eki would spiral, his blade grasped in his right hand as his geta slid across the white tiles, a trail of dust in his wake  before he came to a resting position just behind Kuro, his knees bent before he slowly began to rise up from his hunched stance.

"You seem a bit sluggish with that bolstering sword you have there. Though I'm sure right now, the very act of trying to move for you must be excruciatingly annoying."

A crimson and brown aura would begin to radiate from Shin'eki's body, his hair wafting with the sudden change in air around him, as the colors of his reiatsu began to take form, and appear like that of a crimson sandstorm around the boy's body as he casually propped the spine of his rusted zanpakutou upon his shoulder. His confidence bolstering with fierce tenacity.

"Y'know normally I try to avoid unnecessary monologues during a fight, but at this point I wouldn't even call this a contest. You must be thinking to yourself 'What the hell is he, What did he just do?' I suppose I should do the honorable thing and at least tell you my ability before beat you down."

Shin'eki would sheath his sword, with an audible *CLCK* before he began to slowly walk, his hands in the pockets of his Shuhakusho, as he walked in a wide arc, returning to the front of Kuro, as to allow the boy one last look at the Shinigami who would have defeated him. Kuro's teeth could be seen gritting widely as his reiatsu flickered, the opponent was clearly unhappy and visibly so. A grimace of death looking outward to Shin'eki.

"My zanpakutou, Seimitsugensui, grants me the power of oxidation, or in laymans terms, the power of rust. What your experiencing right now is just that, You could say I've rusted your joints, but that in itself wouldn't be accurate enough. Take a look at your blade."

As Kuro's eyes moved around like normal inside of his stiff shell of a body, he would find his sword beginning to exhibit patches of red and brown discoloration upon the metal surface, the catalyst of the man's zanpakutou could visibly be seen in action now as slow pits began to form upon the man's blade, and slivers of metal would begin to trickle off with the wind, the shinigami's sword was deteriorating before him, but not as rapidly as one would expect it to. No this was done over the time of his previous attacks, each slice contributing to the deterioration stacking upon itself again and again and again.

"They say our blades are a mirror, a reflection of ourselves, my Zanpakutou takes this fact and uses it to it's liking. The damage you take is reflected into your sword, and the same is also true vice versa...."

Shin'eki would now only be a few feet away from the boy, their height being roughly the same, with the looming zanbato blade shadowing over them in stark contrast. Reaching out his hand, Shin'eki would grasp the dull edge of the boy's zanpkautou, the rusting now becoming faster as it spread from his hand, outward the entire blade becoming coated in a shell of rust.

"However, this power isn't only limited to my sword, and the longer the contact is made, the faster the reaction. My zanpakuto is special in the fact that is what is called a 'Constant-Release' which means I am always in Shikai, which also means the scales from the start were tipped ever so slightly in my favor."

Shin'eki would release his grip from the opponent's blade before he suddenly back handed the blade, the blade cracking drastically before crumbling in Kuro's hands, the remnants of the blade becoming dust before they even made contact with the ground. A gust of wind passing through would only dramatize this event more as his weapon literally blew away with the wind.

"And now, for one final act... REFEREE!"

The essentric announcer would stand there, his jaw on the floor before he came to the realization that he was being spoken to.


Shin'eki would interject.


The announcer would fumble with his words confused. Shin'eki would vanish from sight one final time, this time his hand in a spear-like formation, his fingers outstretched as he pierced the green-haired boy before him. The red-haired shinigami would have taken this opening to pierce Kuro Shikyo's Saketsu, or the area where is soul chain would be. Kuro's world would go black before his body slumped over, his eyes glazed with a empathic expression as Shin'eki, respectfully, closed his eyes with his palm. The Shinigami would not die, nor would he lose his shinigami powers, however, he would be incapacitated for a while until his soul recovered, and his Zanpakuto revived.

Walking away from the boy whom now lay postrate on the ground, as a team of medical personnel arrived and placed him on the stretcher, Shin'eki would look up into the crowd, his eyes meeting with the Captain Commander, determination and dedication flooding his expression, as he looked on in earnest, capable of piercing his very essence.

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[Event] Gotei Games: Preliminary Round [Uemura Vs. Shikyo] Empty Re: [Event] Gotei Games: Preliminary Round [Uemura Vs. Shikyo]

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