My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Posts : 6
Join date : 2021-07-19
Age : 25

 Karen Habiki Empty Karen Habiki

Tue Jul 20, 2021 5:11 am


Karen Habiki

Apparent Age:
True Age:



Karen is a woman who's personality is immediately obvious; an infectious sense of curiosity and a genuine desire to be friends with just about everybody. Karen is a bundle of joy and energy that makes an impression on just about anybody she meets - for better or worse. Loose shouldered with a bouncy gait, her comical posture and wide smile betrays her desire to put on (what he assumes to be) a friendly, approachable persona. Always seeking social affirmation from her peers, Karen's relatively isolated childhood has left her relatively ignorant of social norms and expectations. Due to this, she can seem rather blunt with her questioning and may express ideas that border on childish or immature, such as questioning one's taste in anime or stating that they remind them of a video game character.

Beneath the surface, her endless energy and desire to have her own shonen-style clique can cause her to get quite restless during the slow and often awkward initial periods of friendships. Similarly, Karen will often handwave or otherwise ignore glaring personality traits, finding solace in their similarity to the 2D surrogate friends she's familiarized herself with in the past. Because of this, she often values people much higher than they value her - a rather sad trait that she is (perhaps thankfully) ignorant of.



125 lbs

Physical Traits:

At a glance, Karen is a sporty, fit young woman with a tomboyish appearance. Her black hair is short and styled in a side-swept pixie cut, and her most common outfits are athletic wear. All of her outfits put her legs on full display, and she has a fondness for pairing shorts with longer sleeved tops or jackets. While her build is slender and modest by nature, years of training have padded it out with muscle. In particular, though of average height for a Japanese woman, she has relatively long, shapely and strong legs.

Furthering her 'tomboy' appearance is how she carries herself with a casual confidence, and the blunt, simple manner in which she speaks. She rarely makes an effort to disguise her feelings on a subject, speaking her mind and expressing herself openly and without hesitation or uncertainty. She has a tendency to ignore decorum, most often reflected in her demeanor and speech. Often she puts her feet up when sitting, or thoughtlessly intrudes on the personal space of others. When talking she uses the simplest words she can, putting no effort into proper pronunciation and giving the impression of being uneducated or crude.

In seemingly stark contrast to the more obvious things about her appearance, Karen very clearly puts a lot of time and effort into her looks. Her skin is smooth, nails kept trim and even, teeth the definition of 'pearly white', and she rarely leaves a hair out of place for long. She often smells of scented soaps, lotions and shampoos of the fruity or flowery variety. Most telling is the minimal scarring, callouses and other signs of wear and tear common to heavy practitioners of martial arts or other demanding physical sports. While her clothes often favor functionality, they are always stylish and flattering to her figure


General Fighting Style:

Karen's skill in martial arts is...well...schizophrenic. Her best skill when using her martial arts is the speed of which she can move, and connect her attacks. When she starts using his martial arts, such as her custom "Tolling Bell Kick" martial arts set, consisting of high speed, but powerful hits to the head, arms, and legs to stun opponents and make them lose balance, giving Karen high control over a fight. Although she is very skilled at martial arts, she can sometimes over-rely on her skill in it, often forgetting that she has other skills, and when people figure out her strategy, she may run away, trying to remember if there is something else she can use to attack.

Agility, Stamina, Reiryoku, Reiatsu Control
Strength, Durability


A bit over twenty-two years ago, a well-mannered young woman by the name of Karen married a rough and tumble young man called Habiki. Very shortly after, Karen was born. Raised primarily by her mother, who took to a traditional housewife role, they both were supported financially by her father's work as a professional kickboxer. Both parents did as well as could be expected in their roles for such a mismatched pair, but it became clear early on that Karen looked more to her father as a role model than her mother. She was always fascinated by watching him train, even when she was too young to really comprehend it. This fascination would develop into a genuine interest in the sport, and though it was unconventional, her father was overjoyed enough by her interest in following his footsteps that her began to teach her the basics of general fitness and martial arts.

This caused some conflicts with her mother early on in her childhood, and she would always express some irritation and frustration with her daughter as she continued to adopt more and more of her father's mannerisms. She did, however, manage to impart the importance of responsibility, looking ones best, and taking pride in oneself. Meanwhile, her father's crude speech patterns and general disregard for decorum would make up the bulk of her social behavior. One consequence of this is that she always found herself more inclined to hang around with boys than other girls her age, and from that tendency arose her longtime status as a tomboy. Another consequence was that her general performance in school was mediocre, due to a lack of interest and her own father disregarding the subjects as being of any value. This more than anything was a great source of conflict with her mother, teachers, other students, and even neighbors at times, but it was ultimately decided as unimportant given she was on track to become a professional kickboxer like her father.

Despite the social crudeness inherited from her father, she had more or less as many friends growing up as any other child did. However, her family often moved about Japan and as a sad side effect many of her childhood friendships fell by the wayside. Her continued participation in martial arts classes and other physical sports and activities always found her new friends, however, and to her it more importantly brought about fresh rivals to compete with. This competitive spirit would see her through numerous tournaments, many of which she performed admirably well and a few of which she managed to claim first or second place. When she was in her mid-teens, her father began to take steps to make use of his connection to the professional kickboxing industry to set up her future kickboxing career. It was also around her time that her admiration towards her father and other professional practitioners of the martial arts turned aggressively competitive.

The drive to overcome and prove herself against the older generation was met with a lot of humor and good will from the older generation, but also scorn and disdain. Some assumed she was simply riding on her father's coattails, but the truth was her competitive drive against him and his friends proved to be a significant contribution to the development of her abilities as a fighter. Though she was capable of winning matches and earning a living, only a few years of this lifestyle left her feeling as if she might be stagnating as a fighter. There were still those more skilled than she was, but she had little agency when it came to fighting who she wanted when she wanted, and had to follow the whims of the industry. Further, while she had her 'wins' in sparring sessions, her father remained a hurdle she could not surpass entirely. At this point in time she began to consider setting out on a 'fiction-style' adventure around the world in pursuit of martial arts mastery.

It was during a 'test run' of her plan to travel the world that she would awaken her Fullbringer powers. Not a believer of the supernatural and only barely more spiritually sensitive than most, she none the less always held a fondness for stories about the martial artist's journey to self-mastery and enlightenment through their art. So, to see if there was any merit to the idea, she decided to take a 'training trip' for a week in one of the forests of Japan. Many myths and superstitious beliefs were associated with these forests, but she was certain there was no danger of such outlandish things as that being true. This carelessness would nearly lead to her death, were it not for the power sleeping inside her.

Only a few days into her trip, in the midst of a training routine she had devised for herself, a Hollow attacked. At the time all she could see was trees and rocks being smashed and shattered and tossed about, with only a vague presence she could barely make out as the source. This slight spiritual awareness and her physical fitness saved her life, allowing her to attempt to flee and defend herself. Unfortunately it was to minimal success, and she soon found herself in a 'do or die' moment. Unable to run and refusing to simply be killed by a mysterious 'ghost' in the middle of the woods, she relied on the skills and strength she had honed through years of effort and training. Her Fullbringer power awoke in that moment, transforming the legs she prided herself on into weapons of elemental power.

When she kicked at the 'ghost', the arc of her leg brought with it the fury and force of a storm. Her continued attacks forced the Hollow on the defensive, though she found that the creature could heal itself from her attacks. It was only with on well placed, powerful axe-kick that generated a cleaving wave of wind that she claimed victory. Exhausted from her ordeal, and her awakened power spent, Karen collapsed soon after. When she awoke and found that it was not some strange dream, she found herself filled with an unexpected feeling; a revelation about her talents as a martial artist, the existence of the supernatural, and a reaffirmation of her life goal to become the single best martial artist in the world. As a result, rather than cut her trip short, she used the remainder of it to try and discover how to call upon her power at will and begin to learn how to properly use it. In her eyes the trip was an unquestionable success, and cemented her desire to travel the world, now with a newfound addition of wishing to seek out other supernatural beings and people like herself.

After her encounter with the Hollow in the forest, a return to her normal life would have been impossible for her. With new heights and possibilities revealed to her, that she had only previously considered the realm of fiction and myth, she felt drawn and obligated to pursue them. She attempted to showcase her new abilities to her father, but when he demonstrated no capacity to see these abilities and dismissed her demonstration as a practical joke, she found herself briefly disappointed. This disappointment would quickly vanish however, when she came to the conclusion that only those who had a certain level of martial mastery could obtain these abilities and awareness. This belief led her to conclude that she really and truly had surpassed her father and the rest of those around her as a martial artist, and that if she was going to continue to improve she would need to seek out new and greater challenges.

So, she began making plans to seek out the 'secret masters' of the world that could teach her more about the supernatural world, to find new rivals and perhaps even defeat more monsters like the one that had attacked her. Unwilling to wait around to save up money or travel in the 'slow and proper' way, her profession took a backseat as she invested all of her time into seeking out more supernatural beings and training her own powers as best she could. Starting in Japan as she was already there, her unreliability as a professional fighter put a strain on her career. To compensate she began to make due with more 'underground' venues that suited her purposes better. At times, she was accused of cheating or otherwise rigging a match if she used her powers against human opponents. However, she was unwilling to fully handicap herself when many of her opponents had advantages in size or strength, so instead she adapted to make more subtle uses of it. Throughout these months of fairly scattered wandering and travel, she came into contact with hollows several more times. Though dangerous and filled with risky moments, she has managed to defeat the ones she has so far encountered

Exposition: [Optional. What is your character? Beliefs, life views, etc, go here.]

Side Notes: [Anything you didn't say elsewhere that's relevant to your character goes here.]


Fullbring Item: Aviator badge

Fullbring Appearance:


Ability Name:
Gust Barrage


By waving her legs and arms in a fast motion multiple times toward her opponent, Karen is able to pick up any nearby currents of air and turning them into sharpen gusts of wind. She hurls these flurries of her enemy, in attempts to either knock them down or to shred any bits of skin available.

This ability is equivalent to a cero and last only for once per post.
Ability Name:


Karen manipulates nearby wind to create a blast of wind that expel to her hands allowing for it to push back an opponent from getting too close.

The blast of the wind and pushback is equivalent to a bala with bala speeds, and covers a cone-shape area in front of the user. While this ability is active the enemy does not receive any damage while this technique is active.

Duration: Once per post


Fullbring Appearance:

Ability Name:
Air Tornado


By utilizing and manipulating the current of air that flows around her karen is able to exploit and control of the wind flow velocity. Her manipulation of the wind is left entirely up to her imagination, such as making multiple mini tornadoes spread out in a three mile radius, causing minor to severe cuts in its wake.

The tornados have a speed equivalent based on the amount used.

Can only be used once per post

For instance:
Small tornadoes: Bala speed + Bala force
Medium tornadoes: Cero speed/force
Heavy Tornadoes: Gran Rey Cero speed/force with a 3 post cooldown

Ability Name:


Ability Name:


Karen gathers together any nearby clouds to form them into one cluster, waving the fan and her body in a circular motion. As the clouds begin to gather and form, she uses the wind around it to grip at the clouds, in an attempt that looks similar to wringing a rag, and swirl them around in a circular motion along with the violent winds.

Everything begins to soon mix together in a near perfect harmony as the simple clouds turn into rain clouds from the disturbance. With the wind flow velocity becoming extremely violent and near unstable, Karen then stops rotating her body and instead uses her legs to blow and cast out miniature tornadoes and whirlwinds into the area, allowing them to be controlled and blown anywhere the hurricane sends them, adding to its destructive power.

The maximum speed at which these tornado's and whirlwinds can be fired is 40-72 mph or bala speeds. However the more that are released it becomes more difficult to control.

The force is equivalent to a double cero with a 2 post cooldown
Ability Name:
Blinding Speed

The user utilizes their fullbring and concentrates the wind into their body from head to toe. While using this ability the user gains a 1x boost in agility but it can increase to 2x once its charged to its maximum.

Duration: 3 post
Cooldown 2: post

Roleplay Sample [Optional]:

Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

 Karen Habiki Empty Re: Karen Habiki

Thu Jul 22, 2021 11:41 am
Approved 3-2
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