My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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4th Division
4th Division
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Join date : 2021-06-27
Age : 37

[Open] Holy [Sayua Yoshino - Quincy] Empty [Open] Holy [Sayua Yoshino - Quincy]

Sun Jul 25, 2021 1:05 pm

Name: Sayua Yoshino
Alias: S – The Songstress and Songstress of Butterflies
Real Age: 28
Phys. Age: Early 20s
Gender: Female
Sayua understands many things in her life, as she has lived. She has a significant problem, and that's her inferiority complex towards her mother, Yuna. Her mother demands of herself much, including using their unique form of combat style as a Quincy. Sayua doesn't want to disappoint her mother, but her father Minato demanding more of her studies and becoming a singer didn't help. She was a bit shocked that she took to singing faster than learning Yuna's combat style.

Sayua has a slight fear of her heritage as a Quincy, but that's only because of her mother. She hides it to the best of her abilities and ignores her sworn duty to destroy Hollows. Sayua acts like she isn't great and all, but she's talented with her mother's spear, the Butterfly's Keil. She has a feeling that all this bloodshed and battling should stop. It's because she misinterprets her mother's words sometimes. After all, she hasn't gotten much guidance on that matter, but her mother's bloodlust is worrying.

Her parents indulged her throughout by coddling since they want to keep her safe. It took her to learn on her 16th birthday, which she discovered the truth of her mother's heritage as a Quincy. Her parents decided to break the news to her in the worst way possible, but her father has no Quincy heritage in him. She had to choose between working towards learning her powers or dropping everything and becoming disowned. Sayua chose the earlier not understanding what she was getting into, but she doesn't want to hurt her parent's feelings.

It wouldn't come to anyone's surprise, but Sayua is a naive, optimistic, kind woman. Sayua would instead sing to a large crowd with her beautiful voice. Friendly to people who are conversing with her and wanting to know more about them. She forgets people's problems because she wants to know what isn't their problem over what is. Sayua only wants to enjoy the positive aspects of life and not the negatives. She tries so hard to please everyone, but she doesn't get that she cannot please everyone.

Height: 5’3”
Weight: 129 lbs
Physical Traits:

At a glance, Sayua looks like a high-class singer and wears flashy clothes. Her silverish white hair is long, and she wears butterfly earrings on her ears. Also, her blue-colored eyes significantly show her wonderment and enjoyment of singing. Whenever Sayua is not singing, she wears innocuous clothing to blend in and quickly disappear from a watchful eye. She has a blue-colored purse with many butterflies to cover up her affiliation with her race, a Quincy. Since it holds her, Quincy Cross inside of it.

Sayua has a beautiful smile at all times, and nothing can melt her optimism about such things. She carries herself well enough, with a soft but precise tone in her voice with no such hostility toward anyone or anything. Sayua does love to talk about her hobbies, which have turned into a career. It feels like if she isn't an optimistic individual, there could be something wrong with her. Also, Sayua has a problem with indulging in sweets from time to time since they are lovely to taste or enjoy.

Sayua, utmost by her parent's decree, told her to keep herself well kept in body and mind. She keeps these aspects of herself wholly intact since there is a sense of not disappointing her parents. Also, a lovely smell comes from her hair, which can remind people of their favorite flower or seasoning in their favorite dish. Sayua always has a flavored flower popsicle in her hands in the afternoon or evening hours. People have given her the nickname of Songstress of Butterflies.

General Fighting Style: Sayua is a mixed attacker, Quincy, using her bow for long-ranged and the custom-made Butterfly's Keil Spear for short-ranged. She isn't used to her mother's combat style, but she can manage somewhat. The Butterfly's Keil Spear design is sleek and well made to be held in a bag, which means it is easier to be transported. It comes in three parts, but Sayua cannot throw the spear since it wasn't designed for throwing. Sayua uses her agility to use the spear in its pertinent aspects for the maximum amount of damage. Also, she can use blunt for defensive purposes to help her out. Sayua has a hesitation in her as to how she fights, and it's like she doesn't want to end someone's life over anything.
Strengths: Weapon Mastery, Blunt, Reiatsu Perception and Reiyorku
Weaknesses: Ransotengai, Durability and Strength

Schmetterlings Bersten Bricht (ft. Butterfly's Bursting Break) - Schmetterlings-Keilspeer's move tied to releasing the Reishi gathered to it. It releases a sizeable bursting Reishi-formed butterfly that goes in a direct line. Sayua's Reiatsu is green in color, which is why those butterflies' spear bursts travel fast as the wind.
- Effects –
- 10% Reishi Gathered: Bala Damage - Five smaller butterflies, are formed at this gathered stage.
- 25% Reishi Gathered: Cero Damage [1-Post Cooldown]
- 50% Reishi Gathered: Double Cero damage [2-Post Cooldown]
- 100% Reishi Gathered: Gran Rey Cero Damage [3-Post Cooldown]
- The Schmetterlings-Keilspeer will be on cooldown based on the percentage gathered when it released its Reishi-formed butterfly.

Schmetterlings schöner Schritt (ft. Butterfly's Beautiful Step) - This is a customized form of Quincy's Hirenkyaku. As it states, whenever Sayua uses this move, leaves behind small green Butterflies made of her Reitsu in where she was previously. Sayua hasn't mastered this version of the Hirenkyaku since it requires the usage of her Reishi to make it visually appealing. Still, she could use the regular Hirenkyaku, but she enjoys the more visually appealing one.

S – die Sängerin (ft. S – The Songstress) - Sayua's inherited Schrift gives her the power of S, the Songstress, whose power is to support those surrounding her. As such, a 20ft radius surrounding her gives her gathered-up Reishi from Schmetterlings-Keilspear to boost the arrow's strength they fire from their bows. The reishi forms into butterflies to travel to any nearby Quincy. She supports others with her songs of encouragement.
- Effects –
- 10% Reishi Transferred: Gives up to ten Quincy in the Radius to fire the same number of shots as a Bala.
- 25% Reishi Transferred: Gives four Quincy in the radius to fire a larger-sized arrow, equal to the damage of a Cero. [1-Post Cooldown]
- 50% Reishi Transferred: Gives two Quincy in the radius to fire two larger-sized arrows, comparable to a Double Cero's damage. [2-Post Cooldown]
- 100% Reishi Transferred: Gives a single Quincy in the radius to fire a huge-sized arrow, equal to a Gran Rey Cero's Damage. [3-Post Cooldown]
- The Schmetterling-Keilspeer will be on cooldown based on the percentage transferred to another Quincy.

Quincy Bow:
Quincy Powers: Blunt Vene, Licht Regen, Hirenkyaku
Quincy Items: Leidan Hant, Silver Tubes x4, Schmetterlings-Keilspeer, and Quincy Cross

Leidan Hant: Her glove symbolizes butterflies on it, which is what her mother told her. Sayua hasn't seen it since she's not ready to train with it yet.

Schmetterlings-Keilspeer (Butterfly's Wedge Spear): It is a custom-made spear and is to the point of what it signifies in Sayua's training. Sayua can empower the spear by gathering Reishi in it instead of using her bow. When it has gathered a single percentage of Reishi, it will start to glow green, which gets exponentially brighter. The 100% Gathered Reishi Stage takes longer to reach than the 10% Reishi Gathered Stage. The more Reishi gathered into the spear, the harder it gets to complete the transformation process at 100% Reishi Gathered.
Gathered Reishi Stages: 1 Post per Gathered Stage Percentage with up to 5 posts required to hit 100%.
- 10% - The Fifth of the Right Butterfly's Wing is forming
- 25% - The Right Butterfly's Wing is halfway formed
- 50% - The Right Butterfly's Wing is fully formed, and the Left Wing is taking shape
- 75% - The Left Wing is halfway formed
- 100% - Both Butterfly Wings are Fully Formed and transforms the spear.

”Schmetterlings-Keilspeer Appearance”:

Final Form/Letzt Stil [Unlocked at 2-1:

Vollstandig [Unlocked at 1-1:

History : Sayua's History has been one of discovery since it took her 16th birthday to learn of her actual heritage as a Quincy. Their lineage stretches back to before Germany when Quincy used to rule an empire. Her lineage stems from Songstresses who would support Quincy in their battle against their enemies. Therefore, she was trained in her mother's lineage, but she doesn't enjoy being frequently reminded of her duty and whatnot to her ancestors.

All Sayua wants to do is sing for a large audience as her songstress moniker of Songstress of Butterflies. She hesitates and neglects her training to become a full-fledged Quincy because of her inferiority complex to her mother's prowess with a bow. Her mother's name does mean Archer, while all Sayua's name means swift and fast like an arrow. She has a strange outlook, her mother wants her to help her fellow Quincy, but she hasn't met another one besides her overzealous hateful mother who pressures her. Before the pressures of being trained, her parents indulged her so much. Sayua does love her parents and doesn't want to disappoint them, but it would help if they didn't so heavily wish she would focus on everything they ask of her.

Sayua's singing career is the only thing that is going right for her. Her father's push to her becoming a great singer was favorable in her life. However, her relationship with her mother isn't that great since she says the Quincy Grandmother would be disappointed in her inaction. Sayua has no idea who the Quincy Grandmother is, for that matter. She only heard of her title as a grandmother by Yuna, who felt a bit frustrated in dealing with Sayua at some times and regrets coddling her daughter somewhat.

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Posts : 161
Join date : 2021-06-19

[Open] Holy [Sayua Yoshino - Quincy] Empty Re: [Open] Holy [Sayua Yoshino - Quincy]

Sun Jul 25, 2021 11:18 pm
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