My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Posts : 10
Join date : 2019-11-18

Asta Aunphelice[WIP] Empty Asta Aunphelice[WIP]

Sun Nov 24, 2019 5:06 pm


Name: Asta Aunphelice ["Dignified; Holy."]

Real Age: 30

Gender: Female.

Personality: Asta operates on a morally grey compass; each decision beneficial to the church, and by extension the Diocese. She acts also on logic rather than emotion, making her an ideal leader. Notably a pacifist at heart. Asta avoids conflict, but will carry out extreme prejudice if compelled to. She's undeniably mercurial in terms of behavior, selfless and kind hearted on the surface yet often switches to a more blackhearted persona on a whim. Her high spirited facade minimizes intimidation, and due to this trait, she's often underestimated. Albeit, will warn others to not take her kind gestures, and soft outward demeanor lightly. Often, she addresses everyone in the same manner, no matter their status. 

She's rather astute, showcasing the ability to accurately assess individuals, making her an effective interrogator; though it could simply be a testament to how wise she is. Wise beyond her years. She's undeniably intelligent, as her diction suggests. As all Quincies believe: Knowledge is power. Her eyes can be found glued to scripts and holy pages more often than not, expanding upon her mind. She believes a healthy mind will prolong one's physical shell. She commonly quotes lines from holy script if the situation befits it. 

On the surface there's a bubbly personality, however she's quite cynical. Asta refuses to hold sinners or hollows in very high regard. The same can be said for a shinigami or Arrancar. Her personal opinions of them can be derived from a similar spectrum of the Dioceses, in which she almost blindly serves. She'll often voice her disgust in a subliminal manner and despite the festering hatred, no matter one's race, her tongue is always respectful. 

Asta Aunphelice[WIP] NowGIK3
Height: 5'8

Weight: 150lbs.

Physical Traits: Asta is a woman with no considerable muscle mass, albeit more defined than average of the feminine gender. She's a woman commonly commented on her physical appearance, and the curvature of her form is present in more places than just one. Angled brows, concave lips, lowered folds, and piercing hues paint a scowl upon her angular visage at times. Albeit, her expression is usually tame and neutral. The crimson hue of her orbs only accentuate her ill-tempered expression or the softness of those aforementioned features. Messy snow white hair freely extends the length of her back. 


Strengths: [What are your character's strengths in combat?]

Weaknesses: [What are your character's weaknesses in combat?]

Ability Name: [Quincies are allowed 1-2 personal abilities per stage.]

Ability Description: [These can be combat oriented or roleplay oriented.]

Ability Name: [Quincies are allowed 1-2 personal abilities per stage.]

Ability Description: [These can be combat oriented or roleplay oriented.]


Quincy Bow: [What does your bow look like?]

Quincy Powers: [What Quincy powers do you possess.]

Quincy Items: [What items do you have?]

Boosts: x2 to all stats.


New Quincy Powers: [What new quincy powers do you gain? You can add more than just one here, but be careful, as quincy have possibly the most number of abilities normally than any other race.]

Ability Name: [Quincies are allowed 1-2 personal abilities per stage.]

Ability Description: [These can be combat oriented or roleplay oriented.]

Ability Name: [Quincies are allowed 1-2 personal abilities per stage.]

Ability Description: [These can be combat oriented or roleplay oriented.]

Boosts: x3 to all stats.


New Quincy Powers: [What new quincy powers do you gain? You can add more than just one here.]

Ability Name: [Quincies are allowed 1-2 personal abilities per stage.]

Ability Description: [These can be combat oriented or roleplay oriented.]

Boosts: x4 to all stats.


History: [History goes here. Optional.]
Side Notes: [Anything you didn't say up above that's relevant to your character goes here.]
Roleplay Sample: [Optional.]

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