My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Keith Ravarro
Keith Ravarro
Posts : 39
Join date : 2021-05-25

[Open] Looking to Survive Empty [Open] Looking to Survive

Mon Jul 26, 2021 11:04 pm
He finally opened a portal back to Las Noches the training regiment wasn't good enough, Keith trained hard. But he was missing a key factor and still the new warrior didn't know what it was. The goal was to surpass his power and push himself even further the training was fine and all but he'll need something of a challenge. A question of being ready for that challenge was twisting around within his mind having a good mindset was the key. Learning about the opponent's strengths and weaknesses and once the enemy is caught off guard striking with everything you got. Another way was weakening the opponents and attacking certain points to keep them off balance and then moving in for the finishing blow.

"I'll never get the power that I want to achieve by training alone. Lady Aranche was a powerful lady but this is all about survival and if I can't do that then they'll kill me for sure. I must reach a new level of power and soon" Keith was planning ahead still it was a gamble of finding the right person to continue his training.

Lady Aranche was someone to consider but really he shouldn't be bothering the mistress with tasks like that. He needed someone powerful enough to see where he stands and what he needs to improve. "But who?"
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[Open] Looking to Survive Empty Re: [Open] Looking to Survive

Mon Jul 26, 2021 11:40 pm
"Lady Aranchne? You mean Mama Nakita?" Tenkai had been relaxing in the area on one of the upper pillars of the training area, so it was natural he'd overhear the Arrancar. Dropping down in front of him, Tenkai would show himself to be much shorter and as his childish voice implicated he looked extremely young, no older than a 14 year old human being might be. Although considering they were all Arrancar that was obviously deceiving. Tenkai looked up at Keith with a smile on his face and his head slightly tilted. "Playing" was one of his favorite past times and he also held an interest in getting stronger.

"She's a fun lady. I played with her yesterday. So maybe I'm strong enough for you to play with as well?" Tenkai asked with a curious nod as he stood up straight and did a salute with his hand. "Tenkai Daigo, Fraccion to Thor Blerster, at your service. Also adopted child of Nakita." Tenkai introduced himself with pride before relaxing and studying his soon-to-be opponent. Assuming Keith understood his own mistress well, Tenkai's connection to spiders should be apparent off the fact she considered him one of her children now.

Upon close inspection one might note he didn't have a standard Zanpakuto or any clear weapon on his person. All he had was his attire which if looked in the right light reflected slightly due to the webbing which stitched his clothes together. On his hands would be two fingerless leather gloves. Although it would be unknown to Keith these gloves were his Zan in sealed form.
Keith Ravarro
Keith Ravarro
Posts : 39
Join date : 2021-05-25

[Open] Looking to Survive Empty Re: [Open] Looking to Survive

Tue Jul 27, 2021 12:04 am
This was unexpected one of Lady Aranche's children here but the mistress did say she had children but him? Keith was thinking about this for the moment if he challenged this child to a fight really two things could happen from this. Either he gets a good sparring partner to test his abilities getting what he wants which was his purpose for training. On the other hand, Tenkai could squeal to Lady Aranche telling her some false story which could lead to problems for both of them. He can't be thinking like that focusing upon his goal and nothing was going to stand in his way. He'll see if this child measures up but deep down the guy will probably regret doing this when Lady Aranche finds out. "Sooner or later, I'd met up with one of Lady Aranche's kids? You're right, I'm looking for someone to train with and you seem good enough for me."

Keith will have to put his doubts aside this was a chance to test himself against one of the Lady's kids. He gets into a fighting stance thinking since this was one of Lady Aranche's children then it would be proper for him to start. Having his hand close to his zanpakuto waiting for his opponent but something was missing here. Then remembering introductions were made and it would be proper to tell him who he was. "Tengai right? I'm Keith RaVarro, fraccion of Lady Aranche. I'm impressed and being the good sport it's your move.

Focused upon his enemy the warrior keeps eye contact awaiting his adversary hopefully all his training will show results.
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[Open] Looking to Survive Empty Re: [Open] Looking to Survive

Tue Jul 27, 2021 12:18 am
Tenkai nodded and smiled as he responded to Keith's inquiries "Yes, I was adopted after me and her fought. I lost but it was still super fun! It's so rare to find other spiders so it was truly a treat." His mind momentarily flashed back to the bout with Nakita. Honestly, he faired well despite the power difference though it was pretty clear she was holding back. Still, it was a good learning experience and he got a new friend out of it, so he couldn't complain.

"Alright my move huh?" Tenkai thought as he started to bounce in place, trying to replicate boxer movements he saw when he was in the human world one time. "Alright, I'll do my best! Though I'm not very good sealed so don't hold it against me if I have to release quickly, alright?" Tenkai smiled as he spoke, his words carrying all the excited elation of a child about to go to his favorite theme park: Battle absolutely thrilled little Tenkai after all. In that moment though he'd Sonido the short distance between them so that an outstretched hand was almost touching Keith's back.

"Cero." Although he didn't actually need to call out his attack, he wasn't sure how Keith's reactions were so he wanted to give him more of a chance to react. Normally getting this close was more of a challenge but they were starting off face to face. The energy would rapidly build into his hand before inevitably being let out in a blast towards Keith's back. A simple opening shot to their bout.
Keith Ravarro
Keith Ravarro
Posts : 39
Join date : 2021-05-25

[Open] Looking to Survive Empty Re: [Open] Looking to Survive

Tue Jul 27, 2021 1:09 am
This child was fast this was what he gets not training with his sonido abilities properly. But the technique really hurts his left ankle just not within Resurreccion state which was a mystery. "Huh?"

Tengai was fast something the man wasn't expecting where did he go? "Oh Crap" Bracing for impact getting into a defensive stance quickly as the cero attack hits him, Keith caught it but it was a little strong. It felt a little like that boulder that was impossible to move but this was an obstacle for him. He wasn't backing away from this using his very strength to throw the cero blast away but his hands were shaking. Never underestimate your opponent no matter what, Keith needed to remember that from now on. Remembering his teachings see his opponent's abilities and find ways to counter even defeat them that was something the Lady taught him.

He was about to fire a Cero attack of his own but then stops for a bit looking at his surroundings seeing the battleground. Thinking of a battle strategy trying to think one step ahead of his opponent and his next course of action. Keith had an idea it was time to enact it his hand stops shaking which was a strong Cero attack indeed. "Not bad at all your training has shown some merit after all."

Keith thought of tiring Tengai and then striking him in his Ressureccion state but, he fired a Gran Rey Cero at him. This was a strong Cero blast but risks and gambles will have to be taken in a fight even in battle. This was a little too much but this was a test of his power to see where he stands.
Posts : 161
Join date : 2021-06-19

[Open] Looking to Survive Empty Re: [Open] Looking to Survive

Tue Jul 27, 2021 3:25 pm
He was starting off with a Gran Rey, inside Las Noches? This guy was a little on the crazy side. At this range he didn't have time to release and counter so reducing his damage was about the only choice. Interlacing his fingers webs would weave between them and when he extended them out they would form into a net. On top of which he would harden his Heirro, one of his personal specialties. As the powerful cero impacted it would have it's power cut down by the silken barrier before it eventually and predictably broke through, striking Tenkai with the remaining force and pushing him backwards into the wall at the back of the room.

As the smoke eventually clears from the impact Keith would see Tenkai walking out from the smog, rolling and cracking his neck with a frown on his face. He had clear burns all over his body about what you'd expect from a normal Cero impact. Despite his looks, with his Heirro being one of his specialties, Tenkai was actually surprisingly durable.

"You know firing off a blast like that in Las Noches is pretty dangerous. What if you damaged the area and pissed the king off?" He stopped for a moment and gripped his chest wincing. "Owowowow..that would've been real bad if I didn't reduce it's power a little with that net." Straightening back up he pointed towards Keith as he continued. "Alright! If you're gonna put that much effort in, I'll acknowledge your effort and back in kind!"

Holding his right hand out in front of him Tenkai would pull the glove on his hand taught as he spoke his release phrase. "Crawl, Arachnophobia." A large explosion of Reiatsu spread out across the area as Tenkai transformed into his ressurection state. A mask appeared over the bottom half of his face resembling a spider's mouth and mandibles. His arms and legs became slightly elongated and more pointed/angular looking adding to the spider aesthetic. Automatically upon entering his ressurection state webs would spew forth from beneath his body completely covering area for up to a 100 meters in webs.

Keith would notice instantly the sticky webs making him sluggish if he stood upon them. From his right hand more webs spewed forth as it constructed into what seemed to be an a large spider, complete with with life like movements. It looked similar to a funnel web and was about the size of a great dane.

"Alright..I'm ready..come at me with everything you got Keith." Tenkai's voice while still carrying hints of his original childlike voice now had a disturbing, insectoid like chitter to the foreground of his words, like clicking teeth.

Abilities used:
Keith Ravarro
Keith Ravarro
Posts : 39
Join date : 2021-05-25

[Open] Looking to Survive Empty Re: [Open] Looking to Survive

Tue Jul 27, 2021 6:41 pm
Didn't really think that through and the destruction could have been bad if that had done enough damage around here. Las Noches was Graven's home and the fraccion needed to behave better than this or the mistress could punish him severely. Looking around the damage wasn't that bad but that could have been a whole lot worse but he thought of another way of defeating his adversary. He was about to attack but realized something his movements were restricted by some sticky stuff some sort of webbing ability. "What is this? I can't move some kind of sticky stuff really this shouldn't be shocking. Hollows come up with dangerous even new powers" If he would have to guess the child could use this to his advantage using this as a time to strike and probably weaken him. Whatever this child was doing his transformed powers gained him the advantage the attacks are good.

Keith looked at his situation using his strength but something caught his attention as well his jacket was caught in this stuff. He noticed the webs were completely covered upon his hollow coat removing it was a complete mess. Grabbing his zanpakuto unsheathing the blade and throwing the sheath away, Keith regained his focus tried getting into a stance. But his left leg was entangled with Tengai's webbing but it will have to do. "Alright, I'll give you just that. Bite...Carmesivampiro"

An eruption of shadow energy emitting from his body turning the whole place completely dark for mere seconds. Keith was encased within a black shell as everything returns back to normal except for him.

The black shell started breaking around him appearing more like a hybrid werewolf monster having a hollow monster head upon each shoulder. He was thinking more of how he wanted to attack the new insect creature just ready to attack but something was wrong. The remains of the webbing were on his left foot. "I guess I'll need to deal with it and hopefully it will come off." He thought.

But his opponent was waiting and he hated keeping people waiting when the monster should be attacking his prey. Empowering his claws with red energy getting ready to strike waiting for them to pulsate in power, it was ready. "Carmesi El Incendio", He slashes unleashing five crescent blades traveling fast at Tengai. Keith was wondering if that could work but another way was coming to fruition. Using one of the two deadliest attacks but it needed to time just right and planned precisely.
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Join date : 2021-06-19

[Open] Looking to Survive Empty Re: [Open] Looking to Survive

Fri Jul 30, 2021 2:14 pm
Tenkai smirked beneath the mask as Keith went into his release, it was honestly as impressive looking as he was hoping. Spider and a wolf eh? Should be an interesting match up. It seemed from his first attack that the wolf was wanting to keep things at range for now which was perfectly fine with Tenkai and well within his wheel house. With a twitch of a finger the larger spider moved in front of Tenkai so if anything made it through it would impact the spider rather than Tenkai himself, although he wasn't just going to let them smack into his creation if he could help it.

"Sorry about the web, I know it's annoying. Just has a habit of getting everywhere yah know?" He chortled in a humors and slightly sarcastic tone.

Energy began to well up both within the mouth of the spider and in front of the Tenkai's mask as two Cero's were fired forward to intercept the incoming energy claws. While he wasn't entirely sure how strong they are, he was hoping the two ceros would be more than enough to blow through them and cancel them out. As for the follow up attack another twitch of his finger would send the Spider flying across the battlefield, it's speed being greatly increased thanks to the webbing it stood on.

The spider would weave it's way around to Keith's side before lunging at him with Zansteel dagger like teeth in an attempt to bite into his shoulder. Assuming it impacted, not only would he have a rather sever injury from the fangs alone but the toxin the spider produced would pour into him, sending waves of anxiety and physical nausea through his body, hopefully knocking him off his mental and physical game a bit.
Keith Ravarro
Keith Ravarro
Posts : 39
Join date : 2021-05-25

[Open] Looking to Survive Empty Re: [Open] Looking to Survive

Fri Jul 30, 2021 10:41 pm
Impressive indeed yet the guy must be one step better than this and really there was no choice, Keith will have to gamble on this. Now some toxin was affecting his body meaning he'll need to act now before getting tired out completely. But he started feeling it a little meaning the man didn't have much time left before the toxin weakens him. He didn't want to do this but this spider was going to defeat him completely but it was time to use one powerful attack. He started gathering amounts of energy and then tried for his deadliest attacks called "Sangre Diablo Ante La Arma". Feeling a headache coming on as this needed to be done quickly forming the massive ball as he smiles and it explodes in Tengai's face.

The surprise was nothing happens as Tengai wasn't harmed as the small molecules disperse all around him. Keith needed to play this just right and trick him "Waitaminute, What did you do to me? That was supposed to hurt you, I don't understand." He was looking a bit dumbfounded just thinking he'll need to trick Tengai hoping he wouldn't catch on. He was hoping the kid would charge at him the moment he does the molecules will have him and the fun begins. "Come on take the bait and attack." He thought.
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[Open] Looking to Survive Empty Re: [Open] Looking to Survive

Tue Aug 03, 2021 1:15 am
"Guess the poison is working then. Okay, let's see how you handle this one. Boom." Tenkai snapped his fingers as Reiatsu flooded into the large spider that was still biting into him, since it seems he didn't do anything to dislodge or destroy it, probably a fatal mistake if his reactions weren't quick enough. The Spider would start to swell and glow red until eventually it popped and exploded with devastating force. Hopefully he had a way to get away from the spider for his own sake.

Tenkai would continue to speak as dust and debri filled the air, preventing him from seeing the current results of his attacks. "Honestly, you seem decently strong but I'm chalking this one up to a bad match up. No shame in tapping out you know." Tenkai simply waited and watched to see the results of the explosion before doing anything further, he wasn't trying to kill his enemy after all.

Abilities used:
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
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[Open] Looking to Survive Empty Re: [Open] Looking to Survive

Wed Aug 04, 2021 12:32 am
"My My...What do we have going on here?" rang out a voice before a figure solidified from the shadows above their fight, descending with elegance and grace before seemingly suspending herself in the air. The Figure was that of none other than Nakita Arachne, the infamous 'spider queen' of the Espada. The woman arched her body backward, much like a contortionist. "Is that my newly adopted son and my favorite fraccion training to become stronger?" She asked with curiosity written all over her face, allowing her big red eyes to watched them both closely as her hands were folded against her chest. A1few dozen red eyes opened from the shadows around them, very distant for safety reasons but looking straight at the two combatants.

Nakita was there to observe and enjoy the show but can interfere when the moment calls for her to do so.
Keith Ravarro
Keith Ravarro
Posts : 39
Join date : 2021-05-25

[Open] Looking to Survive Empty Re: [Open] Looking to Survive

Wed Aug 04, 2021 2:46 am
Keith was smiling for a moment the child didn't realize what he did as the molecules around the child were waiting. But the toxin was getting to him still he just needed a bit more time before finally finishing the technique. Yet it was getting a little difficult to breathe yet another change was the lady was here too watching the show. This was not happening still the guy could waste any more time because it was now and never time to go through with it. He started laughing just thinking that this child was declaring victory but he had something in store for him. He looks at Tengai and then noticing the many molecules frozen around him getting ready. "You might not want to call for the flag (cough-cough). Before you do that don't you want to know something?"

He calms down feeling his left arm going numb that was just perfect but maybe he'll find some medicine. "You didn't realize that the prey was smarter in the spider's game. Not noticing the real trap (cough-cough) before claiming one's victory" He activated the molecules all around Tengai clinging to his body entrapping the little Arrancar. Keith watches Tengai encased with a dark red sphere then explodes as the blood energy cross forms.

"I only hope that doesn't hurt him that much. I was hoping not to use that as a last resort but really didn't have a choice." He thought.

As the smoke finally clears...

Keith was wondering if Tengai was wounded enough from one of his deadliest attacks hoping it wasn't too much.
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[Open] Looking to Survive Empty Re: [Open] Looking to Survive

Fri Aug 06, 2021 2:14 pm
Tenkai's eyes perked up at the sound of Nakita arriving, now being fully distracted from the fight. "Hi Mama! Yeah he wanted to test himself so I offered to fight him. It's been a lot of fun h-" and it was around this time he exploded, having been simply too distracted by his adoptive mother arriving to take notice of the attack, a flaw that he was working on but Nakita was well aware of. Honestly, something like this would have killed a less durable spider, but even then Tenkai was left reeling and fell to the floor, smoke rising off his body, conscious but in a rather large amount of pain from fresh burns covering his body.

"That....was not........very nice." He panted out as he slowly got to his feet, staggering a bit but standing. The glare in Tenkai's eyes showed just how pissed he was now. Not only did he take a rather large hit he wasn't planning on but he just so happened to be emberessed in front of his mother in a fight he was otherwise winning. He wasn't planning to use his new move considering they were still in Las Noches, but common sense had left him now simply out of pure rage. With all his spiders currently dead, it was the prime time to do it too.

A large amount of web shot from his fingers as a new, gigantic SUV-sized spider formed itself, holding the appearance of a Goliath Tarantula. "Fine. If you want to take things that far..." Energy started to gather into the spider's mouth as it dashed over top Tenkai and kneeling down using it's own body as a gigantic shield. The energy rapidly gathering inside the spider's maw was black as void, to the point the brightly lit room was notably darker as the dark ball of energy began devouring the light.

If the Gran Rey Cero Keith fired off earlier was breaking the rules, then what Tenkai was getting ready to fire was flat out smashing them. The only reprieve Keith had was the fact it was taking time to charge up.

Abilities used:
Keith Ravarro
Keith Ravarro
Posts : 39
Join date : 2021-05-25

[Open] Looking to Survive Empty Re: [Open] Looking to Survive

Fri Aug 06, 2021 11:44 pm
Not that may have been a stupid move on his part now this child of Lady Aranche was getting serious but this was bad. Keith didn't have anything left maybe throwing in the towel was the proper choice on his part giving it all he could. Yet the one thing he couldn't do was give up right now because of the fear of Espada killing him. The poison was getting too difficult for him as he was falling down to one knee but with sheer willpower, Keith gets up. Surveying the bad situation of one arm being gone from the poison and it continued to spread through his body. "Now what? Oh no, that's not good"

He started to notice the massive Cero blast coming after him thinking it was no use. But survival was on his mind the thought of losing wasn't a good feeling to him and he wasn't a loser. Keith had one good hand using the sonido technique rushing right into the attack "This is it all or nothing..Sangregarfa claw" Using his claw hand blocking the black energy ball. But he was losing ground as the attack was too much thinking it was all over.

"No...I won't. I just WON'T LET THIS DEFEAT ME" He yelled.

Forcing his claw hand piercing the blast hard yelling in a rage grabbing the attack in immense pain. "No, not fucking now...DAMN IT" The poison was finally getting to him but he'll die if he didn't do anything. "I MUST SURVIVE AND I WILL" With his remaining strength, Keith slams the massive energy ball and it explodes right in his face sending him crashing out of the building. The Arrancar couldn't believe it but he actually lost this the young warrior managed to beat him. "He won..." He falls to the ground losing his stamina as well.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
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Join date : 2019-10-30

[Open] Looking to Survive Empty Re: [Open] Looking to Survive

Sat Aug 07, 2021 7:20 am
Nakita sighed watching the fight shaking her head in dissappointment "My dear childern...Learn to play nice."She spoke spreading her arms before a tiny thread was attached to each of their backs before a seemingly invisible force pulled them apart to opposite sides of the room before webbing weaved around them both, encasing them from the neck down in cocoons before she lowered herself looking between both of them . "I appluad you for spar, it was interesting and entertaining to watch, even if you both allowed your egos and anger to control your actions and waste the oppential of an amazing battle"She said in a soft motherly voice "Now both of you need to rest and relax, you both are in time out till you learn what you done wrong in this fight and what you could have done to better the match."She Spoke in a strict tone of discipline looking between the two around her.
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[Open] Looking to Survive Empty Re: [Open] Looking to Survive

Tue Aug 10, 2021 8:24 am
Tenkai was snapped out of the moment of his rage as he casually flew across the room into the a wall where he would soon find himself encased in a cacoon. The spider, which was previously charging the attack dissipated instead of firing off it's, crumbling into a pile of webs that soon after vanished as Tenkai resealed himself.

"S-sorry mama. I'll try to do better next time.." Tenkai spoke in the low voice of a scolded child, although he would be quick to rebound as he continued on. "B-but my new spider! What do you think? He's really tough, a good personal shield and as you almost saw he has some decent capabilities. I'm really proud of that one." His voice perked up once more as he swung excitedly back and forth within the cocoon, giving his situation little mind. Perhaps it was due to his nature but he found it rather comforting honestly.

Still, her intervention was probably a good thing. Tenkai probably wouldn't have escaped punishment for firing that thing off within Las Noches anyway.
Keith Ravarro
Keith Ravarro
Posts : 39
Join date : 2021-05-25

[Open] Looking to Survive Empty Re: [Open] Looking to Survive

Wed Aug 11, 2021 3:52 pm
"I should have done better. I apologize for my actions that should have gone differently" He said.

He shouldn't be like that at all thinking about but wondering what he could have done better than that. Keith was pondering about this what he could approve of in the future this warrior had a thing for spiders for one. Meaning he'll need some kind of defense against them and the poison this was a good chance to see himself in action. More importantly, he'll need to work upon his speed and work upon his anger as well. Keith felt differently this was a weird sensation as the shadow energy was counteracting the poison.

The man was trapped in the cocoon yet wondering how his body was fighting the poison. All those years in Hueco Mundo, Keith wondered if his defensive power had something to do with it. Not really caring about it but he should for his health and really take this seriously from now and not fight family.

"Tengai, I believe what she is trying to say is to improve what we lack. Learn from our mistakes and control our anger." He said calmly. Keith was clenching as his spiritual pressure spiked the man was angry thinking about something else. "If I'm to improve then Las Noches may not be the way." He thought quietly.
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