My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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4th Division
4th Division
Posts : 175
Join date : 2021-01-04

Rhydderch Skolopender Empty Rhydderch Skolopender

Mon May 31, 2021 11:28 am

Name: Rhydderch Skolopender
Apparent Age: 37
True Age: 850
Sex: Male
Personality: In most situations, Rhydderch maintains an outward appearance of jovial calm. He respects those with power, and especially those who know how to use it properly, though this is by his definition. He tends to view those who serve him as a family, though a somewhat twisted view of one. Arrancar are a family, and mistakes are made. Though the more mistakes are made, the more the calm facade cracks. Those weaker than him that are his enemies are treated like an adult addresses a lost child at the mall. Those equal to him in strength are given more respect than anyone else, especially if that strength is refined as opposed to raw power.

If angered, he prefers not to speak, and finds himself compelled to remove the source of his irritation. Whether this means a shinigami, lowly hollow, or even another Arrancar means nothing at this point and should it keep up whatever aggravating behavior will eventually encounter his full force of violence.

As far as how he handles battle, he tends to treat fights with the same urgency as a competitive player sees co-ed sports, taking things casually and treating it like a game while looking for a way to carve out a quick victory before his opponent can react. The more skill his opponent has, the more fun he has, and the more he prods his opponent to make them more prone to rash decisions and fatal mistakes.

Height: 6'9"
Weight: 280
Physical Traits: [Picture or 2 Paragraphs] outfit consists of military issue trousers with digital yellow black and grey camouflage. Wears a dark grew tank top under a fur lined black coat that is either worn like normal or over the shoulders like a cape. Tribal centipede tattoo winds up his arms, the centipede heads on the back of his hands.

Mask remnants consist of 7 piercings on each of his ears.

History: [History goes here, optional, can be skipped]
Exposition: While strength alone isn't everything, it is the foundation of all that matters. Strength of will, strength of character, strength of body, it doesn't matter. The strong lead, and the weak serve and follow. Anyone who tries to break this mold without strength in all of these 3 crucial pillars deserves the destruction the bring upon themselves.
Side Notes: Theme: One Man Army - SHVPES
Ambient: No Values - Spec Ops: The Line OST

General Fighting Style: His general approach to fighting is to stay up close and personal to get an idea of how opponents react to stress and constant stress. Physical attacks consist of a flurry of strikes from his sword and occasionally from kick or knee strikes to change the flow of attacks to keep things unpredictable. If an opponent is knocked off balance or is caught off guard enough, he may supplement his attacks with close range cero, made more brutal of he has his enemy grappled.

If forced to fight at range, he will either use cero to prevent his opponent from staying in one place long enough to get off an attack, or use his blood to light enough of the environment on fire to close his enemy into a ring of fire to close distance.
Strengths: Cero, Heirro, Swordsmanship, Strength
Weaknesses: Agility, Sonido, Hand to hand
Ability Name: Yellow Phosphorus
Ability Description: internal body temperature is absurdly high but is contained within the body and difficult to sense. When exposed to air, his blood bursts into yellow flame, sticking to anything it lands on. The flames burn hot and can be difficult to remove. These can give second degree burns, but do not harm Rydderch himself.

Ability Name: Kings Light
Ability Description: Rhydderch raises his sword above his head or in front of him, followed by some cheesy line regarding light or kings. What follows is a blinding light from the blade along with a release of his reiatsu boosted by 20%. Should this work, he closes the gap and strikes with his blade, the light having returned to the blade and erupting on contact with the opponent, adding damage equivalent to hado 31.
Ability Name: Marathon Burst
Ability Description: given his lack of default speed, he needs to expend extra reiatsu in order for his sonido to match high level shinigami. This process telegraphs his intentions, though where he ends up is where the mystery lies. 1 post cooldown.

Ability Name: Skull Crusher
Ability Description: Uses a high powered surge of reiatsu to amplify arm strength for an attack far beyond normal strength and speed of sonido. Reiatsu vents at the wrist flare up as he delivers a fast powerful punch, usually to the face or chest regardless of what is in the way. Usual follow-up to Marathon Burst. Double cero strength, 2 post cooldown

color=lightblue]Ability Name:[/color] Cross Counter
Ability Description: Anyone foolish enough to to manage to impale him on their blade or land a physical blow on him in general is treated to a powerful strike with Le Roi en Jaune's spiked pommel or his fist, designed less to impale the opponent but to knock the wind out of them and return the damage dealt to Rhydderch back to them as it is dealt to him. 3 post cooldown

Sealed Appearance: large medieval Greatsword with a broad blade that seemed to be made of a iridescent yellow metal, emitting a full yellow glow. Base of the grip has a spike used to pierce his own skin to allow easier use of his burning blood.
Zanpakuto Name: Le Roi en Jaune
Zanpakuto Call Out: Raise Your Head and Awaken
Cero: Yellow, wreathed in flames
Cero Cornea
Gran rey cero
Bala (weak)

Appearance: Mask now covered Rhydderch's eyes, nose, ears and forehead. 4 additional eyes are now present, 2 on the forehead and two further behind the originals. The number of arms increased to 8, 4 of which carry copies of his sword, and 4 ending with clawed hands with mouths in the place of their palms. Dark grey chitinous armor covers the chest and arms. Upper body no longer covered by clothes, revealing his hollow hole on right side of chest.
Ability Name: Gaoth Atharrachaidh
Ability Description: Sword bearing arms begin moving incredibly quickly, making getting near him dangerous. Serves as much of a defense technique as it is offensive. Other than a cero, no other techniques can be used during the duration. 3 post cooldown and lasts for 3 posts.

Ability Name: Sèid Ifrinn
Ability Description: the mouths on his hands spew burning blood wherever aimed, creating a blazing wall of fire 15 ft high. 4 streams of blood are created, each with a cero level in strength individually should they be aimed directly at an opponent. 4 post cooldown

Ability Name: Talamh Loisgte
Ability Description: all swords are slammed into the ground in front of him, sending forth a wave of burning energy that travels through the surface of the ground on its way to the target. When the attack reaches the target or arrives under them should they jump, it errupts into a blast at gran rey cero strength. 4 post cooldown

Ability Name: Scorching Eyes
Ability Description:reskin of Bala cero. 4 spheres of burning blood are created on his 4 free hands, and thrown at the opponent with slight tracking.. Despite the blood used having more of an incendiary effect, these spheres explode on contact, flinging the burning blood every direction. 3 post cooldown.

Ability Name: Emperor's Sun
Ability Description: King's Light on steroids. Amplified effects, but followed by a Gran Rey Cero. 3 post cool down

Unlocked at 0 Tier:

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Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Rhydderch Skolopender Empty Re: Rhydderch Skolopender

Mon May 31, 2021 6:16 pm
Approved 1-3
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Rhydderch Skolopender Empty Re: Rhydderch Skolopender

Sat Oct 23, 2021 11:25 am
Approved 1-1
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