My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Join date : 2021-10-22
Age : 32

Klara Dorylus Empty Klara Dorylus

Fri Oct 22, 2021 5:34 am

Name: Klara Dorlyus
Apparent Age: 16
True Age: 333
Sex: Female
Klara appears to be a cautious but aggressive individual. She is slow to warm up to others do to her untrusting nature and may appear to be quiet and reserve if left alone. She does not hate others people and actually prefers to not be alone, however, she would never tell anyone that. When she does speak, she is either loud and boisterous or quiet and soft spoken. Her words however remain sharp and direct.

Once she gets to know you or becomes a bit more comfortable, she appears a lot more energetic if not more physical. She is a hands on person and has trouble learning if she cannot put her hands on it. She often gets in trouble do to her strength and has trouble being delicate with things but if she breaks something, its probably your fault for not giving her something more sturdy. Neverminded the fact you told her not to touch it.

Klara can appear to be a bit of a hoarder of things she thinks are valuable like gems, metals, rocks, bones, friends, grudges, and more. She is also very protective of her things and hates when other people touch them without her explicit permission. She does hate things that can easily break, unless she really likes it a lot. If anything of hers gets taken or is broken, she gets very easily upset. However, she is also easily distracted so its not hard to calm her down if you aren't the target of her aggression. Did I forget to mention she loves buttons. Just know she swears she has never pressed a single one ever.

Height: 5'0"
Weight: 90lb
Physical Traits:
Klara has red long hair, white bone like antenna coming out of her head, red eyes with pinkish red sideways tear drops around her eyes and 2 red circles on her forehead, and lightly tan skin. She has bone mandibles  on the side of her face and a bone band running along the middle of her face over her noise and its arch which connect the mandibles. Her body build is lean and she has a hole under her sternum.

She likes to wear skirts with a crop top type clothing. She does not wear shoes but will wear gloves if she is trying to be more dressed up. She also always tries to wear at least one of her lustrous stones, gems, or metals on a necklaces. Sometimes she might wear gems or metals in her hair, especially around someone she wants to impress.

History: N/A
Exposition: All buttons should be pressed. All of the precious things should be hers. Those weaker than her should move out the way, unless they are cute. Cute things should be hugged once. Fluffy things should be petted at least once. Everything should be touched once. Finally, it wasn't her.
Side Notes: She is probably in trouble... right now I'm sure she is doing something wrong.

General Fighting Style: Klara is a brute through and through. She aims to back her enemies into a corner or on the ground and crush them with her strength. While she can fight at a range, she prefers to be up in your face. She does not toy with her food... but that doesn't mean she won't chew slowly.

Strengths: Strength, Reiatsu Control, Hakuda,
Average: Agility, Stamina, Durability, Speed, Sensing
Weaknesses: Zanjutsu, Hoho, Reiryoku

Ability Name: Heart of the Swarm
Ability Description:
Summons up to 3 drones which are one tier weaker than the Klara. These drones all carry glaives resembling Raubtier des Menschen. Last until their are killed but the cooldown doesn't start till all 3 die. CD 3 Post.

Ability Name: Chitin Armor
Ability Description:
In base, it reduces oncoming damage by 25%. In Resse, this jumps to 40%, and in Segunda it jumps to 50%. Passive.


Sealed Appearance:
Klara Dorylus L6s4WU9D
Zanpakuto Name: Raubtier des Menschen
Zanpakuto Call Out: Lets devour them all!
Cero:  Cero, Bala, Gran Rey, Cero Oscuras


Klara turns into a hybrid of man and an ancient ant. The her lower half becomes the thorax and abdomen of a giant ant. The front arms of the ant are like scythes. The back four legs are sharp but not as deadly as the front two legs. Chitin also forms over the users cheeks, joints, hands, abs, chest, and upper back. The user's human portion of their body does not grow in size. The ant portion of their body stands off the ground at 6 feet and is 5 feet wide (including the legs in their neutral position) and 8 feet long. All 6 legs have 3 segments. The front legs segments are 3 feet at the base, 4 feet in the middle, 4 feet at the end. The back legs are 3 feet at the base, 4 feet in the middle, and 5 feet at the base.

Ability Name: A Great Crushing
Ability Description:
Klara infuse Reiatsu into Raubtier des Menschen and delivers a powerful blow can causing it to glow dark red purple. This and deflect energy blast and projectiles up to Gran Rey levels. CD 3 post.

Ability Name: Swarming Pattern
Ability Description:
Break down into a swarm of bugs and reform to avoid an attack. This can only be done twice per thread. 5 post CD.

Ability Name:Power of the Swarm
Ability Description:
Summons a solider that resembles Klara in her unreleased form. This solider has a shield attach to their arms resembling a beetle's chitin with a deployable spike at the bottom that can anchor them into one spot (even if they are in mid air.) The solider has a shell on their back resembling a beetle's chitin that protects their wings. However, instead of wings, this solider has a biological cannon which comes out of their back. This cannon can fire a Cero per post. The solider can withstand up to a double Cero. CD 2 post.

Ability Name:Scouts of the Swarm
Ability Description:
Summons 2 fast scouts resembling Klara in her unrelease form. These scouts have green and purple Cyst over their body's and arms. These scouts explode upon death, spreading a sticky substance that slows down all near by creatures in a 5 meter diameter for 2 post and dealing Bala level damage. CD 2 post.

Unlocked at 0 Tier:

Optional Roleplay Sample:
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Klara Dorylus Empty Re: Klara Dorylus

Fri Oct 22, 2021 6:16 pm
Approved 2-3
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