My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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4th Division
4th Division
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Age : 37

A Meeting of Death and an odd Arrancar [Morana & Klara] Empty A Meeting of Death and an odd Arrancar [Morana & Klara]

Thu Oct 28, 2021 10:02 pm
As some would say, Morana was roaming the White Deserts of Hueco Mundo, much more south than usual from her home in Las Noches. Morana annoyingly ran into some hollows that thought they could take her on but were easily defeated because of her need to grow stronger and her need for revenge. She frustratingly sighed that some of these hollows willing threw their lives away to get a chance of getting more potent when they could have done so by joining Yekatarina. “What a waste of skill or anything that could have caused Yekatarina to grow stronger. I suppose they were too weak to even think for themselves to join Yekatarina’s ranks.” Morana said.

All the other Arrancar in the Espada got their tiny kingdoms of lands in Hueco Mundo, underneath Yekatarina. Morana did like the new titles of such to get even stronger to get the necessary revenge. She continued to travel through the White Deserts, but she stopped. ‘I wonder if Rhyddrech found anyone during his recruitment campaign in the world of the living?’ Morana thought to herself. She looked deep in thought but what always keeps her safe from others is her presence of death. It wasn’t for her sensing being subpar compared to her usually great desire to keep her beauty.

Morana stops wondering in her head since being deep in thought for too long is a bit of a pain. She sighed and shook her head slightly but decided to get something off her chest. “It would be nice to find someone more applicable or appreciative of talking instead of being a nutcase. Nutcases? What am I going on about, and I am an Arrancar? Guess I am a bit nostalgic of my past life or something.” Morana said, slightly annoyed at herself. She wholly accepts Yekatarina’s rule since Yekatarina promised to help get her revenge. ‘I should probably chat with Yekatarina when I return to Las Noches.’ Morana thought to herself.

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A Meeting of Death and an odd Arrancar [Morana & Klara] Empty Re: A Meeting of Death and an odd Arrancar [Morana & Klara]

Fri Oct 29, 2021 9:28 pm
Klara lied in the white deserted alone. Well, she was not technically alone. Her drones scurried around her but they were a part of her. Talking to them was like talking to your own hand. Sure you can give it a voice but everything still came out of your mouth. It was not a conversation worth treasuring. Why were the drone's scurrying around. Well, Klara had added some new stones to her collection and the drones were polishing them. Her Antenna bounced around, giving required orders to do the complicated task the girl did not supervise actions, thus, the little workers were making very little progress. The girl had her eyes in on the moon. It looked empty, like it was missing something. Klara raised the stone around her neck and held it up next to the moon.
"I wonder. If I put my treasures up there, would you be full up." The Arrancar let out a sigh. Her antenna stopped moving with the last instruction given being to rub the cloth over the stones.

Suddenly, her antenna detected a spike of Reitsu. It wasn't a menos... at least, not any menos she was aware of. The only one she knew that had a similar power level to her was the bird Akira. The girl climbed the tall dune that was behind her. Her antennae signaled her drones to bury the treasure in their original hole. Her eyes peaked over the temporary hill. Over the hills was a beautiful woman standing before corpses of other hollows. Was she seeking their treasures or were the hollows seeking the woman's treasure. It was weird, as the woman did not seem to have a signal sign of battle.

Klara had to protect her things, or at least buy time for her drones to finish hiding them in her super secret hiding spot. She climbed on top of the dune while holding her Glaive. She took a deep breath and then released a loud Cicada cry. "Hey you! There is no treasure her. So leave. I have nothing to trade so it is your only option. I won't share my hidden treasurers either. So don't even ask"

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4th Division
4th Division
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Age : 37

A Meeting of Death and an odd Arrancar [Morana & Klara] Empty Re: A Meeting of Death and an odd Arrancar [Morana & Klara]

Sat Oct 30, 2021 7:51 pm
Morana felt as if someone was staring at her, but how badly she can detect things with her ability. She only felt that way because someone probably looked at her instead of otherwise. ‘What the hell? What’s going on now, and I hope no one wants to die as well. I wouldn’t want to deal with killing others since it’s a waste.’ Morana thought to herself. She kept her position, though, since it wouldn’t be quite right to move forward or retreat since someone feels like they want to be hostile.

Morana raised an eyebrow when a short woman, an Arrancar from the specific broken mask, came from the other side of a dune. Odd, what does this Arrancar would want besides being an utter dolt or whatever they could suspect. Morana heard the other female Arrancar and was utterly confused about what she meant, but defending them is unique. “You are entirely odd, you know that? I am not here for your treasures, whatever, but if you want a fight, I will fight. Since I don’t ever back down from one even though I don’t want to fight.” Morana said with an annoyed look on her face at the insect Arrancar. She unfurled her Scythe, beautiful in colors and had a shining, glowing gold skull with some seventy.

Morana was in more of a defensive stance than an offensive stance as if she wanted the one who yelled at her to make her first move. She elegantly held her Scythe as one would suspect someone who does, but thankfully, the woman who yelled at her isn’t in her aura’s range. Morana had a smile on her face for that. “If you must know my name, it’s Morana Magliocca. What is your name, fellow Arrancar?” Morana said with a slight smile on her face. She held no ill will to all the hollows and humans she’d killed. It’s all to get her revenge against the ones that killed her.

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A Meeting of Death and an odd Arrancar [Morana & Klara] Empty Re: A Meeting of Death and an odd Arrancar [Morana & Klara]

Tue Nov 02, 2021 8:25 pm
The girl stopped but did not retreat. However, she did not attack either. "Odd... I am not odd! You are the odd." Klara waved her glaive in the air angry. "If I wanted to fight you, I would attacked you. I would take the treasure from you that was really mine. However I am not. I seek not to fill my emptiness with other hollows. I just want to protect what is mine. I want keep my own value." When the girl brought out her weapon, She put two hands on her weapon and started adjusting her antenna. Her drones started moving around the dunes preparing for a potential attack. There wasn't a lot of places to hide but the dunes where not difficult to move through with some effort.

Klara huffed relaxing her stance so she could point at the opposing woman, "Oh... Well. I'm Klara Dorlyus. My name is a treasure so you better remember it!" Then she smiled but for returning to her own defensive pose and frowning. Her treasures where hidden but that did not mean they were safe from a fight. Klara could only hope that her performance would make the woman back off. But well, you could never guess with another Hollow when people did not reveal their power.
4th Division
4th Division
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Age : 37

A Meeting of Death and an odd Arrancar [Morana & Klara] Empty Re: A Meeting of Death and an odd Arrancar [Morana & Klara]

Tue Nov 02, 2021 10:24 pm
Morana kept a good eye on the other Arrancar, while in the back of her head, she should have stayed in bed without dealing with this. She was tasked with something, and Morana did it. When the other Arrancar spoke, it made her roll her eyes because that’s what odd people would say. “Anything else than calling me strange? I don’t feel there are any other treasure seekers besides you here.” Morana said, sighed at the ordeal of chatting with the other Arrancar. She laughed when the other Arrancar entirely waved her weapon in the air, but Morana spun her Scythe in response. “That’s good to know you don’t want to fight me, but I must say you are entertaining. Protecting valued treasures, hmm, what kind? The only thing I treasure is the revenge I seek against the people who murdered me in cold blood in Northern Italy.” Morana said with a smile.

Morana spun her Scythe and kept it out for in case but held it a bit more loosely instead of how tightly she was holding it. When the other Arrancar spoke and felt a bit more relaxed, she responded with her name, which was cute, in how Klara Dorlyus added to treasure her name too. “I will Klara Dorlyus. Hmm, since you are a treasure seeker, I might as well give you something like a gift of our meeting then.” Morana said with a smile. She moved her hand to a pouch she carried on her and pulled out a specific jewel, which was an Emerald, and tossed it toward Klara Dorlyus with her strength. When or if Klara catches the Emerald in her hands, it would cause Morana to spin her Scythe and refurl it on her back since Klara doesn’t want to fight, and it would be neat to offer a peace offering or gift to her. “I do hope you enjoy the Emerald, I tossed to you. I only have one of them since I got it from one of my journies in the human world. However, I didn’t stay too long since of my neverending presence surrounding me. In which, I am grateful you didn’t approach me.” Morana said with a smile. She would be interested in what types of treasures Klara is after but giving her dibs on taking them all since all Morana wants is to get stronger.

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A Meeting of Death and an odd Arrancar [Morana & Klara] Empty Re: A Meeting of Death and an odd Arrancar [Morana & Klara]

Wed Nov 03, 2021 2:07 am
"What you mean. Everyone has some treasure they seek. A thing that can fill the emptiness inside. Power, Glory, Value... It has different names but to me. Its all treasure," Klara chuckled arrogantly, "So we all are treasure hunters. In a way." She was pretty proud of her words. Its what got her through her many years of consumption. When the girl asked her about her treasures, Klara had to thing. "Well... I shouldn't tell you... but. I collect things that add value to my life. I got a lot of rocks, crystals, glass rocks... I think their called Gems. But I don't have many of those. I also have other neat things."

Klara repeated, "Such treasure... I hope you find it. I hope it fills any emptiness inside." Klara put away her weapon not sensing any more threat. The woman was dangerous like any other being but she did not need to worry about her treasures... for now. Still, she kept her drones hidden. It was her secret weapon. When the woman offered and threw her the gem, Klara antenna flicked back and forth and one of the drones, climbed over the hill to catch the item. Klara inspected the item, bending down to look in her drones hand.
"Oh... Very pretty. I like it thank you for the treasure... but why can't I come close to you?"
4th Division
4th Division
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Age : 37

A Meeting of Death and an odd Arrancar [Morana & Klara] Empty Re: A Meeting of Death and an odd Arrancar [Morana & Klara]

Fri Nov 05, 2021 1:59 pm
Morana blinked with a raised eyebrow at Klara’s words, but what Klara said made more sense. She must’ve missed something in her understanding of what Klara meant earlier. “Ah, sorry for the misunderstanding then. Guess we are seekers of different things, then. Different Treasures, as you put it.” Morana said with a smile. She still believes Klara is odd, but everyone is a bit weird when they lose something as much as life in the now or in the moment when it happens. “Everyone has their hobbies.” Morana said. She agreed with Klara because it’s simple to understand the treasure seekers are in what they seek instead of the other things. Klara then spoke about what treasures Klara desires, which are gems and other valuables. “Hehe, that’s quite a beautiful collection of treasures you want there, Klara. It’ll be good when you gain a large pile of them. I used to be into pretty gemstones when I was alive, but, as you can see, I am not. We are both Arrancars.” Morana said with a sigh.

Morana heard Klara say, Vengeance and repeated what she said previously about treasures. “I do hope I am fulfilled with the Vengeance I seek, but I want to get stronger while I am seeking the Vengeance on those I want to eliminate. Though they are human and less likely to gain power, revenge served cold to destroy what power they had.” Morana responded to Klara. She saw Klara put away her weapon, which pleased Morana more than anything else. Morana didn’t enjoy starting fights, only finishing them. What caught her eye was a small flying drone that picked up the Emerald that she threw at Klara, and it looked insectoid similar to Klara. Klara then asked why she could not approach her, Morana deeply sighed, but she told everyone about her neverending aura that surrounds her. “Death permeates around me, which is why I usually return here after going to the human world. It’s a neverending aura of Death that slowly absorbs Reiastu from plant life in the world of the living, killing it. Though on soul beings, it weakens them, which is why it was so easy to eradicate those hollows that attacked me. They didn’t suspect me of having something to weaken their capabilities like that. I call it Ambiente Della Morte, or in a different language, it’s called Death’s Ambience.” Morana said. She wasn’t smiling since she didn’t want to have to eradicate those hollows that attacked her, but in the world of the Hollows and Arrancars, the weak perish, and Morana wanted to be strong.

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A Meeting of Death and an odd Arrancar [Morana & Klara] Empty Re: A Meeting of Death and an odd Arrancar [Morana & Klara]

Sun Nov 07, 2021 4:00 pm
"Hobbies... No no. This is... Its not a hobby. Its... like... A feeling inside. like... A purpose. Yes. I think that's the word. It will fill the emptiness, the hole inside me." Klara held her hand over the hole in her stomach. It was her existence and all she could remember from as far as she was willing to think back to. There was no way she would settle for allowing it to be just a hobby. "But thank you. I hope that others can see the value I add to my life."

Regarding this vengeances idea, Klara did have a question. "Oh... ummm, question," she suddenly spoke up, "If you want to kill this human who killed you... wouldn't they be dead already? Cause... like... we live much longer than them no?"

She was a little confused by the idea. So much so that her antennae started to flick around. Immediately another drone crawled over the hill and made its way to the woman. It did not hold its weapon nor did it move aggressively. It was cautious as if it was going to scout out something, only its focus was on the woman. Assuming the woman did not move away, The scout would attempt to move as close to the woman until it was a meter or two away.
4th Division
4th Division
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Join date : 2021-06-27
Age : 37

A Meeting of Death and an odd Arrancar [Morana & Klara] Empty Re: A Meeting of Death and an odd Arrancar [Morana & Klara]

Wed Nov 17, 2021 5:20 pm
Morana heard what Klara reiterated about what it is instead of what she had said previously. She should have listened more carefully and closely to Klara, but Morana enjoyed hobbies when she was alive. It's more of a feeling of hunger to get stronger or revenge on the ones who killed her. "I suppose I was a bit of a sentimental to my previous life, since that's what I used to do back in the day, hobbies. Though, it's more of a lifestyle change to want and need what we want compared to others, like the mortals and the Shinigami." Morana said with a bit of sigh on her lips. She has been feeling more old thoughts lately when she's sleeping, but it is a means to end what she wants. Though, when Klara speaks up again, and Morana smiles slightly at what she said. "No problem, Klara." Morana said with a smile.

Morana couldn't help but think and take a closer look at the drone, which is more of a mini-version of Klara instead of what she thought she saw. It is interesting to control mini-me versions of yourself, but her tactics are more about death. Klara interrupted Morana's looking at the singular drone with a question of some sort. "Ask away, Klara." Morana said with a smile. Klara asked her questions about the vengeance she seeks, which is funny and caused Morana to laugh slightly. "I am not after a single person but the entire generational line of the family that killed me, which is why the number has never changed from 70 people that I need to kill. In Northern Italy, a much bigger mafia family didn't like the Magliocca Family's Trespass on their turf. In which, I died in the process." Morana said with a sad look on her face. She has no idea what has happened to the Magliocca family ever since her death, besides the few times she watched over them before becoming a Hollow, then an Arrancar.

Morana saw Klara's confusion on her face and also noticed another drone approaching her specifically. As if Klara sent it to test out the Aura that she does do have. Morana stayed where she was so the drone could come to her. As the drone approached the Ambiente Della Morte was in full effect until the drone stopped only a meter or two away from Morana. "Hmm, interesting, how many drones can you control? Since I can only see two right now." Morana said with interest to control drones. She had been intrigued by Klara, even with the slightly confusing bit on understanding Klara correctly.

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A Meeting of Death and an odd Arrancar [Morana & Klara] Empty Re: A Meeting of Death and an odd Arrancar [Morana & Klara]

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