My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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4th Division
4th Division
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Age : 37

[Private] Kasumiōji Compound: Katsuki & Hanako's Training Empty [Private] Kasumiōji Compound: Katsuki & Hanako's Training

Tue Oct 26, 2021 8:20 pm
In the Compound, which Katsuki usually finds herself in since Hanako's family allowed her to stay there since her family disowned her. Katsuki was mediating in the Kasumioji's training room as she's a bit serious when alone. She enjoys that the Kasumioji's Compound felt more homely than her home. 'I wonder where the Princess is? I should've woke her up so we could train together.' Katsuki thought to herself, with a smile on her face. She opened her eyes after sitting there for like it was at most thirty minutes meditating. It caused her to yawn slightly since sitting still in one place too long made her want to go back to sleep, which is how Katsuki is most of the time.

Katsuki got up from the sitting and looked at Jisshi keitai ga koi, next to her Zankaputo, and sighed. Earlier, the only reason she woke up so early was that her Zanpakuto's Spirit was utterly rude to her. As usual, nothing had changed when she unlocked her Shikai, which made her give out a sigh. "What am I going to do with you, Darkeru? Please stop calling me Miss." Katsuki said aloud because of her frustration with her Zanpakuto. She picked up her Zanpakuto and put it back on her waist. Her hair stood up on end, and she sighed at what that meant, and Darkeru didn't care about what she thought, no matter what.

Katsuki tried not to let it bother her as much as possible since it was utterly annoying not to enjoy being with the Zanpakuto that awakened in her. Darkeru is like her darker side of the same coin, and it's obvious how she tries to hide how she feels to her best friend, Hanako. Hanako does tease her much, as much as Katsuki teases Hanako back. Though it is what friends are for, and she enjoys that the most. "May our friendship stay forever. I will cherish the Princess forever!" Katsuki exclaimed with a smile on her face. She usually does say those few words to Hanako in private, even though Hanako's facepalms at her saying, Princess sometimes.
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[Private] Kasumiōji Compound: Katsuki & Hanako's Training Empty Re: [Private] Kasumiōji Compound: Katsuki & Hanako's Training

Wed Oct 27, 2021 1:44 am
Hanako quietly sits by the door for the second half of Katsuki's meditation, remaining completely silent to both prevent herself from affecting Katsuki's focus as well as avoiding alerting her to her own presence. However once Katsuki blurts out loud in response to her Zanpakuto Hanako can no longer hold herself back and a smile appears on her face as she takes a step into the training hall. "And what exactly is wrong with that Miss Katsuki?" Hanako teases Katsuki as she was obviously displeased at being called Miss by her zanpakuto.

Hanako then proceeds to the center of the training hall and takes the top of her Shihakusho revealing only a tshirt underneath and lets it fall to the floor as she grabs the hilt of her zanpakuto. "Since you are already here how about we try and get some actual training in rather than you just sitting there and being pestured by Darkeru?" Besides I'm pretty sure Phoenix would like to have some fun." Hanako draws her zanpakuto and holds it up with both hands gripping the hilt as she takes a ready stance waiting for Katsuki to do the same.
4th Division
4th Division
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Join date : 2021-06-27
Age : 37

[Private] Kasumiōji Compound: Katsuki & Hanako's Training Empty Re: [Private] Kasumiōji Compound: Katsuki & Hanako's Training

Wed Oct 27, 2021 5:50 pm
Katsuki sighed slightly with the ordeal of dealing with her Zanpakuto most times. She looked up and saw Hanako walk in with a smile on her face, which caused her to smile at Hanako. Hanako spoke though she made Katsuki give out a gasp and sighed in unison. "H-Hanako, you are a tease, you know that? It's nice to see you. How long were you there outside?" Katsuki questioned her friend. She knows how much Hanako likes to surprise her every so often to make her embarrassed. One of those times, she slightly blushed by being embarrassed because Hanako said Miss is a bit better than her Zanapkuto saying it.

Katsuki let out a sigh in understanding why Hanako is here, and it's what they do all the time. They train and waste time afterward, which is fun to be with her friend, Hanako. Hanako spoke about that as much, and she would agree to do something than being pestered by Darkeru. "Yeah, I would like that very much, and training is better than being bothered by Darkeru. Training is fun compared to other things I could be doing." Katsuki said with a smile on her face. She saw Hanako draws her Zanpakuto, and Katsuki moved in her training position across from Hanako. Katsuki pulls out her Zanpakuto and holds it the same way as Hanako has hers. In a similar stance, too, and looked directly at Hanako. She needed to have some fun training over worrying about everything she had to deal with in her family's case.
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[Private] Kasumiōji Compound: Katsuki & Hanako's Training Empty Re: [Private] Kasumiōji Compound: Katsuki & Hanako's Training

Thu Nov 04, 2021 3:30 pm
Hanako rubs the back of her head as she giggles and shrugs as she responds to Katsuki. "I've been sitting there for about fifteen minutes now give or take?" I saw you meditating and didn't want to bother you but I took the first opportunity I saw to jump in and get your attention." Hanako watches as Katsuki mimics her own stance and giggles as she listens to her comment on her zanpakuto. "How do you plan to get closer to your zanpakuto if your going to openly comment on things being better than bonding with it while you have it on you?" Hanako examines Katsuki as she shifts her feet and takes a step forwards watching to see if she moves, then suddenly without hesitation, Hanako charges forward at full speed and switches her zanpakuto to her right hand as she slides past Katsuki and swings at her feet before coming back to her feet mid slide on the back side of her friend.
4th Division
4th Division
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Age : 37

[Private] Kasumiōji Compound: Katsuki & Hanako's Training Empty Re: [Private] Kasumiōji Compound: Katsuki & Hanako's Training

Fri Nov 05, 2021 12:55 pm
Katsuki saw Hanako rub the back of her head as she giggled too at her questions. She held an embarrassed look as Hanako answered her questions, which made Katsuki a bit embarrassed than usual. "O-Oh god, that long earnestly? Thank you for that, though, Hanako, to focus on other things than trying to talk to a brick wall." Katsuki said, slightly blushing. She can't handle Hanako's frequently teasing her, but she enjoys the company more than anything. Hanako giggled at her again, which caused her to become flustered by Hanako. Though, it was the topic of getting closer to Embodiment Darkeru, as Hanako says as much. "It's a bit hard to get to know Embodiment Darkeru with his disrespect to you and me. So frustratingly annoying sometimes." Katsuki said, exasperated at her Zanpakuto. She kept her eyes on Hanako but noticed Hanako's movement as if she was testing her. Hanako does charge forward at full speed in an early aspect and slides next to her to behind her. It took Katsuki a bit off guard since she always forgets that Hanako does this, as usual, to get her off balance with teasing and the other to charge in like a fearless person.

Katsuki jumps forward to dodge Hanako's Zanpakuto swing at her feet, only because it would be slightly dumb to let Hanako win so easily. Though, this caused a reaction from Embodiment Darkeru in the back of her mind. 'Why must you be so annoying, Miss Morita? Training isn't fun when there isn't blood on the floor. Please knock the block off of that Princess of yours.' Katsuki shivered down her spine when the Embodiment Darkeru said it in such a way that irritated her. 'I will not do that so you can get your kicks, Darkeru. She's my friend, and I am supposed to protect her!' Katsuki muttered underneath her breath. Oddly, Darkeru would be so talkative in a training session, and he's usually quiet. She gave out a sigh at the entire thing. "S-Sorry about that, but Embodiment Darkeru is being talkative for once in his life. I don't know why. He's usually quiet during our training sessions." Katsuki said apologetically towards Hanako.
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[Private] Kasumiōji Compound: Katsuki & Hanako's Training Empty Re: [Private] Kasumiōji Compound: Katsuki & Hanako's Training

Thu Nov 11, 2021 3:34 am
Hanako giggles as Katsuki rants about darkeru and begins to speak to her. "Zanpakuto may tend to have their own personality but they also tend to be a mirror of your soul if you think about it. Besides if Darkeru wants a fight then give him want and afterall Darkeru might have a point. You may be sworn to protect me but how are you going to do that if you don't go all out then you won't really improve nor will you allow me the opportunity to do the same, so with that being said....." Hanako holds her zanpakuto out to her side as flames begin to erupt from the blade as they lick at every inch of the metal. Soon the blade disappears with nothing but flames left in their place coming out of the hilt. "Crawl out from the ashes, Rising Phoenix" Hanako holds her zanpakuto out in front of her and the flames begin to move as a large ball of fire appears before firing out at Katsuki. Right after the fireball is released, Hanako charges Katsuki and swing down with her zanpakuto, a trail of flames burning with intense heat following the path of the blade.
4th Division
4th Division
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Age : 37

[Private] Kasumiōji Compound: Katsuki & Hanako's Training Empty Re: [Private] Kasumiōji Compound: Katsuki & Hanako's Training

Wed Nov 17, 2021 4:49 pm
Katsuki sighs when Hanako giggles at her because it's so hard not to help but forget that one fact. She has forgotten that the Zanpakuto is part of her soul, which Hanako said as much. A bit frustrating, but Hanako has the right of it, and Katsuki looks at Hanako with a smile on her lips. "I suppose you are right Hanako, I am holding us back because of my frequent fears and reasons of not wanting to let Darkeru go a bit too wild." Katsuki said. She shakes her head to get back into the game. After all, Embodiment Darkeru is one of the darker parts of her soul compared to the light she stands by. As such, it would be better to get much more serious than idling the day away. However, as one would suspect, Hanako was faster on the uptake with unleashing her Zanpakuto to its Shikai State and releasing a giant fireball towards her.

Katsuki cursed underneath her breath slightly since it was getting a bit hotter under the collar since it was a blazing inferno. She moved quickly out of the way, without using her flash steps, only because the fireball travels slower than the raging phoenix rushing at her, aka Hanako herself. "Hanako, you needn't run into the Darkness. Unleash the Darkness of our being, Jisshi Keitai ga Koi!" Katsuki exclaimed. Her Zanpakuto, the Embodiment Darkeru, was covered in Darkness. When it reappeared, the Darkness changed it much differently from what it initially looked, smaller and more compact but dangerous. There was a bright blue jewel on the handle, and it glowed with Darkness surrounding its outside edges as if it was an eye staring directly at Hanako. "Dodge these Shadō dangan o yobidashita!" Katsuki said. As she said that, Zanpakuto's Gem glows a blackish color, which causes shadows to form. These shadow needles started in front of her while she was trying to keep her defense up, and they were launched directly at Hanako's, charging at her.

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[Private] Kasumiōji Compound: Katsuki & Hanako's Training Empty Re: [Private] Kasumiōji Compound: Katsuki & Hanako's Training

Wed Nov 17, 2021 11:38 pm
Hanako smiles as Katsuki activates her shikai and responds in turn"I'd run into the darkness a thousand times over whether it's your own or someone else's. You may have sworn to protect me but at the end of the day I see myself as a warm light and your the fuel." Hanako giggles before realizing the gem on Katuski's zanpakuto began to glow and quickly plants her left foot as she uses Shunpo to get out of the way as the shadows begin to form. Hanako lands behind Katsuki in a low position as she swings at the back of her legs with her zanpakuto, a trail of flames following behind the blade of fire, aiming for a shallow cut to prevent any serious injuries should her strike land. Following the swing Hanako pulls her zanpakuto up in a defensive position as she quickly stands to her feet and leaps back in preparation for a counter attack. "Besides you shouldn't fear your zanpakuto going wild. You may be partners but your also it's master and you need to learn to control it."
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4th Division
4th Division
Posts : 135
Join date : 2021-06-27
Age : 37

[Private] Kasumiōji Compound: Katsuki & Hanako's Training Empty Re: [Private] Kasumiōji Compound: Katsuki & Hanako's Training

Sat Nov 20, 2021 12:16 pm
Katsuki saw the smile forming on Hanako’s face when she activated her Shikai and sighed at the response that Hanako would give. Though unknowingly, it was a bit cheesy compared to what she thought and caused her to giggle somewhat. She has laughed much through the years, but how she’s been feeling lately, she needed it. “Oh Hanako, I am going to enjoy myself with all the fun we usually get ourselves into with these training sessions. Hehe.” Katsuki said with a smile on her lips. She slightly blinked when Hanako used Flash Step to move out of the way so quickly, but they do know their moves so well for how long they’ve been around each other. It means her shadow bullets will miss entirely, which didn’t frustrate her at all.

Katsuki felt the heat coming from behind her, which caused her to use Shunpo to get further from Hanako. When she lands from her flash steps, she stares directly at Hanako from about from the other side of the dojo. She noticed that Hanako was preparing for her counterattack, so she used one of her most powerful Shikai techniques, which would be the Shadō o surasshu shimasu. “May the darkness swallows all in my path! Shadō o surasshu shimasu!” Katsuki exclaimed. The Zanpakuto’s Gem in Shikai form glows a blackish color, which causes the blade to be covered in shadow. Katsuki swings her Zanpakuto in a side-to-side motion releasing a blackish shadow crescent sword wave of energy with a blue outline. Hanako’s words did reach Katsuki, and she sighs about that. “I know, I know, Hanako. Everyone tells me that I should be dealing with my Zanpakuto differently than I have been dealing with it. I hope I can control it without fear taking me as the shadows in my inner world are.” Katsuki said in response. She hasn’t gotten used to the fear that takes over, primarily because of how bad her actual family treats her with silence.

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[Private] Kasumiōji Compound: Katsuki & Hanako's Training Empty Re: [Private] Kasumiōji Compound: Katsuki & Hanako's Training

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