My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Okay you lazy fuck (Seo/Soul) Empty Okay you lazy fuck (Seo/Soul)

Sun Oct 31, 2021 3:03 am
Ika wasn't exactly sure how to go about this.

It was a uniquely rare event when a Shinigami outright asked to be demoted, and denied promotions when they were on the table. This isn't to say that it had never happened before, but it wasn't nearly as common as one might expect within an organization that was full of independent interests. There wasn't really a training manual on this, dealing with someone who had their own unique interests and motivations could be interesting, but for the most part it was just dull grandstanding while Ika was forced to tow the Gotei line. You should want the promotion, this is the best way for you to maximize your contribution to our quivering hive-mind, none of it was really of much interest to Ika.

And that was why he was being pretty haphazard about this whole ordeal, his fingers fiddled loosely with a cigarette as Seo walked in, presumably prepared to give his reasoning and any other information Ika might require for this kind of thing. Ika welcomed him in, casting a hand up and back to beckon him forward before nodding towards the seat in front of him. "You know I really hate this office for this kind of discussion. I'll open this with the full disclosure that whatever you decide I will support in full, but we could probably slip off to a bar if you'd like a change of venue."

At this point, Ika would stand with his eyes cast towards the door. "I mean unless you like stuffy rooms like this, I just.. can't get into it."
Posts : 6
Join date : 2021-06-24

Okay you lazy fuck (Seo/Soul) Empty Re: Okay you lazy fuck (Seo/Soul)

Mon Nov 01, 2021 11:20 pm
Honestly. It wasn't exactly what he was expecting when walking into the office of the Captain Commander. Sure, he had hears the Commander was a bit eccentric compared to those in the past, and yes, in their very minimal interactions he had seemed rather... personable. But, just to be told he would support the venture without even having to hear him out, and after all the effort Seo put in to clean and actually wear his Shihakusho for once. Setting his hand on the chair motioned to by Ika, Seo adjusted his outfit.

"With no disrespect Commander, I thought it was going to be a bit of a harder sell. It's not that I don't appreciate the support, there's just no precedent and I had prepared quite the speech."

Though his voice was respectful, one with even a bit of perception would be able to tell the tense exhaustion flowing outward. Seo had already pitched his idea to Captain Kokoro, which took quite a bit of convincing. Something he had to work up the courage to ask permission to present the idea to the Captain Commander in the first place. Only after a intense session of dissappinted looks and laughs on his Captains part did Kokoro allow Seo to bring the idea up to Ika.

Looking around the room he understood what the Commander meant. Sitting in beaucratic little spaces was not something he wished to do. Even so, Seo knew if he were to lead this initiative of his, it was something that would probably happen more than he'd like.

"If you want to get a drink while we discuss things I wouldn't mind, though I'm a bit of a lightweight."
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Okay you lazy fuck (Seo/Soul) Empty Re: Okay you lazy fuck (Seo/Soul)

Tue Nov 02, 2021 5:19 pm
The man seemed relieved, if not a little concerned at how aloof Ika had been about this whole ordeal. This seemed to be typical, most people had more or less gotten used to the stuffy and more formal style of Ika's father, and the harsh departure sitting in front of Seo was one that was going to be a bit difficult to adjust to. The man spoke, affirming in an open sense that he was taken aback by Ika's approach thus far, and that he had expected to need to plead for his freedom from responsibility in some way. "I'm aware there's no precedent, there's also not much in the way of precedent for most of the things going on around here. Seems like we kind of make shit up as we go and so, I've decided I'm going to let this go as you wish with a couple caveats to be discussed a little later on."

It seemed that Seo did well enough to take the hint, and so Ika immediately stood up and began to head for the door. "I know a pretty decent bar and the tail end of the Rukongai, most people won't even know who we are. We can talk about business on the way there and hopefully we'll be done by the time we arrive. For now though, at least give me some idea as to why you're making this decision?... It's a bit off brand in light of typical Gotei behavior so.. I'm a bit curious I suppose. Give up the whole social mobility and climb? Captain a bit of a prick? What's the deal?"
Posts : 6
Join date : 2021-06-24

Okay you lazy fuck (Seo/Soul) Empty Re: Okay you lazy fuck (Seo/Soul)

Sat Nov 13, 2021 4:53 pm

With a sigh of both pain and relief Seo set down his second helping of Sake, his cheeks beginning to turn a bit reddish. Looking around it had been quite some time since the once Vice Captain of Squad 3 had stepped foot anywhere near here, especially with how deep they were. Having switched out of his shihakusho on the way Seo was quite comfortable. The bar atmosphere was dimly lit, and most of the patrons didn't even give them a glance as they walked in.

"So, basically that's it. I think it would do us good to have a station in the World of the Living that lets us keep an eye pointed on the troublemakers. A remote base of operations, and also..."

Pouring more Sake into the wooden cup in front of him, Seo took a sip and rested his chin on his palm.

"Having a team to quickly respond to distress calls under their own discretion. Without the endless bureaucracy and limitations set in place stopping quick access to the Senkaimon, no offence. It just seems like the logical next step now that the Gotei is mostly up and running. Of course, i'll be solely responsible for any mishaps that would happen. Any... communication errors..."

Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Okay you lazy fuck (Seo/Soul) Empty Re: Okay you lazy fuck (Seo/Soul)

Mon Nov 15, 2021 4:51 pm
Ika listened intently as his own face began to garner a red gleam on both cheeks. He smiled lightly, listening to Seo talk like he had 700 years ago was really quite amusing, particularly considering they were both at comparable positions in their life. "I think stationing you remotely within the Human World is something we could manage, in fact I even agree that it would be beneficial and would, in theory, allow us to more aptly respond to disturbances while keeping a more direct ear to the ground.."

Ika threw back another cup of sake, allowing the alcohol content to knock some of the edge off of the situation. "But you have to understand a Shinigami just wandering alone in the Human World.. that's a pretty pronounced target on your back. Even our substitute Shinigami have a life expectancy of, well, 5 years really. It's dangerous work, and the Hollow's don't mind attacking you with offensives that look like overkill. It is for that reason specifically that I would like you to attach yourself to a squad, that way if anything goes awry you at least have direct allies you can call who can drop everything and get to you. I'm thinking squad 1, 4, 5, or 6 but I will leave that decision to your discretion."

As Ika allowed that tangent to linger, he'd continue on. "By the way, I know you have your Bankai. That's fine, but the minute it's unlocked in battle and others see it I will have to promote you so.. keep it under wraps if at all possible? I don't really want to have to explain myself to others.."
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