My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Posts : 56
Join date : 2021-10-22
Age : 32

Lunetta Voglia Empty Lunetta Voglia

Sun Nov 07, 2021 6:44 pm

Name: Lunetta Voglia
Apparent Age: 18
True Age: 600
Sex: Female
Personality: Lunetta is cold, calculating, and aggressive. She is no stranger to death and will seek anyway way to get ahead. While she is loyal to the strong, she thinks anyone weaker than her as rusty tools. Sure they can cripple someone if use right, but they are best left lying around in the garbage. Still, she will humor such fools.

When it comes to the stronger people, she completely idolizes them. She will brag about her own leaders and even dream about them spending time with her or giving her complements. She sometimes questions certain orders but she is never one to outright object or disobey. If the strong deems it important, than she will get it done.


Height: 5'0"
Weight: 90 lbs
Physical Traits:
Lunetta Voglia Tumblr_og3oj5HpTw1rwxkaio1_1280

Lunetta wears a Black cloth that covers her left eye, (as her hallow hole replaced her left eye). Also, she has the upper half of a ram/deer head with Ram horns on top of her head

History: N/A
Exposition: The weak should submit to the strong.
Side Notes: She has a picture of all the strong people she respects in her room.

General Fighting Style: She uses speed and trickery to overwhelm the defensive options of her opponents and open up weaknesses. Then she goes for the kill. She will play with her food which sometimes leads to people escaping.
Strengths: Speed, Agility, Zanjutsu, Hoho
Average: Strength, Stamina, Sensing, Hakuda
Weaknesses: Reiatsu Control, Reiatsu, Reiryoku, Durability

Ability Name: From the Shadows
Ability Description:
Lunetta and swap places, or teleport to any of her weapons or Reiatsu Constructs

Ability Name: Hidden Armory
Ability Description:
Lunetta can create Darkness weaponry.

Sealed Appearance:
Lunetta Voglia 06e6c8_b0678e98926a41778b97c67c30acfdf7~mv2_d_1670_2362_s_2
Zanpakuto Name: Níngshì de Shēnyuān
Zanpakuto Call Out: Gaze into their hearts!
Cero: Cero, Bala, Gran Rey

Appearance: The ram horns on her head grow in size and shadows drip from them and create artificial darkness where they land. A skeleton spine spouts from the Lunetta's back that drips the shadow substance. Some of the shadow liquid groups up to form a black like fur around Lunetta's neck. A bones cover her forearms  which contain a hidden bone blade. Finally bone like blade forms around Lunetta's feet and lower shin can be use to cut things that she kicks.

Ability Name: Gazing Shēnyuān
Ability Description: Lunetta creates a puddle of darkness where ever she stands or moves. If she hits the opponent with any of her attacks, ceros, or abilities, they also will create puddles of darkness under them. For opponents, it accumulates where their feet were at the time and if the opponent is in the air, then the puddle will form in the air. (Passive)

Ability Name: Abyssal Voyage
Ability Description: Lunetta's darkness creates a puddle (which can float if she desires) which she sinks into, and reappear in any dark areas created by the opponent blocking light or any darkness created by her abilities. She can also jump into an already created puddle.

Ability Name: Abyssal Spike
Ability Description: Lunetta's creates a spike from a dark puddle or the darkness dripping from her herself. If used from a dark puddle, the puddle will vanish. This spike expands 5 meters base on how big the puddle is.

Ability Name: Spreading Abyss
Ability Description: Lunetta swings a weapon or her body and a wave of the darkness fires out and explodes on contact. When it explodes it creates a large puddle of the darkness. It deals bala damage, but she can fire up to 3 at a time. She can detonate the wave before it hits something at the cost of removing it not doing damage in case the opponent is hit explosion.

Unlocked at 0 Tier:

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