My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

[Private] A meeting of generations (Ika/Seishin) Empty [Private] A meeting of generations (Ika/Seishin)

Tue Nov 09, 2021 8:03 pm
[Private] A meeting of generations (Ika/Seishin) E2wr10

"Such a stale sight our society has grown." Spoke a voice, holding a deep longing for something more to awaken its real purpose. This voice belongs to one Seishin Nanashi, Head of the Nobel Nanashi family and the reigning captain of the 2nd squad. It has been thousands of years since she was taken the leadership of both her family and the 2nd squad, becoming one of the oldest ranking captains to be still walking the gotei and one of the longest captains of the 2nd squad. Her squad was nothing but spies and assassins. That is what the squad was meant for, after all, being the eyes and ears of the gotei in all holdings it is interested in while taking out what they must to continue the peace and prosperity of the gotei and its citizens.

The thin figure of the older Shinigami was reclined back into her chair holding a long pipe, which allowed the room to be filled with the comfort of smoke smelling like pine needles, giving one the feel of being in a smoke-covered forest. Her one visible eye closed slowly as the figure attempted to relax once again as her thoughts drifted from annoyance to peace.
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

[Private] A meeting of generations (Ika/Seishin) Empty Re: [Private] A meeting of generations (Ika/Seishin)

Wed Nov 10, 2021 10:48 pm
Ika never really liked old people.

Truth be told it was one of his many fears, aging was something he never really wanted to have to go through and yet he stood uncomfortably close to a time where he'd be counted among the oldest members remaining within the Gotei. There were still a few fossils left to go, and one of them just so happened to be the subject of his next visit. Seishin Nanashi, the matriarch of the Nanashi clan was perhaps one of Ika's least favorite people to visit. There was no way to big league her, she didn't care about his rank or position in a noble family of his own, she was there to represent her clan and very little else was considered. The Nanashi's were stubborn politicians, their way was the only way they'd see things done and Ika just didn't have a whole lot of time for that kind of approach.

And yet, here he was, staring out at this old bitch for the billionth time this year. He raised a hand, waving hello to the woman with his hands pushed deep into his pockets. "Hello Seishin, nice to see you and milk are still competing to see who'll age the worst. No one from the 2nd squad has done the honors and taken you out yet?"
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

[Private] A meeting of generations (Ika/Seishin) Empty Re: [Private] A meeting of generations (Ika/Seishin)

Sun Nov 14, 2021 6:18 pm
[Private] A meeting of generations (Ika/Seishin) E2wr10
"Glad to hear you still an arrogant little piece of shit that didn't fall far from the tree"She replied lifting her head forward before opening her one visible eye watching Ika enter her smoke-filled office as she sighed twirling the pipe around before she moved it up against the window, sliding it up "What is it that I can do for you Captain commander?" she said trying her best to keep a straight face but it quickly changed to a laughing one "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I couldn't keep my facade up calling you that." she laughed before taking a deep breath calming herself down before getting to the point at hand

"Sadly no, there are plenty who can take over for me in this squad but most are still too soft to hold a zanpackuto towards an ally if needed. I was hoping Karama was the one to finally do this squad proud where I wouldn't need to be called back"She spoke sitting back in her chair "Honestly, I am so bored over this touchy feely squad that new recruits have became"she spoke
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

[Private] A meeting of generations (Ika/Seishin) Empty Re: [Private] A meeting of generations (Ika/Seishin)

Tue Nov 16, 2021 12:19 am
The girl insulted him, but that was on the list of many things Ika had grown accustomed to as both a bit of a bastard, and the son of one of the least liked people in the history of the Gotei. He rolled his eyes lightly, using his hand to waft away the smoke in rapid intervals before pitching in. "At least my tree bore fruit, more than I can say for whatever rotted off the end of yours. But enough pleasantries, I didn't come here to exchange formalities and pretend I like you, I came here to tell you my plans for your squad going forward."

Ika stepped forward, handing Seishin a contract. "It's pretty simple, you will serve as Captain until someone suitable appears to take your place. When that person appears, you will be allowed to either step aside and retire, or fight them over the position on whatever conditions you feel are suitable. I believe your power is fading with time, and your contributions are beginning to make up for that less and less. In exchange for your compliance, your dear Anna will be promoted to Kidou Commander in order to ensure that she can carry on your family tradition of ill-advised leadership. Any questions?"
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[Private] A meeting of generations (Ika/Seishin) Empty Re: [Private] A meeting of generations (Ika/Seishin)

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