My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Posts : 56
Join date : 2021-10-22
Age : 32

Aiko ☆ Wave Reporting for Duty Empty Aiko ☆ Wave Reporting for Duty

Sat Nov 13, 2021 1:09 pm
It was noisy. Aiko tended to stay away from the living quarters whenever possible especially at night. She could remember the countless nights where she would lose sleep because of someone snorting or sleep talking. Even now that she was a full fledge shinigami, she had difficulties getting good rest. So whenever she was not assign to remedial task she was off napping in a tree away from the people.

The crunching of grass woke her up, though she fought to stay asleep. It grew louder, a louder voice erupted it. He was one of her sempai's, an older guy who always had a way of finding her even in school. Someone was looking for her, but she was unsure why. She did everything she was suppose to do and her training pod was suppose to meet up later today. When the man held up the letter, Aiko hung down and grabbed it before swinging back up to her tree. "Your either very lucky, or very unlucky," his words were louder than she would like but she wouldn't complain, not today. "Remember to speak up. Other people need to hear you too."

Aiko held tightly to the letter. There was not a lot of hits on why she needed to be in the Captain Commander office. She knocked softly only the door, "Captain Commander. Aiko Wave unseated First Division reporting as requested. Permission to enter." A secretary saw the attempted and chuckled before stepping in and giving the door a much hardier Knock and making the request herself.
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Aiko ☆ Wave Reporting for Duty Empty Re: Aiko ☆ Wave Reporting for Duty

Mon Nov 15, 2021 4:45 pm
The secretary was a bit of an irritation, that much was obvious and her handling of the newly appointed Vice Captain wasn't going to be doing her any favors. As she went to rattle off a louder series of knocks on the door, Ika would already have it swung open, standing in it's place to welcome in his newly appointed Vice Captain. "You must be Aiko, please forgive my secretary she's a bit of a bitch on her best days. Go ahead and come in."

Ika spoke softly, having taken particularly strong note of his newly appointed Vice Captains problems, Ika had opted to speak softly as they slowly but surely made their way to his office. "So, as you're soon to be aware, I've hand-selected you to be my Vice Captain and to help me regarding the executive demands of the Gotei. The first squad is the head of the Gotei, and so of course we focus on the tasks that keep it running. We focus on teaching, bringing up the next generation of Shinigami who will one day fill out our ranks. We focus on the executive components of leadership, basically all the daily tasks and paperwork that no one else would want to do. I know this is probably a lot, but I've been tracking your progression for the last couple of years and decided you'd be a good fit."

Ika paused, kicking his feet up on the desk as he awaited a response. "If you have any thoughts or notions about this.. now would be the time."
Posts : 56
Join date : 2021-10-22
Age : 32

Aiko ☆ Wave Reporting for Duty Empty Re: Aiko ☆ Wave Reporting for Duty

Tue Nov 16, 2021 11:06 am
Aiko would quickly back away from the door, not due to the loud knocking but become someone was coming. Heavy, confident footsteps drew near. While she has not seen the owner many times, she heard him numerous times as she ventured through the Gotei. The door swung open and behind it was him, the Captain Commander.

She had heard many rumors about the man. He was strong. He was abnormally blunt. Some even said he was crazy. However, she would have one to add herself. He was funny. She had to fight the urge to smirk as the man called out the woman who was "helping her." Aiko, herself was not bothered by the act. It was something she was used to. But, boy did it feel good when that presumed and unneeded desire to help out end up backfiring. So with a small smile, Aiko gave a bow to the Commander and walked into the room.

Clicking her tongue, she closed her eyes and mapped the layout of the room. She did not know why she was here so she needed to be sure to know where she might have to stand. After all, if she was in trouble and was yelled at, she would probably have to stop relying on her hearing. She quickly opened her eyes as the man lowered his voice. It seemed she was not in trouble, but in fact being rewarded.
"Vice... Captain?" She repeated a bit louder than she normally spoke, "Your Vice Captain!?"
She closed her eyes, and fell onto her ears to snuff out any signs of tricks or deception. However, it all seemed to be true. Was this why her sempai was so nice about getting her?

"Sir... It would be a honor to serve under you. I mean... You are like the strongest person here." She spun into the man direction in a childish glee before bowing to the man, "I won't make you regret this." Everyone in the barracks joked that she was going to be sent to the 2nd division and never seen again or to the 6th to be a lab rat. Being in the first is not exactly on the front lines but she would seen by everyone! And as a Vice Captain, she would get to stand right next to the strongest people in the Gotei. She could not contain her grin her happiness.

"Commander, I cant wait to learn all I can from you and those around me." Her voice finally returned her more quiet normal way of speaking.
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