My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Posts : 1
Join date : 2021-11-11
Age : 30

Yoshio Torvald Empty Yoshio Torvald

Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:35 am

Name: Yoshio Torvald
Alias: The Despicable
Real Age: 460+
Phys. Age: Mid-30s
Gender: Male
Personality: Like his alias, Yoshio is unconventional and shameless. His attitude does not represent the line of  typical monks who brought him up as Yoshio will rather ignore his doctrines for selfish benefits but be quick to remember and hold on to them when he needs to get out of a fix. Nevertheless, Yoshio generally avoids conflicts to the best of his abilities even though when prodded into action, he can be annoyingly persistent until its end.

Quiet as he may seem, Yoshio is quick to recall grudges and slow to forgive due to a deep-seated pride that he barely shows. While he may not be gung-ho about his revenge, he could dedicate years to slow paybacks. This however, does not remove his appreciation of favours to those who mean him well even if he would not go so far as to stick his neck completely out for them.


Height: 5’11’’
Weight: 97kg
Physical Traits: [Picture or a 2 paragraphs.]

History: [History goes here. Optional.]
Exposition: [Optional. What is your character? Beliefs, life views, goals, etc go here.]
Side Notes: [Anything you didn't say up above that's relevant to your character goes here.]

General Fighting Style: In combat, Yoshio would try as much as possible to avoid physical contact, being skittish while attempting to keep his opponents at bay with his kidō spells, mastery of which he prides himself on. However, this attitude changes when in close combat because his strongest suits are his hakuda and zanjutsu skills.

Faced against foes beyond him, Yoshio will not hesitate to abscond from the fight. This also includes opponents around his level. When he deems it would take more effort, he’ll rather not fight unless pressed by circumstances. To that end, he tries to avoid sparring unless compelled to do so by a higher authority.

Strengths: Kidō, zanjutsu and hakuda.
Weaknesses: High-level shunpo.

Ability Name:  Thor’s Mandate
Ability Description: Yoshio can sense the presence of electric fields at atomic levels and possibly gain some understanding about the field he is sensing, including the amount/size of the field he is sensing. The accuracy of the field’s feedback decreases with increasing sentience of the matter involved.


Sealed Appearance: Yoshio’s zanpakutō is a standard katana having a total length of 24' 1/4 inches. It has a very black tsuba that is hollow at the centre, and a dark grey tsuka, which sports a sculpting of a prancing lion on its butt end, as well as having same thing on the main body of the tsuka. It has a gold habaki similar to the gold ends of its all black scabbard.

Zanpakutō Name: Denkou Koushi ( 電光 公使 , Imperial Lightning Prince)
Call Out Command: Tokkan (突貫, Charge)

Shikai [Unlocked at 3-2]:


Appearance: When Yoshio says the command, his sword changes appearance to become more curved at its tsuka and a shade of pitch black. The blade itself becomes less straight with four prongs sticking out from it and pointing downwards to the hand guard. Its colour is a dark one with grey on the outline and specks of white like ashes on it.

1. Konryou ( 袞竜 , Imperial Robes):

2. Raigeki ( 雷撃 , Torpedo Attack):

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