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Suzume Midokawa - The Hero Killer: Parasite Empty Suzume Midokawa - The Hero Killer: Parasite

Sat Dec 18, 2021 9:21 am


Name: Suzume Midokawa - The Hero Killer
Alias: Parasite
Age: 18
Gender: Female

Personality: Depending on when she time Suzume had been granted some of the nullifying tonic, Suzume can range from simply being a quiet, unassuming young woman to a bloodthirsty psychopath. Due to her unique quirk, and the way it interacts not only with her body but her mind, Suzume is plagued with hallucinations and compulsions to harm and wound. Due to this, she tends to keep herself in as much solitude as she can muster while having any sort of control.

Her generally subdued consiousness tends to try and keep away from others, in case she should snap. Conversation is difficult, as she will have to try and filter out the whispers and will often get distracted. Suzume is unable to maintain true friendships, and will only ever really be able to stay around other people when she is called by whomever has the most sway over her more animalistic side.

However, should she go too long without the nullification serum, Suzume devolves into something more akin to a predator that responds only to power. While in this state she will only see others more powerful creatures to be avoided, and prey to be consumed. Without hesitation she will attempt to dispatch any creature in the vacinity, often stalking her targets to then draw as much blood to try and feed the endless thirst of her quirk.

Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Blood Type: ??? - (Seemingly doesn't have a type)
Birthplace: Musutafu
Current Place of Residence: Musutafu


Character Appearance:

Height: 5'2''
Weight: 100lbs


Quirk Name: Parasite
Quirk Type: Mutation
Quirk Description: Suzume's quirk is a parasitic organism that stems from her spine and covers most of her body in the form of a strong red carapace. Seemingly a separate entitiy, it tries to control Suzume through the 'hunger' as she has described it. A craving to feed the creature blood in return for silencing the voices in her head. Normally, it siphons just a little of her own bloodstream, but prefers to soak it up from others.

It provides a number of abilities:

Living Armour: While dorman, the quirk takes the form of a variety of 'regular' clothing to better fit in. Seemingly capbable of copying various materials and colours to hide in plain site. However. When active it hardens into a skin-tight armour like carapace. At it's current level it seems to be able to stop full rifle rounds and can cover the entirety of her body.

Living Weapon: The creature can also take on the form of weapons, from claws, to whips, spikes to blades. These grow in as sturdy as steel and can become incredibly sharp or dense if required. Only basic shapes can be made however.

Enhanced Biology: Passively, the organism has empowered Suzume's body in various ways, from strengthing muscle fibers for better strength and speed to making her skeletal structure more sturdy. This also includes regeneration

The Hunger: While it is powerful, the creature requires constant feeding to keep itself ready with energy to shift its forms. This is done by causing harm to other living creatures. So long as it is fed, the creature will maintain its form and continue to provide benefits. However, the more it is fed the stronger the hallucinations and hunger for more become.

Quirk Drawbacks: The obvious downside to the quirk is the intense psychotic episodes that it seemingly brings on. Other than that though, if in combat and it fails to find some source of blood to feed upon, it will begin to degrate and slowly retreat back towards her torso. Should it lose all energy, it is likely to wither down to a thin ridge running down her spine until it is provided with a fresh source. This will render Suzume unconcious at the same time.

- In combat, Suzume will begin with 10 rounds of grace, this drops by 1 every post
- At 5 rounds, the suit will begin to faulter and it's armour will wilt, leaving her skin more exposed while whatever armor or weapon creations that remain will become brittle (Shatters with enough force)
- At 2 rounds, Enhanced biology will stop functioning (No regen, enhanced speed/strength, ect) and the armour will wilt further.
- At 0 rounds left, the suit will crumble to dust, leaving only the ridge across the back. Locking off any abilities
- Extra rounds are gained by dealing damage, with any organic target counting.
- Should more than 10 rounds be accrued, the armour is enhanced to cover her entire body. This effect stays so long as she has more than 10 rounds left.


Rivals, Enemies, and Obstacles: N/A

History: Suzume had a fairly bleak life. Her quirk manifested very early, around 5 years old, which immediately began to harm her mental state. When she began harming animals and even other children, her parents would simply abandon her. This left the young girl going through the foster system until she was kicked out of there too at around 14. Stuck on the streets, Suzume would turn to haunting the less populated parts of Japan. Often preying upon small time criminals, however, she happened upon an up and coming young hero who she would kill in a fit of hunger and rage.

This lead to her prescene being known, and a bounty placed upon her capture. Codenamed: Parasite by the authorities, orders have been given out to most heros and to the general public to report any sightings and avoid confrontation.

Side Notes:
RP Sample:
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Join date : 2019-10-28

Suzume Midokawa - The Hero Killer: Parasite Empty Re: Suzume Midokawa - The Hero Killer: Parasite

Sun Dec 19, 2021 12:08 am
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