My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Posts : 68
Join date : 2019-11-02

Broly Kamiyama Empty Broly Kamiyama

Sat Dec 07, 2019 5:08 am

Broly Kamiyama


Name: Broly Kamiyama

Age: 25

Sex: Male

Personality: Broly is, by nature, very kind-hearted, sentimental, and quite friendly once his trust is earned as he greatly values any and all companionship's he experiences. While his social skills aren't as well-developed as you'd expect, Broly's intuition is quite acute. He's able to sense when someone is agitating a comrade and visibly reflects their anger. While also progressively showing anger when something or someone irritates him. Broly is quite peaceful by nature and is prone to show signs of appreciation quite often. He treasures his friendships to such a degree that he will often be seen hanging more closely to those to which he has a good relationship with.  

At the same time, for all of Broly's genuine gentleness, Broly has a vicious side to him. As his emotions are directly connected to his power, when he exerts himself enough or is provoked, he enters a berserk state. As Broly taps into and goes deeper into his power and rage, his sanity starts to fray away and he starts to have trouble comprehending rationality while progressively becoming more violent to the point where he will show moments of brief arrogance and bordering sadistic pleasure.

Broly however has sometimes been seen wearing a collar of questionable origin. Used by an "Organisation" to keep his power from boiling over. During impulses of anger and other stimuli, the collar is designed to deliver an incredibly agonising and incredibly painful shock.  


Broly Kamiyama Tenor

Height: 189 cm

Weight: 95 kg

Physical Traits:

Broly Kamiyama Latest?cb=20190629150921


Broly Kamiyama FearfulCalculatingElectriceel

General Fighting Style: Broly is a Close-Quarter-Combatant through and through, however has an expansive ranged arsenal to compliment. He utilises strong devastating blows to overpower his opponents, and also has the speed to match. He has no real fighting style, but he isn't a stranger when it comes to a fight. In fact he adapts his opponents fighting styles to himself, dramatically improving his skill against any opponent.  

Strengths: Durability, Strength, Speed.

Weaknesses: Zanjutsu, Sensing.


Ability Name: Primal Instinct
Description: Once per 2 post cooldown, Broly is able to perfectly predict any one attack/move performed by his opponent/target. This means he can dodge/avoid attacks and counter against counter-attacks. This can and will be limited by physical capabilities.

Ability Name: Flight
Description: Broly is able to fly through the use of Reishi.

Ability Name: Indomitable Prowess  
Description: Abilities designed to slow Broly's physical movement speed and response times are outright negated.


Ability Name: WRATH STATE!!
Description: As Broly receives damage and builds Rage, His Strength, Speed, and Durability slowly ramp up to Incredible heights. His Strength allows him to lift several tons, His Speed allows him to outpace and beat his opponent before they even know how many times they were hit, and his Durability allows him to take a monstrous beating. Visually In this state, he possesses small eyes with yellow-iris and black pupils, and his hair stands up. And as Broly continues to draw upon more anger and energy, his body and muscles expand somewhat dramatically. Upon drawing on enough energy, broly will eventually lose himself in the overwhelming build up of energy. His pupils will disappear and his hair will change to a greenish-yellow colour.  

Ability Name: [Passive]Gigantic Rage
Description: Broly has a 30% damage reduction from all damage inflicted upon him.

Ability Name: [Passive]Unleashed Wrath
Description: Any major action performed by Broly cause(s) massive bursts of energy to be released. These energy waves are highly destructive and can cause massive pressure and wind changes (Broly can change the weather with one punch, or cause tornadoes, ETC). These energy waves will always be released into the direction at which Broly performed these actions. Additionally these energy waves will be as Destructive/cause damage equal to the applied force of said action.   

Ability Name: Vanity's Rage
Description: Once per 2 posts, Broly can Negate upto a Cero or something of equal power out of existence. He can essentially stop any one physical hit or energy attack. However the condition is that this attack has to hit him. Also if he cannot negate said attack completely. Then the damage amount is subtracted from the attack.

Ability Name: Primal Strike
Description: Once per post, Broly can do one strike (Kick, punch, etc) that is of "Blur/Shunpo" speed.

Ability Name: Reiatsu Blast
Description: A basic green energy wave/ball attack that simply mimics Bala in damage.


Ability Name: Amplified Gigantic Rage
Description: Broly has a 50% damage reduction from all damage inflicted upon him.

Ability Name: Gigantic cannon
Description:  First, Broly charges green Reishi energy from around his body and gathers it into his palm to form a bright-green energy sphere. Next, he waves his hand forward and fires the attack at the opponent, inflicting a large amount of damage. He can also fires it from his chest instead. Deals Cero damage and can possibly be done more than once per post.  

Ability Name: Gigantic Omegastorm
Description: Broly releases outwards a massive 20m green sphere of energy from his body dealing cero damage upon contact and also firing out 20 green bala like projectiles that aim towards his opponent. 2 post Cool-Down

Ability Name: Gigantic Meteor Blast
Description: Broly Charges energy around himself and then draws it into either hand, allowing him to fire off a small but relatively fast projectile. If the projectile hits anything along its path or if Broly so chooses to let it go off prematurely, then it'll explode. Expanding into a massive 40m green sphere that'll deal Cero Oscuras damage upon contact to anything caught in the radius. 4 post Cool-Down.

Ability Name: Gigantic Roar
Description: Broly yells and roars with such intensity that the sheer power of his Roar is expelled into a massive green beam of mass destruction, causing a Forbidden Kido's worth of damage to anything unfortunate enough to be caught in the blast. 5 post Cool-Down.


Ability Name: [ULTIMATE][PASSIVE]Supreme Regeneration
Description: Broly receives Regeneration that makes him neigh unkillable for 6 posts, before becoming completely overwhelmed by his own energy and leaving him unable to continue battle.


Broly Kamiyama Tenor

History: Because when you've got Cheelai, you don't need History.

Side Notes: SONG!

Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Broly Kamiyama Empty Re: Broly Kamiyama

Sat Dec 07, 2019 7:39 pm
Approved 1-5
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