My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Join date : 2021-10-22
Age : 32

Maybe we are family [Countinued] Empty Maybe we are family [Countinued]

Sun Mar 27, 2022 2:40 pm
(continuing from here

Klara looked back up to the superior Arrancar. "I said that already. I am Klara, Klara Dorylus. I serve none but my own emptiness. Also, my treasures can't be found anywhere. Unless... you seen treasures!" Klara's eyes glowed at the prospect of there being a stash of treasure somewhere.

"You want me to store my treasures in your den..." Klara had to think about this. If she was allowed to store her treasures here, then maybe she would be allowed to explore this place more freely. However, this could be a trap. Maybe Nakita secretly did want her stuff. Also Nakita was powerful, much stronger than Klara. So there was no way for her to safety protect them incase of betrayal. Though at the same time. If she did have no interest in her treasures, then her presence alone would deter others from taking it.

"Dens are good places to put lots of stuff... But the den has to have to right type of things. Can I see the den first before agreeing? I am an expert on good dens so when I see it I can know quickly how good it is." In truth, Klara as already allured by the potential opportunities explore this place more freely. After all, treasures were everywhere.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

Maybe we are family [Countinued] Empty Re: Maybe we are family [Countinued]

Sun Mar 27, 2022 3:31 pm
Nakita Arachne
possibly enjoying her newest ally

"Treasure can be anything one sees with a view. I can say the threads my children weave are my greatest treasure." She said waving a hand to show the webs around them "But I digress, you claim to know dens but I and those who live in my territory live in our various dens that I often craft to their wishes, "She spoke before turning her back to Klara "Come this way, I will lead you to the various hidden dens in the supposed capital of my territory, where I reign and those of value or loyalty can be near and protected by me from outside  forces."She spoke walking down a path that quickly gained webbing coverage as she moved deeper and deeper, occasionally looking over her shoulder to see if Klara was following, along to see how the young Arrancar acted. She was no threat to Nakita, she wasn't anyone Nakita needed to fear or feel like she needed to watch.

Tier: 1-1
Title: Spooder queen
Alias: Nakita, Naki- Chan
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Posts : 56
Join date : 2021-10-22
Age : 32

Maybe we are family [Countinued] Empty Re: Maybe we are family [Countinued]

Sun Mar 27, 2022 4:04 pm
Klara's antennae twitched sending a message to her other two drones to be careful around the webbing and return but stay out of site. Meanwhile the Drone that was originally stuck would climb up Klara's back and sit along her shoulders as if Klara was giving it a piggyback ride. Then Klara would carefully follow the Spooder Queen to while trying to avoid touching as many webs as possible. "Make dens hun... Then it should have the right things for good treasure storage. I can tell for sure. Can't wait to see." Klara had a delightful smile before remember she had to focus on not getting stuck again.

"Oh... um. I wonder. I did not know we could make children... Children are great treasures. I remember I think... or don't remember... aww... I'm not sure. But I'm sure babies are lots of treasures. I want a baby. How do I get babies like you?" Klara would start to jog to catch up to Nakita forgetting her original objective of trying to avoid as many webs as possible.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

Maybe we are family [Countinued] Empty Re: Maybe we are family [Countinued]

Sun Mar 27, 2022 10:37 pm
Nakita Arachne
Meeting her leader

Nakita listened to Klara, allowing her to ramble on before a sentence rang in her head. Children are great treasures. I remember I think... or don't remember... aww... I'm not sure. But I'm sure babies are lots of treasures. I want a baby. How do I get babies like you? Nakita allowed those words to swim in her head as she looked forwards as she continued walking the path soon became a funnel of webbing that was oddly not sticking to Klara or herself. "My children are vastly different. They are me but at the same time themselves, they are created from me but grow to however they wish to be. They are the only loves of my life, even if their life spawns are massively short without fulfillment other than to do as I see fit."She spoke gently, allowing sadness to be laced in her words. "They live to serve, nothing more, nothing less. Anything else they do not know." she added

Tier: 1-1
Title: Spooder queen
Alias: Nakita, Naki- Chan
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Posts : 56
Join date : 2021-10-22
Age : 32

Maybe we are family [Countinued] Empty Re: Maybe we are family [Countinued]

Sun Mar 27, 2022 11:05 pm
Klara puffed her cheeks. Such a response made no sense... or did it. It couldn't because she remembered babies. There was something deep down, something buried in centuries of life that held the truth. "Hmmm... but... that sounds like my drones. They are... me... but more empty. But without them, I feel more empty more alone. But they are not children... unless they are. But they are not." Klara lowered her head with a hand covering half her face. She was looking for that memory, that piece of life that held the answer she wanted but was out of reach. Her antennae twitched again but there were no new orders given.

Her other two drones would continue to follow but with the sense of danger gone, they returned to a more docile and observant mode looking for any signs of treasures. Assuming Nakita does not do anything to spark a strong emotion inside of Klara, one of them would come across a shiny piece of sharp metal. Not understanding its danger, it would pick up it and accidently cut its hand. Its antenna would twitch signally the other drone to come to it and then that drone would, more carefully, pick up a piece of broken metal.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

Maybe we are family [Countinued] Empty Re: Maybe we are family [Countinued]

Mon Apr 04, 2022 6:31 pm
Nakita Arachne
Meeting her leader

"Don't think too hard, our various creatures are different. I call mine childern because they have wants and dreams and to grow as all of us do, even though their entire existence is what I declare it to be. Never will they break the mold until I wish it"she spoke looking back at Klara leading her down a path that began to slope up into the tree tops forming a webed canopy of various layers and levels where various spiders of all shapes, sizes and designs went about their daily activities. Some repairing while others dragged captured, squirming hollows behind then, etc. etc. Various dens within the layers along with hanging above and below the levels came in all shapes and sizes "Now child, choose a den of which you wish to call your own."she spoke pointing to a more empty cove of webbed like holes towards a slowly newly made paths heading up to a massive castle like structure within the massive tree towards the middle of the entangled city of the spider queen

Tier: 1-1
Title: Spooder queen
Alias: Nakita, Naki- Chan
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Posts : 56
Join date : 2021-10-22
Age : 32

Maybe we are family [Countinued] Empty Re: Maybe we are family [Countinued]

Thu Apr 07, 2022 2:20 pm
Klara puffed her cheeks. She was not thinking hard. In fact, she barely had to use any thinking power at all. She was super smart. How else could she be so good at finding treasures and determining value. Still, that little expression was the only bit of defiance she would give. After all, the woman's speech was getting a bit... wordy and weird. Things that wish to grow but only when told by their mother. Things that had no free will except when ordered by their creator. It was so empty, so lifeless, so... hollow. Klara was not brave enough to not see how scary this woman was. She was not strong enough to hide behind a front. She could only grow quiet deep in the nest of this monster, nodding her head when addressed. Her words were not a treasure she wanted to cling on too.

Upon reaching the line of caves and dens, Klara's antennae twitched around excitedly. She was finally able to distract herself from the woman's words and able to explore and do something she personally enjoyed. As her antennae stopped, two drones crawled out of hiding from the forest and met up with the drone on Klara's shoulder. Together the three turned to Klara, twitched their antennae, and then split up to explore then dens. Klara herself simply walked along the entrances, almost as if she was patrolling the pathways and keeping her drone's explorations safe. "So exciting. I hope one of these is a treasure. I hope all of these have things inside that can bring my life value."

Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

Maybe we are family [Countinued] Empty Re: Maybe we are family [Countinued]

Thu Apr 07, 2022 9:50 pm
Nakita Arachne
Meeting her leader

"They all might hold treasure, but some of these treasures, the occupants will not allow you to have unless you pry them from their cold dead bodies, SOme of these dens are their sanctuary, their homes. They will fight when it comes to their home or forever be seen less than a worm." She spoke Spotting in the middle of the grove. "Pick any you wish that is not occupied. However, do be careful, some of the occupants like treasure even more than you and might try taking yours for their own. I don't condone violence against neighbors, but I allow everyone to protect what is theirs as long as it doesn't destroy the kingdom I built." she spoke watching Klara and her drones explore as her hands gently held the opposite elbow as her crimson red eyes watched the smaller Arrancar explore.

Tier: 1-1
Title: Spooder queen
Alias: Nakita, Naki- Chan
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Posts : 56
Join date : 2021-10-22
Age : 32

Maybe we are family [Countinued] Empty Re: Maybe we are family [Countinued]

Thu Apr 07, 2022 11:03 pm
Klara's eyes glowed at the sound of her favorite word. She cared not about their being homes, hollows living there, nor possible violence. All that mattered was the filling the emptiness and protecting what was hers. The woman's warning however, reeled her back in check. Her antennae twitched the the drones shifted their stances to be more stealthy.  While she was not worried about any weak hollows, she was worried about upsetting the woman.

The drones would prod around the various dens and eventually pick out one with a softer ground that was easy to dig through. This was the best quality as even if someone were to walk in, they would see nothing but dirt. "This one. This one is a treasure for me. I will not give it up or share it. It is my greatest treasure without a doubt." Klara would then remove the stone around her neck and give it to one of her drones. The drones would scurry over the center of the den and place the stone in the center. Then they would inspect the den while twitching their antennae. Once satisfied  they would dig a small hole and bury the stone. It was safe. A treasure inside a treasure.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

Maybe we are family [Countinued] Empty Re: Maybe we are family [Countinued]

Fri Apr 08, 2022 9:23 pm
Nakita Arachne
Meeting her leader

Nakita watched Kiara lose her touch with the situation at hand the moment possible treasures were acknowledged within the dozens of occupied dens within the webbed queen's territory. She noticed the girl reeling in her thoughts once she was told Nakita will not step in to stop anything unless it was to stop her kingdom from being damaged. She nodded allowing the drones to decide which den was to be Kiara's. She nodded hearing Kiara state where her treasure was to rest "this den is your and yours alone. it is indeed your greatest treasure, treat it well and tend to it, as it will protect your treasures in return."She spoke turning her back to the girl "I will be off, I have other things to tend to" she added deciding to let Kiara be alone with her drones and her newfound home. She was interested in seeing what the girl manages to find.

[Thread End]

Tier: 1-1
Title: Spooder queen
Alias: Nakita, Naki- Chan
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