My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Suko's Spree Empty Suko's Spree

Thu Apr 07, 2022 8:17 pm
To say Suko is a bit of a cartoon villain would be an affront to the well-thought out nature of cartoon villains. He was a Hollow bereft of thought, only focused on death and destruction of the unfortunate humans he'd decided to make his target. At the current time, he was chasing a man who was probably doing his best to get home from work and be mundane, but Suko was having none of it. Sure, he could have caught him and killed him by now, but where was the fun in that?

No no, instead he let the man tire himself out and get cornered, panting and pissing himself against a cold brick wall, trembling in fear and anticipation of his life coming to a rather plain and unfortunate end. "Well, looks like you've cornered yourself.. what a shame, any last words before.."

In an instant, he was interrupted by the appearance of a spiritual pressure that was almost on par with his own and yet, it was human. He smirked slightly, licking his lips at the thought of a new meal and decided he'd drop his chase. "Come out human, before I change my mind and splatter this one."
Posts : 41
Join date : 2019-10-30

Suko's Spree Empty Re: Suko's Spree

Thu Apr 07, 2022 10:26 pm
Miru was a 5'10' girl, pretty tall she supposed, but she was slender too, which meant she was lanky.. She didn't like that. She also didn't like being blonde, so she fixed that and made it more auburn or a light dull red. Her blues eyes contrasting it pretty clearly in the process, but she was working on that. But none of her appearance mattered at the moment because she heard someone yelling about a monster down the alleyway she was about to go into. Miru usually didn't bother getting involved in other people's affairs because she didn't see much of a reason in sticking her nose in it. She knew nothing of concealing her presence around hollows or other spiritually sensable people either though, mostly because there was no real reason to with her weaker than normal reiatsu, but also because she didn't see a point in hiding herself at all times like some kind of closet cultist. However.. She saw a man who looked like he had been running for a while cross her path as she went down said random alleyway in preparation for getting herself high. Something she learned not to do in public mainly because no one believed her and also because drugs were bad mkay said the many police that have tried to stop her in the past.

Either way some dude was running from another dude all panicking and did.. did he just piss himself after running into a dead end? Good lord even Miru has more self respect than that. Looked like she was going to get involved after all though because right as the second dude was about to kill the first dude the second dude called her out and told her to step up before he slaughtered both of them? The last part was a bit unclear as he made it sound like only the first guy would die.. either way.. She wasn't about to let some guy kill another guy right infront of her. She was decent and stuff after all.

"Yeah yeah human this monster that. Dude's not worth your time anyways is he? Not when Juicy lil me is around?" She said while picking up an ordinary rock from the side of the alleyway. She then used her power to turn the thing into a knife which she playfully spin around her hand a few times just for the laughs of it, "Do we gotta dance? Actually hold on." She pulled a vial of red liquid out and injected herself in the neck with it real quick which made her blue eyes turn yellow. "Aaahh.. NOW WE CAN ROCK IT." She said before tossing said created Knife at the hollow's face all of a sudden. Whoops guess the fights started now. Good thing she was already high~
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Suko's Spree Empty Re: Suko's Spree

Thu Apr 07, 2022 10:35 pm
Suko was taken aback, either Bane had been inserted into this universe as a small woman or he was fighting a heroine addict, hell maybe even a steroid junkie? Frankly, Suko's knowledge of injectable chemicals was pretty low, but he didn't really have time to reflect on that with the incoming knife thrown at his face. The knife would be swatted away by his claw, slapped towards the ground with a violent fervor as his tail began to swipe behind him with violent fury, almost as though it were a rotor on a motorboat. "Well.. I suppose I can start with the main course."

As Suko said this he would begin to rush ahead, lumbering slowly as a tank scorpion might while waiting for some opportunity to strike at the human when she came in towards him. His tail had long since stopped it's movement and was now poised and ready for attack, poison dripped from the tip of it's stinger ready to make someone's life rather miserable at a moments notice. He had by this point already released, no point walking around sealed, certainly not with fighters such as this woman around..
Posts : 41
Join date : 2019-10-30

Suko's Spree Empty Re: Suko's Spree

Thu Apr 07, 2022 10:55 pm
He charged at her slowly after her knife toss missed and she rubbed her chin as she tried to think of something to do. Unfortunately she was high so all she could think about was how badass certain moves from final fantasy seven were and decided she was Tifa Lockhart now. So she did a backflip causing her left shoe to scrape across the ground infront of her, which she proceeded to transform, the shoe not the ground, and flung that at the scorpion tank looking thing. The shoe, literally, without stopping, turned into a pissed off dolphin which tried to tackle into the scorpion tank at top speed.

She landed and picked up some grass which she turned into a shoe and put that shoe back on her foot. She had no idea how effective said dolphin would be but it worked in the freaking game so who gave a damn. Luckily despite being high as hell she was still fairly chilled and collected, meaning her brain was able to do a very basic thing called THINKING. Thus she concocted four different plans of attack for her next set of moves against a friggin scorpion tank that wanted her gibblets for dinner. The most impressive part was that she realized the hollow was real rather than being a figment of her imagination due to being high on her Godsblud.

assuming the scorpion tank rendered the dolphin completely pointless she'd use one of the pieces of grass that she hadn't turned into a shoe into a actual weapon, a spear that was seven feet long and looked an awful lot like a trident, and took a stance with that, though she did stumble for a literal microsecond due to being fucked up.
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Suko's Spree Empty Re: Suko's Spree

Thu Apr 07, 2022 11:04 pm
A dolphin, an entire dolphin was flung in Suko's general direction which prompted very little in the way of creative thought and a whole lot in the way of him continuing with business as usual. He stuck his claw into the air in a second and snapped the dolphin in half, letting it flounder about on the ground miserably as it quickly bled out from the trauma. "That the best you've got? Flinging the local aquarium attractions at me? Not a strategy I'd expect to see work if I were you, even if you took the time in between to pull a trident out of your ass." Suko rolled his eyes and continued pushing forwards towards the girl who was seemingly prepped and ready to deal with whatever was coming her way, he figured she would attempt to make some kind of real attack in his general direction at this stage, something to at least change the pace of things before he could get a real lock on her.

Suko spit a couple bala in her direction, and beyond that sat patient and waited for her to muster some type of offensive or to tucker herself out. Either way, he intended to be eating pretty good at the end of the evening.
Posts : 41
Join date : 2019-10-30

Suko's Spree Empty Re: Suko's Spree

Fri Apr 08, 2022 11:34 am
He didn't seem to want to come into close range of his own accord, and she was using a spear at the moment, wonderful. He did however spit some bala at her which she side stepped and batted aside with her new spear trident thing. Then she threw the zanpaktou durability trident at the scorpion tank's chest and ran after it's trajectory. She formed twin pistols out of seemingly thin air and shoot at the tanks face to distract him from the clearly more threatening spear until she reached him and then jumped over him and began to stand on air because she formed platforms out of the air under her feet similar to a shinigami using airwalk, except these platforms were actual solid matter and could be seen by her opponent.

From this higher vantage point she merely aimed her guns downwards and sprayed him with bullets. If he didn't want to get into close range on his own he wasn't going to have a good time. She was smart as hell and even while high she wasn't about to take huge risks for no pay out. Speaking of.. She decided to go even more defensive from her little perch while she had a second and the air around her shimmered and swirled a bit as she used it to form full plate armor around her body. Being made of what it was made it super light but it was going to tank a few hits even from Mr. DolphinKiller down there too.

"You wanna rock the house to the fullest eh? Think you can handle the beat!?" She made a giant boombox that blasted sound waves at him so loudly and powerfully that it'd probably mimic some kind of kidou worth of damage, maybe a hadou 30, as it concussively slammed into the scorpion tanks body while it also fell from the sky landing on him in an attempt to crush him as well, though being a boombox it wasn't "that" heavy even with it's increased size. All the while she stayed on her perch and continued peppering him with bullets from guns that didn't seem to run out of ammo.
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Suko's Spree Empty Re: Suko's Spree

Sun Apr 10, 2022 2:30 pm
As the woman rained bullets down upon Suko he would frown slightly, raising his claw to intercept many of them while relying on his Heirro to dispatch the rest. They stung, there was no doubt the effects of the ones that got through were apparent but they were no where near life threatening. Having had enough, he figured he needed to find a way to deal with this irritating enemy before she.. was that a fucking boombox?

Suko's eyes grew wide imminently as the soundwaves from the box pushed him back, that was to say nothing of the giant weight now falling towards him, though that was much easier to deal with. He would in one motion swat the box away with his claw, and then in the next he would aim his tail towards the platform hoping to blow the girl away to kingdom come in an instant. A cero would launch towards the platform she was currently occupying, and he had a few bala launched in all directions hoping to catch her wherever she might scatter to. "I'm already tired of this game woman, get down here and die quietly!"
Posts : 41
Join date : 2019-10-30

Suko's Spree Empty Re: Suko's Spree

Sun Apr 10, 2022 6:41 pm
As a fricken' laser beam was fired towards the platform she was on, Miru fell backwards back towards the ground and kept a close eye on her scorpion-like opponent.  She pulled out a single hair from her head and transmogrified it into a sledgehammer, slamming it down on the ground. The pebbles that this knocked into the air were then immediately kicked towards Suko, being transmogrified into lit dynamite sticks on the way. Individual these wouldn't do much more than counter the bala that he had spit at her, but it was funny and she liked explosions. However her head suddenly started giving her a migraine as her drug wore off. So she literally stopped everything she was doing and pulled another vial out to jab into her neck before sighing happily and throwing the sledgehammer at the scorpion tank, transforming it into a venomous snake that tried to bit down on anything that looked like it wasn't made out of metal.

"So like do you think I could just go home and vege instead of fighting you to the death? To be entirely fair this fight is your fault. I was minding my own business and just wanted to get high..."

It was simple enough as a question, but it was entirely accurate too. She hadn't intended to fight a released arrancar today. Nor did she think she'd necessarily win against this one now that she thought about it. He'd dealt with everything she'd done with very little effort, but that "thinking" stopped as her drug reignited inside her and got her fucked up again, "Nah nevermind you should explode!" She exclaimed loudly and obnoxiously as she pulled a friggin RPG out of her asscrack of holding she seemed to possess and fired the thing at the scorpion tank.
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Suko's Spree Empty Re: Suko's Spree

Mon Apr 11, 2022 10:03 am
The obnoxious and otherwise useless cartoon character he was currently fighting had been throwing out attacks right left and center, and literally none of them made sense. His bala onslaught was intercepted by weird dynamite pebbles, and for some reason there was a venomous snake heading his way. Obviously, if Suko could destroy a dolphin in his claw the snake wasn't going to fair much better, and so it was very quickly dispatched and tossed aside. As the girl asked to vege out and ignore their current conflict, Suko attempted to think of something clever to say but was unfortunately caught off guard by the sudden appearance of an RPG, and a rocket spiraling straight towards him.

Suko blocked the front of his body with his claw, but the heat and concussive force of the blast pushed him backwards and gave the front of his body some light 1st degree burns as he frowned, annoyed at the situation. "You're a real pain.. all this running away, it's pathetic."
Posts : 41
Join date : 2019-10-30

Suko's Spree Empty Re: Suko's Spree

Mon Apr 11, 2022 5:33 pm
"Didn't explode?" She gawked slightly as the RPG did very little against the Scorpion Tank Arrancar, "Well..that' Uhhh umm.. err.. Cya!" She tossed the RPG in the air and it turned into a jetpack that she jumped up and took off with all of a sudden, flying away as she diligently decided that if she couldn't kill it she didn't need to fight it and totally bailed on this encounter. If the thing gave chase well she'd figure out a new plan. Possibly. Maybe. But for now it was run away time!

She swerved all of a sudden as her drug continued pumping through her though and as she disappeared you could hear a crash about four blocks away with her having tucked into a building on accident. Her makeshift jetpack tattered and in ruins before disappearing entirely. If the thing bothered giving chase it would probably catch up to her in a minute since it most likely knew sonido, which was possibly faster than her, she wasn't sure, needed to test that theory someday, then needed to figure out how to counter it, but until then she'd just hope he buggered off and she could relax while staring at a couple who were freaking out because some crazy bimbo crashed into their living room.

" gonna eat that?" She said pointing at the plate of spaghetti she saw on the table she managed to miraculously avoid hitting on her way down, "If so.. well.. bye!" and she would toss down some money to pay for the damages she caused to their house, however in their stupor if the couple had said yes, somehow, for some weird reason, she would indeed snag the plate of food first and eat that on her way out instead.
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Suko's Spree Empty Re: Suko's Spree

Fri Apr 15, 2022 1:34 am
So the Human had run away, what a pity that was and worse than that was the fact that her little distraction had allowed ample time for other Shinigami and Humans to give chase, and the meal he had intended on having had long since left the area. Suko frowned a bit, unwilling to give chase as he turned to face a Gargantua he'd opted to manifest roughly five seconds earlier. Frankly, he missed the old days where he could just chase down and splatter a human without any direct interference, but those days seemed long gone. A small sigh parted Suko's lips as he left the scene, allowing the Gargantua to carry him back to his little shit mound of sand hungry and irritated at the days events. "That fucking druggy.. I'll end her the next time we meet so help me.."

After a small murmur under his breath, Suko would head off into the sand and wait for his next meal to come to him.

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Suko's Spree Empty Re: Suko's Spree

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