My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

The Rebels Respite (Open) Empty The Rebels Respite (Open)

Fri May 20, 2022 12:49 am
Ika for the first time in his life had acted without a plan.

Sure, he didn't always make the most intelligent decisions, his plans and actions were usually woefully influenced by his own personal feelings and motivations, but he almost always had a plan of some kind yet this time he didn't.

In a weird way, the silence of the forest was healthy for him. Sure, the occasional agonized scream of a Human meeting their end to a Hollow as opposed to a noose could be seen as harrowing and sure, the litany of ropes surrounding Ika's little tree fortress were.. at best 50-50 on Human bodies as opposed to unfortunate Shinigami, but for the most part he was free, only occasionally disturbed by a nosey Hollow. Hell, one bonus of his new choice of location was that he couldn't really be easily tracked down given all the Spiritual Activity going on within the forest, all in all things had worked out but he knew he needed to find next steps. He couldn't live here forever..

Ika took a drag off his cigarette, keeping an eye lazily towards the door.

What the hell was he going to do next..
4th Division
4th Division
Posts : 175
Join date : 2021-01-04

The Rebels Respite (Open) Empty Re: The Rebels Respite (Open)

Sun May 22, 2022 11:33 am
"A lot more than usual. Hmm." Hideyoshi eyed the bodies hanging from the trees as he steered his truck through the woods, though he wasn't talking about the humans. From the look of it, the Shinigami didn't exactly have an enviable job and were able to be pushed to the same extremes as the living. That, or something else in these woods had questionable taste in decorations. Either way it wasn't like he could turn around. He was here for a specific reason.

After a few minutes, the truck pulled to a stop. He had his spiritual energy in check, so theoretically any spirit would just see him as a dumb human out for a drive at odd hours. Made it easier to surprise greedy hollows when they tried to get on up on him, only to pop that cork when they were within punching range. That slight pause it gave them was usually more than enough time to put a fist through their masks. He didn't know if that's help him here though. Whatever he'd been following was pretty damn strong.
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

The Rebels Respite (Open) Empty Re: The Rebels Respite (Open)

Wed May 25, 2022 1:27 am
Now don't get me wrong, it wasn't necessarily out of the question for Ika to hear some humans scuttling around outside, but it was absolutely peculiar to have one pull up outside of his home in a truck while seemingly bereft of Reiatsu. Ika wasn't exactly buying it, but he also knew that the man posed very little threat to him and as such, he was more than content to simply see where things would go. He stepped outside, cigarette in hand as the man exited his truck. Ika would maneuver haphazardly around the bodies, blowing puffs of smoke in front of himself as he continued to take occasional drags off the cigarette. A small smirk ordained his face while he waited for the human to make his appearance. "You know.. I'm not exactly used to house guests so you'll have to forgive me not having the driveway installed. As for the decorations.. Halloween all year round?"

Ika would shrug his shoulders and walk forward, pretty clearly not even attempting to hide how unapologetic he was presently. "So what brings a random human like you out here to find me hm? I'm not exactly looking to add to my collection at this time so if you're trying to die I'd appreciate you doing it about a mile north of here, thanks."
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